Victim!Chaerin + Target!Rude basketball boys + Evil!HyoJin + Appadeul = Perfect plans!

Hello Baby (EXO)


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“this is the fifth episode of EXO Hello Baby, will this time the kids have many brilliant ideas for play pranks? Let’s see” the narrator spoke


“in this park you all will play finding clues” the PD said


“finding clues for what?”


“NEMO!” the twins yelled


“not now, Chae!” Hyomin sweatdropped


“look! There are some boys playing basketball there, let’s go to them, Rin” Chaejin pulled Chaerin by her jacket


“YOU STRETCH MY JACKET!” Chaerin yelled in annoyance




“should we follow them?” Kris asked, “no need… I’ll follow them, where is Chaejin’s and my backpack?” Hyomin asked


“here” Tao gave her their backpack


“actually what things that you two have in your backpack?” D.O asked


“we have plans and pranks inside our backpack, eomma” Hyomin replied warmly before She walked to where her dongsaengs sat down




“OHMYGODTHATKIDSAREREALLYBAD! WHYCANTHEYHITCHAERINWITHTHEIRBASKETBALLWHENSHE ISSEATONTHERIGHTPLACE?!” Hyomin said or yelled that in two breath when she saw Chaerin rubbed the arching spot on her head




“Ahahahaha.. look guys! She is bleeding! Just two hit and bleeding! What a weak kid is she!” the basketball group started laughed


“AGAIN?! AND NO SORRY?! Oh don’t tell me I must to do a same thing like I did at restaurant.. I’m gonna kill them!” Hyomin walked faster and sat beside Chaejin, “here is your backpack” she gave the brown backpack with a tiger in the middle to Chaejin


“and this is the plan…” Hyomin whispered to Chaejin, Chaejin smirked lightly, “… so, do it, kay?” Chaejin nodded


“Panda! Look at me” Hyomin said to Chaerin, “I’m bleeding” Chaerin showed her hand which covered with blood to Hyomin “and a little bit dizzy” she continued, Chaejin just stared at the bleeding Chaerin ‘I’ll make sure that I will make you regret what have you done to my twin!’ Chaejin thought


“c’mon let’s go to eommadeul and appadeul” Hyomin pushed Chaerin to the EXO’s member while Chaejin kept staring at the boys or maybe glaring


“what’s with the glare, kiddo? Mad with me? Because I threw a ball to your twin?” the tan one asked, Chaejin smirked


“you look like devil, you know, haha, oh my.. I’m scared” they teased Chaejin


“yeah, I’m devil, you.. *ponted at them* fool boys shouldn’t be scared of my glare, my appa and eomma have a stronger glares than me” Chaejin still smirked


“how dare you call us ‘fool’? we are older than you, rude kids”


“hey chingudeul! What if we battle, I see many of you already exhausted, so let’s battle” Kris said


Hyomin ran to Chaejin and pulled him into the bushes, “what we gonna do for make them regret?” Chaejin asked


They look around the park


“there was a pond, maybe we can catch frog there?” Chaejin asked, “are there any frog here?”


“if there aren’t any, just try to find a bloodsucker” Chaejin suggested








“Absolutely no, noona!”


“what’s that? The small white pillow that a girls usually use once in month?”


“NO! I mean leech”


“EW! That’s so disgusting!”


“what more worse? Leech or my twin’s bleeding?” Chaejin asked


“the second one, absolutely. But it’s so… I can’t describe it with word” Hyomin mumbled, “ok, change it… but I still want to make them crying”


“isn’t that too much?” “They. Make. My. Twin’s. Nose. Bleeding. And. I. Can’t. Tolerate. It.” Chaejin emphasized his words


“I’m in line with you” Hyomin said






“you are harsh!” they yelled


“really? I don’t think so”


“you don’t even say sorry!” someone who got hit by Kris, glared


“did you say sorry to my daughter??” Kris replied calmly


“but you are older than me” tears formed in his eyes


“and you are older than my daughter!” Kai glared


“c’mon! are you a sissy? Even my daughter isn’t crying when she got hit because of you, but yeah… she is fainting now, you hit her hard on head TWICE!” Kris emphasized the ‘twice’ word as he gripped the ball hard with both of his hands, “you deserve it, anyways” he said as he threw the basketball into the ground hard that makes the ball bounced as high as Chanyeol’s height


“let’s go” Kris said to the other members and left


“HEY BUDDY! Come here!” Hyomin and Chaejin called them, one of them stood up, but the other stopped him, “don’t! they want to trap you, don’t follow them” he said


“I’ll careful” he said and left


-Hyo and Jin’s side-


“Ya! Where are you, kiddo?”


“we are here..” Hyomin said as she walked to the boy, holding a frog in her hand, “here is a present for you” she gave him a frog


“what’s that? You must be kidding me” he said


Chaejin already climbed the tree, holding something in his hand, he gave Hyomin an ‘OK’ sign as Hyomin made him step back until his head below the one of the tree trunks, the low one


Chaejin put the thing slowly on top his head then he grabbed a broken branches and hit the boy’s head


“what are you doing?” he looked up, “hit your head” Chaejin replied innocently


“YA! Isn’t that rude if someone talking to you then you cut her off?” Hyomin glared


The boy faced Hyomin again, as Chaejin kept hitting the boy’s head made sure the thing will stick perfectly, “STOP IT!” the boy yelled


Chaejin shrugged and hit the boy’s head, “I SAID STOP!”


“do I must to follow what you said? You are nobody, so why must I follow your words and stop hitting your head?” Chaejin replied calmly still hitting the head


“because I’m older than you!”


“ah, yeah.. you are right, but I’m more devil than you, so your yells were useless for us”


“… just take this frog! Chaejin! come here.. we going to go with appadeul” Hyomin said as she loosened the grip of the frog as the frog jumped to the boy’s head “ARGGHHH! THAT’S DISGUSTING!” he yelled and patted his head


“you know, when you arrive at home, you must to clean up the poop on to your head” Chaejin smirked


“AISH! YOU KIDDO! It’s dirty!”


“this is for you” Chaejin threw a rubber snake to him and just to be earned a yelled from the boy


“see? He is a sissy for sure” Hyomin rolled her eyes


“let’s go, noona” Chaejin pulled Hyomin and ran to their appadeul


“kids, hurry! We going to go to hospital!” Chanyeol yelled, they ran faster and went inside the van




“what did you do to the boys?” Kai asked


“I put the rubber poop on top of his head then I patted that poop with a broken branches then Hyomin noona made the frog jumped into his head.. err… jumped above the poop I mean… then he yelled again when I threw a rubber snake” Chaejin said


“well, that’s good, you’ll be the next generation of Super Junior’s Kyuhyun or DBSK’s Changmin.., bro!” Kai high-fived with the kids


“can you teach me some pranks, too?” Chanyeol asked, they nodded


“don’t you ever dare to try that pranks inside dorm!” Sehun glared


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i miss this
VIXX_1911 #2
I love your story but it will be better if you ask a beta to fix some grammar mistakes for you.
HouseOfSnow #3
Hello, I've just finished reading your fanfic and I love it! Since it's summer now and I have had time, I'd love to translate it into my language for the fans in my country could read. I am hoping that I could have your permission to translate it. It would be a pleasure if you allow. Thank you! ^^
I read this story way long ago but just until now that I have time to ask this, I'd love to translate your story into my language, which is Vietnamese. I want to ask for the permission from you of course. It'd be great if you allow ^^
Lee_Min_Kyu #5
Chapter 28: Chapter 25 was hilarious!!!!!!!!XD
Chaejin said,"and eomma knows?Lay appa looked at a chef ing in a kitchen,it's really must be like it.'
bunbo0605 #6
Hello !! Your story is great..I can translate your story to my language? <my language is Vietnamese>.
I will record the full source and linking to your post if you want.. Let me answer soon, okay? Thank you very much !!
Chapter 44: One of the longest EXO fic I ever read ^^ although there is alot of grammar mistake but I really like the story though :)
Daehyundenise044 #8
Chapter 6: I like exo only why hyomin and chaejin i dont i like them ..take out them i always heard they name in the story,kai ,d.o,chanyeol,baekhyun,is nothing in the story ,sorry not my type i dont like babies stories ..its yuck,i want toread another story,sorry , i dnt say i really dont like ,just not my type the story ..who is hyomin and chaejin i dont know them ,can i know them?? not hurting ,to ne honest i really dont like not rude to u so dont say bad words on coz i dont like the story ...when i read the first story,i read that if u dont like the story then dont read Right?? Hehe ...but i just read coz im bored ...i just like exo only in the story ..hope u understand what i mean?? ..hmm ...why your english not so perfect hehes sorry my english too is not perfect ,i understand ..the story but why so many appa?? I like exo couples only on the story ..its make me so good ...if im bored and not in the mood and have a problem heh not kidding but i will read your story its still nice ..but not my type ,i see al comment that they like the story,wait im only one ..that say i really dont like the story and not my type??!!!! But fighting!!!!! Im supporting on !! Your good!! Hope you not angry to my post ,sorry again ...:( its my opinion that i dont like the story ...sorry again and again ,hope your ok on that ,im sehun immida hehe ....i love hunhan,kaido,baekyeol,taoris,so can u write a story about on them??!! Can u ,if u dont want its ok,i wont force u hehe ...i just like it ..coz its my idol couples ,i like b a p too hehe ..can u write them too ?? Sorry ....hehe im new here lets be friends ok?? Good evening
Daehyundenise044 #9
Chapter 1: Good hehehe ....