Alternative - Part 1

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Sungmin met him while waiting for his bus ride home, dressed in high-end trench coat on a chilly winter night. Eyes focused on his fidgeting feet which swayed playfully on top the blanket of cotton, he noticed a pair of sleek office loafers, looks just like what his father owns, propped up near him. Too near. He appeared from nowhere, looking like the lead actor from a classic movie he just watched nights ago, all alone.

“Sorry, May I know what time is it?”

Sungmin jumped a bit, startled, but brought his wrist closer to his sight and strained his innocent looking doe eyes. He swore he heard a little chuckle from where the loafers were buried within the thick white snow.

“Five minutes past ten” He simply replied with a small annoyed smile and returned his gaze back to his fidgeting feet.

The stranger stood not far from him, waiting. Probably for the same bus. It’s just chemically programmed in Sungmin to be curious at just about anything. And at that moment, the tall and handsome looking stranger was like a ball of thread that was luring this little kitten out of the bag. They stole a couple of furtive glances at each other but hastily shifted their field of vision to the ground when caught, both pretending to contemplate the origin of flakes.

The bus finally arrived. It was crowded but Sungmin managed to get a seat just a stop after boarding when a lovely looking couple alighted. He climbed onto the window seat and while fixing his costly coat, saw the same pair of loafer on his side. Once settled and the bus started to rumbled on, he took out his favorite read. A few minutes went by before he was again jolted by the same voice.

“What are you reading?”

“Fat White Vampire Blues”

“Don’t tell me you are one of their victims and now reads Twilight saga in the day and watches them at night?!”

“Not if they are either fat or white” Sungmin replied, struggling to sneak in his laughter at the stranger exaggerated expression.

“Thank goodness! That will save me a lot from the whole ‘who do I think Bella suits best with’.”

This time around, he let it out. He laughed like he usually did when his best friend talks about aliens and fishes. He felt comfortable enough and needed that laugh after an agonizing day at work. The fact that he still does not know the stranger’s name does not matter at all. No, actually, it does.

“Do you have something against them vampires or something Mr. Critic?”

“Kyuhyun. Name is Kyuhyun..”


“And I much prefer someone who enjoys the sun and doesn’t think I am their dinner.” Again, Sungmin laughed but this time there was a hint of nervousness in it.

It sounds dumb and it made no sense at all. But that was how they met.


At the movies, Kyuhyun was considerate and tender; seeking his opinion on which show to watch and caressing his hand when Sungmin was tearing at those happily-ever-after scenes. During those long walk in the park, Kyuhyun was sweet and loving; bringing along extra shawl just in case he got cold and always wore a larger coat so he can fit Sungmin in, bodies flushed together, while watching the sun sets.  For dinners, Kyuhyun was kind and attentive; locating the gents when Sungmin can’t seem to find them and listens to his every word as if his life depends on them. 

After seven movies, conquering almost two full circle of Hangang River on foot and countless free dinner, Sungmin slept with him. It seemed like a good idea, he thought that it was timely, and god it felt so right. He was just about to get out bed to brush his teeth and maybe put his favorite easy-listening tune on to lull them to sleep when Kyuhyun lightly grabbed his wrist and spoke.

“I have someone.”

“P-Pardon?” He sat still on the spot, unfazed by the sudden revelation.

“Someone else, before you happened. His name is Zhou Mi.”

“I guess he isn’t afraid of sunlight either huh?” Sungmin tried cracking a joke to mask his real emotion.

“He is my business partner from China.”

He withdraw his hand from Kyu

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bedhairrrr #1
Good story! Amazingly written! Loved it! :DD

kinda hate kyuhyun at first and want to bang his head on the wall, but seems like you already did that for me

and i also believe that they'll be together at last

why? because they're kyumin :p kyumin are meant to be

thank you for this great fic ^^
simbasheart #3
aww i was crying at some parts.. den laughing den aww~ing XDD
this is goood ;~~~~; ~ i was kinda hoping der wud be a next part thou where dey wud run away and all XDD ~ but this was good :D :D

pls make more kyumin?? :D :D :D
msdarkeyes #4
love it! your fic is sooooooooooooooo GOOD! more fics like this??
plainawesome #5
I absolutely love this ... minus Siwon, sorry
you should write another, I will love to read it
This is sure awesome.
Gaembell #7
OH THANK YOU! ;*******