
Trouble Overseas


“Oh, lucky! An ice cream parlor, and it’s so close!” Donghae exclaimed. They were just a few blocks away from the house, but they had already reached the beginning of the main street. He pulled Eunhyuk by the hand to go look inside the shop’s windows. Eunhyuk chuckled a little at the enchanted look on Donghae’s face.

“I can already tell we’re going to go back to Korea weighing ten pounds extra,” the elder said, dragging his dongsaeng away. “What is a ‘WAWA’?”

“Eh?” Donghae turned his head to see where Eunhyuk was pointing, across the street. It was just a grey building with an orange sign, but people were rushing in and out of it constantly. “Dunno,” Donghae replied. “Maybe a convenience store? It’s really small though.”

They continued down the street, finding a diner and a few cafes that were of interest. Donghae made Eunhyuk wait as he snapped a picture of a pretty church using his cell phone. The church was white with Greek columns and a large green lawn. Donghae laughed as sent the pic to Siwon, but Eunhyuk just barely smiled. Donghae didn’t notice.

“Ah, look, a little piece of home!” Donghae grinned, pointing across the street.

Eunhyuk looked around a moment before seeing the sign. He also burst out laughing, leaning against Donghae lightly as he caught his breath. “A Korean nail salon? I think for you, the fact that it’s a salon is more familiar!”

Donghae pouted, mussing up Eunhyuk’s hair. “Says the man who spends more time buying makeup than he does buying groceries!”

They carried on like that for the next few blocks, teasing each other and discovering more stores of potential interest. Just as the stores starting thinning out and they were ready to turn back, Eunhyuk caught sight of a restaurant sign. “Shi-Si? Sima? Is that what that says?”

“Sima Sushi? You want sushi now?” Donghae asked, stopping beside the entrance.

Eunhyuk bit his lip. “I guess…I’m so hungry it doesn’t even matter.”

Donghae held the door open. “Then sushi it is!” he said with a smile.

The sign inside told them to seat themselves and Eunhyuk floundered for a moment before leading Donghae to a small table on a small platform by the picture window. Both boys turned in surprise when they heard the restaurant owner greet them in Korean from the back of the store.

An elderly Korean woman came out from the kitchen, drying her hands on a towel. “Oh, I thought you were the delivery boy!” she laughed in English.

“Yah, we were the surprised ones!” Donghae replied. “This is the first time we’ve met someone who can also speak Korean in America!”

“Oh? How long have you been in the area?” she asked them kindly, gesturing for them to sit down and handing them menus. She switched to Korean to match them.

“Only since yesterday,” Eunhyuk answered easily. “But this isn’t our first trip to America, either.”

“How nice. Are you staying long?”

“Ani, just a week. Then we have to go back to work.” Both boys made faces at the thought and the woman surprisingly laughed along, not even heckling them about their work ethic.

“Then I’ll get you some hot tea and come back for your orders,” she told them before waddling back to the kitchen.

“She’s nice,” Donghae commented lightly, eyes raking over the English menu. Eunhyuk murmured in agreement, but suddenly he squeaked excitedly. Putting his menu down on the table, Eunhyuk pointed to a line and asked, “That’s English for kimchi, right? ‘Kimchi’? What other Korean foods are there~?”

Donghae smirked behind his own menu, bemused. “I think the rest is just sushi, drinks, and dessert,” he admitted honestly. “Unless there are more under the appetizer part?...I guess you can always ask the lady, too.”

Although kimchi was the only Korean dish on the menu, the boys ordered several different kinds of sushi and left feeling full and satisfied. The owner was more than willing to chatter at them in Korean every time she brought them an order and had politely asked them to return before they left for Korea.

“Man, that was really good,” Donghae said once they were back on the street. He stretched, patting his food-baby. “It’s a good thing the paparazzi aren’t here, I probably wouldn’t be able to fight them off with all this food in my stomach!”

Eunhyuk his lips, nodding in agreement. “It’s too bad, though,” he added after a moment, “since I had a small taste of Korea, I want it even more badly now…”

Donghae looked at him in mock horror. “Please tell me you’re not still hungry?!” he cried, making Eunhyuk blush and shove him lightly. “Well that owner –ah seemed to like you well enough, if you feel like you’ll go crazy if you don’t eat it, you can go to her and beg her to cook for you!”

Snorting at the thought, Eunhyuk told Donghae to shut up and started walking back towards the house. “If you hadn’t been a pig and ordered so much for dinner, we might have had room in our stomaches for ice cream!”

Donghae’s shocked face appeared once more. “I can’t believe I forgot!” he sniffed pitifully. “And it looks like they have a good selection too…”

“We can go later,” Eunhyuk promised. “Even if we don’t go tonight, we have an entire week. Not that there isn’t ice cream in Korea.” Donghae stuck out his tongue and Eunhyuk returned the gesture. Slyly, Donghae slid his hand into Eunhyuk’s, curling their fingers together. A group of girls waiting at the bus bench saw the movement and giggled, though they hid their excitement well.

“What do you want to do when we go home?” Donghae asked, swinging their arms lightly.

“Sleep?” Eunhyuk suggested, and they both chuckled. “I don’t know, actually. It’s too hot for the hot tub.”

“How about a movie? We could find something on the tv,” Donghae replied. “Action movies don’t need to be in Korean for us to understand them, yeah?”

“That sounds good,” Eunhyuk sighed. “Even though I feel like we should be practicing our dance moves or something, being lazy and watching a movie sounds so tempting…”

Donghae laughed, rubbing his thumb over Eunhyuk’s fingers. ”Yah, the entire purpose for being here it to relax, you know! Let’s sing while we walk, though.”

Eunhyuk smiled and sang, “Life couldn’t get better~” under his breath. Donghae joined in a moment later, but when they realized that there weren’t many people out on the streets they started to sing louder songs. Donghae gave Eunhyuk a beat and the elder rapped through three different songs before a driver with his window down started giving them strange looks. Laughing so hard that it hurt, they to their street and walked up the driveway, somehow still holding hands.

“Go pick out a movie,” Donghae told Eunhyuk after he had let them into the house. He walked to the pantry, wondering if there was popcorn or bottled water.

“Oh! Did you know these were here?” Eunhyuk exclaimed from the living room. He had opened the cabinet under the television to look for remotes and found several shelves of DVDs as well. He pulled a few out to look at the cover art, too lazy to read the English summaries on the back. “Nah, Donghae,” he called, “do we want martial arts or one with lots of explosions?”

“Hmm, either?” the dongsaeng replied, still perusing the pantry walls. He was necessarily hungry, but if he could find something yummy…

“Hae~” Eunhyuk whined, “you’re supposed to help me decide!”

Giving up on the pantry, Donghae sauntered over to Eunhyuk and wrapped his arms around his hyung’s waist, looking over the redhead’s shoulder at the movies in each hand. “Mm,” he murmured, “which to choose…Have you seen either of these before?” Eunhyuk shook his head and Donghae decided, “Well, if this one we can always switch to the other, yeah?” Letting go, Donghae flopped down onto one of the loveseats, stretching out as he waited for Eunhyuk to pop in the DVD.

Eunhyuk grabbed a remote before walking over and plopping down on Donghae’s stomach. The younger groaned, but didn’t complain. Eunhyuk didn’t actually weigh that much, and once the food settled in his stomach he’d be fine. Besides, having Eunhyuk right beside him (or in this case, on top of him) was much better than having Eunhyuk relocate to a totally different couch.

Leaning back, Eunhyuk skipped through the previews and checked the language settings before starting the movie. “Pfft,” he grumbled, “they have Chinese subs but no Korean? How lame!”

“Call Zhou Mi or Henry and ask them to translate for us!” Donghae joked. Eunhyuk smiled, but he didn’t pretend to pull out his phone and dial them. Turning back to the TV with less of a smile, Donghae put his English thinking cap on.

Less than 15 minutes into the movie, Eunhyuk had lost all interest. Donghae still had his eyes glued to the screen, lips moving ever so slightly to pronounce the words he knew as he heard them. After watching the man mouth words for a while, Eunhyuk suddenly sighed and tipped over onto his side, spreading himself out over top of Donghae. He face ended up near Donghae’s neck, and as he exhaled he could feel the shiver that ran below him. Blushing, the redhead scrambled down until his head was resting on Donghae’s chest. Donghae parted his legs to make more room for Eunhyuk’s at the end of the couch, and Eunhyuk settled between them. He felt slightly less embarrassed when a hesitant hand ran over his hair a few times before resting on his back. Light fingers traced patterns of his cotton T-shirt, helping him to relax.

20 minutes into the movie, he was fast asleep.

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Sorry it took so long! OTL Here's some sweet fluff and even a little bit of spice~ ;)


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Chapter 7: You still have some faithfull readers who are waiting for you! So please~ continue the story <3
Hey, autor-nim, do you still remember this story? C:
steffisujulove #3
Always so happy to see a new chapter posted. Now how the heck do Hae and Hyuk go from a crazy make out session to just casually hanging out having ice cream? That's so funny. It's like nothing even happened.
brattygurl #4
They are sweet together yet at the same time they tease each other so much. They are definitely getting more comfortable with kissing each other. I thought it was risky of their make out session at the pool. If they were caught I doubt the mothers and grannies would have liked seeing them making out in front of the kids.

I hope the unlocked door isn't anything significant. I read the previous chapter and there was a mention of Hyuk leaving his cell phone at home when they went to the pool. Maybe I've been reading too much drama stories and making a big deal over nothing.

I like how Hae is the one pushing Hyuk forward with their relationship. But I do hope that Hyuk will be the one to initiate sometimes so Hae doesn't feel like he's the only one who wants this relationship.
sashalovesfish #5
love the update!
this is one of my fave fics, it's feel so real...
the heat tension between them is visible but they still manage to act dorky xD
Awww this is so cute <3
sashalovesfish #8
sweet like always, both are childish, so cute..
love it when everything goes slowly between them, and hyuk playing role like a big boss here ^^