Secret Admirer?

Secret Admirer?



The wind blew gently, shaking the tree branches. The sound of chirping birds began to grow fainter as students began piling in the locker rooms. I sighed loudly as I shut my locker creating a soft ‘bang’. School seemed to be such a drag these days. There was nothing to look forward to.

I began to make my way towards the class room. First session was English. I love English; it seemed to be the only thing that I was somewhat good at. As I started walking I felt a little vibration in my pocket. It was probably mum reminding me to pick up my little brother Tabi after school. I pulled out my phone and texted mum back. I had concentrated extra hard because I was texting with one hand, holding my books with the other and trying to walk straight without bumping into anybody. When I finally finish I clicked send and looked up.

 I felt a strong body collide into mine causing me to fall back. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the impact of me hitting the floor. After a couple seconds I realised I was no longer falling. I felt someone pulling me close against their chest. I snapped my eyes open and lifted my head up to see a tall, gorgeous guy embracing me tightly. It took me less than two seconds to realise that our faces where only a few centre metres apart. I felt my cheeks heat up. I was bright red. I jumped back in shock.

“U-uh, sorry” I stuttered. Gosh was he just absolutely stunning. I looked in the other direction to avoid eye-contact. I probably might’ve fainted if I looked him straight in the eyes.

“Its okay, are you okay?” he asked, sounding a little concerned.

“Um, Yeah. I’m fine.” I replied with a small smile.

“Good.” He smiled back at me.

“I’m Eli. Eli Kim” he said, offering out his hand for me to shake.

“______.” I said, taking his hand.

“So um, how are you?” I said trying to start a conversion. To be honest, I didn’t want it to end. He seemed really kind, and cute and gorgeous and... “God, you just met the boy! Calm down.” I told myself.

“Ahah, good. And you?” he could tell I was struggling to start up a conversation. Before I could answer the bell rung.

“Well, uh... I... um better get going... Seeya ‘Round” he said and dashed off to his next class.

“Right. Okay, um, bye?” I said even though he had already left.


When I reached the classroom I took a seat in the back row and waited for the teacher to arrive. Students started arriving and everyone was catching up and chatting. 

“Good morning class! And how are we today?” Mr. Jung asked the class enthusiastically. The room was filled with groans and murmurs. It was too early to actually pretend to care about what Mr. Jung was saying.

“Okay everybody, looks like we’ve got a new student joining us this semester.” Mr. Jung spoke up. All attention was drawn to the new kid standing next to Mr. Jung. It’s that guy that I spoke to a couple minutes ago! “Hehe, we have class together” I thought mischievously.

“Would you like to introduce yourself?” Mr. Jung asked the student. He replied with a nod and took a step forward.

“Hey everyone, my name’s Eli Kim. I’ve transferred from Guichen’s High School in America. Please treat me well.” He said with a huge grin plastered on his face. He took a seat in the row in front of me and Mr. Jung continued the class.


“Six ex plus fifty-five is equal to three ex plus six, in order to solve the following question you must cross-mult.. no, that’s for fractions. You invert it. Wait, no that’s not right either.” I mutter to myself trying to figure out this stupid problem. “Argg!” I yelled out in frustration, causing everyone to stare at me. Eli turned around from his desk to help me.

“The answer is minus forty-nine divided by three. You just have to but the ex’s on one side and the number on the other then solve the simple equation from there.” I just sat there with my jaw hanging and he turned back to his own work.

 The bell rang and class had finished. I checked my phone for the time. My phone lit up, with the current time flashing in front of my face. Gosh! It’s already three o’clock. I have to go pick up Tabi! I packed up my belongings and headed out the classroom. When I reached my locker, I opened it in less than a second. I pulled out my bag and grabbed all my books needed for tonight. I quickly pulled out my history book but somebody had bumped into me causing all my books to fall onto the floor. I sighed heavily and gathered all my belongings. As I was quickly picking up my books I saw a small note on the floor. It was nicely presented in a cute little envelope with my name written messily on the back. I grabbed the note and stood up. I looked around to see if anybody was still there but the room was completely empty. I immediately pealed the envelope open and a pink piece on paper fell out. I started reading it.


Hey pretty,


Meet me behind the music room tomorrow at 4pm.

I’ll be waiting..


Signed, anonymous.


Oh my gosh, I had never gotten a secret admirer before.  I had read about them all the time in books and all, but I had never really imagined me actually having one. After receiving that letter I seemed to be in a much better mood than minuets ago.


All I could seem to think about that night was my ‘secret admirer’.

“I wonder if he his funny” I thought.

“I bet he’s really cute and sweet and has a huge heart and has just the loveliest smile that will make you melt, hehehe.” I giggled to myself and got up to turn off the light. I went to sleep with a smile on my face. I can’t wait for tomorrow!


I woke up extra early just so I could get to school. Maybe he had left another note?

“Bye Mum, I’m off to school!” I shouted shutting the door behind me.


When I arrived I saw someone standing beside my locker trying to open theirs. I didn’t know who it was but I was in too good a mood to care.

“Good morning!” I beamed causing the person smiled in return.


The day seemed like it went on forever. I couldn’t stop eyeing the clock the whole session. The bell rung and I practically ran to my locker to fetch my stuff. I pulled open my locker. There was another note stuck to the bottom. I ripped it open impatiently and read..


Hello again beautiful,


Don’t forget about our little meet after school.

Behind the music room, 4pm.

Don’t be late~


From, anonymous.


I squealed causing people to look at me strangely, but I was too happy to care. I quickly packed my things and started skipping towards the music room. I walked around the back to see no one there. I felt a little disappointed. But then remember that this anonymous had said to meet at 4.

“Ten minutes” I whispered to myself, smiling like an idiot. I leaned against the wall and waited. “Only ten minutes.”



My legs are getting tired from standing. Even though only 30 minutes had passed, it seems like eternity. I have been shifting my weight from one leg to the other but it doesn’t seem to relieve the ache that has been building up.

Another hour had passed by and I was losing hope. Maybe it was just a prank those silly jocks did. Why did I even bother, no one ever liked me. I was stupid enough to think that anyone would ever fancy me. I sighed loudly and frowned. I slowly stood to my feet and began to leave. Before I could even get around the corner I felt someone lightly tapping on my shoulder. I spun around and saw Eli standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hands, waiting for me to take them. My eyes widened. He came. He actually came. A huge smile appeared on my face.

“Sorry I’m late, I had to stop at the florist” he said, looking apologetic. I couldn’t help but smile at his cuteness.

“It’s okay. It was worth the wait.” I whispered as I hugged him tightly.

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Chapter 1: OMG, I love this story Eli so cute. (^w^) (please make more story's like this) fighting!!!!
syirahkissme1339 #2
too cute
ilove your fanfic
make more story....
aww >< cutteee u should make a story out of it :o oneshots are too short!
nice and cute but . . . too short! do you mind to write a sequel?
eli-lover69 #5
hehehe, thanks guise c: please leave me a message if you have any story suggestions, i'd love to hear from you! xxx
okayyyy so cute~~~ :'D if only eli gave me those flowers bwahahaha love the oneshot hehehe :-)
4ever-n-alwaies #7
I liked it ..,, it was So cute! :]
SHINeeandSNSDjjang #9
this is cute!!!!!!!
Seullie #10
Omo! Cute, I liked it~~~! ^^