Part I

Fat Love


The streets of Seoul were busy. Everyone was in a run, afraid to be late for their own appointments of life. The chilly air of Seoul has blanketed the whole city. Everyone was digging their hands inside their sweaters. Whilst the busy city, a certain young boy was walking towards his school. He was humming a song as he was walking. Luhan. That’s his name. Luhan is not your typical good looking boy that you see around nowadays. He’s fat and I mean really fat, weighing about 200 pounds. It’s quite absurd to say that this boy has a really amazing voice. Absurd, I know. But, truth is. He really has an amazing voice. Though his appearance does not say so, but hidden inside all of the layers of fat in him is a truly amazing voice. With his voice, he was able to join the choral in school. He was not supposed to be in the club but the club insisted her on joining. At first, Luhan was hesitant because of her appearance. Everyone in the club tried persuading her and miserably failed, even the vice president of the choral, himself, failed to persuade her. So, it was up to the president of the club to persuade him, Oh Sehun. U Sehun was chosen to be the president of the club because of his amazing way of leading a group, though he could be a bit childish at times but there comes a time that he composes himself and starts acting like some professional director. Once the president had his turn of persuading the lad, unlike the others, he was successful on persuading Luhan. Why? Luhan has a crush on Sehun since they had started their first year in high school. Since then, Luhan and the others have won many interschool competitions. Luhan is place assigned to be the main vocalist of the group.


Now, your question is why they knew that Luhan had an amazing voice. Well, it happened just in the bathroom. Luhan was in the bathroom, washing his hand. He surveyed the whole bathroom if there was anyone in there. Luckily, there was none, as he thought. There was a student inside a cubicle who by chance was a member in the chorale and was assigned to find someone who would like to join the club.  Luhan smiled and began singing silently. Once the student in the cubicle heard it, he was already captivated. He quickly tried going out, but the lock of the cubicle was stuck. Luhan heard this and quickly ran out of the place. Once the student went out, Luhan was already gone. He sighed in defeat. Just then, he saw something. It was a student id. He quickly scanned the id and gasped. He just couldn’t believe that the school’s overweight student had an amazing voice. At that time, he was convinced of the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. He quickly told everyone in the choral about Luhan and that’s the beginning of trying to persuade Luhan to join.


Back to the story, Luhan reached school and class then started immediately. In class, Luhan is the intelligent one though there are some who are still intelligent. He raises his hand in class and answers each question of the teacher correctly. Aside from having an amazing voice, he also has the brain. He never forgets to study all of his lessons even though he has a club to attend to. He never fails to get an A in every test.

He never really wanted to join the chorale but it was Sehun who was persuading him and he can’t deny the fact the Sehun was cute when he was begging. He remembered it like it was yesterday.


It happened on a chilly afternoon. Luhan was at his favourite bubble tea shop, which by chance was also Sehun’s favourite. Luhan, at that time, was sipping his favourite drink when Sehun plopped on the seat across him, slamming the table with his hand as he did so.


“Luhan!”, there was a hint of demanding in his voice.

“D-deh.”, Luhan was stuttering as Sehun was looking at him intensely.


Just then, Sehun’s expression softened. His expression turned to something like a puppy that was begging for it to be fed. “Can you please join the chorale?”, Sehun had his puppy pleading eyes as he was pleading Luhan.

“I-I don’t know. I declined all of your offers and that does not change as for you. I-I’m sorry.”, Luhan stuttered as he declined Sehun.


Sehun then grabbed Luhan’s fat hands and clasped it between his. “Please? Please? We really need you.”, Luhan blushed as he eyed their hands but Sehun doesn’t seem to bother.

“I-I’m really sorry Sehun-sshi. As you can see, I don’t really have good appearance and I think it would affect your group. I-”


Luhan stopped talking when Sehun suddenly kneeled down with his clasped hands raised and head hung low. He was shock at Sehun. It was unlike for Sehun to act like this to others. Luhan looked around and everyone was eyeing them. His flushed as he felt embarrassed. He leaned forward to Sehun, “Uhm, Sehun-sshi. Can you get up? We’re making a scene here.”

“Shiro! Not unless you accept of becoming a member for the chorale.”, Sehun was being stubborn. Luhan sighed in defeat.

“If I accept your offer, will you stop this charade?”


Sehun nodded. Luhan, again, sighed. “Okay. I’m going to join.”


Sehun looked up, meeting Luhan’s eyes, which startled Luhan. Sehun’s eyes were literally glistening. He then jumped up and gave Luhan a big hug enough for his big size. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”, Sehun repeated. Luhan blushed furiously but hid it using his handkerchief.


Luhan smiled as he remembered at how Sehun had persuaded him. It was a bit funny because after the whole scene, he sheepishly said sorry to all of the people around and went out. Once he was out, he shouted in joy. Luhan chuckled as he remembers.


After a tiring day, the bell rang, indicating the end of classes. Luhan packs his bag and walked out. As he was walking, someone was calling him out. He turned around and saw Sehun running towards him. Sehun and Luhan had been close since Luhan joined the chorale and that made Luhan’s feeling for him to grow strong. Sehun smiled as he caught up with Luhan.


“Hey!”, Sehun greeted.

“Uh.. h-hey!”, Luhan said sheepishly.


“Are you free tomorrow night? It’s my birthday tomorrow and I’m throwing a party. I was hoping you could come.”, Sehun said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Luhan smiled and nodded his head, “Sure.”


Sehun then gave Luhan a big hug for his size. Luhan almost squealed when Sehun hugged him.

“That’s great! So, see you at my house at 8?”. Luhan nodded. “Well, see ya!”, Sehun said as he gave Luhan another hug. He was about to pull back when Luhan jumped on him, giving him a hug. Sehun was a bit taken aback at the gesture but soon smiled and returned the hug. He still hasn’t grown accustomed to Luhan surprise hugs. He pulled back as he bid goodbye to Luhan with a wink before he ran out.


Luhan couldn’t help but squeal when he replayed the part when Sehun winked at him. Lucky thing, no one was around. Luhan giggled to himself and walked home.


Before he went home, he first went to a tattoo shop, where he and his friend agreed to meet up. As soon as Luhan entered, Yixing, his best friend, greeted him. Both had been planning on imprinting a tattoo at the back for over a year and finally, they had agreed that today would be the day that they would be having the tattoo. The tattoo is their symbol of friendship. Luhan and Yixing had been friends since they were in diapers.


After the imprinting for the tattoo, the two happily skipped towards Luhan’s apartment. Luhan had told Yixing about the party in Sehun’s house and Yixing has agreed on helping him pick something to wear.


It was the night for Sehun’s birthday and Luhan was walking inside with a present for Sehun. Sehun’s house was filled with his friends. Luhan squeezed himself in the ocean of people, trying to find Sehun. Once he spotted Sehun, he quickly went to him. Sehun saw Luhan coming over their table and smiled. He waved Luhan over. Luhan nodded and walked towards his table. Sehun’s table was filled with his friends. There were 2 long couches at the sides. Luhan walked at the space between the table and the couch which was being occupied by Sehun’s friends. Because of Luhan’s size, the people who’re seating on the couch have to jerk backwards in order to not get hit by Luhan.


Luhan settled on his seat beside Sehun and handed him the present he brought for him. Sehun smiled and thanked Luhan. Just then, Chen went towards the table. Chen settled on the seat beside Sehun.


“Happy Birthday, Sehun!”, just then, Chen noticed Luhan, “Oh! Luhan, you’re here? I never thought someone like you would be here. I mean, you’re fat and you’ll be out of place in this party. And since you fat, you would knock someone over and then they would be brought to the hospital because you knocked them over too hard.”, Chen laughed at his joke, which everyone seemed to find hilarious. Sehun held a stern face and looked at Luhan. Luhan looked like it he would break in two any second. Luhan awkwardly grabbed a random beer and stood up.


“Uh… I-I’m just going to dance over there.”, Luhan walked out but was stopped when Sehun grabbed his wrist.

“Are you okay going there?”, Sehun asked, concerned.

Luhan nodded as he hurriedly went out of their sight, tears threatening to fall any time.


Luhan went straight to the bathroom to pour his heart out. He was totally hurt about what Chen had said. After a couple of minutes, he wiped his tears and was about to go out of the cubicle he went in to when he heard voices as the bathroom door opened.


“Do you think that was funny?”, as what Luhan heard, it was Sehun but here was another voice.

“Why are you so fussed about that? I was only joking.”, it was Chen.


Luhan stayed silent as he sat down on the toilet seat, eavesdropping.


“Do you think you’re joke would do any good? What if Luhan walks out of the club? Then, let’s just say bye-bye to next interschool competition. And, you wouldn’t want losing, eh? What would your parents say? Well, they would get mad and you would have to say good bye to the club. Heh?”

“He’s just getting annoying, you know?”, Chen responded.


“I know. But, what would we do without him?”

“You think I like it?”

“Oh! Why are you crying? Luhan should be the one crying now.”

“Luhan’s fat and ugly but has a really amazing voice. You? You’re handsome and have good figure and still has an amazing voice but you’re still not going to reach Luhan’s voice.”


As what Luhan has heard, there was sarcasm on Sehun’s words.


“Now, you better apologize to him before he walks out on us and we’ll lose on the next competition. We need him, you know?”


Then, the two went out. Luhan was disheartened. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. It was heart breaking. Luhan went out of the bathroom, shoulders slumped low.


He went home and sat lifelessly on his couch. He looked over to the kitchen and eyed the knife that was lying on top of the counter. He stood up and walked over the counter. He picked the knife up and stared at it. He was thinking of just ending his life here and now. His life was miserable. He was about to cut himself when he saw a brochure. He picked it up and saw that it was a brochure for some plastic surgery promo. Then, an idea came up on him.


He has decided to take a on the promo for plastic surgery.


The next day, Luhan went straight to the hospital to take the promo. At first, the doctor was shocked because he never had operated someone so fat like Luhan. Mostly, slim people would come to him but this one was new. But soon enough, after Luhan’s persuading, he agreed.


“You could die with this operation.”, the doctor warned.

“I already died yesterday,”


The doctor sighed in defeat.


A year has passed by and Luhan is still recovering from his surgery and was happy about it. During these years, he had dropped out of school and to help with the weight loss, he always go to the gym to lose some pounds. He had avoided eating too much food. Whilst the good happenings of Luhan’s life, the chorale in school had been a mess since the day Luhan dropped out. They had lost their title of being the best chorale for interschool competitions. Even with Chen in their group, it was still not enough for them to win. The principal of the school decided to not let the chorale participate in any competition. The chorale felt miserable. Chen, of course, felt guilty at this since he knew it was because of him why Luhan dropped out of school.


Since then, Luhan has changed. Everything in him has changed as he spent most of his days in the hospital but one thing for sure hasn’t changed. It was his love for Sehun. Though he was hurt on Sehun’s word back then, he still couldn’t forget of the young lad. His love for him was great to be able to be trampled by anyone.


 After approximately one year and a half, it was now time to detach the bandages from his face and to let Luhan see the outcome of his new face. The doctor rolled out the bandages that were covering Luhan’s whole head. The nurses who have come to witness their doctor’s work gasped including the doctor himself. Luhan was worried of what was the outcome. He turned around to look at himself at the mirror. He also gasped. He couldn’t believe at himself. He now looked slim and had a flawless skin, which made him look like a perfect being. Luhan began to well up as he admired his new self. He had never thought that he had it in him. All those hard works and staying away from the public has finally paid off.


Luhan thanked and thanked the doctor, even the staffs and patients. He was really happy as of now that no one could even make him depress.


The next day, Luhan was now ready to reveal himself to the public. He went out of the store he just went into to buy new clothes for his new figure. Everyone that he passes was in awe. They kept on looking at him. Luhan was very happy with the attention.


Luhan then went straight to the mall where Sehun was always going on Satrudays since today was a Saturday. As usual, people were awed at his beauty. He smiled to himself. There were girls that were whining and as he guessed, they were jealous of Luhan, and there were also boys who were checking him out. Of course, Luhan just flipped all of them since only one was in his heart.

After a good ten minutes of ignoring the stares on him, he finally spotted Sehun at the clothes area. He quickly hid on some clothes rack. He didn’t know why he had hid since he was already unrecognizable. But still, his instinct tells him to hide and so, he followed it. Sehun then began walking and Luhan trailed behind him, making sure Sehun wouldn’t see him. He felt like he was a stalker at the moment but who cares? Sehun has led Luhan at the parking area. Sehun went to a scooter, probably his. Luhan was hiding in a post a good meters away from Sehun.


Luhan was still looking at Sehun when someone passed by, who was driving a scooter, probably a delivery man. The delivery man was shock to see such beauty that even when he was driving, he was still looking at Luhan. He just couldn’t take his eyes off of him. When Luhan looked at him, he sure was blown again. Before he could focus back on the road, his scooter led him to a post that he bumped to it. He fell down along with all the deliveries that he had with him. Luhan was startled when he heard something. He gasped as he saw someone fell down. He quickly went over to the man and helped him.


“Uh.. Sir? Are you okay?”, but Luhan didn’t get any response since the man was looking at him, eyes never leaving Luhan.

“Aish! The food’s a mess. Tsk.”, Luhan clicked his tongue as he picked up the food like it wasn’t that slimy.


Just then, Sehun stood beside the two. “Sir, are you okay?”. Luhan stiffened. He quickly stood up. And ran away. Sehun and the delivery man was a bit shock when Luhan ran.


During the next day, Luhan asked help from his doctor that operated him in enrolling him to his school before he had the surgery. Of course, the doctor helped him. So, the next day of Sunday, he entered school. Everyone was shock to see such beauty in their school. Of course, the students didn’t know that it was Luhan because of the weight difference. Luhan was now walking confidently in the school hallways as everyone stood in their place agape. He went to the administration building for his schedule. As expected, he was placed on the same class with Sehun. He smiled as he was scanning his schedule.


He knocked at the classroom door to grab the teacher’s attention. The teacher smiled and walked him in.


“Class. We have a new student. Please introduce yourself.”


“Annyeonghaseyo. I’m Lu –“, Luhan thought it over. Was he going to give his real name? He disagreed with the thought. “Lulu-imnida.”.


“Eh? Lulu? Isn’t that a girl’s name?”, he hear someone say.

“Lulu? That’s a cute name!”

“Wow! He looks so much like a doll.”


Luhan smiled at them and the class awed at him.


Class was good with the occasional cat calls. Luhan was happy of the attention but he was getting annoyed because once in a while, some boys would his . He would glare at them but they would wink in response. Then lunch came and there were a lot of guys who was inviting Luhan to sit with them but Luhan declined all of them. They didn’t take ‘no’ as an answer that they kept pestering Luhan even when he was eating. Lucky thing, Sehun came to the rescue. Sehun shooed the boys away and Luhan thanked him for that. Sehun invited Luhan to sit with him and Luhan agreed. They went to the cafeteria and majority of the boys, groaned.


As Luhan was walking at the hallways, he saw a poster about an audition for the chorale. He smiled and walked to the club room. He was going to audition.


“So, uhh… Lulu?”, Luhan nodded. “So, let’s see what you got.”


Luhan took a deep breath and began singing. He sang ‘What is love by EXO’. The song was like it was meant for him. All of the emotions he had was poured in to the song. The chorale has never heard such amazing voice before. At this time, they had somewhat forgot Luhan.


While Luhan was singing, something triggered in Sehun’s memory. He felt like the voice felt familiar. He felt like it has been an important thing in his life that was long lost a long time ago. Luhan ended a song and everyone in the room applauded. With that, they immediately accepted Luhan.


Luhan thanked all of them and bowed at the same time. He was about to go out when Sehun stopped him.


“Lulu. Do you have a minute?”, Sehun asked. Luhan nodded in response.


Sehun led Luhan to a secluded part of the school, which was at the back of the school building. Luhan was confused onto why they were there. Just then Sehun stopped walking, making Luhan bumped against him and fell down on his bum. Sehun turned around with a smirk.


“Do you think I wouldn’t remember you?”


Luhan gasped as he heard that. Could it be that Sehun knew that Lulu was Luhan. Luhan panicked. He quickly stood up and dusted himself.


“I-I can explain.”, Luhan stuttered.


“Do you think I’m that dumb?"


Phew. That was long. I changed the description. instead of it being just like the movie, I changed it to a school life story. Though, the thought of the movie is still there. Anyway, happy reading. I'll be posting the next part sometime this week.

I just noticed that when I'm writing, it always turns out something like an essay. You know, with a lot of explanations. I think it's because of the way I write essays at school. lol.

Please comment. Criticisms are welcomed.. :)

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Please update this...pretty please ;A;
Chapter 1: When r u going to update author nim??? Does sehun really know that lulu is Luhan???
Chapter 1: Omo Luhan's back to kick chen's haha XD
BoyXboylove #4
Chapter 1: Noes where da next button gooo
Chapter 1: will u update?
bcs this story is fckin interesting!
shirocream97 #6
Chapter 1: There's a movie based on this? What's it called?
e_eChrishoe #7
e_eChrishoe #8
Update D8
OMFG I'm really desperate here OTL
Chapter 1: i'm checking up on every single fics that you wrote ㅇuㅇ they are amazing (-: ㅋㅋㅋ anticipating in all of your hunhan fics okay ? (((':