Unofficial to official

Idol Love

Taeyeon was the last of her members to finish her schedule and arrive home. By the time she walked into the dorm, it was almost midnight and most of the members were either sleeping or relaxing.
‘Taeyeon unnie is here!’ Yuri announced when she saw her.
‘Welcome home…’ Sunny, Tiffany and Yoona mumbled distractedly.
‘Where are you going?’ Taeyeon asked Yuri when she saw her dressed up in an incredibly big jacket that almost devoured her small body and glasses as well as a beanie.
‘SHINee’s dorm!’ Yuri grinned widely at her, ‘want to come with me? Sica unnie is already there and so is Sooyoung!’
‘Sure, let me get changed first…’ Taeyeon mumbled and walked past Sunny, Tiffany and Yoona who were watching a drama and into her room.

She quickly put on her disguises and packed a bag to bring with her. She opened her bag and found potato peels in it.
“Crap! I knew I shouldn’t have let Seohyun borrow my bag!! That kid…” Taeyeon thought angrily.
She was about to go to Seohyun’s room to tell her off when she remembered that the maknae must’ve been asleep since she always insisted on sleeping before midnight and decided to leave her alone.

‘Taeyeon unnie! Hurry up!!’ Yuri bounced impatiently into Taeyeon’s room.
‘I’m coming, I’m coming. Give me the car keys,’ Taeyeon held out her hand.
‘Why?!’ the younger girl pouted as she reluctantly gave up the keys.
‘You drive too recklessly. Let’s go.’
‘Fine… but I get to drive on the way back okay?’ Yuri compromised but Taeyeon ignored her, knowing that chances were, they wouldn’t be back until morning and Yuri was too sleepy in the mornings to drive.

Upon their arrive at SHINee’s dorm, Yuri pulled out her keys and let herself and Taeyeon in.
‘Where’d you get their keys?’ Taeyeon asked in astonishment.
‘Minho gave them to me so that their neighbours wouldn’t get suspicious seeing us standing at the door.’
The two girls walked into the entertainment room and found Onew, Minho and Taemin all watching Dream Team.
‘Taeyeon!!!!!!’ Onew cried when he saw her.
He attempted to run towards her but stumbled on the carpet and fell.
‘Aigoo… are you okay?’ Taeyeon asked pityingly.
‘I’m… fine…’ Onew said as he shot back up.
Taeyeon gasped, ‘no you’re not! You’re bleeding!!’
Onew moved his hand to his head and felt the blood, ‘oh…’
‘Come with me, I’ll clean that up for you,’ Taeyeon frowned.

Taeyeon got SHINee’s first aid kit out of the cupboard and began to help Onew with his cut. Onew winced when she cleaned the wound but did not complain.
‘I think I like patching you up better than I like patching Yoonyul up,’ Taeyeon said.
‘Why?’ Onew asked.
‘Because you’re not complaining and screaming and crying. Sometimes they even bit and kick,’ Taeyeon said.
‘Ouch, that sounds painful,’ Onew frowned.
‘It is.’
‘Even Taemin isn’t that bad. He just runs around the dorm to get away from the disinfectant until Minho or Jjong catches him,’ Onew said.
‘They all still act like children…’ Taeyeon sighed, ‘anyway, there. All done.’
‘Thanks,’ Onew smiled and got up as Taeyeon put away the first aid kit.
‘No problem.’

‘Why didn’t you come earlier when Sooyoung and Sica came?’ Onew asked her curiously as he scourged through the fridge.
‘Just finished my schedule.’
‘Ohh… in that case, are you hungry?’
‘Want to eat something?’
‘Let me guess, is that something chicken?’ Taeyeon rolled her eyes.
‘How’d you know!?’ Onew asked, surprised.
Taeyeon rolled her eyes again, typical.
‘Anyway, here it is, let’s share,’ Onew placed a plateful of chicken in front of Taeyeon.

‘Share?!’ Taeyeon asked wide-eyed in shock.
‘Err… yes… share… why, didn’t you want to share the chicken?’
‘No, I do want to share… it’s just… you never share your chicken…’ Taeyeon said carefully.
‘Well, you’re my girlfriend, so you’re an exception. I like to share with you,’ Onew smiled at her.
Taeyeon gasped. That was the first time Onew ever said out loud that they were dating. Their relationship wasn’t official, but everyone knew that they were together. They hung out a lot, as much as Jongsica or Minyul and never fought as much as Sookey but Onew never asked her to my his girlfriend, and he’d never told her his true feelings.
‘Are… are you being serious?’ Taeyeon asked quietly.
‘Yes… unless… you don’t want to be…’ Onew answered shyly.
‘No. No, I want to be!’ Taeyeon bounced into his embrace.
‘Thank goodness… I thought you were going to hit me or something…’ Onew sighed with relief.
‘I wouldn’t dare!’ Taeyeon looked at him wide-eyed, ‘I love you! I would never hurt you!’
‘I love you too!!’ Onew said. Behind them, there was clapping. The now-official couple turned around and saw their band-members standing there. ‘Finally! We thought you guys would never make it official even though you kind of were already a couple!’ Jonghyun shouted as Minho wolf whistled and Taemin jumped in circles.

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Chapter 13: Please don't give up on us!!! We may not comment but we all love these one shots dearly :(
only 1 MinYul shot! Unnie this is the first time u EVER disappoint :'(
Awww.. all thoes couples. Some of them were sad like Jessica's but didn't Jjong break up with her now in real life? But they are together in your other fanfics soo its okay ^^<br />
I love all your fics. You know that right?<br />
Favorite couple was YongSeo~. <br />
I watched that episode over and over again to see if i could see what Seohyun saw. Ahh well~<br />
Sad it ended. Your an awesome writer
i have finished this story of yours.<br />
i will read the sequel of your other story. ^^<br />
but before going to school.<br />
<br />
i'm really excited.
well, in all honestly, i like your story.<br />
but the way you write it, i liked your other story better.<br />
especially nine princesses. in one chapter, all couples are there and the fact that the story is still running, is nice that why i like nine princesses better. ^^<br />
<br />
i'll read chapter 6 and i will comment if i have finished reading it. ^^
2497 streak #6
I know this is a late comment, but I SWEAR I commented when you last updated! :O Ugh, the old server ate my comment. >.< Anyway, I just wanted to say that I loved the oneshots and they were extremely touching. :) I'm sad that you're ending this fanfic, but it's up to you, of course. So I'll continue supporting you through "Falling for you...all over again" and "The Nine Princess"! ^-^ Hwaiting! <3
you end this fic ? awwww :( it's sad
em....its sad that you have to end this...cos if you dont end this...perhaps you can just update perhaps once a week...its sad that the story will not be completed...
Hi. New reader here! >3< i really like ur fic! Cool writing!