Summer's night

Summer's night

When my friend Lee HongKi offered to spend the weekend in his family summer cottage in the mountains, I happily agreed. I imagined lots of fresh air and place to practise our skills. We both loved music and cause noise wherever we were together. But then he said that a guy from his group will join us and my enthusiasm started to fade.

“Wae?”, I asked annoyed.

“Jun, don’t be stubborn. He’s a good friend of mine and also interested in music.
Come on, it will be more fun for the three of us.”

He sounded like he’s tired of my company and wanted someone else to be with us.

“I don’t even know him”, I continued to argue.

He sighed.

“So what? You’ll get to know him and I’m sure you’ll like him.”

Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t became that soft to back down, but agreed and decided to stay careful.

We met Saturday morning in the bus station, everyone with backpacks. I had a good sleep last night so I was in a good mood and ready to meet that guy.

HongKi saw me first and waved. When I came closer I looked at his friend and my first reaction was amazement.

“JunHyung, this is HyunSeung. HyunSeung, it’s JunHyung.”

He introduced us and I wanted to ask “are you really a guy?”, because he was really beautiful - those big doe eyes, glittering from his joyful character, small lips, that had a pleasant smile on them and light curly hair. Even his figure was skinny, more like a girl than boy.
But instead of asking something stupid I said “it’s nice to meet you” and he replied with tilting his head.

In the bus we chose to sit in the back and I took the seat next to the window so that I could look outside, instead of looking at him. I was glad that HongKi sat next to me.

From our bus stop there was half an hour by step further to the forest.
I walked fast with big steps and heard them walking and chatting in the back, but I didn’t feel lonely or act like this on purpose. HongKi knew me long enough to understand that I like to be in my thoughts. Every artist, no matter what art he does, is a bit of a weirdo and he understood me.

As soon as we got there and walked inside we threw our bags on the floor and opened all windows to let some fresh air in. Then our host, HongKi, prepared us lunch and while we ate it while sitting on the steps outside, I had to talk to both of them.
We decided to practise some songs together and clean the dust away from our skills.
Here was one room he was allowed to turn into a mini studio.

We did like we said. HongKi brought his electric guitar and played us a new song he created. His voice is also good - deep and touching and I’m still surprised that he wasn’t yet noticed by a talent agent.
I showed them a new rap song I composed and HongKi offered me some ideas to make a great song out of it.
Then it was HyunSeung’s turn and he sang a cover of one American hip hop star.
I was amazed by his voice - it was unique and it was soothing to my ears. HongKi nodded his head to the tune like he was aknowledged by skills this boy has, which is true, because they are studying the same together.
I didn’t hold back to say what I think.

“You have a great voice! I like the cover more than the original.”

“Thank you.”

He seemed shy that I complimented him, but HongKi agreed with me by saying how he improved.

Later we started producing our songs and laughing while saying that we’ll put them into a mini album.

“There will be three songs for all tastes.”

When HongKi said that we all bursted into laughter. That drew us closer to become friends.

Our dinner was even nicer, I talked with HyunSeung like we had been buddies for a lifetime and HongKi seemed glad about this turn.

But then we encountered a problem - his parents’ bedroom was locked and he couldn’t open the door and there was only one bed in his room.
His health problems didn’t allow him to sleep on hard floor so it was obvious who takes the bed.

“I’m a host and make my guests sleep on the floor...Mianhae, guys.”

“Don’t worry about that.”

I tried to calm him not thinking how I’ll sleep. Maybe because I didn’t care?
“I knew it was a good idea to take my sleeping bag”, said HyunSeung.

“What about you, Jun? Do you have one?”

Even without looking to my bag I knew the answer.

“No. I knew I was going to your cottage, not camping.”

“We can share. Mine is big enough for two.”

When HyunSeung said that I tried to protest, but we all knew there’s no other solution.

And I ended up sleeping next to him.
We lied down back to back and I thought that both of them went to sleep immediately while my eyes were open wide from this awkward situation.
I felt him rolling on his back and looked over shoulder thinking he’s awake, but his eyes were shut and his lips were slightly open. That sleeping face was even more adorable.
What I did next was impossible to explain.

“Why did you do it, Yong JunHyung?!”

“I don’t know, Mr., I suddenly imagined that he is a she.

That would be a stupid explanation, but it was true.
I the other side to face his profile and from this angle he didn’t look like a boy.
I’m either a huge ert or just too curious, because I leaned closer to bury my nose in his silky hair and fell his shampoo.
He sighed and rolled over again, to my side now and I immediately leaned back, but his face was right in front of me and one of his arms was on my waist.
I froze and rocked my head wondering how to get out of this situation.
But I couldn’t, because I looked at his slightly open lips and wished I could feel that hot breath in my mouth.

he’s a boy he’s a boy he’s a boy he’s a boy he’s a boy he’s a boy he’s a boy he’s a boy
a voice repeated in my head, but was shut by another voice, determined voice saying
so what?

My face was slowly getting closer and I almost touched his lips, but he his back again.

That boy moves too much, I thought. But that stopped me - I almost kissed him!
I my side and forced myself to fall asleep.

The same one woke me up next morning and when I saw his face I felt awkward and shut my eyes back.

“Has he woke up yet?”, I heard HongKi downstairs.

“Um, no.”

“Then do something and fast.”

He shook my shoulder again.

“Yah, get up or we’ll leave you.”

That helped and I jumped on my feet.

“Are we going back yet?”

“No. I decided that we should go fishing.”

Explained my friend appearing in the doorway.

“Found my dad’s stuff so we could borrow.”

While getting ready I avoided HyunSeung’s look and turned my back at him. I felt like I did something unforgivable last night.

We were ready, took equipment and some food and followed HongKi, our guide, who knew the way to the forest river.
I was walking last now and looked at HyunSeung’s back, but he never looked back, surprising that he didn’t felt my gaze.

We went down the hill all the time and finally reached the place. The river was bigger than I imagined, but I was sure here are a lot of fish. We walked on the shore searching for a better spot.
I walked on some rocks to reach the water and pulled my hand back right away - it was so cold.

“I’m going higher up to look around and you two stay here”, commanded HongKi as he took his leave.

I sat on the same rocks and felt HyunSeung placing himself near me.

“Where does the fish stay in Winter?”

I turned to look at him, not knowing how to reply.

“I don’t know.”

I simply said. But his eyes...they scared me. He lloked deep inside me and maybe he could read my thoughts.

“Did you slept well?”, asked again.

My mouth was dry so I had to my lips.

“Yes. And what about you?”

“Oh yes, I did. Do I smell nice?”

“W-what?”, my voice shaked.

He smiled like he knew my biggest secret.

“I know. I felt what you were doing. Do you really want to kiss me?”


Now my hands were shivering. Cold sweat went down my back and I gulped.

He was still smiling like that as he stood on his feet, walked towards me and locked our lips together.

When I realized that I pushed him away and my eyes were wide, I was shocked.

“Why are you avoiding me. I just did what you wanted. The same as my wish.”

I was speechless, but he touched my shoulder as if he was saying to me to not go anywhere and spoke.

“When we met I immediately thought you seem like a cool type and that independence of yours just proved that. I looked at you all the time, but you never noticed me.
I was astonished by your low voice and really happy when you complimented me. That was when I lost my head completely.
Later we started talking a lot more and you have no idea how happy I was.
And how could I ever express the joy when I knew we’ll be sleeping together? I had very pleasant dreams by your side. And I was half awake from excitement so I knew what were you doing, but didn’t let you know so that you won’t stop.
I’m still wondering why haven’t you kissed me first?”
I looked at the water, with my cheeks heating up. He took his hand of my shoulder and I looked at him again.

“You have fallen for me, admit it.”

He leaned to give me another kiss and I answered it with opening my mouth and feeling his hot breath. I wanted to touch him, but he suddenly jumped and threw a cheeky smile towards me.

“I think HongKi is calling us.”

Then he walked to the same direction and after some time, when I got my calm back, joined them.


Our weekend has ended and in the end I knew all answers to what have happened and what should I do.

When HyunSeung waved at us, locking his eyes on me longer, and left his way, I turned to my friend and asked:

“When will we have another weekend like this?”

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Phaha junhyung being a creep sniffing hyunseung's hair XD
Thank you for comments and I'm glad you liked it ❤
AzLea3 #3
awww...awww... admit it, jun.. u have fallin to seungie.. ><
Seungie is kissing junhyung . Aww >w<
CheonByeol #5
Aww, they're adorable! Second B2ST fic I read - and second Junseung, and second from you as well. :P I just didn't know what to say about Moonlight. I could just say the same as here, you put me into fangirl mode. :)
ahaha~ thank you for comments, dearies. Why everyone are talking just about him being a ert xD Poor Junnie...xD
Omo Junhyung.. is there anything can describe him beside ert? lol but he is XDDDD smelling Hyunseung's hair when he was sleeping, tried to kiss him XD and hyunseung knew XD it must be embarassing XD
Jun is a ert! XDDDD