Home is where the heart is

Cafe Latte


Byun Baekhyun, had always been living alone, or atleast as far as he could remember. His parents died when he was 11 and since he had no close relatives who cared enough to take him in after the incident, he was forgotten just like that. And if it weren't for Mrs. Han, a nice old lady who had been his neighbour since forever, helping him cope and sending him food to eat everyday, he didnt even know whether he could've survived on his own.

Now, 20 years of age, Baekhyun didn't have to trouble the poor aging lady anymore as he's old enough to take care of himself, even if it means eating ramen everyday and only depending on what was left on his bank account by his parents which was thankfully enough to pay the bills. And being the smart student he is, he didnt have to worry about his college fees as he had recieved a scholarship which took care of it.

Baekhyun was fine, through it all, he's happy. Okay maybe not happy, but he's content and thankful that he actually has a bed to sleep in and a roof above his head. Sure he has friends, but they're just the kind who would greet him regularly in the halls, ask him for help and sit with him during lunch. Never had he the ones who he could have decent conversations with, nor the ones who he would meet regularly out of college, grab a bite and just hang around with. Also, never the ones who we could share all his feelings with, and call whenever he feels alone in the middle of the night. 

Of course, he could've had those kind of friends if he wanted to but Baekhyun doesn't like being too attached to someone, nor is he that open about his feelings, because he knew, he knew what being too attached means and how painful it is when someone you love so much is taken away from you. It hurts, and it still does. That's the reason Baekhyun stay awake on most nights. The pain that just won't go away, the piercing pain in his chest. Sometimes it was too much until he can't even breathe. Sure, Baekhyun was fine, but he was alone.


Baekhyun wants to forget. He doesn't want to keep living in pain, he wants to be happy. And he's trying. He's not the type who would frown all the time, lock himself in his room for days, nor does he hate the world, because he is Byun Baekhyun, and Byun Baekhyun is an optimistic person. Or atleast he tries to be.

And also, because of that glass of cafe latte.

From that little coffeshop in the neighbourhood that he would go to every night when he just couldn't make himself sleep. A coffeshop where he feels more at home than his own house itself. A coffeeshop where he would be greeted with a wide warm smile everytime he enters. From that certain someone, who happens to also be the person who has been making his latte all this while. Baekhyun didn't even know his name as the only thing they had ever exchanged between each other were smiles. 


Everytime Baekhyun goes there, he would take a seat at his usual table, near the window and he knows with just a turn of his head to the side, their eyes would meet. The latter would then nod, already reading his mind, while smiling, he would go off to make the latte. Baekhyun can't help but feel his heart skip a beat everytime their fingers brush slightly whenever he's giving Baekhyun his latte. But again, they never uttered even a single word to each other. It's as if by just smiling to each other, everything is already said. 

For hours Baekhyun would sit there enjoying the warmth of the latte glass in his hold and just stare out the window observing people walking down the streets, too busy ignoring each other, too busy to thinking about everything, and once in a while he would sneak glances to the tall, curly haired working boy who's busy making coffee, quite often caught glancing back at him too.

Baekhyun would love to know his name, to hear the sound of his voice introducing himself to him but he's afraid. Afraid that maybe, just maybe, a start of a conversation would ruin this beautiful silent relationship they already of have. Atleast to Baekhyun.







It was one of those nights again, when suddenly everything felt wrong. It was raining heavily, with sounds of thunder roaring from the sky. Baekhyun was trying to concentrate on his revision when suddenly his heart raced and his head started to pound. Suddenly the walls looked like they were closing in on him. He didn't know how it all started nor did he know why he was feeling that way. Why suddenly all those memories came back to him, to haunt him even when he tried so hard to forget.


The flashing images reappear. The screams of his mother, the look on his father's face when he knew he couldn't do anything anymore, the screeching of tyres, and finally the crash.

The next thing he remembered was being at the hospital, with Mrs. Han beside his bed, weeping. Before she even said anything, he already knew.

They were gone. 


Baekhyun covered his ears and closed his eyes but he knew nothing could stop the pain from coming, the tears from falling. He quickly went under the covers hoping that he'd just drift to sleep, ensuring himself that everything's going to be okay in the morning. But he knew, things are not going to be okay, no matter how much he assured himself. In the end he'd always be, alone.

This is not home, he said to himself. Homes are supposed to make you feel belonged and peaceful. Home is where you go back to, to make yourself happy. Home is...


The coffeeshop. 


Without another thought, Baekhyun got up from his bed and ran out from his house. To hell with the rain, he didn't care. He just needed to throw away the pain, he just needed to feel alright. And there's nothing he wants more right now than to be greeted by that warm smile again, to feel his fingers brush against the other's, the warmth of the latte in his hands. He just needed, to feel alive.


When he reached the shop, he was already out of breath from running, and also soaking wet from the rain. But he still managed a smile on his lips, knowing that this pain will be over soon, even for just a little while.


All those hopes came crashing down when he opened the door and the guy was not there, panic rose from his chest, he even asked the other workers but they were too busy handling the many customers that came to warm themselves from the rain.

No. Just when he thought everything was going to be okay, just when he started to hope, everything felt wrong again. The only place he'd felt at home, the only place he felt comfortable at suddenly feels so different, everything seemed so unfamiliar he was really sure it was like jamais vu. 

He didn't belong here, he said to himself as he ran out of the shop, tears falling again, he ran but he didn't know where to go, he searched not knowing what to find. He finally came to a bus stop. Collapsing his body on the bench, he just sat there crying, tired of everything.

He wanted to give up right at that moment when suddenly, he heard a voice.



He looked up only to be met by a pair of concerned eyes. Eyes that he knew too well. Baekhyun didnt know what came over him or where he found the courage, but he found himself wrapping his hands around the other, sobbing into his chest.

He waited for the other to react though, to push him off or be creeped out by his sudden action but instead he felt hands rubbing his back, as if comforting him. They just sat there, not saying anything for a little while before Baekhyun finally calmed down and gathered enough courage to speak up.

"It- it was one of those nights again a-and I went to the shop h-hoping that seeing your smile would make me h-happy but y-you weren't there and e-everything felt different and I d-didnt even know who I am anymore. I'm s-sorry you must be creeped out right now but I'm just so glad that you're here right now I thought you were gone... f-forever"

The latter just listened to him and finally giving him the warm smile he's so familiar with before getting up.

'He's leaving. Oh God he must think I'm a creep. I'm so stupid.' Baekhyun thought, panic threatened to rise again.

"Just, wait here." The latter said, again giving him the smile as if to assure Baekhyun to trust him. 


So Baekhyun waited. Already feeling calmer than before, feeling the pain slowly fading away, he finally took a long breath and exhaled. He had just realized that the rain had stop when he heard footsteps approaching him at a fast speed.


"I'm sorry, i took too long, i was trying to make the perfect one" The latter said, almost out of breath from running before handing Bekhyun


a cup of latte.


Baekhyun couldn't help but smile as he took the lukewarm cup into his hands. Even by just smelling the scent of it Baekhyun felt alright again. 


"Are you okay now?" The latter asked still looking concerned. Baekhyun just nodded and smiled. 

After a while of silence, Baekhyun finally realized something and chuckled. "I just confessed my feelings to you, when we're just complete strangers to each other a-aren't you weirded out?"

"D-did you? I was actually still trying to process what you said but since you made it clear, I actually have something to confess too" The latter said, his cheeks reddenning.


"To be honest..my shift ends at 7 pm everyday, b-but since you've always liked to come around 10, i kind of stayed back just to make th-that latte for you, because..I don't know though, there's just something about you and your calm face enjoying your coffee which made me feel...happy. And when I didnt see you came in today I got a little disappointed and just decided to go home.. but i forgot something and I saw you here on my way..." He finished, smiling sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

"Really?" Baekhyun asked in disbilief and the latter just nodded trying to hide his already flushed face.


For a while they just sat there, side by side watching the cars as the passed by. Each felt like a burden was lifted off their shoulders after confessing what they've been keeping to themselves.

"But don't you think it's silly though, i mean we don't even know each other's name." Baekhyun said after a while, looking at the other.


"Well.. let's change that then" The latter suddenly got up, extending his hand.


"I'm Park Chanyeol, and from now on i'll be the protector of...?"

"Byun Baekhyun" Baekhyun smiled as he shook Chanyeol's hand.

"And from now on i'll be the protector of Byun Baekhyun, promising to always be by his side and not forgetting to make him lots of cafe lattes whenever he's sad" Chanyeol finally said giving Baekhyun a wide smile.

Baekhyun couldn't express how he felt right at the moment. Sure he said he didn't want to be too attached to someone, sure he wasn't quite opened to share his feelings to the other yet, but he was tired of being alone and he could feel that Chanyeol's different. To hell with his fear of losing, right now he has somebody beside him, who had promised to always be with him. Right now, that was what's important. He was not alone anymore.

And right at the moment, he realized that it was not the coffeeshop that made him feel at home.

It was Chanyeol's presence all this while. 

"Baekhyun, I don't know what problems you're facing or why you were crying, but i just want to let you know that from now on, i'll be here okay? This sounds weird even to me really, but eventhough we barely know each other, it's like you've always been here all my life. Trust me, i'm not even trying to sound cheesy here" Chanyeol said again.

Baekhyun just smiled again knowing that Chanyeol didnt need words to be assured on how thankful Baekhyun is to him.

'Thank you, Park Chanyeol

for you

and your lattes'












omygod, you can throw bricks at me now. im sorry ugh this came out...boring lol. sorry again, bye gg hide in the caves with the rolling buffaloes and never coming out again. gjfshjkd nights.

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18 streak #1
Chapter 1: Awww (/♥ω♥)/ soooo sweet!
faithlu #2
Chapter 1: this is so so so sweet awww >\\<
nurzuwaida #3
Chapter 1: im going to die bc im drowning in my own tears what did u do to me
Chapter 1: OMG i love that last sentence!!!!!! "Thank you, Park Chanyeol for you and your lattes" Thank you for your lattes.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so cute and funny i going to dieeeeee!
Chapter 1: OHMYGAWD! This is so sweet >///<
Awwwww, tooo cute <33333 I cry a little and squeal too!!! The cuteness is just soooo romantic and adorable ^^ I like it a lot!