You've got me flying to you

Writers Strike VST One shot collection

Title: You've got me flying to you
Writer: purple_lilly
Requestor: zenlovers


"All right dear, is there anything else I can help you with?" I stared at my dad with a face I could only describe as holding pure sarcasm. I just shook my head and put my final pair of shoes into my suitcase. “Everything’s going well now dad. I’ve got everything packed and set. Thanks for the offer though.” I turned around and saw my dad tearing up. Rolling my eyes I began, “yeesh! Get a grip old man! I’m only going for one month! Seriously...” He was acting as if I was going to be gone for three years. Goodness me, my emotional father, how can he cope when I’ll be gone? Of course, I’m not going to stay with him. No way am I giving up this opportunity! “All right, I’ll be going to the airport in one hour, any last words for your daughter?” I asked. “I love you Im Raena. My beautiful daughter, be safe?” I nodded, why did he have to say those words? Now I might even break out some tears. Aigoo...

My dad drove me to the airport, where he held me back just once, trying to make me change my mind. But I’d been certain since the day they came here to Tokyo. Finished waving to my dad, I headed into the long tube past the boarding room and into the plane. I stared at the first class area from my front seat in the second class area. Please let there be an empty seat, I hoped. Thankfully one of the stewardesses came in and asked if anyone wanted to come to the first class area. Since I was at the front, and already prepared my hand popped up first. She pointed at me, and told me to follow her. I quickly took my hand carry, checked my seat for any belongings I may have forgotten and left the second class, giving peace signs to all the Japanese people who weren’t as lucky as me.

First class. How do I begin to explain it? Clean and quiet are the only thing that comes to my mind. The seat I had was a window seat to the right. Beside me, at the middle was a man sleeping with headphones in. Hmph, he’s lucky. I bet this is a regular thing for him; sleeping easily and all. I strapped myself in and paid attention to the pilot, waiting for him to tell us when we were to take off. I nestled into the leather seat, and one of the movies that they put up. I grew bored of it, so I moved onto playing with games instead. There was one game where I had to play against a different person on board the plane. I looked around and saw that it was the person at the very front, in the middle. I smirked, and accepted their game request. There was a chat area allocated in the bottom left as well.

Seat A2: Hey, you looking forward to going to Seoul?
(you): Yep. It’s my first time actually being in first class.
Seat A2: Really? Well, it won’t last long, this flight’s only two hours :(
(you): I know... Are you a regular user of this plane?
Seat A2: Yes, currently my third time with the same seat and pilot :D
(you): Hey, does this game include math? :O
Seat A2: Yeah... you not so good at it?
(you): Aww, darn. Nope, not good at all TT_TT
Seat A2: Hehe, awesome! Cus, right now... I’m winning :P
(you): Hey! No fair!! Give me a fair chance at least...mister?
Seat A2: Hah! NO! And yes, I am a Mr, you a Miss?
(you): Mhmm, you’re a Mr. Mean too... ^-^v
Seat A2: Just you wait until I need the toilet, I’m going to ...
(you): HAH! Imma tell the stewardesses what you’re planning :P
Seat A2: Like they’d do anything about it.
(you): You’re mean XP
Seat A2: Heh, like I care, I’ve won...
(you): Can this conversation be printed?
Seat A2: Yeah, why...?
(you): The conversation seemed cool :D
(---you have left the chat---)

I smiled and laid my head on the fluffy pillow against my window and went to sleep. Two hours? Any amount of time of sleep is important to me. A couple minutes, I awoke to someone jostling my pillow off my head.

“Yah! Yah! Woman, wake up!!!” The anonymous voice shouted next to my ear. I turned my face, and met the greatest shock of my life. Lee... Lee Myungsoo. Right... right there! In front of me! Face to face! Ahh! My beautiful dream had chosen to become a reality! Thank you life!!
“Yes?” I didn’t give away that I knew him, seemed creepy.
He stopped blinking, and just stared. I’d like to hope that he was mesmerised by my beauty, but there’s no imagining that at all. “You... you’re the girl I’ve been talking to?!”
Oh-em-geee!! Mr. Mean is my dream man?! I was speechless so I just ended up nodding my lousy head.
“Ahh, I see. Do you happen to know who I am?”
Yes, you’re my husband... “You’re my- You’re from this band right?” Phew! Almost said it there! Yes Raena, act like you aren’t totally in love with their beautiful music!
“Well, I’m from Infinite. It’s a Korean band that just recently debuted. Not so recent, but quite recent... Err, I have no idea why I am explaining it to you...” He stuttered. Oh, he stuttered! For me!!! If I stopped breathing then and there, he could’ve possibly saved me! Right, enough fan-girlying!
“Okay, so why were you waking me up?” Yes, that’s good. I have a steady voice.
He stared into my eyes for a couple seconds then smiled, “every sleeping beauty –“

“Thank you for flying with Korea Air. Please fly with us again.”

I woke up, my eyes wide. Huh, just a dream. I pouted, and opened my window screen. Ahh, Korea. It’s been so long since I last came to this beautiful country. I took my hand carry and turned around, to head to the door. The boy who had been seated in Seat A2 was standing up and was holding a piece of paper. I tilted my head, wondering what words were written on it. He turned around and I pretended that I hadn’t been watching what he was doing and was actually in line waiting for the door to be opened. I felt a presence behind me and turned around. Oh... oh my... I gulped and tried to keep my cool. For, in front of me was none other than Dongwoo. How had he come to this plane? I’m not too sure.

He must’ve sensed my uneasiness for he smirked, “yah. You know who I am now?”
I looked up at him, and hid behind my face of pretend, “why? Should I? Excuse me, but I suppose I was right. Even in person, you are still a Mr. Mean. Hmph!” I turned around, making sure that I did a dramatic diva hair flick. Grinning as the doors opened, I followed the line as it shuffled forwards.
My arm got pulled back, “excuse me. But you wanted a printed copy right?” He held out the piece of paper, and I just stared at his outstretched hand. Hey, Myungsoo may be my bias but... Oh my, his outstretched arm for me!
I took the paper, “thanks. Hey, are you famous or something?”
Dongwoo perked up, “yeah I sing a little.”
“Oh. Okay...” I turned around, grasping the paper and held my squeal in.
“Hey, want me to sign it?” Dongwoo asked.
I gulped, turned around and I couldn’t even speak so all I could do was nod in response to what he was offering. He took out his sharpie pen and signed the bottom corner, leaving a little note, which I read to be:  “I’m not so mean at all as you suppose miss... Dongwoo oppa <3” I held my scream in, smiled at him and just walked off.


I stared at the apartment which contained my new home. Well, for a month. I was hoping to stay for longer but that wasn’t the case for me sadly. My dad hadn’t wanted me to stay any longer. He would apparently miss me too much. I started up the stairs and sighed. My bags were so heavy, I’m starting to wonder, was this even a good idea to even go to this country? I sighed again. I can’t turn back now! I need to prove to my dad that I was right; that I was ready to be by myself and move into the world of adulthood. Pulling my hair into a ponytail I dragged the luggage up the stairs, only to find that when I got to the second floor that there was an elevator. I hit my face in annoyance. But when I saw my door I ran for it not caring anymore. I just wanted some sleep.

The following morning I awoke to loud banging noises from next door. Grumpy and frustrated, I put on some slippers and checked the time on the kitchen wall, 07:40. Gah! I haven’t even slept three hours yet! The landlady had prepared everything for my coming so I need not have brought that much essential items. Grumbling to myself, I took my key, opened my door and then locked it. I’m not yet sure who lives here. But I can’t trust anyone yet. I turned to my left where the noise was coming from. Angrily, I banged the door. Once it opened, I didn’t wait to see who it was.

“Excuse me, could you keep it down? I’ve just moved here from Japan and I’ve barely had any sleep from my flight. Can you please lower down the volume of your racket? I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who is bothered by this noise. So please? Lower down your volume!” I erupted, and it felt good. That was until I actually focused my eyes and stared at the person in front of me. Oh... oh dear...
“OMO! I’m so terribly sorry to hear that about you! Don’t worry, I’ll tell my hyungs about them shutting up. Oh, and welcome to Seoul!” Sungjong smiled at me and closed the door.

I was back in my apartment and I couldn’t help my squeals and emptied them all in a pillow. I’m living next to the reason why I’m in Seoul! Oh my gosh! I’ve talked to Dongwoo and Sungjong! Aigoo! I can’t wait to meet Myungsoo! At least, I hope we’ll meet. This is actually turning out to be an awesome trip! My spazzing was interrupted by a knock on the door. Heart racing, I opened it. A rock called disappointment hit me on the forehead, it was the landlady. She was just checking how I was running the apartment.

I spent the majority of the day on my laptop, reading updates on Infinite. I suddenly thought to myself, how in the world can this happen? If I want to stay here, I’ll need a job! I quickly searched for openings in restaurants since I had previous experience as a waitress in Tokyo. There was one job that had just opened and it was right across the road! Great, I thought to myself. I changed and headed out, preparing myself for an interview.

The restaurant was packed; other people wanted the job as well. But it was a popular tourist spot, so the employer looked for multi-lingual employees. Luckily I spoke Japanese, so I had more of an advantage than the local Koreans looking for work. At the end of it all, I was accepted along with five other people. I explained to the boss that I’d only be there for a month so it meant that I got my pay every weekend instead of at the end of the month. The boss set up a reserve for someone else so that when I did leave someone else would take my place. The rest of my day I had spent serving customers of Jaejun’s Jjang food.

Going home at 7pm. It was already dark, although my home was only across the road, I still felt uneasy. Gulping and clutching my bag tightly I bravely crossed the road. The building I lived in was very protective, as it had a fingerprint scanner in order to open the door. I put my finger on the scanner and once I was past the gate I let out a sigh of relief. I headed into the building, this time taking the elevator. I pressed the up button and waited for it to come down from apparently the second floor. It was taking a while so I pressed the button repeatedly, already impatient. The doors opened with a ding and out came Infinite. The fangirl in me wanted to faint, but I wanted to be normal in front of them. Imagine that! It would actually seem pretty creepy. They all smiled at me as they walked past, I smiled back and glared at Dongwoo to which he smirked in response.

“Bye Mr. Mean,” I said once I was in the elevator and the doors were closing. There was enough time for me to see him turn around and grin at me. I stuck out my tongue and heard Songjung ask him, “How do you know our neighbour?” What an epic exit Raena! I thought to myself. Giddy that I finally met Infinite I ran to my apartment and went to my room; once again screaming into my pillow full of happiness.


So that was how life went for me for the first three days. Get up, and head to work. Let’s be honest here, the main reason why I came to Korea was because of my next door neighbour, Infinite; I’m an avid inspirit fan. I came here, hoping to get a feel of what made Infinite, InfiniteAnd with that in mind I never thought I would’ve talked to two of the amazing members. I really wish that somehow there would be a way to talk to Myungsoo! Ahh, this is frustrating! I know, I should just tell them I like them but that would mean that I lied to Dongwoo and he might not like me... Eugh, I should just get out of here and explore Korea!! I’m in a beautiful country after all aren’t I?

So at 4pm when my shift had finished I took a bus to go to the Hankang River. There were lots of couples there that I felt so lost and alone. But that didn’t matter; I was enjoying the view and scenery. All of a sudden there were screams. I turned to them and saw a boy with his hood up running toward me. He was carrying a satchel; wait is this boy a thief? I only changed my mind when I saw he take out a scarf, wrap it around his neck and stand next to me, completely still, like he was there all along. He then took my hand and turned me around heading to sit on a bench.

“Excuse me, what do you think you are doing?!” I literally shouted at him. He put his finger to his lips and I saw his eyes. Oh... I could recognise those eyes from anywhere. I got the clue and shut up. The girls appeared in front of me, they kept murmuring “where’s oppa gone?”, “oppa? Myung oppa?!?”. Oh, their nicknames are simply hilarious. But I must admit, it was pretty cute. After we were certain that they were gone Myungsoo let go of my hand. I was only made aware of that fact the second he took it off and missed it immediately.

He smiled down at me and said, “thank you, neighbour. Hey? What’s your name?”
“Me? Oh I am Im Raena, pleased to meet you my yeo- Myungsoo.” Gosh! I almost called him my husband then!
We shook hands, and he led me back to a black van. Okay, Myungsoo I love you and all, kidnap me if you wish, but please! Bring the rest of Infinite with you. He tapped a tune on the van and it opened. Inside was the rest of Infinite. Dongwoo and Sungjong waved at me, the rest still thought of me as a stranger.

Inside Myungsoo explained everything. And so did Dongwoo and Sungjong of how they knew and met me. They all looked shocked when Dongwoo said I didn’t know them. In my heart, it hurt. I was lying to my most loved and precious band! Gahh!


So, since I now knew Infinite, we talked more and they even invited me to some of their live performances. I tried my very best to become close to Myungsoo and since I knew what he liked, I simply did those things for him. They were turning out to be my close friends and tour guides of Seoul! Before I knew it the month’s end was coming closer and closer. And then I ended up having just four days left.

On the first day Infinite took me out to eat and then we moved to a Karaoke place to party ‘til dawn. The second day they were busy with comeback practices however during the evening they came over to my apartment and we ate dinner cooked by me. Ahh, it felt awesome seeing their faces enjoy my cooking! This was a dream come true for me. Hours were ticking by though and I felt sad to say this but I didn’t want to go back to my dad. I wanted to stay here, in Korea. I’ll find a decent job and then carry on living life happily... But that’s not the case. I need to be there for my dad. He’d be a loner at home...

The last day was really quiet. It was awkward, but I tried my best to make sure that everyone was in a happy mood. I didn’t want to leave on a sad note at all. They took me to their apartment this time, and Hoya cooked dinner. It was delicious, but the other boys were trying to tease and play with him. I tried to cheer him up by giving him the thumbs up. I noticed the Myungsoo was surprisingly quiet; usually he would join in with our fanatic jokes. As Woohyun lost the bet to clean the dishes I went out to the balcony where Myungsoo was.

“Hey. So, how has Korea treated you?” Myungsoo asked me. I turned to him, you’ve been awesome, I thought.
“Oh, it’s been very generous to me. I love it so much! I wish I could live here, but sadly I cannot abandon my dad.”
“Lucky dad...”
I turned to Myungsoo, “hmm? Why would my dad be lucky?” I raised an eyebrow, confused.
Myungsoo peeked in through the sliding doors and closed them. He turned to me and grasped my hand, like the first time we met. “Raena, I’ve fallen in love with you...” He stared deep into my eyes. I stopped breathing for a second. He smiled at me, and then started to sing their song ‘Entrust’. I let one hand free and covered my mouth to stop the squeals.
“Oh, oppa... why are you telling me this valuable information the day before I leave!?” I asked him.
“Because... I hadn’t realized you would be gone from me since the beginning of dinner...” He had finished singing.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, “oppa if you told me sooner, than I maybe wouldn’t be leaving Seoul. I could’ve stayed with you. But my dad is expecting me. I don’t want him to be disappointed.”
“Arraso, I understand completely what you mean. Thanks for showing my how to love Raena...” He kissed my cheek, turned around and went back inside. I sighed, there goes my first love. If only I could stay in Seoul...


On the day of my departure I looked around the airport. Looking for my love, and there he was. In the cafe with his disguise. I smiled and waved goodbye to him for the final time. Goodbye Infinite, my ultimate band love. Goodbye Korea, the most beautiful city; where I learned being loved by the famous isn’t impossible. And finally, goodbye MY Myungsoo oppa. I love you, thanks for loving me back. I turned around and headed through border patrol, going back to Tokyo...


Two years had passed, I still couldn’t forget about Myungsoo. I stayed updated with all Infinite news. Anticipating comebacks and new music videos. There was one live performance on TokyoHive of Infinite that I could watch, so I clicked the link it displayed. My breath was taken away when I saw the seven handsome jjangs on stage. Myungsoo spoke into the mike and said, “This song is dedicated to one special girl...” my eyes watered. Thank you Myungsoo... I thought, listening to their Acoustic version of Entrust.


a/n] I am so sorry that this is delayed. No amount of excuses can make put me off the hook. All I hope for is that you enjoyed it and will request again from Writer’s Strike~!

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Myungsoo singing entrust with playing guitar!???<br />
that was daebak x3<br />
i really love the song too :))<br />
thank you for the oneshot<br />
wait for my next request ;)
@ nanie92: You're welcome. I'm sorry it took me so long to complete it, but I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
nanie92 #3
Thanks so much for my oneshot..<br />
I really love how the story flow and it was really detailed..<br />
Thanks again...
@sailorroxy: I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I was afraid that I'll disappoint you.<br />
I love my one shot
I applied^^ Hope it gets accepted...
LOL, I forgot to say that~ :DD <br />
Thanks so much again!
Awe, I'm so sorry Joanne! I really didn't know anything about the Adam Couple or anything about we got married, so I didn't know what to write, I'm so sorry!!!! I can make you a new one!? If you request for something other than We got married! :D lOL, sooo sorry!~ : D Sherry,,, you're welcome!!! :D
AWWW!!!! Thanks pa_houa94!!<br />
pa_houa94, Thank you for the one shot. :D<br />
I really loved it.<br />
Just one thing, Gain is actually older than Jokwon, so Jokwon should actually call ain 'noona'. Other than that, thank you!!! :D