Chapter 1

Everything for a Lamb

Initially Hyukjae couldn't remember how he had come to be here, lying on his side in a room so devoid of light and comfort that the darkness was suffocating. He struggled into an upright position, glancing wildly into the blackness and ignoring what felt like needles drilling into his skull, and listening for a sound, any sound that could make sense of his situation. 

He squinted, as one would in bright light but finding only a small dark and mercifully, or painfully, empty room as his eyes adjusted to it's gloom. Or cell could be a more apt description. There were no windows, and to Hyukjae who had spent the majority of his days outside, running whatever errands he could to help his mother with the small farm they owned, the loss of the sky seemed currently more disturbing than anything else about his surroundings. 

That was of course, until the memories trickled into the forefront of his mind, from some dark corner in which they had been festering, seemingly waiting for the moment when he was forced back to reality from a dreamless slumber.

At first he could remember screaming, the shrill voice of his mother telling him to run. It occured to him now that this must have been sound advice, but faced with the terrible reality of his mother's pain he had run instead into the house, dropping the vegetables he had just bought from the village as he saw the men round his mother. He had absorbed everything in a second; the tears on her face, the blood staining her clothes, the weapons at the belts of the men and in their hands, their guard's uniforms. The Imperial Guard, here to protect. Their motto did not seem to be the case to Hyukjae at that moment as they turned to meet him as he sprung at them, desperately trying to reach his single remaining parent, seeing only her pain and those who caused it.

More screaming, a cold blade plunged into his mothers stomach. For a second, suspended between the guards, like a child swinging between their parents hands he could only watch as if in slow motion, as her hands dropped, eyes glazed and she collapsed against the wall. The vegetables were trampled into the floor.

A dreadful shrieking had shattered the momentary silence of the kitchen, and it took Hyukjae a second to realise it came from himself, as he cursed the men who held him, foul words, curses he didn't know he was aware of spilling from his mouth as he tried to claw, bite, kick, hurt the people surrounding him, overcrowding his house and with their incomprehensible voices filling his ears. A pressure and intense pain at his temple was final.

Now, trembling against a wall soaked in his own sweat, mildly aware that he could well be crying or even screaming, he was trapped in his own head and what was inexplicably his own personal hell, this claustrophobic box, crushed by undeniable realisation.

His mother was dead, he was captured.

There was a reason things like this happened, he'd heard of it often before from his friends, though his mother wouldn't speak of it, going tight-lipped if he brought up the subject.

But that reason didn't apply to him, couldn't apply to him, he was normal.


"Master Donghae."

Donghae turned away from his polished mahogany desk, where he had been studying several scrolls, as ordered by his father with little interest teetering on boredom. He pushed his dark hair back and smiled upon seeing Sungmin, his personal servant standing in the doorway to his vast study. Sungmin was, as always, dressed in the dark trousers and white shirt which were customary for servants in the Lee household, whereas Donghae wore comfortable grey pants and a navy shirt, open enough to show his collarbones.

"Yes Sungmin?" Hae had long ago stopped trying to make Sungmin drop the 'Master' when addressing him, as Sungmin had argued time and time again that it was only right, given his position and social standing. Donghae supposed that he must be correct in this, and had in time grown used to never-ending, and seemingly to him, undeserved respect his family name seemed to warrant.

"Your Father wishes to speak to you in his office, as soon as possible." Sungmin smiled but his eyes were sad, which worried Donghae a little; Sungmin was pretty much his favourite person in this vast manor, which housed everything Donghae could ever need or desire, but somehow nothing that he really wanted.

"Fine," Donghae sighed a little as he pushed his scrolls away and stood up, stretching and yawning in a most un-lordlike fashion, making Sungmin smile genuinely. Donghae looked at him as he made his way to the door, returning his smile "Any idea what it's about?"

Sungmin just shook his head "I have my suspicions, but that is all, my Lord."

Still sighing a little at the 'Lord' Donghae just nodded knowing he would get no more information from Sungmin, and made his way down the majestic staircase to his father's office, knowing the man was not one to be kept waiting by anyone and certainly not his own son.

He knocked on the door, and was summoned by a deep voice telling him to enter. Donghae bowed a little as he made his way towards the chair opposite his father where he was to sit, indicated by an airy swoop of the man's hand, 

"You asked to see me sir?"

Donghae's father was not an ugly man, nor was he one who's looks alone would stop people in their tracks, but he had an aura of power and menace that made you pay attention to him, despite his lack of height, which with much chagrin Donghae had inherited.

"Yes. As I'm sure you are aware, as my son people expect much from you."

Donghae nodded, he had been told this his whole life, and waited for his father to continue.

"You have duties, and are expected to show your commitment to them. Otherwise, people may question your authority, and through it, my authority. That is unacceptable."

Donghae was almost sure now that he was about to be given some job to 'prove his authority'. A test of sorts? he wondered, not particularly worried.

There was a silence, which Donghae decided to break.

"I understand sir, how should I prove my authority?"

Donghae's fathers eyes shone at his question.

"We have the most power in this area son, we rule it, I rule it. One day you will too, and with that power comes responsibility. When people risk the safety of our land, they must be destroyed, do you understand?"

"What are you saying?"

"A sacrifice Donghae. A sacrifice. The right for peace must be paid in blood and who better to pay it than one who jeopardises the safety of our land?"

Donghae nodded, though a little unsure, he was caught in his father's piercing stare.

"What does-"

"Do not interrupt me. As I was saying, at this time a sacrifice is needed and an abomination has come to attention which will satisfy it. You Donghae will be in charge of making this creature repent it's sins, and then you must spill it's blood and make it pay for them."

Donghae didn't know what to say; the words scared him, the prospect of killing someone almost as daunting as meeting the... how had his father put it? abomination. Fear flooded through Donghae; he didn't want to kill anyone. If that was a job of the ruler maybe he never wanted to inherit that role.

But he couldn't say that, could only nod as his father's eyes bored into him, pinning him into place and drawing only the right answer from his lips.

"Of course sir."

"Good, you shall start tomorrow. Leave now." As his father turned away and he was harshly dismissed Donghae could at last breathe again, though he trembled as he made his way to the door, hands fumbling with the handle as his mind spun. 

"One more thing Donghae. Remember that this creature will try to play with your mind. Remember what it is."

Donghae swallowed,  still staring at the door in front of him.

"What is that sir? What is it?"

"Evil. It's mother was adulteress and it's father a witch. No good can come from it."

Donghae just nodded again, mind spinning as he exited the room.

Tomorrow could stay the hell away. But of course, it would come regardless of his wishes.


Hyukjae wasn't sure how long he'd sat in the same position, staring at his knees with his mind swirling and his stomach hollow. He'd discovered the blood at his temple and the intense pain centred there, presumably where he'd been knocked out, and tried to focus on the physical pain instead of the mental battle raging inside his skull, relishing each stab of agony. Pain, he was learning, had so many different levels.

He was so enveloped in the tangle of his own thoughts, wondering vaguely whether he was going insane, that he barely heard the slide of bolts from outside his door. When the sound screeched through the whirlpool in his head, he immediately sprang up, clutching the wall to stop himself collapsing again as his eyes blurred and his head spun. He glanced panickedly at the door, backing into a corner and desperately looking for a weapon, or a means of escape. Nothing. The room was completely empty. Clutching the wall with clammy hands he tried and failed to resist the urge to cry.

Stepping cautiously through the door Donghae tried to stop himself visibly shaking as he scanned the room for the beast, expecting a demon to lunge at him with foaming mouth and wild eyes.

All he saw was a pale young man, cowering in the far corner, hands clawing at the wall and blood streaking his messy platinum blonde hair. His eyes were wide and frightened and he cringed at the light Donghae was letting into his cell; he barely looked able to stand, let alone fight. Donghae knew that his father had said this man, seemingly barely older than himself - Donghae could not call him an abomination, was dangerous but he didn't look it. Hae's kind nature shrieked at seeing someone in such a state, trembling and wounded with ripped clothes, and maybe worst of all, tears streaking his face making him look young and lost. 

Suddenly feeling the need for privacy, Donghae closed the door behind him, knowing the guards were close by. He initially panicked a little at the dark but his eyes quickly adjusted, and the fear was gone. The blonde man didn't move, neither did he take his frightened eyes from Donghae, though as he took a step towards him he flinched, pressing his back against the wall. Any fear Donghae had felt earlier was replaced by crushing sadness; the man hadn't even spoken yet - he really could be evil, but Donghae could not imagine killing him.

"I won't hurt you, please don't worry." his voice was pleading, and he reached out a hand to the slim figure in the corner.

Hyukjae stared at the hand reaching towards him, branching the space between them. 

"Why the hell should I believe you?" It sounded less threatening than he'd hoped but still caused the man opposite him to flinch. He was well groomed and well dressed and seemed rather delicate upon first impression. Hyukjae almost felt ashamed of his own bedraggled appearance, before remembering it was hardly his fault.

"I-" the man began, returning his hand to his side where he fidgeted nervously with the fingers of his other.

Hyukjae cut him off "You killed my mother. You locked me in a cell, why wouldn't you hurt me again? Why should I trust any of you?" 

The earlier threat to his voice was lost and to his shame new tears spurted from his eyes and coursed down his cheeks. The other man looked surprised and seemed unsure of what to say.

"I.. I didn't know that. I'm sorry." Hyukjae was surprised to see the glint of tears in the man's eyes - he was obviously an easy crier. Upon the sight, Hyukjae lost all anger, indeed all energy as the wound on his head throbbed more and he sunk to the ground against the wall, his eyes never leaving the other man's.

"What does it matter anymore? If you're here to kill me, just do it. But it's not true you know."

Donghae carefully crouched beside him, wiping his eyes and suddenly looking like a child "What isn't true?"

"I know why people get brought here. But I know who my parents are; you've got it wrong but it's not like you'll listen to me anyway." Hyukjae sighed "Just kill me, get it over with."

Donghae had to resist the sudden strong urge to hug the figure in front of him and the tears once again flowed freely. He didn't know if he could make his words true as he said them, but he wanted nothing more at that moment:

"I won't kill you."

Hyukjae stared at the warm hand placed on his thin arm and then at the man's eyes, which were still damp. He really wanted to believe him. The man smiled, a little weakly.

"I'm Donghae."

Hyukjae sighed a little at the handshake being proffered to him before deciding what the hell, and taking it, it's not like he had anything to lose at this point.



Will edit later. Hope you liked - this fic probably won't be very long.

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Chapter 4: Well, ah finally it's a happy ending
ismary666 #2
Chapter 4: Aajajjajaa, I loved, btw they could back someday, don't?, S will be more than happy to see them again, I'm sure, ejejejjeje, after all the angst was so refreshing a happy ending, I mean, my face was from :( to :) when they woke up and the both were fine, jejejeje, I was sure D could take H's place, for save H, sacrificing himself, but well, the both can live happy now.(◠‿◠).
Aftan6 #3
Chapter 4: Glad they r alrite @ the end . Thx for giving us this fic .
Elfssieopia #4
Chapter 4: i thiught hae was gonna kil himself><
i thought donghae would be dead :(
i like eunhae moment <3
DeeYawn #6
ALL HAIL TO THE MIGHTY SHISUS THAT IS SIWON! Woots! EunHae together forever! This story was so touching! Angsty,but touching. I was like crying on the last two chapters.. Im such a crybaby....sigh....if only you could make a sequel of eunhae going back and siwon accepting them and SIBUM ACTION WOOTS! But this was a great read. Thank you for your hard work!
i wanna say that i am really really contented with the end. yea!
totally unexpected, that's why i loved it!
such a great well-written and realistic story! great job!!
they finally lived happily ever after..
i laughed at your little info about siwon at the end..
great story!!
QuoVadis #8
wow, short but very powerful fanfic! I really liked it :)
Oh wow! this was an excellent read! I thoroughly enjoyed reading every bit of it.