Kiss From a Rose

Infinite Oneshots

"oppa, what are you doing??" you scared your boyfriend, sunggyu from behind. "oh, you scared me" he jumped. "come sit down for awhile" he asked you to sit beside him.

Then suddenly he gave you something that makes you suprised, is a couple shirt. "lets wear it now, just put on then can aready" he said as you and him put on. "wait for me, _____" he said as he walked to the oppsite coffee shop. "oppa, where are you going??" you saw him running across the road.

You feel cold outside here, you waited for him about 10mins aready, he suddenly came back with two cups of hot coffee and he gave you one cup, "thanks oppa" you drink the coffee slowly.

Then he grabbed you hand and start to walked around the street. You and him continue to drink finish the hot coffee then after drinking finish the coffee, you and him started to jump up and down while walking as the two of you hold hands together.

But the people around look at the two of you, you two were shocked and stopped jumping, and just walked regularly. "oppa, i want to go to a place" you asked him. "what place??" he replied. "where alot of couples like to go there write on the lock called Love Padlock". "oh okay sure" he said.

He and you just walked there, few streets away. After reaching to the place, you grabbed his hand and ran up to the roof. You and him buy two padlocks from the lady over there and a maker to write. "hmm.....lets start writing" you said as you and him start wiritng but you and him face back to back, not seeing eachother padlock.

Your Padlock:

When I saw you oppsite

You look cute

But when I look at you closely

You look handsome

Sunggyu Padlock:

I love you still 

Until we are old

Marry me, would you?

After writing finished, you and him lock the padlock with the big padlock, and then sunggyu throw the keys far away from the view. Then you and him decided to see eachother writing, start to read.

You read sunggyu's writing until you started to cry. He saw you crying. "OPPA!!!!!" you suddenly hugged him. "is that all you want to say??" you asked him. Then he suddenly knelt down his legs and took out mini box out from his pocket, and opened it.

He suddenly say out the words from his mouth "_____, would you marry me??. You think for awhile, you don't know what to do but the people beside said "accept him, girl!!! Accept him!!!" then your hands were shrivering, and you decided to accept him, and nodded your head.

He saw you and then carry you up and spinned around, your tears started to fall down again but you smile "oppa, I am dizzy aready, put me down!!!" your head gets dizzy. "oh okay" he put you down first. You and him decided to marriage registration.

After your registration, you and him went to look for wedding clothes. You walk and walk and you suddenly stopped, you saw a beautiful wedding dress along the transparent window, you and him decided to went in.

"OH OPPA, this dress is beautiful!!!" you said. "then you sure try it on, see it fits you anot" he said. Then you went in the dressing room and try it on, after trying on, you came out.

"OMG!!! you look so beautiful in the dress" he praise you. "hahas....thanks oppa" you said. "hmm......i will try mines too" he choose a perfect suit and went to change.

After he changed, he came out, your face turn red seeing him in suit. "Do you want to order first??" the lady said. "i think we order first, we have not choose our dated yet" he told the lady. "okay, i will keep it first until when you choose your date aready" the lady said. After ordering, you and him went to change back into own clothes and walked off.

In the night time, you and him decided to have a dinner, went to the nearest resturant to eat. Sunggyu help you to pull the chair out for you to sit, and you seat down.

Then started to ordered some food, after eating finished, he walked you home about 1 hour walking back to your house.

In this 1 hour time, while you reaching to your house, you kissed his lips hard but also bite his lips, "ouch!!! YAH" his lips was red and you leave quickly but he caught you back, he want a revenage so he grabbed your hand, hold your waist and kissed your lips but he is biting your lips " revenage has complete!!!" he said then you and him hugged together before you go into your house.

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woaa.. I like the Sunggyu's one ^^
rukiyo #3
I liked all the oneshots. ^^, But I favored Hoya and Sungjong's oneshots...I don't even know why~ ♥