New Application Form

AFF White Valentines Fic Exchange

In order to make things more organized and easier on us, we have put together a form that everyone will be using from now on. If you have already filled out an application you will need to refill it out and post it using the form below. Any application not using the posted form will not be accepted, and we will NOT be sorting through the comments to see if anyone has been missed. If you want to make sure we received your app feel free to ask us in the comment section and we will confirm it with you. Thank you all for your cooperation. Again if you have any questions, comments or concerns don't hesitate to ask.


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agree with raspberryTaffy. same here.
I know this is late... But I never got mine and I submitted the one I wrote to this account ages ago...
I know this is really late... <br />
But... I never got my one-shot. Thanks guys :)
sakura4li #4
...who haven't received a one shot yet???<br />
I haven't...and I handed mine in (late, but I still handed mine in)<br />
So who haven't got it but handed their in late??
Oneandonly #5
I posted my oneshot on the 13th, and I still haven't received a fic yet..
Uhm. I know this is a week late... And I'm really sorry. But I never got a fic. :/
i didnt receive mine..
sakura4li #8
And same here, I never got a fic even though I sent mine....late.....
Also just to let you know..<br />
I never got a fic ><
#10<;br />
posted it ^^<br />
and sent it to the person i was supose to give it to!