Chapter 5~

My Six Bunnies


    You listened wide-eyed to their story.

    "So after we escaped, we raced through the forest and came upon this stretch of houses," Yong Guk continued. 

    "Our first intention was to find some cherry tomatoes to reboot Zelo, but none of us have any money to buy," Him Chan said.

    "We travelled for days, homeless and hungry, until one day we found your cherry tomato plant. We changed back and hid under your bush while Zelo recharged. Afterwards, you found us."

    "We would have died if it weren't for you."

    "Wait wait wait..." you interrupted, pinching the bridge of your nose. "You escaped from a mad scientist, and came here..?"

    "That was pretty much what we said."

    You slumped back onto the sofa. "Aigoo... The moment I thought that my life was perfectly fine, God has to throw in something like this. 6 bunnies who are actually humans. Just what I needed."

    Him Chan sat beside you, eying you sympathetically. "We are sorry that we have to put this burden on you."


    "If you don't mind, though, we would appreciate it of you would keep us a secret."

    You rubbed your temple, "Arasso," then added sadly, "It's not like I have anyone to tell anyway." Him Chan gave you a long look, then shook his head.

    "Do you want to keep us?" he asked.

    You thought for a long while. You lived most of your life alone. You always wanted someone to keep you company. Someone to talk to, laugh with, or share the news of the day together. So far, you had no one except your brother.

    "I guess..." you mumbled. You thought that having them around would be more interesting. Besides, you have 2 rooms to spare.

   He gazed at you gently. "So why don't you tell us about yourself?" he prompted. "We've told you about us."

    You chewed your lower lip. "Yes of course. My parents are divorced and they both remarried, leaving us alone. My brother raised me single-handedly." You gazed fondly at a framed Infinite poster hanging on your living room wall.

    "He became an idol and had a steady income, but he is hardly at home, since he lives in his dorms usually. So I am alone most of the time."

    "How about friends?" Him Chan asked.

    You pondered upon whether you should answer the question or not. Then again, there is nothing to lose telling him.

    "I don't have any. Many like to bully me just because I am an idol's sister. Others leave me alone."

    You all fell into an awkward silence. Outside, the sun was beginning to set in a rosy pink-orange glow. Your stomach rumbled, reminding you have you hadn't eaten dinner yet. You clutched your stomach in embarrassment as you wondered if any of them heard your stomach grumbling.

    Him Chan chuckled. "Looks like someone's hungry."

    "Hungry?" Zelo asked, curiously tipping his head to one side. "Zelo wants food!"

    "Aigoo you little robot." Him Chan pinched his cheek. "Didn't you just eat all of Master's cherry tomatoes?"

    "Master?" you echoed.

    Him Chan grinned at you. "Now that you are taking care of us, we are your pets, and you are our master!"

    "MASTER!" Young Jae rushed from his seat to hug you tightly. Him Chan joined too.

    "UGH! Man... Odour... Too... Much... Skin-ship!" you gasped. They let you go when they finally realised that you were suffocating under their grasp.

    You stumbled towards the kitchen. "I'll... Just grab some food. For you guys..." You backed away from the scary men.

    Who in the bluejeezus hugs a girl that they had met in less than a day? You thought incredulously.

    You opened the fridge to find onions, spinach, eggs, some kimchi, and meat.

    "I guess I can make kimchi fried rice," you thought to yourself.

    You took out your packet of rice and poured a serving of seven. You winced. There goes my weekly supply of rice. May they rest in peace in the boys' stomachs.

    You began chopping up the vegetables but stopped when you heard footsteps. You turned back to see Zelo looking at you curiously. You marvelled his height. Him Chan had told you that he was the youngest among the 6 of them, but he was still the tallest.

    He pointed to the onion you were slicing. "What is this?" he asked.

    "Ah this?" You lifted one of them. "It's called an onion."

    You knew how Zelo's system wasn't fully restored and he would need a lot of guidance for him to get used to human life.

    He took it from you. "Onion," he repeated. Before you could stop him, he brought it to his nose and inhaled deeply.

    "AH!" he exclaimed when the pungent onion his the roof of his nose. He let out a sneeze and his eyes teared up.

    You couldn't help but let out a laugh. You snatched a few pieces of tissue and dabbed it at his eyes.

    "Aigoo, no one in the right mind would sniff an onion like that!" you chuckled. Zelo blew his nose in one of the tissues.

    "Onion is evil!" he exclaimed.

    You took the onion from his hand and continued chopping it.

    He twitched his nose and continued watching you. He kept asking you questions along the way and you answered them willingly.

    Eventually you put the rice inside the pan and fried the rice. A heavenly smell filled the room. Zelo wrapped his arms around your waist, put his head on your shoulder and sniffed deeply.


    You flinched at his action and put down the wooden spatula you were using.

    "Yah yah yah maknae get your hands off her." You felt Zelo's grip on you loosen and you looked up to see Him Chan gripping Zelo by the shoulder.

    "Sorry, Zelo can be very... Clingy... At times," he apologised. You shook your head to indicate that you weren't bothered much by it.

    A few minutes later you gathered the newcomers at the dining table, a large plate of kimchi fried rice laid in front of them.

    "Well? What are you waiting for?" you asked.

    They looked around uncertainly, then Zelo reached out, wanting to grab the rice with his hands.

    "NO!" you stopped him by hitting the back of his hand. Zelo looked at you confusedly.

    "Wait, Master." Him Chan looked at you. "You told us to dig in, then you stop Zelo from taking your rice."

    "News flash, boys. We humans, do not use our hands. That's why these-" You lifted a pair of chopsticks. "-are invented."

    "Ahhh..." they chorused in unison, picking up their own pairs of chopsticks.

    You watched them struggle with the two metal sticks in their hands and pouted.

    This is going to be tougher than I thought...

    You saw Zelo trying to pick up the tiny grains of rice with his pair and was sighing with frustration.

    "Here." You gently took his hands and guided him. He blinked at you in surprise.

    "You'll need to learn if you want to stay here."

    Dinner consisted mainly of the boys gorging themselves with the delicious rice while you took tiny mouthfuls.

    Oh gosh... You thought.

    Taking care of six men, one with a seemingly ceaseless appetite... You glanced at Daehyun, who was busy chomping down the rice without a word.

    Why would I agree on such a thing when I could barely take care of myself?

    You cupped your face and let out a sigh. Oppa, I need you back.

    You spotted Him Chan giving you a reassuring thumbs-up, and you weakly responded with a smile.

    Good Lord, what have I gotten myself into?!



y chapter, I know! *Face-palm*

Sorry, I really couldn't think of anything else to write for this chapter. >///<


I feel better after a long drink of chocolate milkshake from MacDonalds and a visit back to my Alma Mater~ I missed my old school so much :(((

Anyway, I'm back on my feet again, and already completed the next chapter. I'm not sure if I want to update yet, though :\



Jredthegreat Yep, I am a BangHim shipper alright~ *0*

BAPLOVER Haha thank you for your support~

JOKERZ OMG thank you for your long and NOT meaningless comment! I love my readers~ *Cuddles*

emotionless Thank you for the luck~ :D I totally need it  *Triple face-palm*

iMiloAddict This update's for you, since you kept asking for it this morning, LOL~! Love you and see you soon *Huggies*

Jredthegreat OMG please don't explode >0<. *Hides behind a wall*

passionfire You are welcome :DDD

nnoikiki Glad you enjoyed the double update, my friend :))

sujurockz4ever97 Really smart, because they got YOUNGJAE~~ *Ahem* Glad your hiatus is over, unnie ^^~ Hope to see you update soon too! :D

 Side note: 
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG THE CHASER IS LIKE THE BEST SONG EVER~~!!!!! Although Myunggie barely had a line... ;~; 

Meh, who cares! These 7 boys are going to take the world by STORM! Sweep all 'em awards, baby~!













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Chapter 12: discontinued?
PLEASE! Update soon author nim ;-; ive been waiting since 2012 xD PLEAAAAAASE! Update soon T^T
Chapter 12: Author- nim ill wait for your update. i wonder what the bunnies are going to do for her and i hope its not something bad
You stole bunnies are puffy from Simon and Martina at eatyourkimchi.
Chapter 12: Cant w8 ^_^ can you please include more bromance i really need to learn how to write a bromance story
Chapter 11: PLEASE COME BACK!!! I love this story! YOU MUST FINISH IT! Or something. Please? Jebal? Q~Q *Zelo pout* This is just so cute & I just NEED MORE of it! <3 SARANGHAE!!!
PandaMinSoo #7
Chapter 10: O and daehyun is also so cute!!! Shy boys are adorable ^_^
PandaMinSoo #8
Chapter 7: This story is so cute!! ^_^ Zelo is just adorable!!! Update when you can! FIGHTING!