
Magical World

Seungri had read all of the books and seen all of the movies. Seungri had absolutely agonized over the wait between books, and when the movies had come out he had watched them as many times as he was allowed in theaters, and then constantly once he owned them on DVD.

The other members, who were all forced to share their living space with him, were perfectly fine with him reading the books over and over again. They thought it was great, cute little maknae reading all quiet in the corner, not making a sound…for hours. It was nice…and relaxing…and quiet. They weren’t so enthused when he would play the movies on repeat. While his enthusiasm was truly remarkable (and even somewhat enviable), his tireless love for all things Potter was bordering on crazed.

The last movie was finally out, everything was over, and a piece of Seungri had died the day that he went and saw the final Harry Potter movie. What he didn’t realize (and he would blame it on scheduling and harrowing life experiences) was that something amazing was being unleashed for all Harry Potter fans.

It was 2:00am and the five BigBang members were sitting in random places around the living room (mostly concentrated in front of the TV). They weren’t really doing anything (one of the Harry Potter movies was playing), and most of them were doing other things (why they were even awake was a question none of them could, or would, answer).

“Hey Seungri, did you see this?” DaeSung asked, pushing his computer over so the younger boy could see what he was talking about. While Seungri was trying to focus his blurry eyes on the screen, T.O.P leaned forward and read it.

“Oh good, something else for you to obsess over; looks like Harry Potter will be online.”

“WHAT?!” Seungri screams, jarring YoungBae awake and causing him to flail madly before falling off of the couch and onto JiYong, who shoved him off roughly (he had been startled, give him a break). “Let me see that!”

The laptop was ripped from DaeSung’s hands before he even had a chance to respond, and Seungri was scanning his eyes all over the page, looking for any and all information that he could find. He watched videos, read reviews, and realized that his dreams had come true.

The next two weeks were filed under ‘torture’ in YoungBae’s mind. He liked Harry Potter, he really did, but Seungri took ‘like’ to a whole new level of meaning and devotion. Apparently, as they all (and probably everyone in the company) found out, Pottermore (as Seungri’s new obsession was called) would be opening for everyone sometime in April.

“We’ve got a lot going on around then Seungri, we can’t have you slacking off” JiYong had warned one fine day (when everyone was about ready to kill the boy if he didn’t shut up). But this didn’t really seem to faze Seungri too much.

“Don’t worry hyung! I will work hard and always be peppy and ready to go!” No one doubted him. His boundless energy was what was causing them so much pain. Luckily, Pottermore opened to the world the very next day, so they were all hoping that it would no longer be a problem, and Seungri would just sit there on his computer (silently, so blessedly silently).

“But you have to join with me!” Seungri exclaimed, leaning over his laptop and the table it was resting on to grab at T.O.P’s shirt, “You can friend me and we can duel and send each other gifts!” Seungri’s eyes were wide and his face was flushed.

“Aren’t we already friends…in real life?” T.O.P realizes rather belatedly that this was the incorrect response as Seungri flails forward again, causing the stool that he was sitting on to jerk away from the table.

Seungri fell off of the stool as it was sent crashing behind him, hitting his head on the side of the table as he went. Luckily for him (or his computer) JiYong had recognized the possibility that this would occur, and had quickly grabbed the laptop out of the way when Seungri had launched forward for the second time.

“Alright, we’re in, how do you sign up” JiYong didn’t want Seungri to cause himself or anyone else anymore harm (secretly he had really wanted to join, but wasn’t very keen on encouraging Seungri’s insanity). Seungri couldn’t think of a single sentence that had ever made him happier.

He spent an hour walking them through the process, “it’s easy, all you have to do is put in your information here, and choose your username here…” He never lost his enthusiasm, even though his friends spent a good amount of time goofing off (honestly the sign-up process takes less than 3 minutes) and making fun of all of the usernames (skyunicorn was not that funny), and after they had all signed up, they sat waiting for their confirmation e-mails.

TaeYang’s e-mail came almost immediately (“oh! Don’t tell me what happens, I’ll close my eyes”) and JiYong’s showed up less than five minutes after that (“You guys are so lucky! Get sorted!”). The two boys decide to wait on the whole sorting process; they had gotten through being chosen by a wand when they came to the realization that it was time for dinner.

“Ohh, that’s so cool! So you got different questions?” DaeSung asks as the two who had gotten in finish explaining what they had gone through to get their wands.

“Yeah, it was really well-done” YoungBae responds, shoving a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

Seungri was not amused, “No spoilers! Guys I want to experience it for myself!” His pout face was enough to melt even T.O.P, who reaches his hand up to pat Seungri on the back.

“It’ll be fine, you will get your confirmation e-mail soon and you can spend all night going through the site” The softly-spoken words hit their mark, and Seungri is all smiles again.

“I wonder what houses we will all get! I hope that I get Gryffindor” Seungri was starting to flail excitedly, “What about you guys? Where will you be!?”

The others shake their heads or shrug in response. DaeSung smiles brightly, “I think that I will be happy with anywhere, I don’t know where I would be!”

“Definitely in Hufflepuff!” JiYong says, laughing, “You would be all smiles and loyal, and you wouldn’t be able to go anywhere else!” Everyone laughs, and DaeSung smiles brighter, nodding his head and looking away.

“Top-hyung would be in GRYFFINDOR” TaeYang says with a deep booming voice, causing everyone to laugh even harder.

“Ji, you would be in Ravenclaw! You and Bae together” T.O.P says, “you’ve got all the smarts” As he says this he makes a face that causes everyone to fall into even harder laughter.

“If you don’t get Gryffindor, Seungri, would you be upset?” DaeSung asks after they have calmed down a little.

“No, a little. As long as I’m not in Hufflepuff than I will be FINE! No offense Dae!” Seungri was very adamant, and they were all rather worried about what would happen when everyone was finally ‘sorted’.

“Oh Ri, I’m sure everything will work out perfectly fine” TaeYang says, loading more food onto Seungri’s plate and motioning for him to keep eating.

Three days later, everyone but Seungri had gotten into Pottermore. DaeSung was sitting in one of the studio rooms with the other four as he finished the questions that would lead him to being sorted, and Seungri was having a minor existential crisis.

“What if I don’t get one? What if, what if I’m not magical enough to get a confirmation e-mail?” He was rocking back and forth rather alarmingly.

“I don’t think that he is ok…” T.O.P says nervously to YoungBae, who just shrugs, eyes never leaving the papers in front of him.

“What House are you in Dae?” JiYong asks, trying to get Seungri’s mind off of his misery.

“Um, Slytherin” complete silence met this pronouncement, and DaeSung kept his eyes glued to his computer screen.

“Wait, what?!” YoungBae says (a little louder than he intended), but it didn’t matter because everyone was feeling the same way.

“Yeah, it’s not that bad, it’s very interesting…” DaeSung looks up at them with a smile, before going back to his perusal of the site.

“You know, I’m not really that surprised” T.O.P says, cocking his head lightly to the side.

JiYong looks at DaeSung for a moment, “Yeah, you know, I think he would actually do really well there.”

YoungBae just shakes his head, he can’t believe how into this whole thing they had all become; T.O.P had done a jig when he ended up in Gryffindor, and did a victory dance when both  YoungBae and JiYong had ended up in Ravenclaw (just as he had predicted). YoungBae was hoping that their intense obsession with this whole thing would die down soon; his dreams were getting frightening and he wasn’t certain how much DaeSung appreciated being accosted at 2:00am because the ‘dragons and trolls’ were out to get him (maybe he should stop playing).

The room slowly became quiet again as everyone fell back into their own musings and whatever they had been doing before (not that they had been doing much) when suddenly all eyes were drawn to Seungri.


JiYong launched himself at Seungri from where he was sitting (a good 5ft away) and latched onto his shoulders with one hand, patting at his head with the other, “it’s fine, Seungri, it’s fine, shhh.”

Eyes wide and hands shaking, Seungri opened the e-mail and clicked on the link. Once JiYong was certain that Seungri was no longer going to expire, he backed away and sat back down next to YoungBae. For an hour and a half they all sat in silence as Seungri went through the site painstakingly and agonizingly slowly.

Luckily, he would mutter to himself every time he got to something new, so they were aware of exactly where he was in the storyline. When he got to the Sorting Ceremony, he was no longer shaking, and was debating his answers out loud with himself.

“Alright, last question!” Seungri says quietly, but excitedly.

At this, everyone sits up, turning toward him, waiting to hear what House he got into.

It was a full minute before Seungri could bring himself to hit ‘enter’. He closes his eyes and waits another full minute before convincing himself to open them and see what he got…

“HUFFLEPUFF!? What the..?!”

DaeSung wonders briefly if Pottermore had really been a good idea as he leaps from his seat to protect the expensive equipment behind them. YoungBae reacts immediately; restraining Seungri on the floor, and JiYong lunges forward for possibly the 3rd time that day, landing on the ground with Seungri’s laptop held protectively in his arms. T.O.P was standing above him, trying to make sure that no more damage could be done, and when he was sure that there was nothing within reach that Seungri had broken, he gets down on the floor to help YoungBae calm Seungri down.

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princessgege #1
Hmm I would sort the bros as:
Taeyang: Gryffindor FOR SURE
Daesung: Hufflepuff
TOP: Ravenclaw
Jiyong: Slytherin or Gryffindor
Seungri: Slytherin or Gryffindor
LiziAnne #2
Ahahahahahahhahaha I couldn't stop laughing reading this, it's amazing, I'm gonna go join Pottermore now xD

Seungri is me. I had to wait for 5 flipping hours to get my e-mail. Took 1 1/2 hours to go through the events until the Sorting Hat came. I was breathing SO hard when I was answering those questions.

Ended up in Hufflepuff. /headdesk

This oneshot made me feel...TT^TT

/shares it to the world
I like your word bank!
The idea you have here is pretty unique especially for Harry Potter fans and those who had the chance to get in Pottermore.
/haven't had a chance to go in T.T

Well, anyway, character-wise.. This is pretty funny. Hahahaha
Imagine BIGBANG getting addicted with this, that would be really fun. Not only us but them too are also giddy to part of this. Hahahaha

The thing that really bugs me is the parenthesis that has been decorating some of your paragraphs. It's kinda cool that we see their inner thoughts but I think it would be better if you'd pull those words and make them a part of the paragraph. Just support it with sentences so that it can be a part of the context. I just find it a little unsettling because it stops the flow of your story especially when readers are getting into it, or imagining your description. Well, it's just my opinion. ^^ You can accept it or not. Your choice. :D

I like it. Uniquely done. LOLOL
Omo! That was so funny! ROFL
I have to admit, your story made me curious and I signed up on Pottermore ^.^ ^_^
ahahahahahaha I die :P <3
poor poor ri-kitty~
It is so good, so cute and i love it.. ^^ not only because i love the boys, but i love harry potter too..
I was hoping the ending would be a bit more longer.. :)