Chapter 2

Bad Gangsters vs Sweet Girl



I waited next to Taecyeon until the ambulance arrived, the only thing he told me was his name. I kept wiping the blood coming from his arm.. but it just kept coming.. I was so scared he will die that I keept talking to make sure he wouldn't fall asleep. When we arrived at the hospital I sat in the waiting room.

-We managed to contact his parents, but they are out town so they will arrive only this evening- the nurse told me.

-How long will the operation take?-

-Well... he is bleeding a lot and maybe some vital organs are damaged.. so I think about 2 hours...- she said to me -Since you already did a lot you can go home now..-

-MMh... If you don't mind I'll prefer to wait and see how he fells..-

 -Okay, no problem- and she smiled gently.



The nurse came to me smiling -The doctors finished! He has a broken arm and he will have to stay a week here to check that everything is okay, but for the rest he is fine. He even woke up.-

I smiled -Thank you very much for your hard work- I bowed to her and grabbed my bag and started walking towards the elevetor, but the nurse called me -Wait aren't you going to see him?- 't>


I just smiled and went away.

The next day

I woke up lazily. And looked at he clock 7.30. Oh no another school day... I just hope not to see that scary guy again. Arrived at school I had to go into the headmistress office.

-Fist of all I will like to express all my gratitude towards what you did yesterday, you helped that guy with a really kind heart. Secondly I would like to welcome you in this school since I didn't have the chance to do it yesterday. I hope you will spend a enjoyable time here- I smiled at her, what a kind person...

-Lastly I need to ask you a question and I hope you will answer sincerely.-

I nodded -Did you see who did it?-

-Yes...but, I don't know his name..-

-Don't worry about that- she stood up and went towards a locker where she took out two files.

-Was it him?-

She showed me a picture of guy.


-So was it him?-

Than he showed me his face. .  his name is Jaejoong.

-YES!- I said immediately  's>


She showed disappointment and sighed -I can't believe this! It's him again!-  



I was waiting outside the headmeatress office. All this was unbelievable is that girl really telling that crazy lady that it was me!? I mean the only boy that went against me had to change school after eheh maybe I have to teach her how things go here. I'm the ONLY boss.   








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tita92 #1
Chapter 7: hey,, i like your story.. please update soon..
myungdeul #2
I hope you update soon because i'm liking this story. This is the 2nd fic of Jae and Sohee i have read
yoseobie #3
i like your story..keep updating<br />
Yay hangeng the nice guy! :3<br />
Aww short chap, but it's nice though ;)<br />
butterfly555 #5
damn jae so mean ><
Superfishy #6
i really like this, update soon!
Anda-Maria #7
ahhh plz update soon i like your story :)
Wow, I like it! Update soon!
Superfishy #9
WAHHH>.<!<br />