
HyoHyuk collection


Hyoyeon sat alone on the couch, there were no tears left to be shed so she just sat quickly in the dark with a bottle of vodka. When did it all fall apart? Things were so perfect, they had never once had an argument that ended this badly. But maybe, that was their problem all along, they were too perfect. 
She smirk at the broken picture frames that are now scattered around the apartment. How did it all come crashing down so fast that she did not see it coming? Or did she see it coming but did nothing to prevent it? Could it be her fault then? 
The next morning, her friends came by to check up on her and found her asleep on the couch, her hair a mess and the vodka bottle was now in pieces next to the coffee table, she must have misplaced it and it drop on the floor. 
"Hyoyeonah." Sunny gently shook her friend's shoulder."Hyoyeonah wake up." 
Hyoyeon stir and blink a few times."Morning."
Sunny gave a sad smile and help her up with the help of Tiffany and Seohyun.
"Unnie are you alright?" Seohyun asked as she scan the room. 
"Yeah. Of course." Hyoyeon rubbed her throbbing head as she too take in the scene."What are you guys doing here?"
"Yoona called." Tiffany replied."She heard the commotion from last night and wanted to make sure you were taken care of." 
"How lovely of her." Hyoyeon said. She have always adored Yoona, although she have only met Yoona a few months ago when they first moved into the building, she found her friendly smile charming and the two became good friends. 
"Hyoyeonah what happen?" Sunny asked, not wanting to waste another second. It surprises her, it surprises everyone that now knew of the situation that went down last night. Hyoyeon and Hyukjae were like a match made in heaven. So the sight of a wracked apartment came as a shock. 
"Long story." Hyoyeon began.
"Then you better start now." Tiffany insisted. 
"Where do I even begin?" She said in a sigh and stood up."Can you pass me a broom please? This house is a mess....." Hyoyeon like things in order, she hated when things are out of place, so maybe this was her flaw in the relationship, was she too uptight, did she push him away?
"Not until you tell us what happen!" Seohyun said loudly and force Hyoyeon back down, this surprises everyone in the room but no one said anything, Seohyun can be very stubborn sometime, for good reasons.
"Fine." Hyoyeon sigh again."I found Hyukjae in bed with another woman." She look down at her hands that are now on her laps, trying to fight back tears.
As expected, Sunny, Tiffany, and Seohyun all gasped. Hyukjae has been the perfect gentleman, it was hard to believe what Hyoyeon had just said but they knew better than to question her.
"How is that possible......." Tiffany said in a whisper. "I can't....."
Hyoyeon smiled sadly."Oh it's plenty possible." 
"How did you find out....?" Sunny asked, though she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer. 
"Three nights ago, he came home late from a business meeting...."Hyoyeon smirk then."Or so he said." She added, after a long silence, she continued."I asked him why he was so late and he said the meeting ran late, that there was an emergency....he said he was sorry. I didn't question him. I did what I normally do....I went to take his jacket to set it aside and something fell out of his pocket.....I picked it up....It was a key card from a hotel." Her tears started to blur her vision as she continue to smile."His jacket reek of woman's perfume....So...I asked him how he got that smell on him and he shrugged......he said it must have been the woman he bumped into on an elevator...." Her tears now streamed down her small pale face from her large puffed out eyes but she wiped them away almost immediately. Tiffany gently rubbed her back, she was not sure if she want her friend to continue this story of heart breaking betrayal. 
Hyoyeon smiled and mouthed thank to Tiffany before she continued."So....I didn't ask anything else....The next night, he came home on time and we were having dinner together when his phone rang.......he took one look at the caller ID and hurried off to answer it....I was curious so I followed him." 
Flash Back
"I told you not to call at this time." He hissed into the phone as  Hyoyeon hid behind the sliding door to the dinning room.
"I know. Yes....Alright, I'll be there tomorrow." He said."Wait for me in our room alright? Don't  speak to anyone when you get there."
Hyoyeon didn't understand what he'd meant by that and continue to listen in.
"She's here." He said then, did he mean her, she thought.
"Yeah, I know. I think she was suspicious but it'll be alright. I told her it was just a random girl I bump into....." Hyoyeon clap her hands around then, realizing what kind of situation they were in. He was cheating on her, yet she didn't want to believe it.
"I'll see you tomorrow night." He said and end the call.
Hyoyeon hurried back to her seat, her face frozen. 
"Sorry about that." He said sweetly when he came back into the room and took his seat across from her once again."This is really yummy Hyoyeonah, you are the best cook ever." He said as he take a large bite of the steak in front of him. 
"Oppa...." She heard herself utter, her voice quivered a bit but he didn't seem to notice. 
"Are you happy?" She asked.
He chuckled."Of course I am." 
"I mean with me....." she said softly.
"Of course, why would you ask me that?" 
He's lying she thought bitterly to herself, if there's one thing she hate more than messes, it was betrayal, especially by those she held so dearly in her heart. 
"Just wondering." She said finally." there anything you want to tell me?"
"You are satisfied right?"
"Hyoyeonah what are you getting at?"
"Nothing." She said and smiled as brightly as she could."Let's just eat."
"Alright." He smiled back at her."This is really yummy." 
After dinner, Hyoyeon suggest he go watch TV while she clean up, once she was sure he was engross in watching soccer, she hurried off to check his call history. 
Park Gyuri.
That was the most recent name on the list. She bit her lips. Was this the same Gyuri.............She didn't dare believe she had came back into their lives after all these years. Frustrated, she ran into the bedroom and check the pocket again, the keycard was still there. The number was 274, Seoul's Grand Hotel. 
"How can I help you miss?" A man at the front desk asked.
"Yes, Hi, I'm suppose to be meeting my friend in room 274 but I've lost the key, do you think I could get another one?"
"Who is the room under?"
"Lee Hyukjae."
"I'm sorry....I can't seem to find the name."
"Then try Park Gyuri..." She said, the word felt like acid on her tongue.
"Ah, here it is." He smiled at her."Here you go miss, enjoy your stay." And handed her a new keycard which she took and walk away silently. 
The moment she arrived in front of the door, her hand began to tremble as she struggle to slid the card, did she really want to see what was going on inside this room? Did she want to destroy all they had built together all these years? No, she answered after giving it some thought, she was not the one to ruin this, he was. She took a deep breath, turn the knobbed and stepped inside. 
The suite was big, Hyoyeon took a moment to scan the room and notice Hyukjae's suit jacket on an armchair among other articles of clothing scattered around the room, her heart stop. 
When she force herself back into reality, she heard laughter coming from the other side of the door, with as much courage and strenght she could gathered, she forced the door open and what she saw shattered her heart into pieces. 
"Lee...." She croaked, the two heads turned toward her, their surprise faces drew anger out of her, if anything, she should be the one who was surprise about this event."Hyukjae....."
"Hyoyeonah! What are you..." 
"What am I?" Hyoyeon asked in disbelief."What am I?" She repeated."I'm only your grilfriend Lee Hyukjae. Or do you mean what am I doing here? In which case I should be asking you that instead." 
----------------End of Flashback-----------------
Hyoyeon stopped for a while as she cried into Tiffany's shirt. 
"Aigooo......let it out...." Tiffany her hair while Seohyun and Sunny gathered closer.
"I can't believe he did this!" Sunny glare at his photo under her feet."If he wasn't happy he should have said something instead of lying about it!" 
"Unnie!" Seohyun shhed Sunny. 
"So you fought when you get home?" 
"Not exactly...."Hyoyeon said after she found her voice again."I'm not sure what happen minute he was telling me he just needed to relieve stress.....the next he was out the door and this mess was left behind......"
"Relieve stress?! And he couldn't deal with that with you?!" 
Hyoyeon gave Sunny a sad smile."I guess not......."
Three weeks passed since that day, the apartment was now empty of Hyukjae's belonging. He had sent Sungmin to do the job for him because Hyoyeon had refused to allow him to enter the house. And a week later Hyoyeon too had moved out into Tiffany's and Sunny's place, the memories of the apartment she had shared with Hyukjae was too overwhelming for her to bare. 
Hyukjae since then had left routined messages for her to take him back. 
"He's on the phone again....." 
"I'm not in." She said.
"Hyoyeonah maybe you should give him another chance.....he made a mistake........." 
"No, making a mistake is when you forget it's your partner's birthday, or when you forget to take the trash out....sleeping with your ex-girlfriend isn't one of them." Hyoyeon said coldly.
"But Hyoyeonah you love him." Tiffany plead, she knew her friend well and she didn't want to see her so hurt. 
"And look where that got me?" 
Tiffany sighed and left the room. 
Trust is a funny thing, when it all come crashing down all you have left is the bitterness of betrayal. 
She didn't know how she could forgive. 
--------------------------------------------------end of story 5-----(not sure if i shall continue haha)
Anyways, don't hate me......I kinda mashed up a long serie into this short piece so it didn't end how i wanted it to. I shall update with a happier one later. 
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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
delusionalshipper #2
Chapter 11: is it really impossible to end it with another chapter? cant you grant this one wish? please? be it a fluffy one or a tragic one, i dont think that any one could write it as good as you'd do.
delusionalshipper #3
Chapter 11: is it really impossible to end it with another chapter? cant you grant this one wish? please? be it a fluffy one or a tragic one, i dont think that any one could write it as good as you'd do.
Cheechul #4
yay u updated! wish this story would have an happy ending since it's the last story :') about your long as they're together it doesnt matter (LOL am i so mean to hyuk?!) xD
It's about to end? Nooo T_T
Anyways, I love the chapter, as always :)))
Let him live!!! lol ahaha xDD
Cant believe that this story will com to an end.. Anyway, love chapter ten...
penny0922 #7
Fresh storyline…thanks for the update
Cammy! I definitely need to catch up on your stories that I love so much; been busy, busy, but you know I'm always here to support you =)) <3 Hwaiting!
please update soon