I've Got You Under My Skin

This is War


“Well, my coffee is way better than yours…” Jiyong finally stated pretending to grimace while drinking in front of Chaerin who was cleaning her mess in the kitchen. She glared at him wishing she could kill him with her eyes. They looked at each other in silence before Jiyong finally burst out laughing and sat on her bed in front of the television.

“…” Chaerin just whispered shaking her head. She just wanted to help but Jiyong was always mocking her.

“Yah, stop what you’re doing and come here. Your “fabulous” coffee is going to be cold!” Jiyong warned her between two sips of coffee.

“Aish… Coming!”


Chaerin walked by the bed taking her time when she passed behind the tv screen, irritating Jiyong. She grinned taking her revenge and sat next to Jiyong her mug of coffee in her hand.

“Yah move on, you’re taking all the place! And why are you still shirtless, you don’t know how to dress yourself?” Chaerin complained as she realized their shoulders were touching. Well, for some people it could be nothing but Jiyong was shirtless and Chaerin was… A girl! She wasn’t the kind who was shy or prude but she couldn’t help feeling uneasy knowing she was alone in a caravan with a shirtless man! Moreover, Jiyong’s body wasn’t that bad after all!

Jiyong ignored her as he was fixing the screen. And he didn’t move. Chaerin’s mouth opened to shout at him but she was too frustrated to even speak. She wanted to hit him or whatever else to make him obey but she just sighed and pouted drinking her coffee in silence. This man was only thinking about himself, egoistic man! But somehow he was right, her coffee wasn’t really tasty… She drank it however because she didn’t want to admit it in front of Jiyong!

"Let's play 20 Questions," Was out of before she could give the idea a second thought. Now that she had said it out, it was not that bad of an idea. It could be an easier way for them to know more about each other.



"20 questions?" Jiyong asked back finally looking at her. It came out more of a surprise over the invitation than lack of knowledge.

Chaerin smiled. For some unknown reasons she was in a playful mood this morning. "You know, I get to ask you a question and then you get to ask me a question and so on and so on and so on!"

“You really think I’m going to play this game?” Jiyong raised his eyebrows. Yeah sure Kwon Jiyong wasn’t the kind of guy who was playing these girly games but Chaerin knew how to convince him…

“Come on oppa, it’s just a game!” she gave him her puppy eyes and it seemed to do its effect on Jiyong who just blinked and stayed speechless.

"Aigoo… Okay, but that sounds really stupid. What should we ask each other?" Jiyong asked a bit uneasy

"Oh, you know, the basic getting-to-know-you questions. We’ll play nice.” Chaerin explained taking their now empty mugs to the kitchen.

“Oh, so I can’t ask you some secret stories?” he grinned at Chaerin as she sat back next to him but she just rolled her eyes

"I said, We'll play nice," Chaerin repeated a bit annoyed.

"Fine, we'll keep it G-rated. Ladies first, ask away,"


And so it was on.


"How old are you?” Chaerin asked curiously. She knew he was older than her as he never complained when she was calling him ‘oppa’ but she was still curious.

“I’m going to be 26 this year, and you?” he replied simply. This kind of question wasn’t embarrassing him, it wasn’t like if he had to tell her all his secrets. He thought it was a good idea somehow, just to open his heart like this without thinking about his troubles.

“I’m 23 years old,” Chaerin stated, “And you never left Busan?”

“Nah never, I grew up here with my family and Youngbae.” He replied honestly, “But I don’t regret it, my mother always wanted me to study in Seoul but I don’t like this city. There’re too much people in Seoul and they are all crazy… Just like you!” he added smirking and leaning over her shoulder.

You’re the crazy one!” Chaerin retorted pushing him a little with her hand, “it’s your turned!”


 “Most awkward moment of your life?"

Chaerin didn’t expect this kind of question but she chuckled remembering something. "To tell you the truth, it happened last year. There was this man working in an art gallery. He was handsome and surprisingly nice too. During two months I visited his gallery pretending to be fond of the artworks…”

“You stalker!” Jiyong chuckled but she shot daggers at him, opting to ignore his mocking.

“Yah, he was a stalker too as he visited my shop, many times moreover. He even bought a jacket! So, with a lot of courage I asked him out on day. And… Then… He told me he was gay. At first, I thought it was just a joke and I just laughed in front of him but then seeing he was serious I awkwardly stopped laughing. Gosh, I think he thought I was crazy! I felt ashamed at the moment, moreover since this day he kept avoiding me!” Chaerin explained between giggles. She couldn’t help laughing remembering this moment.

“I think you traumatized him!” Jiyong managed to choke out, openly laughing now.

“Yah, I-I couldn’t know he was gay! It was really the last time I asked a guy out!” she laughed. She couldn't even remember the last time she laughed like this, it was maybe before his dad died. That was also the first time she heard Jiyong laugh genuinely. His laughter was contagious, and she felt herself having been caught up in his infectious change of mood.


They were asking each other back and forth and somewhere between 'what's your favorite ice cream flavor' and 'what's your favorite color’, they shifted until their backs were pressed against the wall and Chaerin didn’t care anymore if their shoulders were touching again.

Chaerin closed her eyes. This was nice. It was relaxing. This day was going to be good. No doubt there's probably a problem. Jiyong was surprisingly easy to talk to; even some of his really terrible jokes managed to crack her laughing.


It was her time to ask. She closed her eyes and did a little brainstorming. At first the questions had come really easily she didn't even have to think about it. Favorite food, favorite color, favorite singer… now after almost an hour she had started running out of questions.

"How'd you get your tattoos?" she suddenly shot spontaneously as her eyes unconsciously wondered over his bare chest.

She knew Jiyong had plenty of tattoos on him, on his arms, on his back and on his chest. She had seen all of them as they were living together for a month and she saw him shirtless plenty of time. But of all the days they spent together, Chaerin had never looked at his tattoos close. They were real masterpieces and she was really curious about their meanings.

Jiyong had caught her looking at his chest and his tattoos. Somehow her gaze on him made him flush lightly.

“I was 15 when I get my first tattoo on my back” He said quietly pretending to watch tv, “My mother was pissed” He gave a short laugh before sighing, “but now she doesn’t care anymore…”

“It’s not that bad” Chaerin smiled, “What’s the meaning of this one?” she asked pointing at the tattoo on his inner arm. She could recognize the motif as it was a reproduction of a Keith Haring’s artwork. It was sweet unlike his others tattoos. It represented a heart and Chaerin wondered if Jiyong had done this tattoo for someone he loved.

“Yah it’s my turn” he responded quickly before she could ask more. “You know Youngbae spoke a lot about you in the past…” he cleaned his troast, “You and him… W-what was your relationship?”

“Aigoo Ji, I was 10 when he left, nothing happened between us!” Chaerin laughed leaving Jiyong speechless, “Are you becoming jealous Kwon Jiyong?” she added teasing him

“Pff, never rich girl!” he mumbled rubbing the back of his head, ‘why did I have to ask that?” he thought. He felt like an idiot but yeah it was the first question which came in his mind. And he didn’t even know why!

“If you really want to know, Youngbae was my only friend. Because my parents were famous I couldn’t leave the house. So you can imagine how delighted I was when Youngbae arrived in my life! Well, I’d lie if I was saying I felt nothing for him. He was the only boy I knew after all. Plus, he was nice, funny and a pretty boy.” She explained smiling lightly.

Jiyong looked at her. He knew now why they were so close and why Youngbae was protecting her. Because he was the only one who could do it. She could only rely on him. Jiyong could imagine how monotone her life could have been before she met Youngbae. Being rich and famous wasn’t really a good thing after all.

“So… What does this tattoo mean?” Chaerin interrupted his thoughts.

Her voice and large brown eyes were kind, but Jiyong knew that if he didn't answer her now, she will continue to ask, until he finally gives in.

“Aish… I get it when Youngbae and Dara noona get engaged. It was a short period of my life when everything was still fine. My father was still alive, I was still living with my family. I was happy in my life and I wanted to show it with this tattoo. But I ed up everything after that… It means nothing anymore.” He shot quickly.

“What happened?” she asked her brow knotted together in confusion as she studied the fine work of art.

“I-I… Nevermind. I hurt people.” He sighed as he could still remember the needle, the cold of metal against his skin. He could remember the pain mixed with adrenaline. Tattoos mark us, tell our stories and past deeds. Sometimes, they are made of ink and others are made of scars but one thing is certain; They are forever.

He knew he wasn’t ready to tell Chaerin more about his past as he didn’t want her to be disappointed. He didn’t want to speak about himself no more, this game wasn’t enjoying him anymore. But as he was going to stand up, his muscles stretched as he felt fingertips tracing silently the outline of the tattoo he had on his right arm.



Looking down, he saw Chaerin his tattoo gently, starting from the top and then tracing down every intricate detail. He slightly tense, but surprisingly he didn’t complain. The quietness fell upon them afterward was not awkward, quite the opposite it was like a warm blanket, soothing and comfortable. Jiyong felt his skin prickling with goosebumps as she outlined his tattoo. A small sigh escaped him.

Something about tattoos continually made Chaerin wonder about the pain and dedication one required in order to get them. She relished in the feeling of his skin, so rough and yet so soft, under her fingertips. His muscles were so tense and she could feel his fast pulse under her fingers. It always seemed that he couldn’t relax. She knew he wasn’t at peace, his troubles always bugging his mind. And Chaerin really wondered what nightmares could haunt him.

“You’re not hurting me.” She suddenly said smiling and Jiyong couldn’t help smile back at her.




But suddenly Chaerin nearly jumped off the bed when she heard someone knocking on the door. “What’s again?” she exclaimed panicky. Jiyong’s bright smile changed in a now cold and dark expression. The person was knocking hard, loud and repeatedly.

“Don’t move” he mouthed to Chaerin. Somehow, seeing that Jiyong was calm and determined, it eased Chaerin. But she couldn’t help worrying for her life and for… His?

The knocking sounded again, but it gave no clue. He walked slowly to the door and put his hand against the cool surface. If it was Dara, Daesung or even Youngbae they probably would say something.

“Yah, open this door GD! You wouldn’t let your old friend in the cold, would you?” Jiyong suddenly hear someone shouting behind the door and his eyes widened as he inevitably recognized this voice.

“What do you want Psy?” he shouted back reluctantly



“I want to remind you the promise you made.”





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skyforthedragon #1
Authornim... Update pls
cipluk #2
Chapter 17: HUUUUUFTttt
ra21ah #4
Chapter 17: Authornim pls don't abandon this. We.will help you.and give you ideas! Choose someone as your Co author. No one can continue this one like you. I'm sure of it. Pls?
Chapter 14: authornim,update this please :D
Ravaaaa #7
Chapter 16: Update soon ..
And more skydragon moment ...
Thank you
Chapter 16: aigoo Ji why you are so cold ? >.<
Bommie a little bit scary kekeke
kwonjiyon #9
Chapter 16: good that you're back <3
kwonjiyon #10
update soon <3