Switch Places


"You told them WHAT?" The loud shout from my one year older hyung came in my ears, I can't even imagine what he looks like when he's so angry, but now I can clearly see his face, MAD!


"I'm sorry, I didn’t mean it.” I tried protecting myself from getting by his large fist; I raise my arms and groan at the pain how he hit me with a spatula.


“Sorry won’t change anything in here, Kibum. Are you gone crazy or you’re just homesick?” He asked as he pockets the spatula on his apron. I wonder why we switch places these days.


“I’m homesick, okay? We don’t even have time to go out because tons of fans would kill to see us.” I groan as I drop myself on the couch. I can’t believe he’s scolding me again; I’m not stupid you know?


“Hey! Hey! Clean you room.” I hit me with his spatula again, but continuous this time. He didn’t stop until I stand up. What the hell? This guy is getting so damn annoying.


I walk towards my room and starts faking cleaning. I slam myself on my bed and start texting someone, “Ugh, this boring.” I said, slamming my phone to the side. It’s comfy and it’s not going to break.


“YAH!” I quickly stand up when I saw someone barged inside my room,


“What-the? I told you to clean your room, Kibum. Not lie around and be lazy.” He, then again, hit me with a spatula. Is he cooking?


“I’ll do that later,” I said, sitting back. I really don’t like his motherly side because that’ the annoying part of him.


“Do it now, I’ll be back here within ten minutes. I want that things on the floor be clean and sweep it.” He slammed the door close. I can clearly hear the frying sound the pan is making; I wish that thing he was cooking won’t get burn.


I start picking up my clothes on the floor and throw it inside my closet without bothering where it’s going to drop. Until I get to grab something –not clothe but it’s something hard and not easy to lift.


I look down and it was a dumbbell, fifty kilo small dumbbell.


Ohh, I remember, I’ve been working these days. I thought I can get the same abs that Jonghyun hyung have. That’s why.


I quickly lift it up and start working out.


The sun is already setting so I can do what the hell I want. I lift some few lifts and slowly drop it on the floor.


I remember, I’m not yet done with the cleaning. Oh My Goodness! I only have three minutes to kill this freaking floor of my stupid room.


I quickly grab the remaining clothes on the floor and throw it in my closet; I grab the broom on the corner and starts sweeping the floor.


I look at my watch, one more minute. Come on! After a few seconds, I’m damn done. I throw the broom somewhere and drop myself on my bed.


“Hey, are you done?” Jonghyun hyung peek inside my room and roam around my room,


“Yeah,” I sighed and stare at the ceiling. I really don’t want this Jonghyun-umma thing right now.


“We’re going to eat, go wake up Taemin and Minho.” He said as he walks towards the room,


“Yah, where’s Onew Hyung?” I paused a bit until he turns around,


“And why me?” I asked, all of the sudden. I think I’m suppose to do that –get him, get them, call them- thing.


“Still on his scheds, just call them, would ya? I don’t need any of your complaints.” He said then shut the door close. Oh gawd, I got to get my role back before anything gets worse.



Uhm, ignore the other 'Switch Places' I kind of double posted because of this stupid Internet Connection that keeps going in and out ^^ So, here's the REAL !

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That was random
KwikiWhee #2
lmao that was so weird so see them so upside down
MastshSushi #3
So Hyoyeon and Jonghyun switched
luhans-vaqina #4
Hi. Can't wait to read it. :DD
You have another 'Switch Places', but with Hyoyeon tagged in it. Is there a difference between both?