The Third

Every Smile



[CONTENTID2]The memory made Minho smile, fate seemed to be on his side this time; it was almost ridiculous.

“Ah, well, then everything is going to be alright.” Onew cheered after hearing a very short summary of the conversation. “I’m going to change into my suit now. When can you come pick me – ouch! That hurt – come pick me up?”

“Hyung, you’re alright?”

“Yeah, don’t worry, just bumped my toe at the closet, nothing serious, just the usual.”

“Aish hyung, your sangtae will be the death of you someday seriously.”

“I know, but as long as I have chicken it’s alright.” Onew chuckled, he always said that when Minho was worried, it was almost a routine.

“Of course hyung” Minho sighed, having had this conversation countless times before. “I’ll be at your house in 3 minutes, so hurry up.” Then, after two seconds: “Or rather, I’ll leave in 5 minutes, alright?”

“Alright Minho-ah, see ya’.”

“Bye hyung.”

Feeling better, Minho put his cell phone in his pocket and made his way downstairs. He barged into his parents’ loud argument while he entered the living room. At the sight of the hateful stares his parents sent each other he cringed – it hurt to see his family fall apart like this without being able to do anything against it.

“Mum, Dad?” He asked carefully. No response, they were too busy fuming in anger. “I’m going to the prom, don’t know when I’ll be back.” Several tears tried to escape his eyes when his parents showed no reaction at his words but he forced them down and hastily grabbed his keys. He didn’t want to stay in this house any longer. The protecting, familiar, comfortable feeling it had once held for him – it was gone.

Only when he was already in the car, he noticed the small, green frog-key-charm, which he had forgotten to put off.


“Um, Sulli?” Minho asked hesitantly. He and the girl sat on a bench in the schoolyard, talking about some trivial matters. After running into her once, he had apologized sincerely the next day, since then they used to meet up sometimes. Actually, it was always her to come to him and ask whether he would like to spend some time together and he didn’t really mind. Sulli was a nice girl and they always knew what to talk about. But then, while they were sitting on that bench and Minho thought back to their first encounter he remembered the person he had run to. Taemin…

“Yes Minho-oppa? What is it?” She asked cutely, making Minho once more think why he couldn’t just like her instead of the beautiful boy.

“Aren’t you a friend of that one boy… Taemin?” Hopefully she didn’t hear how his breath hitched just the tiniest bit before he said the name and hopefully she didn’t sense how his heartbeat began to quicken and his cheeks went red.

She didn’t seem to realize it though and started babbling about her friend. “Of course, Taemin-oppa is my childhood friend. He’s a bit like an older brother for me even though he’s so cute! Such a cutie, really, I can absolutely understand why so many girls in my grade and the lower grade like him.”

Minho felt his stomach drop – so he was admired by many? How would he ever take notice of Minho – not that Minho wanted to risk anything happening between them, but still?

“He doesn’t know that though, he thinks that it’s natural to be treated so specially all the time. Sometimes I think he’s too naïve but at the same time, I don’t want to take that away from him… aish, I sound like an umma right now, that’s usually Key’s job! Minho-oppa how was your day?” She finished with fluttering eyelids – actually, she was one of the rare girls who could do that without seeming ty.

They talked like that for a few more minutes and when Sulli had to leave she gave him that key-charm, claiming that it reminded her of him.

She blushed while saying that.


Yes, Minho was glad that he had befriended Sulli. He knew he would never like her like he liked Taemin but she was nice and funny and what was best – she knew Taemin which made Minho feel somehow closer to the other boy.


Against his expectations, Onew was already ready when Minho arrived at his best friend’s house so they immediately started to drive to their school. The parking lot was full of cars, not one space was free and the only place Minho found to park was four blocks away. Thankfully it wasn’t dark yet… but there were many heavy clouds covering the evening sky.

“Minho-ah, I think we should hurry.”

“Huh, why hyung?” Truth be told, Minho partially wished they would never arrive but the other part of him couldn’t help but hope desperately for the moment to come.

“Because I think it’s going to be raining soon and~ Ha! What did I say? I already got hit by the first drop. Ppalli, Minho-ah!” Onew grabbed Minho’s hand and started running, they remained dry for most of the way but then it started pouring like there was not tomorrow. It took only a couple of seconds for Minho and Onew to get wet and luckily, when they finally arrived at the gym, only their hair was slightly wet.

“Wow, Minho-ah, I always thought of you as handsome” Onew said while approaching the doors that led to the big room “But with wet hair you’re just y.”

“H- hyung!”

“I’m joking Minho-ah, don’t worry. Ok, here we are.” They entered the garish and crowded gym.


“Wow, hyung, look at this, it’s beautiful!” Taemin exclaimed happily when they entered the gym the first time since the preparations started, it was now time to bring the painted chairs in.

Taemin was right, it really was beautiful with all the flowers decorating the room, long panels covering the usually plain walls and huge chandeliers hanging off the ceiling.

“This is so perfect, it’s like in a fairytale.” Taemin went on and began skipping into the room, his arms stretched out widely, and occasionally spinning around. He looked like a beautiful, beautiful fairy and the scenery in the gym only added to that impression. The sight made Minho’s heart throb painfully in his chest but at the same time sent a wave of warmth and adoration – no, of love – through him. It was painful.


Despite the pain he had felt back then, Minho smiled, experiencing the same warm wave again, only at the thought of his love’s reaction. The memory of Taemin on that day made the whole gym even more beautiful than it already was.

“Minho-ah, stop smiling and come, I’m sure they’re going to have chicken here… Chicken… … Oh, and we have to find Taemin.” Onew quickly snapped out of his dreams about chicken and dragged Minho with him in the direction of the buffet. They passed many other students, the boys simply wearing tuxedos or suits while the girls were dressed up in their best dresses. Once again, Minho thought wistfully why he couldn’t just like them instead but then he saw Taemin standing in a corner with Sulli and all these thoughts vanished.

Taemin had his hair changed; now it was blonde and shorter and made him look even more angelic. He wore a simple black suit, similar to Minho’s and had a dreamy expression on his face like he was absorbed into another world while Sulli talked to him. The sight made Minho smile in affection, they were obviously childhood friends. Or, as Sulli had put it, almost like siblings. Only siblings right? Minho thought, feeling a sudden pain in the chest when he saw how Sulli ruffled Taemin’s hair playfully. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to come here… maybe I should’ve stayed at home and tried to get Taemin out of my head. But as measured by the jolt his heart did just by thinking the other’s name, he knew it wouldn’t have worked.

“Ah, there he is” One stated the obvious and directed his knowing gaze at Minho. “You wanna wait or talk to him now?”

Minho shook his head furiously letting water drops fly in every direction. “No!” He wanted to admire the boy for a little longer, after all it was very likely that, at the end of the night, his illusion would be shattered and he would have to try desperately to get the boy out of his heart.

So he waited (Onew stood next to him, but since he was absolutely and totally engrossed in eating his chicken, Minho didn’t consider him present). He stood leaning against a wall, so that he could have a good view of Taemin and Sulli without being near enough to be creepy. The longer he waited, the more unsure he got; how could he possibly believe that someone as gorgeous and breathtaking as Taemin would possibly accept him; him, a normal, not that good-looking boy whom he didn’t really know? Most important: A boy!

Approximately 15 minutes passed in which Minho was mesmerized by Taemin when suddenly Sulli lay an arm around her friend’s shoulder and planted a kiss on his cheek. The heat that boiled in Minho’s stomach at that moment was enough to push him forward, he walked slowly over to the corner where Taemin and Sulli stood, the only thing he recognized that didn’t revolve around Taemin was that the song changed to a much slower one. It’s a rumba! He realized briefly and smiled a tiny smile – yes, fate seemed to like him sometimes.

He got slower the nearer he got, unsure what to do. Sulli saw him approaching them and an elated, jubilant smile crossed her features. She stepped forward in his direction, ignoring Taemin completely and held out her hand in the expectation that Minho would take it and lead her to dance. Minho was apt to take her hand, to make it easy, to back off and face his fate of being a coward.

But one look at Taemin’s face shattered all these thoughts, his whole body yearned for this boy, for his smile, so he avoided looking at Sulli, kept his gaze directed at Taemin. When he passed Sulli he heard her gasp and saw Taemin’s beautiful eyes widen. He now stood directly in front of his love, took one last deep breath and held out his hand.

“Will you…” He began, praying his voice wouldn’t leave him. “Will you dance with me?”

Sulli gasped again, this time louder but Taemin showed no reaction for a few seconds. Minho felt his heart sinking lower and lower, dying in the process. He could literally feel it crumple, lose all his colour and life and –

Taemin took his hand!

With a small – but beautiful smile – he nodded and took a step forward. The heart that had been dying came back to life, beating so fast that Minho thought it would jump out of his chest soon.

His mind was suddenly clear; he tightened his grip on Taemin’s hand and led him to the dance floor, barely recognizing the whispers and stares they received. When they arrived, Minho turned around and looked down at Taemin, being mesmerized by the blush that covered his delicate features and by the smile that graced them. He was beautiful.

Still with a clear mind, Minho raised his right arm, the one that wasn’t connected with Taemin and lovingly brushed some hair out of his forehead before laying his hand on Tae’s side. Taemin’s small smile became dazzling when he got a hold of Minho’s shoulder and lifted their intertwined hands.

Oh god, he’s responding!! Minho thought before he started to dance. The feeling was incredible. His hands fit perfectly around Taemin’s body, the boy had the perfect size to be his partner and sometimes he smiled up at Minho with a faint blush. Minho had never felt this happy in his life before, not even nearly. Taemin always understood perfectly which pattern Minho wanted to dance, dancing with him felt like floating through air – light, effortless, free.

They both had closed their eyes, being absolutely absorbed in their own world that consisted only of their bodies moving together and the music that fit so perfectly to their situation.

It was like a dream, a dream Minho never wanted to awake from.

But suddenly he felt a hand at the collar of his neck and he was yanked back, forced to let go of Taemin. He saw Taemin’s eyes, widened in something that almost looked like fear, before the hand on his neck spun him around and he was faced by an older man. Even though Minho had never seen him before, he knew instinctively that he was Taemin’s father.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” He snarled, trying to be cool but failing.

“W- well, I~” Minho tried to say but he was interrupted:

“No, let me ask differently: Why the are you dancing with my son?!” He roared, having lost his composure.


“Oh let me guess” Taemin’s father’s tone was now mocking, he had a smirk on his face Minho clearly disliked. “You’re a , aren’t you? Fell for my son huh? Just because he’s pretty. And now you thought you had to draw attention to yourself because you think that’s everybody’s going to approve of that disgusting, filthy life style. You were wrong, my son is not like that, he agreed just because he pitied you.”

“Dad, I~”

“Shut up Taemin, we’re going to talk later!” Had the father’s voice been rather low and menacing before, he now shouted at his son who flinched and ducked his head. Minho couldn’t stand it, even though he felt his heart bleeding at the words Mr. Lee had said to him and even though he couldn’t help but believe the last words, he still felt the need to protect Taemin. He stepped in front of the younger boy, hoping to protect him from his father’s harsh words like that. The man laughed.

“Aw, that’s cute, the is trying to protect my son. Listen to me fairy: L. E. A. V. E. And stay away from my son, you’re soiling him with your presence.” When Minho didn’t move, the man grabbed his arm, pulled him away from Taemin and pushed him in the other direction.

“Didn’t you hear me, ? Leave!”

Minho looked at Taemin who stared at him with wide eyes but there was something in them which told Minho that maybe, just maybe, Taemin’s father wasn’t right about everything. When Taemin gave him a tiny, almost unrecognizable eye smile, Minho couldn’t resist. He mouthed “I like you” in the boy’s direction, and then made his way out of the gym. The crowd of students parted for him like the sea for Moses, they all had seen what had happened, they were all in shock (some girls maybe more than others).

Despite all the looks he received and all the hushed whispers that erupted when he passed by, Minho held his head high – he would not grant Taemin’s father the gratification of seeing him break down.

Onew stood next to the door when Minho arrived there and, thankfully, instead of saying something or following him, he just sent him a sympathetic smile and touched his shoulder briefly when he went outside.

He went to the schoolyard, the one with the big tree in the middle, but stopped a few feet away from the chestnut tree. His heart hurt, it hurt so unbelievably much. The body parts that had come into contact with Taemin burned. His feet felt tingly, as is they still wanted to be on the dance floor and dance with the younger boy.

But even though he was hurting so absolutely, Minho couldn’t cry. He knew that it would help but he felt just… empty – like Taemin’s father had stolen every emotion from him and only left a dead shell. He couldn’t even feel his heartbeat.

Maybe he should go to sleep here… sleep on the grass, near the place where Taemin was always spending some time after school… maybe he would die in the night because his heart stopped beating and then he could be a ghost and always watch Taemin after school… maybe that was a good idea… then he could stay near Taemin all the time…

A small smile graced his features at this thought and he was just about to lie down, when he heard a voice.


Suddenly, his heart came back, beating in an almost impossible speed. That was Taemin’s voice. But he didn’t dare turn around, he was afraid of it being just an illusion.

“Hyung, please~” Taemin’s voice sounded like it would break soon, so fragile, so delicate… Minho couldn’t help but look behind him.

There he was, just as beautiful as always. Minho’s heart gave a squeeze – but it wasn’t only in pain but also in infinite hope.

“Taemin…” He whispered with a weak voice.

“Hyung… I- I” Taemin began but couldn’t continue, instead, he started crying. But he collected himself quickly and looked at Minho. "Hyung, what you said... is that true?"

"What do you mean?" Minho replied with a quivering voice.

"That you l- li- like me?"

Minho cleared his throat. "Ye- yes, it's true. I really like you Taemin-ah. I think you're the most beautiful person in this world and I've never met somebody who fascinated me like you do. You're precious to me Taemin-ah. Precious like no other person in my life."

More tears spilled from Taemin's eyes but he smiled the biggest and prettiest smile Minho had ever seen and stepped forward.

"Let's go hyung." He whispered, and intertwined their hands. "Let's go to the sea and watch the stars."[/CONTENTID2]


[CONTENTID3]Sooo... it's done :) My first chaptered story that is finished (even though there are only three chapters... but still^^)!

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it, I really, really loved it.

BTW, during the most part of this chapter (the beginning) I was scared senseless because of a thunderstorm and it was night and... yeah... I had to write everything again but the ideas were already born ^^ (Ok, that was absolutely uninteresting...)

Thank you for reading this and maybe you could drop a comment? Thank you very much *bows*

Do you see Minho's hand on Tae's hip? ^__^ Soo happy to see this <3


They look so good together!! *squeals*

I can totally understand that a magazine called him godess while writing about this day... so pretty :)


So, again, thank you very, very much for reading this, maybe we'll see each other again in another story <3

P.S.: This was edited by animelover25 Thank you so, so much (I never get tired to say this, srlsy) [/CONTENTID3]



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Every Smile: I'm so sorry this is so late, you probably already forgot about this... BUT! The story will be posted in the next 4 hours, pink y promise! :)


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Chapter 3: LOVED the dance scene...I was totally expecting Tae's dad to be Minho's though, lol, but I love it. Totally
Chapter 2: I was so surprised to see my name, lol....I just gaped at it like "Wait"....."That's me! lol I'm loving it. I love how nervous Minho is when it comes to Tae
shanlovetaeminnie #3
Chapter 3: wanted to tell u at i totally love tis story so much thxs so much for writing it luv u
shanlovetaeminnie #4
Chapter 2: omg im sooo sooo sooo sry cuz i lik just found tis story i really hope u forgive me plzs ??
FanFicLover92 #5
Chapter 3: juz found this ff while viewing your profile....
awww...I just forgot what'd happened between minho and tae's father when reading the ending...sooo cute...I enjoyed reading this...^^...funny how my heart just 'panic' like I actually in minho's situation every time he thinks of Tae...aawww....hahah....^^....
but seriously, I totally freaked out when I started reading A/N on chap 2 as my 4 y/o brother suddenly 'landed' on my stomach and I think I dreamt that situation months before but I dunno what it means...funny to think how I can read your ff using my tablet, in my dream since I just started reading ff only after December last year, after I got my tablet...on top of that, I saw what seems to be my username...^^...for a moment I was like 'hey,I was mentioned again, yay!!', I read your rich kids blues ff if you noticed me, but then I was like 'but why just me? I ddnt do anything special',then I was confused as this ff was created and completed may and june last year, since I'm just an aff member since dec 29th..huhuhu...^^ now I'm pretty sure its not me mentioned earlier....but whatever, it makes me happy to comment and sorry for taking so much space...^^...
Bukaholic89 #6
Chapter 2: Very cute >_<!!! poor minho!!
Chapter 3: Omg why ! Tae's father is so mean! Asdfghjkll
Good thing this is a happy ending sobsss
Hey there Author-nim! I just commented on your other fic a few minutes ago, remember! Hoho! :D I just read this one! IT WAS SO CUTE! KAWAII-DESU! I CAN'T AJNDNCJDKDNFKDKSMF /dying
I can't help but feel bad for Sulli because she's so cute and bubbly in To The Beautiful You and well.. she's basically my girl bias xD Anyways, I love the adorable 2Min moment in the end! GO AWEI MY LEEE. Your fics are daebak!
jongkey248 #9
Omo this was amazing and soo cute!! I love your stories!!