'Is Your Boyfriend Gay' Test

HyoHyuk collection

Sunday Night

Hyoyeon held her breath fearing if she make any sort of noise, she would be discovered. She didn't want to be in that position, literally.  

Right now, she's dressed in nothing but lacy white lingerie.....and hiding in Eunhyuk's closet hoping against all odd that the other SUJU members won't find her in this state, she would probably kill herself if that happen. 

'Dear God, if you let me live through this, I swear I shall never again allow Choi Sooyoung to influence me into questioning my boyfriend's uality', she silently prayed.



Hyoyeon came out of her room in the most upbeat mood, Eunhyuk had just announce that he have received his first free time in weeks and they were going to spend it watching a movie together. 

She found Sooyoung and Yoona sitting together at the counter with a large bowl of chips and chatting away and when she enter the kitchen, they immediately talk in huhed tone and stared at her with weird expression.

"Do I have something on my face?" She asked, touching her skin as if she could see it.

"No." Was Sooyoung's quick response.

"Then why are you staring at me?" Hyoyeon questioned while joining them at the bowl. "It's rude."

"So um, you are going to see Eunhyuk oppa today right?" 

"Yeah...? Why the sudden interest?" 

Sooyoung and Yoona looked at one another debating with their eyes on whether or not they should include Hyoyeon in what ever it is they were in on. Hyoyeon rolled her eyes and continue to munch on the chips. They were the three biggest eater of the groups. 

"Ah Jinja! Just spit it out if you have something to say." Hyoyeon pouted.

"Alright..." Sooyoung said."We think Eunhyuk oppa is gay." She said in a serious tone while Yoona nodded in agreement but Hyoyeon burst out into uncontrollable laughter. 

"Yah! We are serious!" Sooyoung slap her hand on the counter but immediately confirm it was a bad idea as she rubbed it with her other hand to sooth the pain.

"Alright...I know I'm going to regret asking this but....what makes you two think that he is?" Hyoyeon held on to her stomach trying to control her laughter. 

"We got evidences!" Yoona said.

"Yeah, I mean haven't you ever wonder why he dresses in woman's clothing?" Sooyoung asked."And how close he is to Donghae oppa?"

"Or how sensitive and emotional he get watching 'The Notebook' for the millionth time..."Yoona added."Oh and how much he love pink?" 

Hyoyeon shook her head."He's a gag idol so of course he'll dress like a girl from time to time for a laugh, it's not like no one else does it. And he and Donghae oppa are best friends so it's only natural." She defended her boyfriend."And he's a gentleman, and why shouldn't anyone love pink? It's awesome and Tiffany will tell you that!"

"Yeah but Fany is a girl." Sooyoung fought back.

"And even if he's a gentleman, why is he always so whiny all the time?" Yoona added.

"Yah watch it Im Yoona he's older than you~" Hyoyeon said in a defensive tone.

"Okay forget all that." Sooyoung ignored Hyoyeon's statement to Yoona."There's one big issue you can't ignore." 

"And that would be?......"

"The fact that you two have been together for over a year now and you haven't even done it yet~"

"CHOI SOOYOUNG!" Hyoyeon gasped and clap her hand around as it hung open, her cheeks burning bright red.

"Oh come on, don't be such a ~" Sooyoung went on ('That is because I am!' Hyoyeon thought to herself.)."I mean, Hyoyeonah you're super pretty, if he's not gay then why haven't he get you and into his bed already?" 

Hyoyeon couldn't response to this. Truth was, she know she's not ready for it yet and wouldn't dream of doing it if he had force himself on her, yet she couldn't help but question from time to time why he haven't made a move beyond kissing and cuddling with her. Now, don't get her wrong, she love all those things and was glad that he was such a gentleman with her but still.....was Sooyoung right? Was she just an object used by Eunhyuk to show off to everyone so that people won't question his uality? And has she been so blind to see it like everyone else except Sooyoung and Yoona?.........

"See...." Sooyoung continued after a moment.

"Alright...." Hyoyeon finally spoke up."Let say you are on to something which I'm not saying that you are.....if it's true which I'm not saying that it is....how do we prove it? Or disprove it for that matter......?" 

"Glad you brought that up!" Sooyoung grinned widely and jump out of her chair to pull out a book from a drawer, no doubt expecting this response for Hyoyeon."Allow me to present the 'Is Your Boyfriend Gay Test'!" 

"The what?" Hyoyeon raise her eyebrows.

"The Is Your Boyfriend Gay Test." Sooyoung repeated.

"It's fool proof." Yoona assured her."We used it on Jin oppa and he was definitely gay."

"Jin oppa as in OUR manager Jin oppa?!" Hyoyeon questioned in disbelief.

"Let just say Yuni Unnie is happy she didn't go any further with him~ And we can all relaxed that he hangs out in our dressing room." Sooyoung smiled darkly.

"Alright....What do we do?" 

Sooyoung and Yoona looked at one another and grinned.


Level one.

Sooyoung had explain that she wasn't sure how gay Eunhyuk was and so, she will start it off at level one test, the most basic of all.


"Ah Annyeong oppa." Hyoyeon said into the phone with Sooyoung and Yoona sitting beside her.

"Hyoyeonah! How are you?" 

"I'm fine oppa thank you."

"So what's up?" 

"Uh..." Hyoyeon looked at Sooyoung who held up a notebook with something written on it."I was wondering...what would you rather do...get a mani peti or go hunting?" Hyoyeon narrow her eyes at Sooyoung...what kind of question was that?! But for the sake of Eunhyuk's manhood, she hope he pick the second choice.

Eunhyuk chuckled on the other line."Hyoyeonah....seriously.........Alright...umm.....mani peti."

"Oh." Hyoyeon said into the phone. Sooyoung made a check in her notebook and instructed her to hang up."Alright Oppa I'll see you tonight. Annyeong." 

"It definitely pointing at gay but let see the next level." 


That night, when Eunhyuk came over for the movie, Hyoyeon had two choices for him again, The Eagle (the manliest movie she could find) and The Time traveler's Wife (She didn't wanna think of Twilight, it was too much, even for her). And sadly for her, he picked the second choice. 

While Hyoyeon sat in Eunhyuk's lap and stretched her legs out across the sofa, Sooyoung and Yoona peek their head out of Yoona's bedroom and make another check on the notebook. 

"Do you like the movie oppa?" Hyoyeon asked, looking up at him.

He smiled down at her."I love it. Especially watching it with you." He kissed her forehead then and turn his attention back at the screen. Hyoyeon smiled then pout to herself. She loved his response but at the same time she couldn't help feeling anxious. 


Over the next few days, Hyoyeon, under the instruction of Sooyoung and Yoona, conducted different levels of the 'gay meter' on Eunhyuk which he failed one after the next. 

"Alright on to level 8." Sooyoung announced on day 5."The jealousy test."

Sooyoung had enlisted the help of Onew this time.

The plan was for Hyoyeon and Onew to sit extremely close to one another and laugh like there was no tomorrow. Hyoyeon was to lean on his shoulder and Onew was to put his arm around her as they watch a movie together in one of the SM hang out room and Eunhyuk was suppose to walk in on them and burst into rage. But instead, when Yoona send him in by asking him if he could help her look for her missing bag, he greeted the two with bright smile, ask them if they had seen the bag and left just as cheery as he enter. 


"Alright on to level 9. The last level. If he really failed this, he is definitely gay." Sooyoung said after he failed level 8. She had told Hyoyeon there was no hope in testing him any further but Hyoyeon had insisted that they do the last test anyways. Sooyoung and Yoona agreed after Hyoyeon's awkward begging and warm her that if this failed, she would probably be humiliated to which Hyoyeon nodded anxiously. 

"What is level 9?....." Hyoyeon said that night.

"It's simple." Sooyoung began.


Hyoyeon was amazed at how Sooyoung got a hold of SUJU's dorm's pin, she really didn't want to know what she did to get a hold of the numbers so she didn't dare ask.(Which was the best idea she made all week) She stood rubbing her right arm with her left hand nervously as Sooyoung punch in the code with Yoona beside her. Once inside, Hyoyeon felt a horrible awkwardness washed over her. She have never been inside of Super Junior's dorm without them inside before. 

"Here." Sooyoung pulled out a small pink Victoria's secret bag out of her handbag."Put it on."

"Do I have to?............" Hyoyeon took the bag and look inside with uneasy feelings. 

"Of course you do! It's part of the test!" Sooyoung insisted."Do you want to find out for sure or not?"

Hyoyeon sigh and nodded.

"Good, now put this on and hurry up! He'll be home soon."

Hyoyeon obeyed the girls and stocked off to the bathroom to change. 10minutes later, she came out with her clothes in hand and the lingerie on. 

"y~" Sooyoung approved.

"Very." Yoona chimed."But...." She stepped forward and undo Hyoyeon's hair and let it fall down around her shoulders."Much better." 

"I don't think this is a good idea......" Hyoyeon was having second thought.

"Don't be stupid Hyoyeonah." Sooyoung said then."Now go in there and get ready!" She and Yoona turned Hyoyeon around then and pushed her toward's Eunhyuk's room. 

Once inside, Hyoyeon tried to position herself seductively on Eunhyuk's bed. She huffed in frustration. She was taught how to pose cutely, innocently, ily, and just about every poses possible to be an idol in front of the camera, but this was something new to her.

After several minutes of failed attempts, she gave up and just laid flat on her stomach, a pillow under her elbows as she prop herself upward waiting. By that time, Sooyoung and Yoona had already left the dorm, leaving Hyoyeon's mind to wonder. 

About half an hour later she heard the front door opened, her heart began racing as she prepare herself when she heard voices. She froze. Eunhyuk was supposed to be the only one coming home! 

"I have some comics in my room." She heard Eunhyuk said.

"Cool. I'll get it." It was Kyuhyun who response. Hyoyeon's eyes widen in a panic. If he found her, she's dead! 

Her eyes dances around the room looking for a place to hide, while her mind began cursing out Sooyoung and Yoona for talking her into this. Well, that wasn't entirely true, but still.

And that lead to her current situation. 

---End of flashback---

Hyoyeon shut the closet door in the neck of time when the bedroom door opened. 

"Comics....Comics....." Kyuhyun murmured to himself as he check Eunhyuk's shelf. 

Hyoyeon pulled her knee close to her. 

"Comics...." Kyukyun conintued to murmured."Yah Hyung! I've already read all of these!" 

A second later, Eunhyuk came into the room. 

"The new one are in my closet."

Hyoyeon's head shot up, her eyes widen. 

"Let see...." He pulled one door open, blocking Kyuhyun's view, his eyes pop out when he saw Hyoyeon sitting inside of the closet, looking at him with sad eyes, he almost cursed aloud and slam the door shut again.

"What was that all about?" Kyuhyun asked suspiciously. 

"Uh...I just remember that...uh I don't have it...." He lied.

"Okay...." Kyuhyun said.

"Umm...why don't we just go buy some new one?" Eunhyuk threw one arm around Kyuhyun's shoulder and lead him out of the room quickly and to the front door and pushed him out."Oh um, why don't you go buy it and go look for Leeteuk Hyung at SM? I have something I need to take care off. Annyeong!" And slam the door in his face. He let out a long sigh of relief, that was too close, now on to questioning Kim Hyoyeon on why she was in his closet.


Hyoyeon let out a sigh when she heard the front door slam shut, that was too close. 

Eunhyuk came back into the room and open the closet door again. Hyoyeon gave him a weak grin. 

"Alright. Come out." He instructed her as he walk backward to sit on his bed. 

Hyoyeon sigh again, step out of the closet and walk over to sit with him on his bed. 

"Care to explain?" He asked her after a moment of eyeing her head to toe.(He got to admit, she was seriously y). 

"Explained what?" She played dumb.

"Oh I dunno.....Why my girlfriend is almost hiding in my closet like a stalker?" 

"Oh that..." 

"Yeah, that." 

"Well....." Hyoyeon began."Ah oppa let's just forget it." She pout and threw her arms around him childishly, hiding her face in his chest.

He chuckled."No way. Kim Hyoyeon you can't pout your way out of this one. Come on, spill it." 

"Haven't I been humiliated enough for one night?" She asked.

"No, not enough." He laughed. 

"Fine." She loosen her arms then and look at him with a puffed up face. "Promise you won't be mad." She held out her pinky, he gave her a shake of the head and connect his pinky with hers."Alright.....fine......Sooyoung and Yoona....." She began. 

'Ah...of course it would be those two.' He thought to himself.

"Sooyoungie and Yoona think that you're gay." 


Hyoyeon looked down at the sheet and began explaining Sooyoung and Yoona's suspicious, and to confirm it, they conducted the gay test on him. Which he failed each and everyone of it.

"And that lead to tonight...." Hyoyeon said."I was suppose to be in here....dressed like this...and well...you were suppose to...."

"I was suppose to lose control and throw myself at you." Eunhyuk finished the sentence for her.


Eunhyuk shook his head and grinned."I'm in love with an idiot...." 

"What? No way!" 

"I am..." Eunhyuk playfully tapped her nose."Kim Hyoyeon what exactly were you planning to do next if I did throw myself at you? Were you ready to give it all up?" 

"Well...." Truth was, she haven't thought about that part, she was so worried about him being gay that she didn't think about what would happen if he wasn't."Well what was I suppose to do? You failed all the test..."

Eunhyuk chuckled again."Alright let me break it down for you. You hate animals getting hurt so why would I go hunting?" Hyoyeon nodded, she haven't thought about that either."And do you really wanna watch 'The Eagle'? A movie about brotherhood?" Hyoyeon shake her head, again, he was being thoughtful."And you do realize that pink is the color of your fanclub right?" Again, Hyoyeon nodded."And why should I be jealous of you and Jinki? You guys are best friends." 

"Shall I go on?" He asked after studying her face for a moment.


He laughed and pull her into his lap then."Sometime you are too gullible Hyoyeonah." 

Hyoyeon giggled."Ah I'm sorry oppa." 

"I know a way you could make up for it and prove once and for all that I'm not gay if you are up for it~" He said.

"What would that be?" 

He smirk and pull her down on the bed with him.

----------------------------------------------end of story 3~


LOL I got too weirded out to finished...so I'll leave that to ur imagination again LOL.....well the next story I think i'll make it sad~ unless ppl want a happy one~ 

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
delusionalshipper #2
Chapter 11: is it really impossible to end it with another chapter? cant you grant this one wish? please? be it a fluffy one or a tragic one, i dont think that any one could write it as good as you'd do.
delusionalshipper #3
Chapter 11: is it really impossible to end it with another chapter? cant you grant this one wish? please? be it a fluffy one or a tragic one, i dont think that any one could write it as good as you'd do.
Cheechul #4
yay u updated! wish this story would have an happy ending since it's the last story :') about your question....as long as they're together it doesnt matter (LOL am i so mean to hyuk?!) xD
It's about to end? Nooo T_T
Anyways, I love the chapter, as always :)))
Let him live!!! lol ahaha xDD
Cant believe that this story will com to an end.. Anyway, love chapter ten...
penny0922 #7
Fresh storyline…thanks for the update
Cammy! I definitely need to catch up on your stories that I love so much; been busy, busy, but you know I'm always here to support you =)) <3 Hwaiting!
please update soon