Chapter 2



Day 3 in university. I slouched in my chair as the lecturer babbled on and on with his dull voice. Barely anything registered in my head . Ah, I really hate theory based classes. All I wanted was for the class to end and I was getting impatient. Impatient to meet a friend for lunch too. No, not Jiho, though it would be nice to have lunch with him one day...


... and I felt something hit my head.


" You! Stop spacing out and pay attention!!"


Giggles filled the classroom. Looks like I was spacing out once again. Maybe I did deserve that, the flying marker cap that came from the lecturer's hand.


5 seconds. 

4 seconds.

3 seconds.

2 seconds.

1 second.

Class was over. I already shoved my things into my bag by then and was out of class, the voice of a male called back out for me but honestly I couldn't be bothered. Once again I had people staring at me but for this time, most likely of the stupid grin on my face.


I made my way to campus entrance and there stood a brown haired boy waiting for me.


" Kyung-ah!!"


He turned to face me, " Kwonnie, is that you? ". I stopped just infront of him taking breaths. I think I ran a bit too fast. I really need to learn how to control my excitement. "Wow time really does affect people " , he laughed "You look really different now.. and on a side note did you just run a marathon?" he continued laughing. I felt a bit embarassed and rubbed the back of my head nervously, " Sorry I was a bit too excited. You've changed too. Last time you were awkward looking with your glasses and.." he covered my mouth to shut me up. Shaking his head gesturing 'no', " Nobody needs to know that and no one needs to be reminded".


We headed to a fast food joint nearby and started talking. Kyung kept analyzing me physically, it made me feel a bit awkward. Finally he said it, "You don't look like the Kwonnie I used to know". Nervous laughter escaped my lips, not knowing how to feel about his comment, " What's that supposed to mean? You've seen photos haven't you?". "Being seeing a person face to face is a different thing. You're not the cute baby Kwonnie from 6 years back", he grinned.


" Well you aren't the cucumber kid anymore either "


" H-hey shut up!! "


Laughter broke between us. This guy here was another old friend of mine but from childhood. He lived in my area for 2 years and moved back  Seoul. He was the only friend I really kept in contact with when I was at such an age. Despite the long-distance friendship we had, we were really close. I could talk to him about anything. Anything. Everything and anything about me, he would know, vice versa. Now we were reunited, accepted to the same university, this is great! Thoughts ran through my mind and I just grinned happily. 


" Wow you really haven't changed. "


" Why the suddenly change in opinion? " I laughed


" You still space out like you always used to "


" ..... "


We caught up as we scoffed down our meals, occasionally choking from laughter.




Class time again. This time, vocal lessons. Someone took a seat beside me.


" So you sing as well huh?"


A familiar voice. I was a bit startled, no, I almost fell off of my seat. Oh, it was Jiho. I felt a smile creep onto my lips.


" I would ask you the same", oddly it felt nice seeing him again. I still don't understand why, after all it was only yesterday when I first met him. A strange feeling of comfort. He grinned, " Well I can kind of sing I guess?" . That definitely got me curious. "I'd love to hear it then" 


I really wanted to.


Ofcourse not everything would go smoothly. Since it was our first class it was all theory based instead of practical. Oh how I dreaded theory. Before I knew it I had a dead body beside me. Jiho passed out and was on the verge of snoring. Looks like there's actually someone worse than me, I laughed to myself.


It didn't take long for a flying object to smash into his head. Giggles filled the room. What's with the lecturers here?


It's like we're living in a manga of some sort.




" Seriously, . That idiot didn't have to do that!!" grumbled a very cranky Woo Jiho as he constantly rubbed his head.


I made my way through the corridor with Jiho who was in pain. Who would've thought the lecturer would resort in throwing their entire pencil casing at student. No lie, I was definitely tickled by this and tried to keep my laughter in. " What's with that face? " he asked looking at my tight lipped face and that was when my laughter slipped out. A bit. " YA!! It's not funny. It really does hurt " he continued rubbing the sore spot with a pained look and I just shrugged.


" You're mean" he clicked his tongue.


" It's your own fault "


" Really cruel "


" It happened to me earlier as well "


He looked at me. There was a pause till he started laughing. " So we're even now? " I asked. Just as he stopped he nodded , " Y-yeah.. ". 




It was the end of dance class. Just like before, Jiho looked like he wanted to die. The seniors observed him from a distance, talking amongst themselves, Minhyuk hyung included. Some questioning why he was even there. " Makes you wonder right? ", Minhyuk asked " After all everyone else here is someone with experience". I shrugged. It didn't bother me but now that they mentioned it, I was curious. Not wanting to hear the others pass any comments I went over to him, " You're not going to die right? ". As usual, he was frowning, this boy really had no stamina but what he did have was persistance. I was impressed. He raised an eyebrow at me, reacting to my question. I couldn't help but laugh and a grin remained on my face. 


I held out a bottle of water to him and he took it from me without hesitation. He had his head thrown back slightly as he shamelessly gulped down most of my drinking water but it didn't bother me, instead I couldn't help but just watch him. Realization came to me and I slapped myself literally which gave him a surprise, almost choking on his water " What's wrong with you?". I quickly shook my head , " No no it's nothing. I spaced out again". I nervously laughed off the awkward moment.

" Oh, some of us are staying till late to practice, do you want to join us? " I offered but he rejected the offer. " I'm sorry, I need to head out somewhere tonight. Maybe next time?" he replied as he got his things together " I really appreciate the thought, thanks". Leaving his spot beside me, I watched his back as he left the studio.


So I pondered for a moment, why do I keep doing this?


I shrugged it off and joined Minhyuk hyung and the others.


I guess it's nothing really.




So sorry this part is so short and kind of boring. U___U

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Chapter 2: i really love this.. please update? please please please?
Chapter 3: can't wait for the next chapter! <3
OMG i want them together already!! like.. right at the next chapter?? XD lol jk :D
please update soon! ^^
igands #4
i'm waiting~~<3 xoxo
igands #5
sooo cute~
i doubt where is Zico going to go >.<
i'll wait for the next chapter♥
igands #6
ahhhh i feel really excited! xD
so interesting!
always love Zikwon<3 and really like the story which started from a friendship keke<3<3
what's going on~? please continue soon~♥
bittertongue #7
@yoghurtmilkislove I'll try :) AU is " alternate universe " :))