*Special Chapter* So you don't ship daejong, eh authornim?

I loved you..... So why?


Daehyun POV 
Daehyun is happy to see that his two idiotic hyungs are finally together. Now he can focus on his love story. Yes, Daehyun has fallen for someone, hard. Someone by the name of Moon Jongup. 
Daehyun realized his feelings as he was spending time with the younger to help their hyungs get together. In Daehyun's eyes, Jongup was sweet, innocent and just plain amazing.  He had been planning on confessing to the younger, but how? A poem? No, he's never been good at that stuff. Baking? No, he'd probably just eat whatever he made out of nervousness. A letter? Well, he's always wanted to be confesses that way, so maybe it will work?
Daehyun spent the last three hours writing, scratching out, crumpling, ripping and re-writing his letter. He jumped up in victory when he finished. As he was re-reading the letter, he groaned on frustration. His letter was too cheesy and gave up. He flopped onto his bed and slept. 
Daehyun quickly packed his things -including the letter- into his bag. He overslept and was running late. As he was getting his things from his locker, his object of affections came up to him. "Hey hyung!" Daehyun was too nervous to talk to him so he frantically put things into his bag and  left. Jongup stood there confused. Why was his hyung acting that way? 
Jongup was about to leave when he noticed a piece of paper lying on the floor. What intrigued his curiosity even more was what was written on the paper. "To my dearest Jonguppie~" Jongup picked up the paper and walked away. 
Daehyun was freaking out. He couldn't find his letter anywhere. He was really hoping that his letter was in the trash or somewhere that Jongup wouldn't find it. He didn't bother to pay attention in class to at all, his letter was way more important than that upcoming test. 
The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the day. Daehyun hoped that he could quickly get home so he could think of a way to find that letter. Unfortunately,  luck was not on his side as Jongup quickly caught up to him. "Hyung! Lets walk home together!"
The walk home was tense. Daehyun was too nervous to talk, and Jongup seemed like he had something on his mind. When they arrived at Daehyun's house, Jongup turned to Daehyun with a blush on his face. Wait, blush? Daehyun was confused.
Jongup took a deep breath and pulled out a piece of paper. One that looked very familiar to Daehyun. "Here Hyung! Read the back of this, okay!" And with that Jongup left. 
Daehyun look at the paper. It was his letter, but there was something written on the back. It read: "I love you too, I always have." 
Daehyun started to run after Jongup. Once he caught up to him, he enveloped him into a hug. Jongup hugged him back. They stood like that until they decided to go bac to Dae's house. They spent the entire evening being greasy fluffballs, just like their hyungs. 
"Bye Uppie! I'll see you at lunch." Daehyun walked to class with a grin. He sat down and started daydreaming about his new boyfriend. He kept dreaming lovingly until one of his classmates asked him for help reviewing a concept for the test. Daehyun looked up in shock. "SINCE WHEN DO WE HAVE A TEST?!"
Ahahahahaha well remember how I said I don't ship daejong? Well, I LIED. I SHIP THEM SO MUCH. Well I hope you enjoy~
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Chapter 15: lol you nearly make me have a heart attack lol
Chapter 14: yes please sequel~~~
Chapter 14: no lie i read this in 10 minutes and i MUST KNOW what happened. poor himchan and yongguk D:
Chapter 14: hey guys....really...I want a sequel please make it real and vote YESSSEU lol
Chapter 13: no that can't finish like that!!!!it's not finish to meeee *sniff*
please make them up together I beg you lol
Chapter 11: soooooo sweat !!!!
But I fear what will happen next with the evil guy lol
Chapter 10: ahhhhhhh *cursing myself* noooooo nooooo what have you found Maslo forget all the thing you saw right now !!!
Chapter 8: lol I totally like the make-up-plan-force-partnership that Daehyun and Jongup did ^^
Fight-OH BangHim
Chapter 2: I'm transforming into a cry-baby now lol
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 1: so cute ^^ and fluff