
Home [Sequel to Please Don't Say (말하지마)]


Walking down the busy streets of Seoul, Hyukjae puffed his cheeks in annoyance as he heard several noisy horns from impatient drivers who are rushing to go home but they can't because of the heavy traffic. 

"You should just have taken the train so that you could go home easily." He stared to his right to see ZhouMi walking with him in his fashionable corporate attire. He has been his friend ever since and he knew the tragic end of his relationship with Donghae. He took a deep breath then sighed.

"You know the reason why I don't want to go to the train station." He said as he felt ZhouMi placed his long, slender arm on his shoulder, emitting that warmth that made him comfortable. It's always nice having a friend who would understand you and would always be there no matter what the situation is.

"Yeah I know but, it's been four years already, aren't you tired of waiting?" ZhouMi worriedly asked him, slowing down his pace when he felt Hyukjae walked slowly, thinking about the question asked.

"I'll never get tired of waiting Mi. I've waited long enough, should I give up now?"

"But, he never told you to wait right?" Hyukjae stopped. Right. Donghae never told him to wait. But why is it that his heart is telling him to? Could it be that they still have a chance after all those years?

"Maybe because something is telling me that he'll soon come back to me." Hyukjae said as he sighed and looked up at the starless sky.

"Hmm no stars tonight, I guess it would rain." ZhouMi said as he too looked up at the sky.

'Hae loves rain. He loves water so he loves it touching his skin, that's why he always asks me to dance under the rain with him.' He thought as he remembered the times when they would look insane because they are dancing crazily under the rain. Hyukjae would always complain because it was Donghae's idea. To lessen the guilty feeling, Donghae would hug his waist tight and cutely peck him in the lips under the rain. Smile unconsciously formed on his lips at the sweet memory. 

"Yah Hyuk let's go or else we'll be drenched in the rain and I don't want to get sick." ZhouMi tugged him at his arm signaling him to go faster. He broke out from reminiscing because of this. He turned to his friend and smiled at him as he softly withdrew his arm from his grasp.

"You go ahead Mi, I'll stay here for a while." ZhouMi skeptically stared at him but decided not to say anything to which Hyukjae was thankful for. They bid each other farewells and ZhouMi left him there, waving with a smile on his lips.

He sighed as he started walking on a very slow pace, with deep thoughts running in his head. Suddenly, a drop fell on his cheek. He looked up and raised his palm, as if catching the rain drops that are about to fall from the dark sky. People around him started running towards their lovely homes, afraid to get wet. Finally, heavy drops fell. He spread his arms, closed his eyes and started feeling the coldness of the raindrops fell on his skin.

'If you are here with me, would you do the same? Would you still hug and kiss me under the rain? Would you still say I love you to me as your tears of joy are being washed away by the rain? Happy that we are always together? That nothing could separate us? Lee Donghae. Four years. Four years had passed already but I still cannot forget you. How about you? Do you still remember me and the times we had together? Are you still coming back to me?'

These thoughts run through his mind as tears fell from his eyes. Tears that are being washed away but you could still see the sadness and longing on him. He opened his eyes to see nobody around him. Of course who would stay under the rain and freeze themselves off right? Only a crazy person would do that. But he is a crazy person. Waiting for a person that you yourself are not sure if would come back is crazy right? But to hell would he care. Nobody could understand him. He doesn't even want them to understand him in the first place. He doesn't want anybody. He only wants Donghae.

"Hae, nomu geuriwoseo. Please, come back to me. Saranghaeyo."


"Achoo!" Hyukjae sniffed as ZhouMi handed him another set of tissue to use.

"I told you to go home already so that you won't get sick. Aish when would you ever learn." ZhouMi nagged at him. He just pouted as he wrapped a thick blanket around his shivering body. He got sick when he decided to stay under the rain last night and had to call a sick leave from his job the next day and, being the kind best friend ZhouMi is, decided to drop by to take a look at his condition.

"Don't you remember that you always get sick after staying under the rain even before? Maybe that's the reason why you never gained weight." ZhouMi continued to lecture him, shaking his head on his best friend's attitude. Hyukjae just smiled as he hugged him even though ZhouMi is struggling, afraid to get sick too.

"But still you love me because I'm your best friend right?" He asked as he grinned at him. Although he's teasing him, he's always thankful for his very-mother-like type of best friend.

"Whatever. Anyways, remember the newly appointed VP of the company? Mr. Cho Kyuhyun?" ZhouMi asked him as he fed Hyukjae some hot soup.

"Hmm what about him?" Hyukjae asked as he enjoyed his best friend's homemade soup. This would definitely help him recover fast.

"Well he asked about you when he noticed you're not around. Yah, I think he likes you." He spurted the soup on ZhouMi's face which was responded by a 'Hey you're so gross! Argh I hate you!' from the latter. He mumbled a soft sorry as he wiped ZhouMi's face with his towel.

"How could you say that? I mean I only met him twice and we never spoke with each other!"

"Tsk tsk my dear friend, please don't forget who you are talking to. I'm the head of our department so I'm always meeting him. Well I think he knows that you're my best friend so he asks me about you all the time. He even asked me if you have someone already." ZhouMi explained as he got up to take the bowl of soup from Hyukjae and placed it at the table near them. Hyukjae looked at him before asking a question.

"So.. What did you say?" He looked at him hoping to say that he has someone. ZhouMi saw this and suddenly felt guilty.

"I... told him you don't have. Please! Just.. listen to me first Hyuk. It's been four years already and I'd seen how you've suffered when he left. I think now is the time to let go of him and find someone else to love. And, I think Mr. Cho is good for you." He explained with teary eyes. He loves his best friend so much and he really wants him to be happy. Hyukjae, although shocked from what he heard, doesn't have the heart to get angry at his friend. He knows that he only wanted the best for him. He sighed as he massaged his temples.

"I don't know if I could do it Mi. I'm not over Hae yet and I don't want to use anyone. I would only hurt him in the end." He explained as he bit his lower lip. He doesn't really want to do it. Having someone else felt to him like he's betraying Donghae.

"I understand. But, please try ne? Maybe he is the one you are waiting for." ZhouMi stated as he stood up, fixed himself and hugged Hyukjae.

"I'll be back tomorrow to check on you ne?" Hyukjae smiled at his friend's thoughtfulness. He hugged him in return, tightly showing his gratitude towards him.

"Ne Mimi umma, I'll wait for you." He playfully answered making ZhouMi hit him lightly on the arm. The door closed leaving him alone in his apartment to think about their previous conversation.

'Give him a chance? But...' He sighed. Maybe ZhouMi is right. He decided to just sleep since his headache is killing him already. He went to the bathroom to take some pain relievers and drifted off to sleep. He'll just think about it once he's fine already.


"What are you doing here?" ZhouMi asked as he leaned against the door of Hyukjae's office with his hands on his waist, waiting impatiently for an answer.

"Work. Don't worry Mi, I'm fine already, thanks to your soup yesterday." He smiled his gummy smile to his friend, assuring him that he's fine and could work already. Seriously, this tall Chinese man always treats him as a child.

"So cheesy." ZhouMi commented but nonetheless smiled, happy that his help resulted to something good. He sat on the chair in front of Hyukjae's desk and looked at him.

"What?" Hyukjae asked as he noticed his stare but ZhouMi didn't answer him so he just shrugged and continue with his works, which are piled on his desk. He'll surely be working overtime today.

"Ahm Hyuk?" ZhouMi finally asked him after a couple of awkward silence and staring between the two. "Remember our conversation last night? Have you decided yet?" Hyukjae raised his head from the documents to look at ZhouMi. Now that he remembered it, he said to himself that he'll think about it once he's well and this is the proper time since he's already being asked. A chance won't hurt right? Besides, they're not yet sure about the true intentions of that Mr. Cho, if any, and he doesn't want to disappoint his friend. He sighed and smiled a little.

"Yeah, of course. I've thought about it and.."

"And?" Both of them swallowed deeply, him trying to answer and ZhouMi anticipating for his response which like took him forever to say.

"I'll consider it. But, we're not even sure if your assumptions are right, so I don't want to assume anything else." There, he said it. ZhouMi smiled widely, too happy about the decision his best friend did. But before he could even say something, someone knocked on the already opened door and as they looked towards its direction, they are sursprised to see who it is.

"Mr. Lee?" There stood their current topic, the new VP of their company, Mr. Cho. They hurriedly stood up and bowed as a sign of respect. Mr. Cho just waved his hand in dismissal to the two.

"Come on no need to be formal, you're my hyungs after all." Kyuhyun said as he smiled and sat on the chair opposite ZhouMi's. The two were surprised at the attitude shown by Kyuhyun. He is actually known as a spoiled brat who is evil and loves doing pranks. There was silence, the three of them waiting for somebody to break it. Kyuhyun, noticing the awkward atmosphere since he came, cleared his throat catching the attentions of his two companions.

"So ahm Mr. Lee, I heard about your leave yesterday. Are you sure you're okay now?" Kyuhyun worriedly asked Hyukjae whose cheeks suddenly were painted with a light blush. His gaze fell on ZhouMi who stared at him back with an I-told-you-he-likes-you look. He looked at Kyuhyun who is patiently waiting for his answer.

"Ah yeah, Mr. Cho, don't worry I'm fine. Thank you for your concern." He shyly answered his boss.

"I told you to drop the formalities. Let's get it this way, call me Kyuhyun and I'll call you hyungs." Kyuhyun smiled as he suggested it to ZhouMi and Hyukjae. The two, afraid that their boss would get mad if they would disagree, just nodded so Kyuhyun smiled in satisfaction. He stood up and went by the door but stopped on his steps and turned to face Hyukjae. 

"Hyukjae hyung, can you accompany me to lunch today? I would like to know my workers better. Please?" Kyuhyun asked and who is Hyukjae to disagree right?

"O-of course. No problem."

"Great! So see you later ne hyung? Bye!" Kyuhyun bid them goodbye and as soon as the door was closed, ZhouMi looked at him teasingly. He could just bow his head in disbelief.

"I told you he likes you! See? He doesn't even bother to ask me to go with you! He really has his eyes on you! I'm so great!" ZhouMi exclaimed in excitement and all he could do is sigh. Is he supposed to be happy because of the attention given to him by Kyuhyun? He closed his eyes as he leaned on his seat.

"We're not sure Mi. Like what he'd said before, he wants to know his workers." He tried to convince ZhouMi, or more like convincing himself. ZhouMi went beside him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Just, go and have fun okay? And! You gotta tell me everything! And I mean everything that would happen. Am I clear?" ZhouMi demanded making Hyukjae laugh lightly at his attitude. ZhouMi, the guy who is like a caring mother, a teasing brother, and a nosy sister to him. He's sure that his life would be so plain and dull if there is no ZhouMi around him. 

"Yes Mimi umma." He said as he ducked when a folder was thrown to his direction by ZhouMi.


"Yes, yes I understand. Thanks for everything." He put down the phone as he leaned back on his chair, swinging it around in the process. He had arranged everything and his plan would soon be taking place.

"Everything done?" He looked at his office's door to see his hyung standing there. He smiled tiredly at him and signaled him to come in.

"Ne, Heechul hyung. All I need to do is have these papers signed then I'm done." He stated as Heechul went near his table, picked the documents up and studied them. Heechul smiled at him and he, Donghae, just smiled back, innocent on what Heechul is planning inside his mind.

"Let me do this for you. I'm going to their office tomorrow so I could just drop these there." Heechul stuffed the documents under his arm and ruffled Donghae's brown hair, enjoying its softness between his slender fingers.

"By the way, here." Heechul tossed a rectangular paper towards him which he caught easily. Curiosity took over him as he studied what it was. When he realized his gift, his eyes widened and immediately shot a look towards his hyung to see him grinning at him.

"Hyung I-" He stopped, overflowing happiness hindered him to form a straight sentence. Four years had passed and all he wanted to do was to go back to the arms of the one he loves. He worked hard for those years to bring his family business back to life and now that he finally succeeded, all he wanted was to go home, go back to where his heart really settles.

"I know your plan Hae. And, let's just say it's my gift to you for doing well at your business." Heechul said as he walked towards the door.

"And," He paused. "Just thank me when you succeeded in having him back. Until then my dongsaeng. Take care and don't forget to call me. I'll be going to an out-of-town trip so I won't be here on the day of your departure so call me before you'll leave and when you've arrived there. Do it or else you're dead meat when we'll meet. Who knows, I might follow you there." Heechul said as he winked at Donghae and finally went out of his office. Donghae stayed rooted on his seat, admiring the plane ticket on his hand. A plane ticket to Seoul. And he would leave after two weeks.

'Two weeks left, and I would be able to see you again, Hyukkie. I miss you so much. I hope you missed me too and this time, I promise I'll have you back, and we'll never separate again.' He thought with determination as he slipped the ticket inside his bag and stood up to leave. He will never forget the greatest gift he had received from Heechul, and he would be forever grateful to him. 


Hyukjae nervously went outside his office to see Kyuhyun waiting for him. He hurriedly went near him and apologized for being late.

"Don't worry hyung, you're not late, let's go?" Kyuhyun said and he just nodded shyly in return. He never wanted special attention if it won't come from Donghae but, this is just lunch right? So there is no need for him to be this nervous. Maybe ZhouMi's words got stuck inside his head that's why he's acting like this. He slightly shook his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his head, and followed Kyuhyun to his car.

They arrived at a fancy restaurant to which Kyuhyun made his reservation to. You could really say that he came from a well-off type of family based on his taste and manners. But despite everything, Hyukjae was able to enjoy their lunch because of their endless conversations.

"So Kyuhyun, you just came back from abroad right? Why did you go there in the first place?" He asked as he chewed on his steak and hummed in joy because of the heavenly taste.

"Yes, well my parents really sent me there to study business. They always tell me that I'll soon take over so I need the best education. I was lonely at first but then four years ago I met a very kind hyung and we instantly became friends. I think he's planning on going back here. If he does, I'll introduce him to you. He became an inspiration to me because despite his young age, he was able to do well in business and he's doing all of it for his family. Too bad when he came there, you could see the loneliness in his eyes despite the smiles he was giving. When I asked him what the matter really was, he said he left the one he loves so that he wouldn't get involved at his current situation. What made him even sadder is that he didn't tell him the real reason. But, he told me that he's treating it as a challenge to do better and to come back here quickly. Then, he'll tell him everything and hopes he'll claim his heart once again." Kyuhyun said as he also enjoyed his food and smiled at his memory of his friend. You could clearly hear the admiration on his voice when he narrated the story. 

"I'm glad you found him then. It must be very hard for you to be away from your family." Hyukjae said, wiping his face with his table napkin. Because of this story, his respect for Kyuhyun became higher. Holding a high-ranking position at a company on a young age is never easy and knowing the hardships he had to go through before reaching this made him admire Kyuhyun even more. And although it seems weird to him, he became interested about Kyuhyun's friend and somewhat anticipated their meeting.

"Well, even though I found a hyung, it seems like I found a dongsaeng instead because he's so childish! Aish all I got is headache from him! Ah jinja I think I've grown a lot of wrinkles because of him." Kyuhyun cutely complained so Hyukjae couldn't help but laughed whole-heartedly. He definitely did enjoy this lunch. Good thing he agreed on this.


"Ah I'm so full! Let's do this again hyung and next time, let's bring ZhouMi hyung along. I really had a great time." Kyuhyun said as he rubbed his tummy. They're on their way back to the office and thank goodness Kyuhyun brought his driver along no one between them could drive with full stomach. Hyukjae just smiled at his cuteness and nodded.

"Ahm hyung?" Hyukjae turned to face him when he heard him calling his name. He was kind of surprised when he saw a faint blush on his cheeks. He tilted his head to one side confusedly.

"What is it Kyu?"

"Ahm I asked ZhouMi hyung about something. I-" Kyuhyun stopped mid-sentence, rubbing his nape shyly. "I asked him if you're single and he said yes. I, I ah l-like you hyung, a lot." He finished with his whole face as red as a tomato leaving Hyukjae's mouth hanging open. Did his boss just confess to him? So ZhouMi's right all along? He now imagines how ZhouMi would do his victory dance when he'll find out about this.

"I ahm, Kyu-"

"I know I surprised you. Don't worry. I don't know what's keeping you but, I'm willing to wait." Kyuhyun assured him as he held his hand tightly. It somehow made Hyukjae uncomfortable but he didn't let him notice it. The rest of their trip went in silence with Hyukjae focusing his stare outside, admiring the beauty of the city. He was never the type to roam around especially now that he was alone. He only strolls around whenever Donghae would request him to, more like a date. 


*Ring ring*

"Aish this brat. Why isn't he answering his phone?! Aish!" Donghae cursed continuously as the phone kept on ringing. He was about to turn it off when thankfully, the owner finally answered.


"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! Why aren't you answering your phone?!" He furiously asked and he could feel his dongsaeng smirking. Donghae rolled his eyes. This guy really is evil.

"Mianhaeyo hyung, I had a lunch date so I left my phone so that nobody would interrupt me." Kyuhyun proudly reasoned out making Donghae raised his brow.

"Lunch date? Got a boyfriend already?"

"Nope not yet but I told him that I'm willing to wait."

"That's good then by the way, guess what? I'm going back! Heechul hyung gave me a ticket to Korea and I'm leaving in two weeks!" Donghae shouted at Kyuhyun as he jumped excitedly. He must have shouted really hard because Kyuhyun have to place the phone away from his ear or else he'll go deaf.

"Yah! I heard you already so stop shouting!" Kyuhyun shouted back at the phone so in short, they just shouted at each other.

"Arasso arasso! I'll just text you my flight details and pick me up at the airport okay? Bye bye!" Without waiting for Kyuhyun's answer, Donghae cut the line. He smiled widely and started packing his clothes excitedly.

"Hello? Hello? Hyung? Yah! Fish! Aish! How dare him hang up on me?!" Kyuhyun shouted as he threw his phone on the couch near him and puffed his cheeks.


"Good day everyone! We are now landing at Incheon International Airport. Please remain seated until the plane has come to a full stop. Thank you very much."

Donghae looked at the window near him excitedly as he listened to the announcement given to the passengers. He leaned back on his seat, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

'This is it. I'm back and I'm going to see Hyukkie again. Gosh I feel so nervous now.' He thought as he felt butterflies in his stomach due to nervousness. But he's here now so why not try right?

"I could see that you're really happy to be home son." He opened his eyes and glanced to his side to see an old man smiling at him which he gratefully smiled back at. Home. Whenever he'll hear the word home, he'll automatically think of one person, Hyukjae. Hyukjae's arms have always been his true home, his sanctuary, the place where he doesn't have to worry about anything. The place his heart really settles. 

"Ne ajhussi. I've been away for four years and now, I'm back." He smiled even wider at him.

"I assume there is someone waiting for you with that broad smile painted on your lips. Am I right?" Waiting. But is he really waiting for him? After that sad goodbye between them, does he still stand a chance? He hopes so.

"Well, I couldn't guarantee that. But," He took a deep breath and directed his gaze at the view outside. "I hope so. I hope that he still wants me by his side, after all these years." He suddenly turned his head to the old man when he felt him placed an assuring pat at his shoulder, like he's giving him all the support and strength he needed.

"Everything happens for a reason son. Things may not work out for the two of you during the past because the Guy up there," The old man said as he pointed his finger upward. "Has better plans for you and don't worry, everything would fall on their right places at the right time. All tunnels are dark son. But at the end there would always be the light and on that very end, you would see the one you love, waiting for you with the sweetest smile you have ever seen."

"Thank you much ajhussi. I'll always remember that."

"Don't mention it. Oh and before I forgot, good luck. Fighting!" Donghae laughed as the old man raised his fist in the air comically and smiled.

As the plane finally landed they bid each other goodbye and a good luck and went their own separate ways. Donghae, pushing his cart full of bags with enough effort, started to wander around while looking for a certain man in the middle of a large crowd who are waiting for their loved ones to come. He pursed his lips when he failed to find him.

'Is he late? He didn't forget that I'll be coming today right?' He thought as he stretched his neck more, making it hurt a bit. He massaged his now hurting neck and sighed. He was about to turn around and walk away when, "Hyung! Donghae hyung!" He whipped his head around and saw a running Kyuhyun who stopped in front of him, hands on his knees while catching his breath.

"M-mianhae, t-traffic, I w-went out e-early b-but t-the t-traffic h-here s-." He explained difficultly because he's still catching his breath. Donghae, wanting to tease his maknae a bit, smirked and cross his arms across his chest.

"Really? Should I believe you? Aish you know I've been walking around here for a while now and my neck kinda hurts from stretching it just to find your handsome face in the crowd." He dramatically explained as he massaged his neck although it doesn't hurt anymore. He just wanted Kyuhyun to feel somewhat guilty.

"B-but! It's true! Hyung~ you should believe me because I'm your one and only maknae!" Kyuhyun continued to whine and Donghae only chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Arasso you know I'm just playing with you. Let's go jetlag is killing me already." Kyuhyun pouted but nonetheless helped Donghae with his things.

As Kyuhyun was driving, Donghae who is seating at the passenger seat kept his eyes outside, noticing the big changes that happened around while he was gone. Four years may be a considered a short period of time but hey, Seoul definitely changed a lot. More buildings, restaurants, and the streets are even more flourished than before. 

"Hyung, let's go first to my office. I want you to meet someone." Donghae was awakened from his trance when Kyuhyun suddenly spoke, eyes still glued to the road. He raised his brow and looked at him. Kyuhyun wants him to meet someone? He teasingly smiled.

"Stop smiling like that hyung. I know what you're thinking. Yes, he's the one I'm courting. Well I kinda told him about you and I also said that I'll introduce you to him if you'll come back here. And, well I want you to see him then tell me what you think of him." Kyuhyun shyly explained the last part making Donghae smiled tenderly at him. He really felt special when Kyuhyun said that. It only meant that he's really important to the younger and he really sees him as his older brother, despite all the teasing he received from Kyuhyun.

"No problem although I'm sure he's cool, seeing how he got your attention in the first place." He said and Kyuhyun looked at him with a wide smile on his face, both of them unaware on what's waiting for them. 


"Hyukkie? Have you seen Kyuhyun?" ZhouMi peeked at Hyukjae's door as he asked his friend. Hyukjae just nodded and stared at him, slightly massaging his now tired eyes from staring too long at the monitor in front of him.

"He went out to fetch his friend from the airport. I just don't know what time he'll be back." ZhouMi disappointingly nodded, indicating that he understood everything but then, like a flash, a teasing smile appeared on his lips. He went inside and sat in front of Hyukjae's desk. Hyukjae immediately rolled his eyes when he saw that smile. Here goes his annoying best friend.

"Hmm how come you knew about it? Did he ask for your permission to go out?" ZhouMi asked while wiggling his brows suggestively. Hyukjae snorted.

"Of course not! He just mentioned it to me when I saw him on my way to the lobby yesterday." Hyukjae defensively said. ZhouMi just laughed at his cuteness. Because of his laugh, Hyukjae puffed his cheeks and just decided to ignore his best friend.

Knock knock!

The two of them looked at the direction of the door and saw Kyuhyun standing there, stunning as ever. ZhouMi immediately stood up and smiled at him. He was about to leave when Kyuhyun stopped him.

"Don't go hyung. My friend came home and I want the two of you to meet him. He treated me like a real brother so he is very important to me." Kyuhyun faced the door and half-shouted. "Hyung!" They waited for a few minutes but nobody came. "What the? I thought he's just behind me? Aish that fish. Wait here for a sec." He hurriedly went out of the office and the two who were left there heard faint shouts of 'Yah! Hyung! Where the heck did you go? I was embarrassed there because you're not at my back!' making them laugh. Well who wouldn't? Based on Kyuhyun's voice, you could really imagine that he's whining like a cute child, with all that pout and stomping of feet. After a few more minutes, he came back with his brows furrowed.

"He got lost while walking around, searching for the rest room. He doesn't have his sense of direction so.." Kyuhyun explained as he massaged his temples, clearly stating that he's already having his head ache but he heaved a sigh of relief when Hyukjae told him it's okay and smiled his gummy smile at him.

"Kyu! You're here! You left me again good thing this door is open so I- Hyukkie?" Donghae ranted while entering the door but immediately stopped when he saw Hyukjae standing there, eyes wide in shock. As if his body reacted on its own, he automatically ran towards him and hugged him tightly. Who would expect that the reason of him going back home is here, that he won't need to find him anywhere. Hyukjae was still in shock when he was hugged but his hands were slowly lifted as if they’re on their own and hugged Donghae back. He didn't know that he's already crying until he noticed that his eyes were getting blurry. Kyuhyun, who was still standing there, froze also because of shock. Donghae, his favorite hyung, and Hyukjae, the one who holds his heart, know each other. But how? Are they friends? But, why are they acting that way? He covered his mouth with his hand. Oh no. It can't be right? Hyukjae can't be the guy his hyung is telling him about, the one Donghae is describing as the most important person in his life that he has to leave. ZhouMi on the other hand, couldn't say anything. It seems like his tongue got tied. Who would expect this? So Donghae is Kyuhyun's friend who is the ex of Hyukjae, the one their boss is currently courting. Omo what a situation.

Hyukjae woke up from shock and immediately pulled away from the hug.

"H-Hae? B-but h-how?" He confusedly asked and looked at Donghae then to Kyuhyun. He actually doesn't know what to do or say. This surprised him so much, it feels like his world is spinning. Donghae, who obviously was just as surprised as him, looked at him then smiled even though his eyes are still producing rich tears.

"I really don't know. But.." He wasn't able to continue what he was saying when he started crying again. He stopped crying and just sobbed when he felt a cold stare on his back. He turned around to see Kyuhyun staring blankly at him. Feeling a bit embarrassed, he messily wiped his tears and let go of Hyukjae whom he was still clinging himself to. 

"Mianhae, I was just surprised to see Hyukkie here. Oh and ZhouMi's here too. I'm sorry Mi, I wasn't able to recognize you immediately." He shyly explained while blushing a little. He really got carried away with his emotions that he actually forgot the people around him and also the real purpose why they're at that place.

"By the way, Kyu, where is he? The one you said you want me to meet? Omo is it Mi?" He smiled widely when he looked at ZhouMi but suddenly became confused when he saw ZhouMi shaking his head and just pointed at Hyukjae.

"Wha-" He was about to ask when Kyuhyun cut him.

"Well hyung, I guess I don't need you to introduce to him because you know him already. He's Hyukjae hyung, the one I love. And I guess I also don’t need to introduce him to the two of you." The room became really silent after what Kyuhyun said. Donghae widened his eyes and looked at Hyukjae who was blushing from Kyuhyun's introduction of him. Why not? Kyuhyun's tone was full of seriousness when he said that, despite the scene they had earlier. What would happen next? Fireworks would start popping inside the office and somebody would come out and tell them that this is just a joke and there is a secret camera hidden somewhere that Heechul secretly put up for a prank and that he went home ahead of Donghae? That may be crazy but they honestly would want that to happen at the moment.

"Kyu," Hyukjae suddenly called their boss attracting the attention of everyone. "Let's talk outside." He offered Kyuhyun who just nodded in return and they immediately went out of the office, leaving Donghae and ZhouMi alone. Donghae looked at ZhouMi who approached him, smiled then hugged him. He smiled and hugged back in return.

"Welcome back Hae. Don't worry. I know everything. I'm not angry at you for leaving him. But," He sighed. "Just give everybody enough time. All of us are shocked, even you, right?" He said gently and the other just nodded in understanding.


They are currently standing side by side at the rooftop of their building, staring at the busy street below them. No one spoke since both of them are absorbed in their own thoughts. Kyuhyun lifted his head and looked at the bright sky. He soon closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh air. Hyukjae turned his gaze on him and observed him closely. He could clearly see that something is bothering him and unfortunately, he knows what or who it is.


"Tell me hyung. Is he the one who's keeping you from falling?" Kyuhyun asked as he stared at him straight in the eyes. There Hyukjae saw that he really wants to know the truth. So, deciding that it's best to tell him everything, he turned around and leaned his back on the railings as he put his hands on his pockets. Staring at nothing, he started.

"Four years ago, me and Donghae ended our relationship but he never told me the real reason. All he said was that he doesn't want to be in our relationship anymore. Since I love him very much," Hyukjae's throat somewhat constricted as he paused on his story. It still pains him a lot when he still recall that painful day. "I.. let him go." A tear fell on his eye and he immediately wiped it before Kyuhyun would notice it. But, having sharp eyes made Kyuhyun notice it but he just didn't let Hyukjae know. His heart broke when he saw him like that. Eyes full with pain, and his voice, you'll feel bitterness in them while he's telling him those details. Hyukjae looked at him so he just nodded, telling him to continue.

"Years had passed yet I can't forget him. Then, ZhouMi told me about you. I didn't believe him because he may be wrong but, no. And it made me think several times. I'm still bitter and am waiting for him to come back and I can't seem to replace him. Because I know that deep in my heart, he'll soon come back to me. But you know what, never did it hit my mind that your friend and Hae is just one person. And when you told me about your hyung, made me now realize the real reason why he left." Hyukjae stopped talking and looked at Kyuhyun who just kept silent. He's hurt. Hyukjae knows this but he deserves to know the truth right?

"Do you still love him?" Kyuhyun whispered after a couple of minutes although he made sure that Hyukjae heard him. He's afraid of what the other might answer even though he somewhat knew what it would be. Is this the feeling of adding salt to your wound? You know it already hurts yet you still want to hear it. Yes, definitely. He held his breath as he waited for him to answer. He didn't hear anything but saw him nodded his head slowly. That's it. He turned to face him and hugged him tightly. Hyukjae was shocked at his action but he just let him be. Hyukjae placed his hand on Kyuhyun's back, drawing soothing circles on it as he felt him sobbing silently. He himself is hurt seeing Kyuhyun this way because even for a short period of time together, he became close to him and a bond somewhat has formed already. Kyuhyun let go and he saw him smiling at him while wiping his tears away. 

"Kyuhyun.. Mianhaeyo. Cheongmal mianhaeyo."

"Shh." Kyuhyun placed his finger on Hyukjae's lips, preventing him from speaking. "It's not your fault. I understand. And, knowing how Hae hyung loves you made me somehow feel secured that he'll take care of you and won't hurt you again. But, if he'll still do it, I'll come and get you from him and no one, and I mean no one could stop me, even you. Is that clear?" Kyuhyun ordered like a boss and Hyukjae cried but still nodded. He cried because of relief and also because he's hurt knowing what Kyuhyun is truly feeling at the moment. Kyuhyun cupped his face as he wiped the tears using his thumbs tenderly making Hyukjae stop crying but still continue to sob. 

"Hey, why are you crying? Aish are you really a cry baby? You and Hae hyung are just the same! And here I am the dongsaeng but is always the one who tells my hyungs to stop crying." He said as he patted Hyukjae's head like an older brother patting the head of his younger brother.

"I'm sorry it's just that it felt like a weight was lifted off my chest when you said that." He explained while sniffing, making his nose a bit red.

"Don't worry. Nothing to be guilty about. I like you not because you told me to. And I guess I'll just have to find the right one for me." Kyuhyun shrugged and smiled reassuringly at him. He smiled back until silence once again filled the air, each of them staring at nothing, just letting their minds wander on their own. 

"Well," Kyuhyun started as he placed his hands inside his pocket and smiled at Hyukjae, breaking the comfortable atmosphere after a few minutes. "Let's go back inside shall we? I bet they're waiting for us." Hyukjae smiled widely and nodded at him. Before they entirely left the rooftop, Hyukjae was stopped when Kyuhyun suddenly held his hand, making him surprised.


"Just, until we reached your office. Please." Hyukjae directed his eyes on Kyuhyun to find him staring straight ahead with his face blank from any reactions. He nodded and Kyuhyun just tightened his grip on his hand and walked.

Donghae and ZhouMi are currently seating inside the office, catching up with each other's lives when the two came still with their hands intertwined. Donghae saw it and frowned when he felt a stab on his heart. He obviously got the wrong idea. Kyuhyun saw it but just let him think that way. ZhouMi was the one who decided to break the tension inside.

"Hyuk, one of the staffs came here to drop by some documents that you need to check. I'll just go back to my office now." He said as he stood up and pointed at the pile of folders on Hyukjae's desk and left the office. Hyukjae nodded as he lossened his hand from Kyuhyun's. 

"Hyung, let's go now. You still need to rest right?" Kyuhyun asked Donghae with a smile and turned to Hyukjae. "Hyung, we'll go ahead now." He faced Donghae again as he grabbed his hand to pull him off his seat. Donghae just let himself be pulled, confusion still evident on his face. He clearly doesn't know how to face Kyuhyun since the incident a while ago.

They made their way to Donghae's old house in silence. Kyuhyun insisted on helping him with his bags so he just let him be. Once they settled everything, Kyuhyun sat on the sofa at the living room while Donghae fixed something to eat. He soon came back with a tray on his hands and placed it on the table at the middle of the room. No one said anything and it made Donghae somewhat suffocated. He loosened his shirt's collar and shifted uncomfortably on his seat. Kyuhyun said nothing and just observed him silently with a blank face. Guess he mastered this kind of face because it definitely made Donghae more uncomfortable like he'll soon pee in his pants.

"Hyung, you look like an idiot when you're like that." Kyuhyun simply stated once he can't handle his idiotic acts.

"Could you blame me?! I didn't know that you're pertaining to Hyukkie! I should have known. I'm really sorry Kyu. I didn't mean to ruin the two of you!" Donghae exclaimed stressfully as he stood up and started pacing around. Kyuhyun grabbed him by the hand and pulled him beside him making him stiff.

"What are you being sorry for? And would you calm down? Darn you made me dizzy." Kyuhyun complained as he massaged his temples in attempt to make the dizziness go away while Donghae just pout.


Kyuhyun stopped massaging his head and looked at Donghae who is now looking on his lap while clenching his fists. He could really see the pain in him that he is trying to hide. Knowing that Donghae obviously mistook everything the wrong way, it was very hard for him to accept it and to say sorry. Kyuhyun was touched. He never imagined how Donghae would be willing to give way for him, even though he loves Hyukjae more than his own life. He smiled tenderly and held his hand tightly. Donghae looked up at him with red eyes and puffy nose. He's obviously trying his best not to cry.

"Do you really love him?" He asked gently and Donghae immediately let his tears run freely down his cheeks. He was about to answer by opening his mouth but he hurriedly closed it, obviously hesitating to answer.

"I don't kill people you know. It won't hurt you if you'll answer." Donghae relaxed his body a little bit and took a deep breath.

"I do, I really do. He's the real reason why I strived really hard to come back here, worthy again of his love. But, I think I'm too late. Ouch! Did you just hit me?!" Donghae cried as he massaged his head. Kyuhyun looked at him as if he'd grown two heads and rolled his eyes.

"You're really an idiot. Seriously." He silently laughed while covering his mouth with his palm.

"Wha- Why am I an idiot?" He whined like a child but shut his mouth as soon as he saw Kyuhyun glared at him.

"I really like him. No, I don't like him, I love him. He was the only one who made me feel this way that's why I know," Kyuhyun paused as he placed his hand on his heart. "This is love. So I promised myself, I'll do everything to make him mine even if I'll have to ask for ZhouMi hyung's help." Donghae silently listened as he felt determination in his words and he understands it. Of course he'll just be the same if he's the one on that kind of situation. But, he just can't help it if he'll feel somewhat hurt since they're loving the same person.

"But, how could I fight in a war when I clearly know that I already lost? That the one I'm fighting for isn't going to be mine?"

"What do you mean?"

"We talked and he told me everything. Now, all I need to know is the assurance that you won't leave him again and that you'll love him until the end." Donghae was surprised. He didn't expect any of these. What does Kyuhyun mean? Does it mean that he still have a chance on his Hyukkie?

"Kyu I-"

"Thank me later when everything's fixed between the two of you but, I'm warning you, I'll be watching your every move to know that you won't hurt or make him cry again." He shivered at the cold tone Kyuhyun used while warning him. He sure looks dead serious on that one. He immediately nodded and Kyuhyun smiled at him. He pushed Donghae up and the latter looked at him confusedly.

"What? Aren't you here to have him back? Then what are you waiting for? Christmas day? Palli before I'll snatch him away from you." Donghae's eyes were filled once again with tears as he ran towards his dongsaeng and hugged him tight.

"Thank you so much Kyu. I promise I won't let him go again. I'll love him forever and I'll assure you that you won't regret everything you did." Kyuhyun tenderly smiled and patted Donghae's back.

"I know now go. Here's the key of my car. I'll go home by myself later." He handed him the keys and Donghae took it and bid him goodbye. He looked at him with sad eyes while waving at the retreating figure.

"Always love each other and don't let anyone or anything ruin the two of you. Wishing you all the best." Kyuhyun whispered as he wiped the tear that fell from his eye.


Donghae immediately drove to Hyukjae's office building with his heart beating like crazy. Upon entering the building, the security must have recognized him so he just let him pass. He waited impatiently for the elevator and after what felt like years, the familiar ding sound echoed to his ears as he quickly entered the elevator and pressed the respective floor, 5th floor. While inside, he tapped his foot as sweat started forming on his hands. Okay what was he supposed to tell him? Many thoughts ran through his mind as he paced around the elevator. Being alone there gave him enough space to do so. His head snapped when he heard the 'ding' sound and immediately went out, ignoring the stares of the people he passed by. 

He was on his way to Hyukjae's office when he saw ZhouMi. He stopped, panted heavily as he looked at him.

"Mi, w-where is Hyukkie? I n-need t-to talk to h-him." He said between pants. ZhouMi somewhat felt overwhelmed because of that but immediately frowned.

"Hyuk left a while ago. We usually go home together but today he decided to go first." He explained and he could clearly see the disappointment on Donghae's face. Donghae hesitated first but asked anyway. 

"Did he tell you where he's going?" He hoped but his face soon fell when he saw the Chinese man shook his head. He sighed. But no, he can't give up now. He stared at his friend and said his thanks as he hurriedly left, leaving a smiling ZhouMi who was hoping for their reconciliation.


Sigh. He stared blankly ahead as he took a sip on his hot coffee, enjoying its hotness and bitterness in his mouth. Hyukjae decided to went out of the office earlier to be alone, to think over things. Ever since Kyuhyun's confession, he honestly became confused and now that Donghae's back, it has doubled. He's currently wandering around the streets without a specific place to go until he saw that his feet actually led him to the place he stopped going to, the train station. Seeing this place only makes his heart hurt, remembering the sad memory that happened there. Gathering himself together, he went inside the train station and sat on the first bench he saw, which, coincidently, was the exact location he was four years ago. He glided his hand on the bench and smiled bitterly. He looked up and saw the scene he wanted to forget. There he saw himself with Donghae, saying their goodbyes to each other. His heart began to ache again. This is the reason why he doesn't want to go back here. But he should be happy right? Donghae's back now. But, what about their relationship? Will everything be the same as before? Do they still have a chance? He was so deep in his own thoughts that he failed to notice someone sat beside him. The air blew and a very familiar scent lingered on his nose, that very scent he has been yearning to smell again. A tear fell from his eye as he turned to look to his side to see him, his one and only love, smiling tenderly at him.


Donghae went out of the building with his head hanging low. He wanted to see him and tell him everything but unfortunately, he's nowhere to be seen. Think Donghae, think. He scrunched his nose in attempt to think of the possible places he might go. He went inside his car and started driving. He slowed down his pace as he carefully scanned the area. 

While looking around, he noticed that he was by the train station where they last met before he went away. He doesn't know why but something tells him that Hyukjae's there. So, deciding to go with his instincts, he parked his car by the side and went out. He was slowly walking there while examining his surroundings. Nothing changed, he thought. He went inside the train station to see the blond sitting quietly by a bench. He started to feel the excitement and nervousness flowing in his body. He gulped and gathered his courage as he walked towards him and sat beside him, leaving a few inches between them. He looked longingly at the guy beside him who at first didn't notice his arrival and when he did, he turned to look at his side but Donghae didn't bother to tear his gaze away.

Hyukjae was surprised at Donghae's presence that he nearly fell off the bench but luckily, Donghae was able to hold his wrist. He mumbled a small thank you and then an awkward silence followed. Hyukjae feeling suffocated with that silence, decided to break it by clearing his throat. This was caught by Donghae as a signal to start talking and so, he did.

"Hyukkie, I, ahm," He began, conditioning his mind and heart on this nerve-wrecking moment. Hyukjae just looked straight but was all ears on the other, wearing that blank face that made Donghae even more nervous.

"I'm sorry."

A tear suddenly fell on Hyukjae's eyes with Donghae's words. I'm sorry? What is this? Another rejection? He felt his heart was squeezed at the moment that it became difficult for him to breathe. He felt like a fool. He, the one who thought that maybe, he'll really come back for them to be together again. He wanted to go away, really, but it seems like his legs turned to jelly that he cannot move from his place. Donghae must have felt it so he immediately held his hand.

"No, listen to me first, please." He begged and Hyukjae took a deep breathe to calm down himself and Donghae's warm hand somehow helped him.

"I went away because our business suffered and I'm the only one they could count on regarding that matter. I never wanted to leave you." Donghae explained as he looked at the blond he's holding. "All those years, you're always on my mind. From the moment I wake up 'til I fall asleep. Never did you even leave my dreams. It's so hard Hyukkie," He continued as tears also started flowing down his cheeks. "To have that desire to come back here immediately and claim you as mine again, to hold you in my arms like I used to before, but I can't. So, I made it as my drive to succeed. And I did." He smiled bitterly at him. "I was so excited when I saw the plane ticket in my hands. It was actually a gift from a good hyung of mine. All I could think of was 'Yes! I'll see and hold my Hyukkie again!'. But, as that excitement filled me, nervousness also came my way. What if you hate me? Or doesn't want to see even my shadow? Or maybe, you've already found another person to love. It hurts Hyukkie." Hyukjae looked at him as he wiped his tears messily with his arm.

"It hurts a lot knowing that there is a really big possibility for those to happen that I almost backed out."

"Good thing you didn't." Hyukjae suddenly mumbled making Donghae looked at him in surprise. Hyukjae took a sip on his coffee.

"Did you really think that I'll get over you that fast?" He asked the gaping guy beside him.

"B-but, it's already four years and, knowing that many are after you, I was afraid that they made you move on." Donghae reasoned out as Hyukjae sighed.

"Well yeah, and you know that I should have just done that. But," Hyukjae paused as he looked at him straight in the eyes. "I didn't. I actually don't know why, but something's telling me to keep on holding on. That little hope staying inside my heart that one day, you'll come back and everything would be alright." 

Donghae was shocked at Hyukjae's words. Did he hear it right? He pinched his cheek so hard that he let out a squeak. Hyukjae laughed a little at his cuteness.

"What a way to ruin the mood Lee Hyukjae." He complained as he pouted. After Hyukjae's laugh a comfortable silence surrounded them. Hyukjae peeked a little and saw that Donghae is smiling childishly making him smile as well. Slowly, he moved closer to him inch by inch and when his arm was hitting Donghae's, he leaned his head on his broad shoulder and closed his eyes, savoring the moment of being together again. Donghae let him be as his smile became wider, he looks like an idiot. He slowly lifted his hand to caress Hyukjae's soft hair and kissed it tenderly, contentment clearly seen on their faces.

"You know Hae, I don't really need your explanations at all. What's important is," Hyukjae looked up and peck on Donghae's lips. "You're back, as handsome and sweet as ever. And most of all," He paused when Donghae grinned and now was the one who kissed him. "You won't leave my side, ever again. Right?" Donghae laughed whole-heartedly at him. He tapped Hyukjae's nose playfully and kissed the tip. He tightened his arm around him and whispered.

"Of course, not until I'm sure that you're Mrs. Lee Donghae."

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Chapter 1: Finally!!! I'm so happy that they are together again....
EunHaeLove42 #2
Chapter 1: Everything was going good until I read 'Mrs. Lee. Anyway all in all this was a good story even though I'm a EunHae shipper I liked KyuHyuk for this fix. Donghae really didn't have to leave Hyukkie like that. At least explain because four years is a very long time for someone to wait without even know.

Anyway thanks for sharing :-D
Chapter 1: OMG thank god u did this with a happy ending I really can't take angst AT ALL :'(
Loved this very muck ..
Chapter 1: wow, this is such a great story.. I nearly cried the whole time while reading it. I even feel sorry for Kyu, even if I don't like the thought of KyuHyuk. I'm glad that there was a happy ending. You've a great style of writing, I love this story. Thank you for sharing it!!! :)
splendid-times #5
I love your fiction here, really :D

Just one shot that fully explain everything...and didn't really make me confuse :D

Beautiful....and thank for puzzle eunhae~!!^^
The ending is so cute ... Haha... Love it!!^^
This is so cuteeeeeee
This is the reason why eunhae is my otp
Thanks ^^
So I have read the prequel and this sequel..

Reading both just made me cried... T.T
This story is so beautiful and romantic.. I love it so much...

Congratulations and Thanks for sharing.. :D
I hope you can make another beautiful EunHae story... ^^
I laughed at the end "Mrs. Lee Donghae" aww so cute >.<
"Of course, not until I'm sure that you're Mrs. Lee Donghae."

AW! So Hae had his reason why he agreed when Hyukkie asked for a breakup..

Aw! I'm glad they got back together! ~<3