Chapter 1


It was morning. The rays of sunlight peeked through the the blinds and glared into my eyes. Despite that, I refused to get out of bed and just proceeded to place my pillow over my face. Sounds of the birds chirping as though calling me out of bed. No. That's not going to work. It's the holidays, I'm allowed to sleep in. Just as I was about to drift back to sleep I heard a voice coming from downstairs. It was muffled.

“ ...Oo....on “
“ …. Yu...... won..”
“ ….Yu...kwon...”
Ah, so it was my dear mother disturbing my lovely slumber. I sat up in bed, spaced out for awhile. Eventually I dragged my body out of bed. Tugged up my pants which were dropping and with my glorious bed hair I made my way to the living room. Infact my state almost made me roll down the stairs.
Awaiting me were my mother and brother filled with life, as if they were blessed with the greatest miracle in existance, though I have no clue what that would be. I rubbed my eyes and swept my hair out of my face, “Good morning?“. Mother had the giggles. “Yushin has something to show you!”.
“Congratulations“, he said as he approached me then handing over a file of papers. What's this?
The next thing I knew I was pretty much jumping around happily, “YESSS!!“. That's when my incontrollable giggling started attacking me. I didn't care. All that mattered was how happy I felt.
I was accepted to my dream university. It was an art institute to be more exact. Almost anything related to arts, it would be there.
It was like a dream come true.
A couple of weeks passed and I was already on my way to Seoul. Lugging my luggage on the train and recalling how my family was as they bid me goodbye. Mother sobbed with tears of joy, Yushin comforted her while wishing me luck on my 'journey'. After train transfers and a bus ride I took a short walk and reached my destination.
I got all the little things settled then headed to my designated dorm room. Slowly I unlocked the door as if savouring the moment, and entered. A simple room, single bed, study table, and a cupboard for my clothes and whatever I had with me. Tossing my luggage aside, I threw myself onto the bed and just layed there. Naturally the biggest grin grew on my face. “ This is perfect! …. no wait“ I got up and ped my bag, took out one of my dear One Piece volumes, crawled back onto the bed. Yup this is the life~
Yup, indeed this is the start of my new life.
A new life I wasn't expecting in the least bit.
First week started, ofcourse with the usual orientation and what not for freshmen. Getting acquainted with others was fairly easy, setting aside my slight awkwardness and random moments of staring into space. The upcoming classes passed with a breeze but I was getting impatient eventhough it was only my second day there. It was only because the last class I'd be having was dance. The one thing I live for. Oh and I'd get to meet a dear old friend too!
Class ended. What class was it again? Oh didn't matter. I was going to dance, that's all that mattered. I grabbed my things and got changed. I was so excited I almost wet my pants. Well not really but, yeah. Little did I know I was practically skipping gleefully to my destination, oblivious to the countless schoolmates looking awkwardly in my direction.
I managed to find my way to the dance studio, took a deep breath and stepped in. A group of people were already there, turning in reflex to the sudden door opening. There was a short silence till...
“ OH Kwon-ah!! “
One of them came running to me, and gave me a brotherly embrace. “Congratulations for getting in! I knew you would!” said the older raven haired boy as he patted my back.
“Thanks hyung. It's great to be here“, I naturally smiled, a smile that grew into a huge grin. My happiness couldn't be contained. Who is this person? Lee Minhyuk, a hyung I have always looked up to. He was from my hometown as well but moved to Seoul to study here.
" So how have things been so far? ", he curiously asked, wrapping an arm over my shoulder. " It's okay. All I could think of was being here actually" I nervously laughed. I was confused for one thing, why were the seniors here when it was meant to be a class for freshmen? I stared puzzled, looking at all of them as if no one could see my gazes. I need to stop being in my own world honestly, I didn't notice they stared back at me in question.
Minhyuk laughed, " You're wondering why we're here aren't you?", ah my hyung always knew how to read me. I just nodded. "Well this institution is all about being the top, yeah? So for some classes they have a system where batches stay in particular classes for 2 semesters. The freshmen get to learn from the sophomores. It's for faster learning. You learn from them and you have to keep up".
Interesting. Yeah I guess it was but heck if it meant I got to spend time with my hyung, I'm not complaining. More growth for me dance-wise too.
Seeing I was actually early, we bonded and I got to know some of the others briefly. As time passed more showed up for the class. Nobody in particular really caught my attention till one particular person walked in at the last minute.
A tall boy walked in. Broad shoulders, broad chest and long legs. He had sharp eyes and a really plump lower lip. An aura surrounded him, one that made you keep your eyes on him, only on him. Then again maybe because he was the only one with a shaved head there. So enough checking out a dude, I'm not supposed to do this. I snapped myself back to reality and class started. 
This was definitely the highlight of my day, doing what I wanted, nothing could've felt better. Usually once I start dancing, I'd be so caught up in the music I'd be oblivious to everything else around me, just engulfing myself in the beat. However throughout the class I couldn't help but notice the blonde boy from earlier.
From time to time I'd glance from the corner of my eye and despite the cool person I assumed him to be, he was, well, harsh to say, the one lacking most. The guy had a hard time trying to keep up. While everyone else had their groups they kept to, he was the one who stood out, the odd ball you could say. He clearly had no stamina and was kind of all over the place, occasionally letting out groans of frustration as his eyebrows would constantly frown. To make it short, awkward. Let's be friends?  I thought. I for one am actually an awkward person with strangers but I picked my balls up and walked over to him.
Ofcourse his somewhat intimidating aura didn't help.
The tall blondie sat on the floor with his back against the wall, head thrown back, trying to catch his breath. I hesitated at first but eventually I took a spot beside him, “Hey … Are you okay?“.
His head dropped and his sharp eyes whipped to my direction. A chill ran down my spine. His aura really was something.
I couldn't help but notice the boy had fairly long eyelashes and extremely clear skin. Honestly kind of strange for someone with such a fierce face.
Ah I really need to stop this.
I wasn't expecting what came next.
“Wow.. is it that obvious?“ He said out of breath with a little laugh, “It's really obvious I'm not a dancer am I? “.
So he isn't as intimidating as I thought he might've been, infact he seems friendly? Maybe too soon to assume but it sure felt like it. “As long as there's interest, that is what's important!“, I said flashing a smile. It's true, as long as the interest is there, anything is possible if you work hard. He laughed again, a bit louder this time, his eyes dissapearing.“ You seem like a nice guy, I'm Jiho, Woo Jiho“, he gestured for a handshake.
“Kim Yukwon. You can call me Yukwon”, I shook his hand, “If you need help with anything just ask me!!”.
Once again, he laughed “ Looks like I'd have to ask you about everything! “.
For some reason I felt so comfortable with him. Before we knew it, time passed and we clicked.
Looks like I made a new friend.
And he was different from the others.
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Chapter 2: i really love this.. please update? please please please?
Chapter 3: can't wait for the next chapter! <3
OMG i want them together already!! like.. right at the next chapter?? XD lol jk :D
please update soon! ^^
igands #4
i'm waiting~~<3 xoxo
igands #5
sooo cute~
i doubt where is Zico going to go >.<
i'll wait for the next chapter♥
igands #6
ahhhh i feel really excited! xD
so interesting!
always love Zikwon<3 and really like the story which started from a friendship keke<3<3
what's going on~? please continue soon~♥
bittertongue #7
@yoghurtmilkislove I'll try :) AU is " alternate universe " :))