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At that given moment, Sungmin weigh his options. He could either hammer more nails in the coffin by creating lies to further deceive the other or stay poise, head to the door, go downstairs and wave a cab for home. Of course there was secret option number three where Kyuhyun would be a forthright man and step up to do the explanations but that was like wishing he could celebrate his 16th birthday again.

With a small whisper and strained smile, Sungmin excused himself, all the while getting a load of him. Definitely not how he had imagined in his ingenious head. Somehow, he pictured his rival to be petite and soft. In other words, a total replica of him. But Zhou Mi’s physique is nowhere near petite and nothing from his bony structure looks soft.

He did manage to get out of the building without much scrutiny from either of them and for that, Sungmin thank all the gods in the entire universe.


Ever since, wherever his feet bring him to, he thinks he sees him; the boring list-making freak. Every guy might be him. When he sees someone lanky standing within close proximity at the subway, it’s him. When he smells heavy expensive cologne, it’s him. When he hears that distinct voice from the crowd, it’s him. Sungmin would instinctively break out in cold sweats and mentally run through his list, definitely something that is off the beaten path.

Critically inspect surrounding feet. Glance sidelong to look at how scrawny their bodies are. Stare into every pair of eyes with unrestrained terror. Look away fleetly.

Like a man, the alternative man, who is losing his mind.  


Lunch with his colleague is always something he looks forward to but just that day, he wish he had not agreed to it. He was a nervous wreck and he clearly does not want Heechul to see him behaving so.

They settled for a quiet café at the corner of their office building. Being the benign young man that he is, Sungmin freely offered to queue for their orders. It was all well until he felt a presence nearing him. If that was uncomfortable enough, he realizes that the towering guy, who is now waiting in line right behind him, reaches out to grab a hold of something. He rolls his eyes to the side and saw what could only affirm his suspicions. The hand that was stretched out for the straws on the counter top looks familiarly gauntly. Good lord, it’s him!

“Would you stop being so antsy?! God! I swear you will sweat a bucket if you keep this up.”

“Chul! I thought I told you to reserve a seat? Must be the weather, it’s getting warmer now.”

“There are tons of available seats around and it is still winter Min. I bet this has something to do with your weekend fling?” Heechul batted his eyes bewitchingly.

“When – What – Gosh! How did you know? Am I not entitled to any personal breadth in that office?!”

“Of course you are cupcake. But since we are out having lunch right now, I shall therefore invade your personal breadth and length as much as I please. Once you had your first bite of the Cuban sandwich, prepare to share. Ouh! It rhymes!” He clasped his hands together with glee while Sungmin grouchily brought their meals to the nearest empty table.

One thing he learnt about his colleague through their yearlong partnership, Heechul will never be the one caught dead telling lies. True to his words, he broke the stillness the moment Sungmin was about to enjoy the swirling taste of ham and Swiss cheese with sour pickles.

“You look awfully a lot like me a few years ago.”

“I’m sorry?” Sungmin struggled to look like a dainty eater while replying, mind digesting what was being said.

“I used to date someone back then. Someone, like whom you are embroiled with, happily living a timeless romance until I appeared and messed their clock mechanism. But I am single now and had been since I and him last spoke to each other so you fix the puzzle.”

“Is that why you stay away from commitments?”

“No, that’s why I want you to open up to me. I nearly drove myself off a cliff if it had not been for the tiny bit of sanity left in me the day he called to say it was over. So, if you think I don’t understand how you feel, you are wrong.” He spoke nonchalantly but eyes luring Sungmin to speak his mind.

“H-He saw us. Me and Kyuhyun.”

“A-ha! Finally got a name for this two-timing fool.” Sungmin wanted to rebut but thought of no arguments to make his stand. Clearing his throat, he continued.

“I’m a walking zombie Chul. I see bits of him in every passing person and then I’ll start to hyperventilate and things just get ugly from then on. Is this even normal?”

“Of a guilty person? Of course it is. How did it end?” He asked while shoving a boiled, tasteless looking broccoli into his mouth only to choke it out seconds later with utter disgust.

“I was a fraidy cat. I left even before he got the chance to realize my top was a dark shade of blue, not black.”

“And the disloyal idiot?”

“Heechul! Could your vocabulary be any more offensive?”

“Don’t act like we had just been formally introduced this morning. You know I can be a whole lot worse.” Fact.

“He didn’t call.” Heechul sense his despair.  

“Are you still hoping that he will?” It was a give-away question but he felt the need to ask anyway.

“Did you?”

“I didn’t have to. Unlike your Romeo, mine did not le

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bedhairrrr #1
Good story! Amazingly written! Loved it! :DD

kinda hate kyuhyun at first and want to bang his head on the wall, but seems like you already did that for me

and i also believe that they'll be together at last

why? because they're kyumin :p kyumin are meant to be

thank you for this great fic ^^
simbasheart #3
aww i was crying at some parts.. den laughing den aww~ing XDD
this is goood ;~~~~; ~ i was kinda hoping der wud be a next part thou where dey wud run away and all XDD ~ but this was good :D :D

pls make more kyumin?? :D :D :D
msdarkeyes #4
love it! your fic is sooooooooooooooo GOOD! more fics like this??
plainawesome #5
I absolutely love this ... minus Siwon, sorry
you should write another, I will love to read it
This is sure awesome.
Gaembell #7
OH THANK YOU! ;*******