Big boys don't cry... except emotional ones

I guess I loved you too severely


All the while in Korea…

The front door flew open and Jonghun, Minhwan, Seunghyun and Jaejin stop what they’re doing to watch Hong Ki storm into the dorm, his teeth gritted and eyes red with hot, angry tears. He didn’t even look at them as he headed straight for the bedrooms.

“Hyung…” Jaejin called, his bulging eyes of confusion matching that of the other members as the door to Hong Ki’s room slams loudly shut behind him.

Everyone took several moments to pass each other silent looks.

“You don’t think…” Jaejin started.

“Not again…” sighed Minhwan.

Seunghyun looked from Jaejin to Minhwan to their leader, whose eyes were fixed to Hongki’s door, before whispering “Hey, do you think they finally broke up?”

Minhwan slapped him on the arm. “Don’t say it so lightly!”

“I’m just asking!” Seunghyun hissed back.

“You should wish him better!..ow!…what the-?” Minhwan spun around to see the pillow Jaejin threw at him.

“Cut it out you two” he growled in a low voice, “I think someone should go and check on Honggi hyung”

“Seunghyun should go!” Minhwan voted.

“No, Miannie should. He’s stupid so he can make people laugh. Go cheer up our hyung!”

“H-hey! You’re stupid too! Stupid Seunghyun.”

Jaejin shot them both a glare and they shut up. Everyone then turned and looked at Jonghoon, who hadn’t moved his gaze from Hong Ki’s shut door. The leader jumped in surprise when he felt the members’ stare.

“What?…AH, alright, okay…fine.”

He was about to knock on the door when it opened, and Hong Ki bolted out in the similar manner he had entered, utterly ignoring Jonghoon as he swept past, and disappeared out the dorm.

“Where’s he going now?” grumbled Jaejin.

“Wallet...” said Jonghoon.


“Wallet… in his back pocket… he took his wallet. I think I know exactly where he’s headed.”

With that, Jonghoon grabbed his coat and rushed out after him.

When no one was in the corner shop, he then made the run to the river side, and sure enough, in view was the silhouette of a figure sitting alone.


He had seen Hong Ki go there several times when he was upset, and noted the riverside to be Hong Ki’s personal place of replenishment.

It was a nice place.

“I knew you’ll be here.”

Hong Ki didn’t look up, but gauged more of his bottle of Sake.

Jonghoon grabbed his arm. “No, stop it; you’ll get drunk again.”

“Let go of me.” Hong Ki struggled to free himself.  

“No, listen, you’re terrible with alcohol –”

“I SAID LET GO.” He shoved Jonghoon backwards.

Angry, Jonghoon snatched the bottle from him and plunged it into the water before spinning around to grab Hong Ki’s shoulders. “IDIOT, when are you going to stop sulking over her like this?! It’s painful to watch you know!” He felt his voice getting louder. “What happened this time? Did you buy her purple earrings instead of red? Or her mirror broke and you couldn’t fix it? YAH, tell me. Maybe even –”

“She broke up with me,” Hong Ki cut him off, his voice soft but strained.

Jonghoon loosened his grip when he felt Hong Ki quivering. He wasn’t surprised, in fact, he almost felt relieved. But the large wet eyes that looked up at him made him instantly regret raising his voice.

“Sometimes,” Jonghoon said, as he seated himself closely beside Hong Ki, “breaking up isn’t entirely a bad thing. Sometimes... it sets you free."

He sighed.

“Ever since you two got together… you’ve changed, Hong Ki. Did you notice that? You’ve become so vulnerable. These days you’re always somewhere else, but that’s not even what bothers me – what bothers all of us. It’s the fact you don’t even seem to know how to take care of yourself anymore. We worry, you know, these days we’re always worrying. Ever since Min captured your once roaming heart.”

Hong Ki didn’t reply, and while Jonghoon watched, he picked up the photograph amongst the grass in front of him. It was a photo of him and Min, the first and only he had been allowed to shoot with her. His hand tightened firmly around the photograph so that it scrunched up entirely.

“I’m sorry.”

Jonghoon hooked his arm around Hong Ki’s neck.

“Someone better will turn up right in front of you, I’m sure of it. And Min… just forget about her, okay?”

Hong Ki nodded slightly, but made sure to avoid Jonghoon’s pleading eyes.

It’s not like he didn’t want to. He just couldn’t promise anything right now. No matter how badly he wanted to assure his leader that he will try, that he’ll be alright, and everyone can stop worrying… when he stared across to the trembling waters that mirrored the full moon, all he could see was Min’s face…

Her eyes…

And her thin, smiling lips.

Even if sometimes, it was a crook sort of smile.

Could he ever find a replacement for her? 

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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 2: Mmmhhh~~ YES!! Is the answer!!! He's gonna meet the girl and…… that's all I know hahaa~ good luck writing the next chapter!! PLEASE update A.S.A.P.!!
kyahhh!!!!love it...plsss update more!!!:D
I like it so much! Update soon Jaebal? ^^