Eternally Wrong For You

What Remains Unwritten

- Only after resting my hand on the doorknob did the fear flood through my veins. It was almost impossible for me not to get yelled at. There was barely an hour left of school, yet I was just about to enter the classroom. At the back of my mind, I wondered if Dongho was undergoing the screaming that I feared so much, or if he even went to class. He gave me the impression of someone who’d simply return home as if the day had contained nothing but the utmost normal happenings.

As my thoughts strayed to the unusual boy, I couldn’t help but suppress a smile, in spite of the given circumstances. Who knows what he could be doing? I surely had no idea. But whatever he was up to, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to needlessly tag along, so I could stay by his side, for reasons that I had none of.

I decided to open the door with him on my mind – as if he were some sort of safety blanket, that kept me calm. This plan had given me similar results as a drug would have. My consciousness was only partially intact when I walked into the classroom, and I forgot about my previous doubts.

However, my worries were futile. I went inside the classroom meeting no surprised faces, but ones that had clearly expected my late arrival. Afterwards, I was told that Xander had called earlier that day, noting the school of my possible absence. As usual, he had come through for me, despite my reassurances of him not needing to.

Oh well, I did say that it was almost impossible for me not to get scolded. -

With most of the school day having already passed by, it didn’t take very long for the bell to ring, signalling the time for the official end of the school hours. My bag was already tied up and ready to go five minutes prior to the set time of departure. I needed to leave as quickly as possible, before a certain boy with rather large brown eyes could catch up with me.

However, my luck appeared to be all used up as I felt the load on my back disappear. I turned to find Kiseop slinging it over his shoulder, with tight lips.

He kept his eyes on the ground, clearly unhappy with me. “You,” he muttered, kicking my shoes lightly. “Where were you?” His voice came out in a low grumble yet frankly, sounded quite whiny as he dragged out the last syllable far longer than its normal state.

I sighed. “It’s a long story.” Placing my hands on my knees, I attempted to meet his eyes. He avoided me, looking sideways instead. His lower lip jutted out, a pout clear on his face. “Yah,” I bumped his shoulder playfully. “Remind me again. You’re a man, aren’t you?”

Even though my question was an obvious attempt at humor, he turned his back to me wordlessly, continuing to mindlessly kick at the pavement. I frowned, unable to understand the reason why he was so upset. It’s not like I was in trouble or anything. Evidently, I was fine. Not knowing what do or say, I stood behind him quietly, waiting for him to word out his thoughts. But in place of a conversation, silence took over.

It wasn’t until Minyoung bounced over to me and tilted her head in confusion, sensing the weird atmosphere. I shrugged, also puzzled. “I think he’s upset,” I mouthed inaudibly.

Only a few seconds passed before her eyes widened in understanding. Leaning close to me, she whispered in my ear, “He was seriously worried."

Instantly, I felt regretful of the earlier conversation that we had. I nodded at her, as if to say that I knew what to do now. She smiled and gave me a thumbs-up before gesturing towards him, hurrying me.

- What had I been thinking? Nothing – and that was exactly the problem. I didn’t think.

I met Kiseop about three days after I came home from the hospital – after I was born. Basically, I had known him for just about all of my life. His easily hurt self, his rather obsessive compulsive ways, his random acts of cuteness, I had known them all, which is why I should have known that he had nearly lost his mind when I didn’t show up in the morning.

He was the one person in this world that Xander trusted me with, because believe it or not, he was just as - if not more - protective as Xander was. The minute I was out of Xander’s sight, I was under Kiseop’s watch - leaving me with no reason to have to look out for my own back, or to suffer consequences for that matter. As I mentioned earlier, I always had someone to pass my burden on to.

Admittedly, I had grown up protected, but that had made me weak. -

Taking a deep breath, I moved to take the bags he was carrying, both his and mine. He fidgeted slightly, opposing the unusual actions. “Let’s put them on the ground,” I explained. “They’re heavy.” At the clarification that I wasn’t going to carry them myself, he let me take them from him. I dropped them on the ground with a soft thud. “Better?” I asked gently. He didn’t reply.

“Kiseop-ah,” I called softly, walking over to face him. “For disappearing without a word, I’m sorry.” His kicking at the ground slowed to a stop. I continued, “For missing class and not telling you, I’m sorry.” He looked up, but kept his gaze on the ground. I kept going, “For being insensitive, I’m really sorry.” His eyes met mine. “For worrying about me, thank you,” I finished.

“I was really worried,” he told me, still slightly upset.

I smiled. “I know. You always worry. You’re Kiseop.”

“Because you always give me reasons to worry,” Kiseop retorted, sighing. He picked up the bags off the floor and ruffled my hair, being the only person allowed to do so. “Let’s go, dummy.”

“Oversensitive,” I shot back, sticking my tongue out at him.

He chuckled, as Minyoung joined in the laughter, knowing as well as I do that the argument was long over. She shook her head condescendingly and clicked her tongue. “You two should just realize those hidden feelings and be a couple,” she giggled.

Kiseop and I looked at each other, expressions enough for anyone to tell that we didn’t agree with Minyoung’s strange thoughts. However, maybe stating it with verbally would make our disagreement even clearer.

“Are you joking?” Kiseop wanted to know. “This girl would get in all sorts of trouble, and I’d die of worry. Is that how you want me to die Minyoung? Stressed and of a heart-attack?”

I laughed. “He’s right. Do you really want me to be a young widow?” I demanded teasingly. “Besides, he’s not my style.”

Minyoung rolled her eyes. “No, I swear-“

“She’s my best friend and everything,” Kiseop laughed, “but look at her,” he said, pretending to analyze me. “She’s....” he paused, feigning the act of studying me.

“I’m what?” I questioned, prodding him to make a mistake, in order to have something to use against him at that moment. “I’m, go on.”

He laughed. “You’re the wrong girl for me, aren’t you?” He patted my head affectionately, in contrast to his words, however.

Laughing in return, I grinned. “I forever want to be the wrong girl for you.”

- Looking back, from a perspective that knows far more than I did back then, I should have thought more about the things I said. -

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An update should be up tomorrow~ Sorry everyone >< This week's my exam week + I got locked out of my own account for a while.


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Will this still be updated? Hope it will... This was AWESOME... I mean, I don't know if Dongho's right about Kiseop or he's just jealous ... there;s no Dongho POV so I don't really know, but his is just pure, sweet, it's like a book... It's like a real story... So I know this was last updated 6? months ago but I truly hope that this will get updated so I'll stay subscribed to find out about that:) PLEASE UPDATE :3
please update soon!!
omg.. i love it! update soon! OTL
OMG... i love ur Fanfics...
please update soon^^
Cute cute cute! Please do update again soon!
The wait was worth it..

I love Xander here. He's so ,umm..reliable. And Rinah is soo adorable.

...and mysterious LOL
zerramin #7
Please update!!!!
I really love the story!!!
OMG really good please update!!!!!! <3
OMG. I love you!

I don't usually read fics with OCs in them but you totally changed that! I love the first chapter! It's so beautifully written and I'm totally subscribing.
Ouh.. I love it! Its so interesting, but I have to say its a bit long.. Maybe make it shorter? But other then that, cant wait to see your next chapter! Fighting~! :)