Ways of the heart

Idol Love

The rain poured down but it did not affect Seohyun who was standing out in the middle of the street, her clothes already soaked through. She stood there watching as Super Junior’s van drove away and her tears rolled down her cheeks and mixed with the rain. She continued to stand there for another hour, hoping that Kyuhyun would come back and it all was just a joke. Or that she’d wake up and it would all have been a dream, but she didn’t. It was 2am in the morning so no cars drove by, allowing Seohyun to stand in the middle of the street without moving. Kyuhyun… the love of her life had just left her… and she felt useless. As if all the light from her life had gone, and there was no reason to continue living.

The sound of thunder abruptly woke Hyoyeon up. She shot up into a sitting position and realised she’d forgotten to close her window. Hyoyeon walked over to shut it but noticed a figure standing in the middle of the road. “Who the heck stands in the middle of the road in the pouring rain at this time of night?” she thought.
She was about to walk away when she noticed the shining silver bracelet hanging on the person’s wrist. The only other people with those bracelets were all SM members… wait, was that Seohyun?! Hyoyeon sprinted out of her room and was outside the dorm and running down the stairs in minutes. She ran out into the rain, not caring if she got wet.

‘Seohyun!!’ she yelled but the sounds of the pouring rain was too loud.
‘Seohyun!’ she yelled again when she was beside the younger girl.
The latter did not move and stared down the road like a life-less doll. Hyoyeon tugged her arm gently. After a while, Seohyun gave a small response and turned to her.
‘Seohyun-ah… let’s go home…’ she said and led her back into the house.

Inside, Sooyoung, Yuri, Sunny and Taeyeon were standing at the door. Taeyeon was talking on the phone quietly with a frown etched upon her doll-like face.
‘Eunhyuk, calm down. I’m sure Hyoyeon will be fine. I’m just worried because the door banged open suddenly and when I went to check everyone’s rooms, she and Seohyun were gone. I think Seohyun is still at a schedule but I was sure Hyoyeon was here, so I thought she was over with you… no, no, no don’t do that… we’ll call the managers immediately, oh, wait. She’s here… soaking wet. Yes, okay, yup, I’ll call you back,’ Taeyeon’s eyes opened wide in shock when she saw her soaking wet band members.

‘Where did you two go?! I was so worried about you!’ Sooyoung cried as Yuri and Sunny ran to the closet bathroom and came back out with towels.
‘The storm woke me up…’ Hyoyeon leaned in and whispered to Sooyoung, ‘and I saw Seohyun standing out in the rain so I ran to her… I think something happened… she’s not right…’
‘Seohyun-ah, unnie’s going to go run a warm bath and when it’s ready, I’ll call you. You need to get out of these wet clothes immediately or you’ll catch a cold, arasso?’ Sunny said gently to Seohyun.
Seohyun nodded.
‘You too Hyo, I’ll run it now,’ Sunny added before heading off.

‘Seohyun, let’s get you out of these clothes,’ Yuri said.
Seohyun nodded again but did not move.
‘Do you want unnie to help you?’ Taeyeon frowned.
Seohyun nodded and lifted up her arms. Taeyeon helped her undress, leaving her in her underwear as Hyoyeon did the same for herself. Yuri ran to them with the towels and helped dry them. When their bodies were dry, Sooyoung handed them both warm bathrobes and they put it down.
‘Seohyun? Let’s go sit down so I can dry your long hair,’ Yuri said.
Seohyun followed her to the couch and sat down, Yuri stood in front of her and used a new towel to dry her soaking wet hair. Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Taeyeon stayed near the kitchen island.
‘Do you know what happened?’ Taeyeon frowned.
‘No, I just saw her standing in the rain, not moving so I ran out. She didn’t leave at first… but I got her to leave soon enough.’
Sooyoung and Taeyeon nodded, ‘do you think it has to do with Kyuhyun?’ Sooyoung whispered so Seohyun couldn’t hear.
‘Maybe… or maybe it’s because manager oppa said she has to be on WGM with some guy…’ Taeyeon added.
‘Do you think we should ask her?’ Hyoyeon asked.
But before they could do anything, Sunny came out and told Seohyun and Hyoyeon to get into the baths she prepared immediately, or they’d be sick.

Six months on, her fellow band members still did not know the details about the break-up. The only time they’d spoken about it was a few weeks after the rain incident. And the only thing Seohyun said was, ‘we broke up, that’s it.’ For the first few months, Seohyun walked around, lifeless. But now, to everyone’s happiness, she seemed to have more colour in her cheeks and a bit more of a spring in her step. The reason? No other than Jung Yonghwa. The sweet potato couple –as everyone had dubbed them- was awkward at first, but with Yonghwa’s patience and acceptance of Seohyun, they started to become closer. Maybe, just maybe, her unnies hoped, Yonghwa would help Seohyun forget about Kyuhyun and become her one true love.

However, to everyone’s dismay and disappointment, it was announced that the sweet potato couple would be leaving WGM. It seems like it was just yesterday that Seohyun had initiated the first act of skinship, but now, there would be no more of the sweet couple. In a flash of an eye, Seohyun was seem walking back into her dorm, carrying all the treasures from the marriage, and Yonghwa was seem walking back towards the car reluctantly. With that, the filming of this couple ended and many hearts were disappointed, SNSD members included. They’d hoped that the sweet potato couple would become real but now that they weren’t filming together anymore, they didn’t know what would happen to the two.

At first, they kept in contact. A few phone calls here and there, an odd text or two, but soon it became too much of a hassle and they lost contact altogether. They didn’t see each other on shows or backstage because SNSD was not promoting nor did they see each other when Heechul threw one of his grand parties because Seohyun avoided those, just so she wouldn’t have to see Kyuhyun again.

Seohyun was saddened that she’d lost contact with her Yong~ but was too shy to be the first to call after such a long time, so instead, she threw herself into working hard for their ‘Mr. Taxi’ comeback, making sure she was too tired by the end of everyday to think about him. He’d been the one to pick up the broken pieces of her heart that Kyuhyun left behind and put them back together, even though it had been a fake marriage. He’d taught her about so many things and had helped her do things she wouldn’t have done on her own, without forcing her to the extreme. There was now a hole in her heart, one bigger than the one Kyuhyun left behind but she felt too unsure about where they now stood that she did not do anything about it.

All of SNSD had a day off of practising for ‘Mr. Taxi’ and all had decided to spend it curled up at home. They watched TV all day and joked around, something they hadn’t done for a long time. While they ate dinner, ‘Strong Heart’ came on, when Tiffany saw that Yonghwa was a guest on the show, she frantically searched for the remote to change the channel. They all knew Seohyun was upset about the Yonghwa situation and thought it was best if they didn’t mention him around her and watching him on TV didn’t seem like the right thing to do either.

‘Unnie, it’s fine. You don’t have to turn off the TV. I actually want to watch this,’ Seohyun whispered.
The others froze for a while, registering what she’d just said, but then resumed what they were doing. They were sure Seohyun knew better than anyone else what she’d be okay with and what she wouldn’t.
Suddenly, Yonghwa began screaming, ‘Seohyun I LOVE YOU!!’  
Yoona giggled and poked Seohyun’s arm but Seohyun ignored her. She stared at his eyes and saw the glint that not many people knew about. Although everyone in the studio had taken it as a joke, Seohyun could see that he was serious. He didn’t hate her? He loved her? Then why didn’t that contact her? These were all the thoughts that ran through her head as she ran from her dorm to CN Blue’s dorm. She knew that Yonghwa might not be there because he might have a schedule, but she was willing to take the chance.

She arrived out of breath, and had to lean against the wall in the hallway to catch her breath. When she’d regained her poise, she rang the doorbell. Minhyuk answered the door.
‘Seohyun!’ he cried and greeted her in delight, ‘are you here to see Yonghwa hyung?’
Seohyun nodded impatiently as Minhyuk called for Yonghwa. Minhyuk quickly wave goodbye and ran off just as Yonghwa approached the door.
‘Seohyun? What are you doing here?’
‘Did you mean it? What you said on Strong heart? Really and truly? As a man?’ Seohyun spoke quickly because she was nervous.
Yonghwa grinned, ‘really and truly. Since the start… but it took you forever to realise!’
Seohyun hugged him and yelled, ‘stupid pabo!! Why didn’t you tell me clearly?! And why did you stop contacting me?’
‘Mianhae… I just thought I’d let you figure it out on your own for a while… but I’ll say it directly to you now. I love you Seo Juhyun.’


(a/n): the endings a bit abrupt but... i'm tired~~ I know i don't update this as often as the other stories, so for that, I'M SORRY!!! Anyways, did you guys have an idea on which couple you wanted next? :D

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Chapter 13: Please don't give up on us!!! We may not comment but we all love these one shots dearly :(
only 1 MinYul shot! Unnie this is the first time u EVER disappoint :'(
Awww.. all thoes couples. Some of them were sad like Jessica's but didn't Jjong break up with her now in real life? But they are together in your other fanfics soo its okay ^^<br />
I love all your fics. You know that right?<br />
Favorite couple was YongSeo~. <br />
I watched that episode over and over again to see if i could see what Seohyun saw. Ahh well~<br />
Sad it ended. Your an awesome writer
i have finished this story of yours.<br />
i will read the sequel of your other story. ^^<br />
but before going to school.<br />
<br />
i'm really excited.
well, in all honestly, i like your story.<br />
but the way you write it, i liked your other story better.<br />
especially nine princesses. in one chapter, all couples are there and the fact that the story is still running, is nice that why i like nine princesses better. ^^<br />
<br />
i'll read chapter 6 and i will comment if i have finished reading it. ^^
2494 streak #6
I know this is a late comment, but I SWEAR I commented when you last updated! :O Ugh, the old server ate my comment. >.< Anyway, I just wanted to say that I loved the oneshots and they were extremely touching. :) I'm sad that you're ending this fanfic, but it's up to you, of course. So I'll continue supporting you through "Falling for you...all over again" and "The Nine Princess"! ^-^ Hwaiting! <3
you end this fic ? awwww :( it's sad
em....its sad that you have to end this...cos if you dont end this...perhaps you can just update perhaps once a week...its sad that the story will not be completed...
Hi. New reader here! >3< i really like ur fic! Cool writing!