Drabbles Of Nothingness


So I did one of those writing challenges last night where you have to write 10 drabbles in a really short amount of time based on your itunes on shuffle.

So these are really bad

And i'm not even posting them all because the others were way worse

But this is about half of them

And they are all different and random

But I did all the SHINee pairings because I like SHINee.  XD


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manicatthedisco #1
These are REALLY good! I dont understand how you can say these are bad!
I liked the JongTae and OnHo the best!
Please continue
OptimusFanGirl #2
I love everything. Especially the Jongho and TaeKey. You don't even know
EvilLittleMaknaes #3
Vcxzsghjnbvcxzsdfghjjnhgfdsdcvkjhgfdsdjhgfddfuiiuytgfghjjhbvfaasdfghjh these are so good bro!!
Apparently I at spelling...xD (I typed this on my iPhone just fyi) lol
but whatever :3 you can still understand it ^^
You should totally continue the JongYu one! I would love to read what happenes after Jjong gets off the train. Dose he fine Onew? Will Onew remember Jjong the was Jjong remembers Onew? Is Onew even there still!?!??! OMFG please answer my questions!! <3