Mission: Pass Sophomore Year

128√e90 → I Love You♥ (One-Shot)

         "Soojung. Soojung. SOOJUNG!' Mr. Lee hollered loudly from the front of the classroom.


    Everyone eyes in the class glanced over towards Krystal, sighing knowingly.


Krystal remained in her seat, unconcious to the world as her head remained burried under her crossed arms. She snored softly, her chest heaving up-and-down in a rythmetic pattern.


      "Psst! Krystal!" Niel whispered hastily jabbing Krystal's back, seated behind her. "Wake up!"


Krystal stirred awake, noticing the blurred vision as she rubbed her tired eyes with her balled-up fists. "Hmm. Yeah?" She muttered sleepily.


   "Tch." Kai spat unimpressed located in the front turning his head back to the blackboard completely unintrested in the careless pathetic classmate of his.


"Come and get your test, Soojung," Mr. Lee repeated irritated.


Krystal raised from her desk stretching her arms overhead and slowly dragged her feet over towards the front. Mr. Lee handed her the single white sheet of paper. 24% circled red a top the paper corner-side, bold and vibrant. Krystal's eyes bulged out of her head.


"What?! 24%? Mr. Lee! I spent 3 hours studying!" Krystal protested waving her sheet at him.


"Maybe you should have studied harder. I want to see you after class,' Mr. Lee announced. "Dongho!" Mr. Lee called upon the next student.


After class.

"Okay let's get this over. What should I do this time? Shall I get it signed by my parents? Do I get a call home?-" Krystal questioned, arms crossed unpatiently across her chest positioned in front of Mr. Lee's desk.


Mr. Lee held up his index finger silencing her.


"No. I have already arranged a solution with your parents."


"You have? And that is..."


"A tutor."


"A what?" Krystal repeated, baffled.


"Yes, you heard me Soojung. A tutor. Your classmate Kim Jongin has taken the devotion to be accountable as your math tutor." Mr. Lee announced.


At the sound of 'Kim Jongin', Kai appeared at the doorway leaning nonchantly against that door frame. Her nemisis.


"Jongin." Krystal gritted through her teeth at the sight of him, narrowing her eyes.


"Soojung." Kai stated an edge to his voice as he strided slowly towards her.


"Isn't this such a great oppurtunity? Two childhood friends collaborating together to exeed the harsh difficulties of mathmatics?" Mr. Lee declared cheerfully gathering stacks of papers off his desk, stuffing them into his leather satchel. "Well, I'll be going now. You two must be getting along your way also, for a fresh evening of studying."


"What?! We start today?" Krystal questioned.


"Yes, yes. Now hurry along I must lock up." Mr. Lee urged leading Krystal and Kai out the classroom, leaving no room for questions as he twisted the key to the door shut and sped off in a hurry.


"Explain yourself?" Krystal demanded Kai.


"Easy. You're failing. I have the highest rank in the grade, not to mention I'm also a tutor that has a line of female customers awaiting my services-" Kai explained, Krystal droned off really not in the mood of hearing his self-praising.


She rolled her eyes, aknowledging the fact that every female (emphasis on female because Kai did not tutor males) Kai tutored indeed gained 90% on their exams although also obtained digusting make-out sessions with the ill-mannered jerk.


"Whatever if my parents have already arranged this I'm guessing you have gotten already the money for this session?" Krystal asked.


Kai nodded beaming.


"Aissh! Okay fine, let's get this over with. I don't wanna waste umma's and appa's money." Krystal muttered dragging her feet towards the exit.


"Awww, what a good child Soojung is." Kai cooed mockingly patting Krystal's head.


Krystal snapped her head towards Kai. "Don't touch me."


"Yeesh, someone's pmsing." Kai remarked.


Krystal's House.


"UMMA! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Krystal blurted, slamming the front door shut in Kai's face.


"Okay..owwww." Kai enuciated, slipping into the house rubbing his forehead sorely.


Krystal's mom came pounding frantically from upstairs at Krystal's feet juggling a bunch of drama DVDs'.


"Jongin, darling! Your mother's over in the living room, put these on the coffee table please and tell her I'll be there in one sec." Mrs. Jung addressed pecking Kai upon the cheek, as he shrugged lazily sauntering over towards the living room balancing a stack of DVD's.


"Umma." Krystal proclaimed, waiting for an explanation.


"Honey, I know Sulli's move to a newer school has upset you because she is no longer there to aid you when you need her help-especially in your academic studies." Mrs. Jung expressed sympathetically, conveying the last sentence quietly casting her eyes aside.




"I know, but let me get to what I need to say. There's gonna be certain times in life where things you expect aren't going to happen the way you want to and you know what? You deal with it. So please don't let me down, I know you're a smart girl Soojung." 


Krystal stubbornly made eye-contact with her mother acknowledging perfectly well, that her mother meant more than just her failing grade in mathematics.


"Okay, mom I'll try." Krystal slipped a small close-lipped smile pecking her mom upon her cheek, as her mom grinned proudly at her little girl tucking a loose stand of hair behind Krystal's ear. Then she sprinted off to the living room once Mrs. Kim called out that she was starting the DVD's with or without her.


Kai watched hidden from afar his back pressed up behind a wall, witness the touching discussion. 


Studying in Computer Office. 

Kai drummed his pencil repeatedly on the Jung's hard-wood table, slumped in an office chair with wheels completely bored out of his mind patiently waiting for Krystal to answer the numerous math equations he had already finished in class within 20 minutes. Krystal wasn't acting like herself so he decided to pull at a couple of her strings.


"Okay lemme see where you're at." Kai stated suddenly leaning over towards Krystal.


"Hey-wait...-no!" Krystal rambled off.


He caught a glimspe of her lined-sheet to notice it was practically blank except the question she was currently struggling on.


`Wow you really are a at math,' Kai remarked. 


'Tch. No one asked for your opinion are you here to help me or not? 'Cause I can take my money and go elsewhere,' Krystal snapped menacingfuly.


'No thanks and it's not your money if I've mistaken myself. Your parents agreed to pay me loads of cash to guarentee you pass sophmore year,' Kai stated haughtily.


 'Ha! And if I don't pass..?' Krystal challenged Kai grinning, hoping he would have no comeback.


 'Well then, you're hard-working umma and appa just wasted a load of cash on you for no reason annnnd then you're stuck in summer school,' Kai responded nonchantly.


'You're really an ,' Krystal spat.


 'At. Least. I'm. Not. A. Dumb. . Ha! Get it, because you called me a hole and I said you're a dumb.' Kai joked his mouth roaring with laughter.


 Krystal slammed her forehead against the desk hard surface repeatedly, as Kai continued on chuckling with laughter-tears rolling down his face. 'This is going to be a long year.' Krystal muttered, when she stopped due to her forehead that started to throb.


 'Aigoo, I'm so funny,' Kai declared wiping leftover tears upon his face. "Okay I'll help you, where are you having trouble?"


Krystal stared at him skeptically. "Everywhere." Krystal announced truthfully sighing. Damn, she just revealed one of her biggest weaknesses to her enemy. "Aissh! Where did I put my pencil?" Krystal cried out rummaging through her book-bag.


Kai ruffled his front bangs frustratedly. "Aissh you're lucky you're pretty." Kai murmured, widening his eyes as he realised what he said.


"Did you say something?" Krystal questioned suspiciously, her head perking up from her leather book bag narrowing her eyes.


"What? No. I didn't say anything. Ha! Hearing voices?" Kai mocked, sneering at Krystal twirling the pencil around his fingers.


Krystal rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She snatched the pencil out of Kai's grasp.


Kai smirked, accomplishing his mission of peeving Krystal. He proceeded to examining her calculations. "You forgot to carry the zero and you didn't even substitute for x."


"What?" Krystal asked baffled.


Kai leaned back lazily in the office chair, stretching his long arms overhead yawning. "Do it over."


"Aish." Krystal hissed, scratching down numbers once again.


"You're gonna break that pencil." Kai remarked.


"No, I won't." Krystal gritted under her teeth, continuing on jotting formulas.


Kai grinned observing Krystal furiously etch down numbers pressing a little too forcefully on the lead until SNAP the pencil split. 'I called that."


Krystal turned her head slowly, narrowing her eyes at Kai who had a handy-dandy pencil sharperner on the palm of his hand beaming. She snatched the sharperner off Kai's palm twisting the pencil into the tiny hole as Kai settled his head in the palm of his hand.


"Remember in grade school when we used to stab each other with sharp, pointy pencils until the lead fell out and then the whole class got into it so we got suspended for a day for starting the whole thing?" Kai asked.


"Yeaah..I actually do. Then I had to sit across the other side of the room, I still have scars actually." Krystal stated, pointing to the faded marks upon her right arm. 


"Yah, no kidding me too." Kai laughed, rolling up the sleeve to his hoddie revealing identical scars.


"Then after that  we started a coloured pencil war-" Krystal started.


"And got suspended for a week!" Kai finished.


The two burst out into laughter.


"Aww, they're getting along." Two hushed voices whispered behind a half closed door. "They look so good together. Imagine how cute our grandchildren would be?"


Krystal and Kai whipped their heads around recognizing their two mothers huddled closely together with admiring identical expressions on their faces.


"MOOOM." Krystal and Kai groaned.


The two mothers formed identical perfectly 'o' shaped mouths, shoving one another out the way as they sprinted back downstairs back to their drama DVD's. "Oh my, we just made it awkward."


"So, yeah anyways Jjong university exams are over so he's coming to visit tonight." Kai remarked itching the back of his neck, regarding his brother Jonghyun. "Is Jessica done her exams?"


"No, actually she has just one more Friday. Yeah, I heard he BBM me." Krystal replied nodding. "I'll drop by maybe."


An mute slience drifted into the air.


"Yeah! So onto question two, do I do the same procedure?" 


Later that night after Krystal's and Kai's tutor session had ended which finished more quickly than expectedly thankfully Sulli had called to see how semester 2 was going for Krystal.


"What? You're failing math? Really, Krystal? Really?" Sulli questioned astonished. "After those study get-together's and those flash-cards I made you. Did you really study them?"


"It's okay Sulli. I have a tutor now." Krystal glumly annouced.


"Oh, who? Who is it? Someone I know?" Sulli perked up asking excitedly.


"Yeahh..it's someone you know alright. The bastard face Jongin." Krystal proclaimed tossing her unicorn beanie baby in one hand to another, the one Sulli got for her 6th birthday.


"Oh yeah, that boy was always a nerd. A good-looking one too." Sulli giggled at her statement.


Krystal strangled the plushie unicorn baby in her hands growling. "Ew, Sulli don't even start that one on me."


Sulli's laugh twinkled into the receiver of Krystal's iPhone. "I'm messing with ya, Soojung. I still don't understand why you two don't get along, you're actually similar to him."


"Sulli.." Krystal hissed.


"Yah! It's true and you know it! But anyways I got to go now. So make sure you pass math with Kai, okie dokie? 'Cause I have a load of plans to do for this summer like go to amusement parks, the beach, picnics, the arcade, museums, Cabi water park Oh Cabi! Cabi! The hottest, hottest! Oh Cabi, Cabi...-"


"Sulli? I thought you had to go?" Krystal stated in monotone voice interrupting Sulli's outburst of singing.


"Oh yeah...I got a little side-tracked. Okay then well, make sure you study hard! And review those flashcards! Bye" Sulli ordered hastily then the line clicked off.

Kai's House.

               Kai laid atop his bed hands folded across his stomach staring blankly at the huge collage of photos he displayed overhead his ceiling contemplating about the tutor session earlier. It was confusing. Soojung the girl he had known forever, his enemisis for always made him feel... different today.


He had always acknowledged how he felt about Krystal, someone he despised greatly. Why, he remembered he used to get so nauseous and queasy around her that he felt like he would puke because that's how much he loathed her face. In fact her entire being. They were quite similar actually competitive, athletic, occasionally self-centered, stubborn, good-looking...it quite made sense the saying 'opposites attract' well those in 'common repel.'


      He observed  the photos above of family trips where the Jungs would always tag along on and they would take the traditional group photos. Krystal and Kai were forced to sling their arms around each other shoulders with forced smiles in matching, fancy attire in one photo as Kai recognised as being Jessica's fairy-tale themed wedding. 


           Kai definitely remembered that event the summer they were 14, that was the evening he had an eating competition versus Krystal stuffing as much mini, fluffy pastel coloured frosting cupcakes into their mouths in a limited amount of time. He won, of course having the larger stomach and bigger hands for a greater hold. 


    That wasn't the most remarkable memory of the night though, it was being required to slow-dance with Krystal. Both their mothers during their pregnant phases had hopeful dreams of one day having both their soon to be born babies grow to become lovers. Fortunately that did not happen, but it didn't stop the two from trying.


          They adjusted Kai's hands onto Krystal's waist and Krystal's hands onto Kai's shoulder, taking in their masterpiece. However the position looked too forced and awkward. Although as soon as the slow melody started to tune, almost instantly the two older women dashed off to the side to get a better view.


     "Aiiish, you're hands better stay on my waist." Krystal snarled her teeth clamped in a menacingful line.


"Psh, what? You think I wanna touch you're because you don't have one honey, so don't worry." Kai remarked sweetly.


            That's when they locked eyes, like heat. Tension broke into the air. Couples dancing nearby couldn't deny the atmosphere. That is when Kai had that nauseous feeling churning in his stomach. Krystal truly made him sick, especially being this close to her. Then up came the mesh of digested colourful cupcakes, out Kai's mouth and splattered onto Krystal's dress.




Kai wiped off his mouth with the sleeve of his suit wobbling feeling uneasy and queasy. She lashed out at him, but fortunately got held back by the two mothers who had sprinted to her side almost instantly.


"I SWEAR I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!" Krystal declared, being dragged away. Kai couldn't doubt he felt a sense of satisfaction.


      Later that night Krystal returned in a stunning, fitted black tuxedo dress on contrary to her pouffy, ruffles dress that she wore earlier that slightly made her ressemble a cupcake. It would have looked better on anyone else, except Krystal in Kai's opinion-on contrary someone thought otherwise. Minho a tall, charming guy a couple years older that Kai had sat next to and chat with at the reception had offered for Krystal to dance with him. Kai's mouth dropped open in shock.


"You might wanna close you're mouth, Jongin. Flies could get in." Krystal sneered clamping Kai's mouth closed with a hard tap under the chin.


"Hey do you wanna dance?" A girl tapped Kai's shoulder.


"Yeah, surrre." Kai nodded distratedly as his eyes focused on Minho and Krystal. Kai slid his hands onto the girl's waist. "I just don't get it.."


"Get what?" The girl questioned tilting her head confusedly.


"Minho is just so cool, and Krystal is...not." Kai explained watching Krystal laugh at a joke at which Minho had told her.


"Who's Krystal and Minho?" The girl asked.


"Nobod-" Kai was about to reply but got distracted once he saw Minho lean over and brush his lips on Krystal's lips. Suddenly Kai was mirroring Minho's actions upon the girl he just met, the girl couln't care less.


"Hey, I didn't get to ask what's your name?" The girl asked dazed, once his lips left hers. Kai's eyes scanned the room with a look of satisfication.


 Krystal wasn't the only one that got her first kiss that night. Suddenly Kai got a glimspe of Minho leading Krystal out onto the moon lit balcony.


"Thanks for the dance." Kai expressed in a monotone voice striding over towards the balcony, before he could gain a response.


He knew he had to sabotage Krystal's chance with Minho, he couldn't explain why it was just a gut-feeling. Suddenly when Minho was about to lean in for another kiss, Kai slammed open the glass-window door snatching Krystal's wrist into his grasp. A look of surprise then recognization spread onto Minho's face, as Krystal narrowed her eyes at the sight of him.


"Why the hell are you here?" Krystal growled.


"Oh hey, it's Kai right? From the reception? What's up?" Minho greeted casually.


"Soojung, your mom's been looking for you everywhere! We have to take a group photo before Jessica heads on her honeymoon at midnight." Kai explained making up the lie on the spot, not acknowledging that moments after reality would happen. 


"C'mon just one photo together. Pleeaaase." Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Jung begged their pre-teen children. "Pleaase. Pleaase. Pleaaaase."


"They look really pathetic and I don't think they'll stop anytime soon. Let's just get it over with." Krystal shrugged exasperated. The both slung their arms over one another's shoulder.


"That's the spirit!"


"Cheeese." The two said in chorus in monotone tones.


Krystal may have won this time, however Kai vowed to always be in the lead thus beginning his tutoring sessions with strictly only ulzzang females while gaining the title as most wanted sophmore in the school.


"HYUNG'S BACK!" Jonghyun belched out whipping the door open as he stomped into the room with his flaming nostrials and well-structured beaming face throwing himself upon the bed likewise a dinosaur and attacked Kai into an embrace.


"Owww!" Kai yelped banging his head on the bed board above his head, he rubbed his head sorely certain that a bruise would appear tomorrow.. "Aiissh HYUNG! That hurt!" 


"Minahae!" Jonghyun apoligized pouting then bounced off of Kai onto the edge of his bed whipping out his smartphone.


"Imma text Soojung to come right now." He declared grinning his fingers furiously running across the phone's screen. Jonghyun was Krystal's only best friend next to Sulli.


"Seriously hyung it's like 12 a.m."


"So she'll come I know how much she loves me." Jonghyun remarked.


"I'm not sure if I do myself." Kai muttered.


"Well of course you do." Jonghyun replied obviously. 




"You're too stubborn to admit it to yourself. But you do love her Kai, as long as I could remember. Those little baby eyes of yours lighting up at the sight of baby Jung. It was truly love at first sight."


"Oi, you're on mom's side too now aren't you?"


"Yah! Lemme finish my story. You were always hyjacking her chances with other males."


Kai mind reeled back to Krystal and Minho. That was out of pure competition. Obviously. Although the next statement Jonghyun implies throws him off.


"And that naseous feeling you get when you see her is not because she digusts you it's because you're having..butterflies. A pretty bad condition of them in fact."


"That doesn't mean anythi-." Kai snorted.


"JJOOOOOOOOONNGGG!!" Krystal interrupted hollering loudly pounding up the stairs, dashing into the room with touseled bed hair, plaid pyjama bottoms and a camisole tackling the boy that ressembled a dinosaur into a hug.


"You're back!" She beamed on top of Jonghyun's chest.


"I'm..b-ack..and..y-ou're squish..-ing..m..e." Jonghyun squeaked trapped underneath Krystal's weight.


"Oh sorry, I was just...excited." Krystal replied sheepishly rolling off him.


"It''s..alright. I'm...used to it." Jonghyun coughed the words out rubbing his throat.


"JONGHYUN, JONGIN, SOOJUNG! THERE'S ICE-CREAM CAKE DOWNSTAIRS!" Mrs. Kim called out loudly practically waking up the whole neighbourhood. She was estatic her son was back for the weekend and showed no doubts of displaying her excitement. 


Jonghyun raced out of the room in a flash with Krystal left to hurry and trail behind, without thinking Kai grabbed her arm.


"What do you want?" Krystal questioned superiorly.


Kai had finally believed Jonghyun maybe that was it, today's tutor session helped him realize his sudden awakening of love for this stubborn, lazy, careless girl. Jonghyun had helped open his eyes to the meaning of the mix of emotions and unknown feelings meant for how he felt for Krystal. Love. The nausea..errr..butterflies were already starting to churn in his stomach, from the way she was looking at him. He swallowed hard on his saliva, gulping.


"I don't...think we should be enemies anymore...I want to be friends" Kai pronounced slowly, aknowledging how lame he sounded.


Krystal looked at him skeptially. She expected that he was trolling her. The silence proved otherwise.


"Okay who are you and what have you done to Kim Jongin?" Krystal knocked onto Kai's forehead.


"I'm serious! If you and hyung can be friends why not you and I?"


"Why does this seem like a trap or something?"


"It's not! I swear to God!"


Krystal whistled. "Wow even swearing on God now, are we now? You must be really willing to this now? Is this why you were so weird today?"


"Great she noticed." Kai thought, irritated to how obvious his feelings were displayed.


"It's okay I don't mind weird people in fact...I like it." Krystal declared a small smile forming on her lips. "That's how me and your bro are friends, right?"


Kai's hand slipped off her arm. What was she implying? Possibly there was a chance of a bond of friendship? She slipped out the room before he could ask, her footsteps tapping down the staircase. This was frustrating, but exilherating viewing the person that had been next to him since forever in a whole new different light.


However days after it had been obvious that Krystal accepted Kai as a comrade. Although one thing that wasn't going to change was their little disputes over the most useless topics, like whether Oreo McFlurrys' were better than Smarties McFlurry's. Jonghyun was there to obviously vote Rolo. He explained the hot caramel fudge topping that assisted the dessert won hands down on contrast to any other McFlurry made presently. Kai and Krystal couldn't complain.


Individuals were starting to even notice how much time they were spending together, almost every second joined at the hip. No one though dared to interfere with their relationship though, it was great to see the two not bickering loudly for everyone within a 5 ft. radius to hear. Seperating the two stubborn teenagers from an argument was once quite a difficult task. Ex-clients of Kai tried to overcome Kai's blinding love for Krystal with skimpy offers with nights alone together at their houses. He personally never felt anything for anyone of his clients before they were just simply girls fun to make-out with.


"Sorry, Soojung and I are playing b-ball in the park with the guys, unless you wanna come?" Kai always offered, acknowledging fully that the ulzzangs would always refuse in fear being viewed in public sweating.


Besides Krystal being with Kai made her a better person she was improving with her mathematics greatly, achieving over an eighty the recent mark she had got notified today. She seemed less lazy and careless, becoming organized with the help of Kai's assistance, everything was working according to plan for Mrs. Jung and Mrs. Kim all except Krystal's almost non-existence love for Kai whom she only thought as a friend.


"Aiissh! Why's the last question so hard? I really just wanna go home now and eat!" Krystal whined burrowing her face into the pages of her math textbook.


"You finish this last question and you can go home." Kai stated matter-of-factly, popping a grape flavoured bubble gum into his mouth chewing loudly onto the candy.


"Yah! You didn't tell me you had gum, I'm starving gimme some." Krystal held out her palm demanding Kai.


Kai displayed his empty jean pockets. "Sorry last one." He stated innocently.


"Screw you." Krystal mumured narrowing her eyes scribbling away at her question hastily, biting her lower lip focused.


Kai's attention altered to the windows streaming of warm, sunshine rays and a bunch of cheerleaders outside practicing for an upcoming game, in short-shorts that barely covered their buttcheeks. He smacked loudly onto the bubble-gum. Krystal couldn't help staring at those puffy, pink lips rembering the recent dreams she's been having lately of her tasting those lips. She shook the picture out of her mind jotting the last numbers to her anwser.


"Okay, done." Krystal announced slamming her textbook shut. She erected out of her seat, the hind legs of the chair squeaking across the tile floor stuffing everything into her overstuffed book bag. 


"Hey did you know I got some MacDonald coupons in the mail? I'm really in the mood for a double Big Mac what about you, Kai?" Krystal asked striding towards the exit of the classroom door when she noticed Kai's footsteps weren't trailing after hers.


"Kai?" Krystal turned around to find Kai situated in front of the chalkboard observing her casually with a single math equation he must've scribbled on without her noticing.


"Solve it." Kai ordered.


"What?..Fine...okay." Krystal said slowly confused as she set down her maroon leather book-bag on a nearby seat.


She sauntered toward the board taking in the equation, tapping a finger repeatedly on her chin. 128√e90. She tried several methods in her head, jotting out the possible incomes but in the end had no idea how to solve the question.


"Okay I give up. How do you solve it?" Krystal asked impatiently.


"I'll show you how it's done. Like a boss." Kai smirked, his eyes glancing at Krystal as he bent over to grasp the chalkboard eraser and proceeded to swiping off the top half of the entire equation until what remained was 'I love you.'  


Krystal eyes flitted back-and-forth from Kai to the message drawn on the board not making sense of the situation at first.  She couldn't deny that she had developped feelings for him somewhere along the route of their friendship. She slowly strolled toward Kai who nonchantly stuffed his hands into his pockets of his jeans nonchantly.


"Yah! I have one question for you." 


Kai nodded smirking.


"Is this how you get the reputation as most wanted male in the sophmore year?" Krystal asked at Kai's feet, tugging the collar of his t-shirt grasping the material in her fist his face nearing hers. "The line you use on your other customers?"


Kai didn't get a chance to reply because their lips had already found one another. The taste of sweetened grape burst into Krystal's mouth and she found herself pulling away at the flavour that reminded her of the hunger that settled in her stomach.


"Okay, that's it we're heading to MacDonald's pronto," Krystal announced, dragging Kai out the classroom door. Their hands entertwined. "Mom is definitely going to look forward to this."


"Your eighty in math or me?" Kai questioned.


"Hmm....knowing her both." Krystal laughed.


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Read Call Me Maybe my other Kaistal one-shot if you like this :D


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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 1: So sweet!!!! Forever kaistal <3
Chapter 1: hahaha you ended it nicely :3
Chapter 1: encore! encore! encore!
lolwhut am i saying :P
i hope you write more kaistal stories since this one's DAEBAK :p
Awwwee! This was so cute! Esp the last part!! xD hope you'll write more kaistal fics!
"Isn't this such a great oppurtunity? Two childhood friends collaborating together to exeed the harsh difficulties of mathmatics?"

Damyu math teacher. XD

. "They look so good together. Imagine how cute our grandchildren would be?"
You're a great author!
this is cute♥♥♥ please make more story :D
so cute..^_^
I want more!
I loved this one a lot!
please make more!!!
KaiStal <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
puppyluvahs #10
<3 moreeee :)