Chapter 3


Hana got inside Daesung's car. She sat next to Daesung who was driving. Daesung smiled at her.

"Wow, that was fast." Hana gave a comment.

"I don't want to keep you waiting, beside there's no traffic," Daesung replied.

Hana sighed and put her seat belt on. "Yeah, but safety comes first, okay? I hate it when you start driving fast in the night."

"I'm the best driver in Big Bang, remember?" he said proudly then started driving.

"Only in Big Bang, remember? Not in the whole world!"

"Yes, yes, I remember," Daesung glanced at her, "you're always right."

"It's not that I always right, it's just you-"

Daesung cut her. "You're always right, Hana."

It seemed like Daesung didn't want to argue with her. Well, he was not Hyunki, but it was not like he never fought her back either. In TV, he always teased other people. Hana started to feel like he had two different personalities. And he was only showing his real personality to some people only.

"I hate being cut like that." Hana pouted. She looked outside the window. She seemed familiar with the road. "Where are you taking me?"

"Your home. You seem tired."

"But, you said you wanted to have a dinner?" Hana looked at Daesung again.

"I'm sorry that I forced you to have dinner with me. I felt bad and I was actually going to cancel our dinner, but when you said you don't bring your car, I just thought that I have to make sure you come home safely. And I know you wouldn't want me to pick you up, just to get you back to your home."

"Daesung," Hana was almost speechless, "but you're tired too," she said weakly, "I could just get a taxi or something. And you're starving right now."

Daesung looked at her for a while and then smiled. The same smile he always gave her and other people around him. "It's okay. I can just get something to eat after I drop you at your home."

"No," Hana shook her head, "no! You have to eat something now. I'm sure you'll forget to eat once you drop me at my place. You have things to do tomorrow and I don't want you to be sick just because you insist to take me home in the middle of the night when you don't have anything to eat!" Hana looked at him with an intense look, "Let's go get something to eat now. Or you can just let me out of your car. Now!"

Daesung laughed a little. It was not a cynical laugh or something that was annoying. It was just a simple laugh like they were fooling around right now. "Or what are you gonna do? You can't just jump out of my car if I don't want to stop."

Hana thought. "I-I can open the window and scream that Big Bang's Kang Daesung is kidnapping me."

"It's midnight. Nobody cares."

"Ugh!" Hana was really losing her patience now, "Just get some food, you dumb! Or I'll never talk to you! Ever again!"

Daesung glanced at her, made sure if Hana really meant it. And yes, she refused to look at him and only looked outside the window. She bit her lips, trying to reduce her emotion. Daesung sighed. "You really have a problem with your anger sometime, you know that?"

"At least, I never bottle it up and keep smiling like an idiot."

Daesung laughed, again. "Fine, fine, we'll get some food, but can you let me eat it at your place?"

Hana turned back to Daesung. "So, we're going to get some food?"

"But you have to eat too. And," Daesung looked at her for a while, "don't ever call me an idiot again." He smiled.

"You're not an idiot. But, Big Bang's Kang Daesung is." Hana , then looked away.

He was still smiling, again. Always.




Ugh, my phone. Why is it ringing so loud? What time is it? Wait, where am I sleeping? Why is my bed so solid?

Daesung opened his eyes to find himself laying on the carpet, not in Big Bang's dorm. He looked around. When he was fully awake, he realized that he was sleeping on the floor of Hana's apartment. He could see that Hana was sleeping on the couch, without a blanket or even a pillow. In the table, there were two dirty plates and two glasses of water. The TV was on but it was only showing a blue screen. He remembered now that last night they decided to have dinner while watching a movie and then Hana fell asleep on the couch. Daesung wanted to go back to the dorm, but he was too sleepy and he thought that it would be a lot better if he sleeps for a while.

Daesung's phone was ringing again. Hana started moving like it disturbed her.

Daesung looked at the screen. It was from his leader. There were around 20 missed calls from him. He knew he's in trouble. And he was gonna be in much bigger problem if he doesn't answer the phone because GD would haunt him down. It was better for him to never go back to the dorm at all.

Daesung gathered all of his courage and finally he pressed the button to answer the call. "H-hyung?" he stuttered.

"Yah!!" GD was yelling, "Where are you?!"

"I'm at-"

"Nevermind!!" GD cut him off, "You know what time is it?!"

Daesung tried to find a clock in Hana's apartment. Oh, man! "Almost nine o'clock?"

"And you know what time is our schedule today?!"

"One o'clock?"

"WRONG!!" he was really yelling right now, "It's eleven o'clock!"

"What?!" Daesung stood up immediately. He started to panic. "I thought you said it is after lunch!"

"Manager hyung called me at eight o'clock. They change the time because CEO wants to see us this afternoon!" GD was not yelling anymore, he sighed, sounded panic too but he tried to calm down, "Can you please meet us at the studio now? We're already on our way."

"Yes, yes, sure! I'm already on my way, hyung!" Daesung hung up the phone. He walked over to hana. He was about to wake her up, but then he did not have the heart to do that. He sisn't even have the heart to see Hana sleeping just like that. He took a blanket from Hana's room and covered her with it. He tapped her head, like a brothe, and decided to leave a note.

Thanks for letting me stay for a night, although we did not plan to have a sleepover. I am in big trouble right now and I have to leave early because if I don't, Jiyong hyung will kill me and then raise me back from death to make me perform on stage. Nevermind, I'm just being sarcastic. Love always, Daesung :D




Hyunki had been knocking on the door of Hana's apartment for the last fifteen minutes. Still no answer.

Is she not home right now? She said she wanted to do her assignments. Hyunki looked at his watch. It was almost ten o'clock. Maybe I should just invite myself in.

Hyunki opened his wallet and grabs a spare key of Hana's apartment. Since Hana was living on her own because her family didn't live in Seoul, Hyunki asked for a spare key of her apartment so if something happens with her he could get inside easily. Hana trusted him, she knew that Hyunki would never do anything to hurt her. Hana wanted to give another spare key to Daesung, maybe he needs to use another place beside his dorm that does feel like home, but he said he doesn't need to have it because Hyunki already had it.

Hyunki opened the door. "Hana? Are you home?" He took one step inside. "Are you home?" he asked again.

"Daesung?" Hana appeared in front of Hyunki suddenly with bloated face. She rubbed her eye and only looked at Hyunki with her another eye.

"No," Hyunki tried not to laugh, "it's Hyunki." He loved looking at Hana's morning face.

Hana had finally awake now. She blinked a few times. "Oh, Hyunki, you're here. I can see you already let yourself in," she said while walking to the kitchen.

"I thought you're not home." He walked inside and sat on the couch. "Is anyone here?" he asked, looking at the dirty plates on the table.

"Oh, Daesung was, but he already left like a ghost," Hana said from the kitchen.

At the same time, Hyunki took the note that Daesung left on the table. He read it. "Daesung slept here?"

"No," she walked to Hyunki and gave him a glass of orange juice, his favorite, "I slept there," she pointed to the couch, "he slept there," she pointed to the carpet. And the she just walked away to her bedroom to take a shower.

Hyunki took his phone and sent a text to his friend.




"Where have you been?" Taeyang asked calmly when Daesung arrived in the changing room, struggling to breath after a long run from parking lot. Taeyang was sitting on the couch with his phone.

"Hyung! Wow! You are really late," Seungri smiled brightly from the dressing table.

"You're here, finally..." GD showed up and examined his appearance, "Why do you still wear yesterday's clothes?"

TOP came and he had the same though with GD. "Have you showered?" he asked.

"I was coming immediately when Jiyong hyung called, how could I remember to take a shower?" Daesung answered innocently.

"That's why I brought some of your clothes. I knew you would need it." Taeyang took a backpack and threw it to Daesung.

Daesung smiled happily. "Can I take a shower first?" he asked GD.

GD nodded. "You don't need to ask that, I was just about to ask you to do that."

"Wait," TOP held his arm, "where have you been? GD said you didn't sleep at the dorm and now you show up without taking a shower first."

Daesung looked at TOP and then GD, Taeyang, and Seungri. They were all paying their attention to him. He didn't know what to say, so he just told the truth. "I fell asleep at Hana's apartment."

"WHAT?!" GD and Seungri yelled at the same time.

"Really?!" TOP didn't yell, but he still sounded surprise.

Taeyang was just speechless.

"Is something wrong?" Daesung asked. He didn't understand why they reacted like that. If it was not Hana, it probably would be weird. But it was Hana, a girl that he knew for a really long time.

"Just the two of you, or Hyunki was there too?" GD asked. Everybody could tell that the leader is worried.

Daesung hesitated to answer it. "Hmm... No, he wasn't there."

"Hyung!" Seungri ran to Daesung from the dressing table, didn't even care to his stylist who was putting his make up on, "Be honest to me, okay?" He waited until Daesung nodded. "Did you and Hana noona...?"

Daesung looked confuse at first. He looked at GD and TOP who looked like they understood Seungri's question and waiting for his answer. After a while, he finally understands the question. Daesung shakes his head fast. "Of course not! No! No! She's my friend for a really long time. Don't you think it would be weird?!"

Taeyang nods his head. Seungri shakes his head with the face of disappointment. GD and TOP take a sigh of relieve.

"I drove her home, we had dinner while watching a movie, and then we fell asleep just like that. Nothing happened! I swear!" Daesung explained.

"Oh!" TOP touched Daesung's shoulder because something came up in his mind, "Was there any paparazzi?"

Daesung shook his head. "I don't think there was any. Anyway, we used caps when we got out from the car." Daesung sighed. "So, can I please take a shower now?"

"Yeah, guys, let him. The stylist needs to put his make up on," Taeyang said, making Seungri went back to his seat.

Daesung's phone was making a sound. A message came in. It was from Hyunki.

You slept at Hana's apartment? Nice move.


I know it's late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY KANG DAESUNG!! Hope you have a great birthday with the boys and we always wish you the best :D

Enjoy the third chapter!

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ronnie123 #1
Sorry for the late update. I was busy with my college preparation but it's all done now. Enjoy!
Kikikiki #2
Oohh finally u update this story!!! I'm really dying to know what happen next.. Your story is simple yet feel so real.. Keep it up..
Anxiously waiting for next chapter!!! :D