Chapter 1

Seunghyun Says
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“But why do you always get to be the leader?” she asked.


“When you change your name to Seunghyun, then you can be the leader. It’s called Seunghyun Says, not Eunbyul Says,” he replied.


She paused to think and, upon realizing he was right, said, “Fine. You’re lucky your name is Seunghyun.” She frowned as she waited for his instructions.


He smiled wickedly in response. “Okay so… Seunghyun Says buy me a popsicle.”


Eunbyul’s face scrunched up as she dug into her pocket. “I only have enough for one.”


“Then that’s perfect, isn’t it? Seunghyun Says buy me a popsicle,” he repeated.


They walked over to the store and she bought him a nice blue popsicle.


“Seunghyun Says watch me as I eat this,” he said, laughing. Eunbyul watched in vain as he enjoyed eating the cool treat under the scorching hot sun.


Sweat began to drip from her temple and she hastily wiped it away. kept getting drier and drier as his was quenched.


“I quit, Seunghyun. I’m gonna go ask my mom if she can buy me one.” She placed a hand on his shoulder, pushing herself up off the sidewalk.


He put his hand on top of hers. “I was gonna share it with you, Whiney Rat,” he smiled, using a nickname of hers only he could get away with.


She smiled back, ready to take a refreshing taste when he chuckled. “Too bad Seunghyun didn’t say so,” he said, taking another .


She scowled, pulling her hand away. It wasn’t the first time he did that to her.


“Well Eunbyul says boys !” she sneered, running towards her house.


“Byul! Stop, wait!” he shouted, chasing after her.


Eunbyul stared at the magazine in front of her, her eyes scrutinizing the man on the cover. She laughed albeit bitterly as she reminisced about the last time she saw him. They were 10 and he played her real well for a fool. She shook her head in disbelief. Why she ever believed a word out of that little clown’s mouth, she’ll never know.


She laughed again, this time at her absurdity. Sipping the last few drops of her coffee, she put Seunghyun and her childhood memories at the back of her head, ready to be on her way.


Or so she thought.


She was just a mere few minutes away from her house when she made a sudden left turn followed by a quick hard step on the brake. Her head whiplashed at the unanticipated stop. What was wrong with her? She fished for the magazine in her bag, suddenly unable to stop thinking about her old frienemy.


Eunbyul looked up, somehow not completely surprised she stopped in front of his old house. She just had a sudden urge to remember him after forcing herself not to think about him for God knows how long.


He finally caught up to her, “I need to tell you something.”


She didn’t look at him, just stared straight ahead.


“Seunghyun Says you have to keep playing with me.”


“I said I quit. I don’t want to do what Seunghyun says anymore.”


“But I’m not going to see you after tomorrow!” he claimed, holding on to the melting popsicle dripping away.


“Where are you going?” she asked.


“My mom says we’re leaving. She says we need to transfer to other place. 


“Good,” she paused, still avoiding his eyes, “Bye Seunghyun,” she said, though her little 10-year old heart didn’t know why it was breaking into pieces.


It was quiet, neither one knew what to say next.


“Seunghyun Says don’t cry, okay?” he whispered, breaking the silence.


“I’m not going to cry,” she dismissed, but the crack in her voice said otherwise. She turned away quickly and ran the last few blocks to her house, stray tears blurring her vision.


She looked to her left. The house probably hasn’t been lived in since they left: paint was coming off in parts of it and the corners of the roof were dilapidated. The windows looked like empty eyes with nothing behind them. They were the complete opposite of his eyes, that was for

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xxxgdraqon #1
Chapter 1: not sure if u'll see this but im desperate enough to ask u for updating this...plsss thank u♡
Popkorn17 #2
Chapter 1: Will you be updating this anytime soon?
It has been over 4 years... please?
kefira14 #3
OO can't wait! Update soon!
it sounds great! can't wait for the next chapters!^^