Pairings?! Part Two

A Bond Stronger Than Anything; Rush+Petal


I walked slowly to the playground I was told to go to.  I wanted to know who it was but at the same time I felt like I would regret it.  Even after taking my sweet time, I ended up in the playground in less than ten minutes.  I found a very nice looking bench, so I sat down for the time being.  I was in no hurry.  

To find out further information about my parrtner I read the envelope.  

Hint: He'll come to you.  

I furrowed my eyebrows.  He'll come to me?  But does he even know what I look like.  

I thought I smelled roses but decided to ignore it.  But the scent became closer.  I turned my head and my face was met with a dozen of roses.  A voice behind it said"Byun Baekhyun-imnida~"



I walked towards the market lazily. Sleep,yes that was what I needed right now.  It really is a bummer when a maknae's aegyo prevents you from scaring anyone.

 I never signed up for any of this but here I was looking around for some random guy I was supposed to find with like one small hint.  I read the card again and rolled my eyes.  

4D.  Obviously anyone here would have a 4D personality.  I searched around to see if it made some visual reference and there he was wearing '4D' on his shirt.  

Lee Byunghun.  More specifically L.Joe.



It was starting to get cold and so I luckily brought a sweater with me.  My directions led me to a bustop ad I contemplated on whether it was suggesting that I should go on it or not.  I removed the hint sticker to receive my hint.  

Wait for the bus that has an advertisement for ramyun.

I rolled my eyes and wondered if there was really a bus like that.  The chances were extremely slim.  I sighed and stood there not caring if I earned any stares from people as two busses whizzed past me.  Another bus was coming my way, my eyes landed on the advertisement on the side of it.  King Ramyun.  My eyes widened and I followed it to the door, people were pouring out like water but my eyes were fixated on one person.  Once he got off he looked around and spotted me.  He grinned and walked over to me.  L...It was freaking L.


I ended up inside a small shopping mall.  I heard our song booming over the speakers, smiling to myself I decided to go on a little adventure.  I went to shops and admired all the little plush bunnies.  I bought some ice cream and kept on walking around.  My eyes widened when I saw the time, I had completely forgotten why I was here.  I finished my ice cream and threw the cone out.  I rummaged through my purse and found a crumpled up envelope.  I sighed and took out the card.

Ask the janitor.  I blinked, what kind of ludicrous hint was this?

I decided to go to the nearest janitor."Ah, Ahjusshi?" He looked up and my eyes widened.  At first I was taken aback by how young he was.  Then I realized he was one of fellow labelmates who debuted just a few months ago.  "Kai?!"



I ran with my envelope in my hand to the nearest boutique.  I was excited as you could tell but I also wanted meet my partner and get all this over with.  Well, to put it short, I was having a mixture of feelings right now.  

My eyes searched the boutique to look for the person I was supposed to meet but I saw no one but a few girls looking through the racks.  I decided to wait out for a while and I wondered how the other girls were doing.  By now Rita might have forgot about everything and was just having fun.  Annie would be stubborn and wait it out and Yuri...well..she probabl found her partner stuffed herself with a bowl of Ramyun, completely forgot about him, and then went back to playing some sort of video game.  

Just then the door opened and a faint jingling sound filled the room.  I looked up from the clothing racks and saw a reallyy tall boy with vurly pink hair staring at me awkwardly.  I opened my mouth and I realized some...He's part of a boy band isn't he??  I racked my brain wondering who it was and realized he was Zelo.  I pointed at him"Ze-elo?" He raised an eyebrow, he probably found me familiar also, his eyes widened as if reality hit him"PARTNER!" he exclaimed.



While the other girls went out to find their partners, I stayed home.  Not because I wasn't assigned one but because my partner would be meeting me here, as some sort of guest.  I monitored the girls with what they were doing.  I chuckled at their actions.  If they had a mirror with them they would laugh also.  Well they would have to wait until the next episode airs.  

While I was monitoring them I poured the cake batter into a large pan.  I heard the doorbell ring and I ran to answer it.  I didn't really care if I was covered with flour.  I answered the door and smiled.

"Ah you must be my partner!"

"Ah ne, I'm Jo Youngmin."

"I'm Jung Younghae, nice to meet you!  Come in, oh do you mind helping me bake a cake?"

"Oh that sounds fun!"

Sorry If I posted this later than expected guys! Hope you all liked it!

Okie guys, send me   the name of what you and  your partner would like to be called if you were a duet group.

Oh and guys apply here 

Dream & Passion

Me and ihoneybunniebears are working together on an aqpply fic ^^

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'Tis confirmed lovelies


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hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Ailyn Carmie Chae's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
LOL. I came from a long HIATUS and I just checked the updates. I missed so much, even our duo names! But it's alright. Hehhehe. Nice updates author-nim. Update soon! :D I'll be waiting for more~! :DD
go ahead and make another apply fic if you like. =]
btw, i can make you a graphic, just let me know the details. ^^V
my shop:
buh anyways, all the duo names are awesome!!
ahaha Luhan+Jade & Sehun+Sora are mathematics terms. xD
will PM you soon. :D
A mission! Can't wait for the game to start. AAAAwwwwww, Taemin is blushing beside Yuri.
@bunnyxwarrior : You don't have to but if you do just tell me which one you want them to end up having.
haha poor Taemin, always getting ignored by Yuri~
but at least they sang together.
and Taemin was blushing. :D
oh... so does that mean you would like me to give you two other names? i'll PM you~
anyways, can't wait for it to start!!
lol, the EXO moments...
but poor Minah, she's not used to tall people... and there's like 5 that are 180cm and up. :O
and aww Taemin was neglected by Yuri *huggles*
and i can't wait for all 26 of them to have their moments and can't wait for the duet between the pairs too. :D
Boyfriendsujusnsd9 #9
Haha,it was so cute.I.did watch the new mv it was awesome!^_~