Recalculating⌒♬: 1.chapter


SungGyu wasn't used to it. The empty spot next to him. Even thought their beds weren't combined in any way. They were basically just mattress's that happened to be next to another. Yet this was their shared room and SungGyu had gotten used to the fact that WooHyuns figure under the blankets is the last thing he sees before finally closing his eyes late at night, or more like early in the morning, and drifting to uncomfortable sleep.


It was kind of sad, since SungGyu really liked this boy, yet never really confessed. Mostly because he was afraid it would be inappropriate, or simply just strange thing to do.


Even as he really did think of saying it someday, he would always end up erasing such thoughts. Yet he spent all those nights, just watching WooHyun's figure. Such slim, athletic and somewhat comforting body. As if it could protect SungGyu from... Something. SungGyu didn't even know what exactly he wanted protection from. Perhaps it was just an excuse he could use if he one day would be enough desperate to swallow the bits of dignity that were left and throw himself to WooHyun's arms. He immediately started imaginary slapping himself. He's a grown man for God's sake! Well, not exactly grown, but quite very mature! And definately enough strong to take care of himself!


Yet he was depressed by the fact that he couldn't ever have WooHyun as his own. Damn, WooHyun wasn't even gay!


Aish, stupid Gyu! Thinking of such things again...


SungGyu almost felt like tearing up, but decided not to do so. Even thought no-one would have seen his tears, he didn't want to waste his time crying, since it wouldn't change a thing. He just closed his eyes and tried to think of something calming and sweet, so he could sleep. He felt like his brain weren't functional at the moment, because all his thoughts somehow creeped back to WooHyun and made him feel miserable.


It had been like this ever since he and WooHyun became room-mates. Especially the first night. SungGyu felt awkward and couldn't sleep almost at all. He had felt this bizarre tension between Woo and himself ever since they met. At first he didn't even like WooHyun, and decided to hide all the strange feelings he had towards this guy. He was actually even quite proud of himself, because he was doing such great job on dulling it all. That was until he realized how much he actually liked him. Still trying to hide all types of inappropriate feelings, he became closer to WooHyun. At first SungGyu was almost excited, but realizing that the closer they became as friends, the farther they'd be from lovers, he felt beaten. Like there was nothing to do. He was stuck in the friend zone forever and eternity. How original.


Once he actually gathered all of his courage, and decided to casually tell the others that he is bi. It was rather unplanned thought. They were all just sitting and eating their dinner. WooHyun with a loose shirt, which revealed way too much for SungGyu to handle. The others were extremely chatty, even thought it had been a tough day for all of them. Only SungGyu and WooHyun seemed to be too tired for the other's gossip's and focused on eating. Or at least WooHyun did. SungGyu was too entertained with Woo's shirt, as said before. For split of second, the dinner table was filled with silence, after SungGyu had made the sudden confession.


"Oh, hyung really? You seem straight to me, Hahah!"


SungGyu heard DongWoo say, according to his voice, extremely shocked. SungGyu paid special attention on WooHyun's reaction, which seemed to be nothing close to DongWoo's. It was like the exact opposite. As if WooHyun would have known for ages. SungGyu tried to make decisions out of his face, but gave up telling himself it'd be impossible. WooHyun seemed somewhat happy, but not like great-I-love-you-too-now-let's-go- -way happy, but more like... Motherish, I-am-happy-you-are-fine-with-it -way happy.


SungGyu decided to calm the situation a little, by explaining the others that the reason why he conciders himself bi, is not that he would have ever felt anything towards a guy. It was just that he is not fine with himself if that ever happens, and that he is just being open-minded, as anyone from this century should be. The others nodded comfortingly. Even WooHyun did. It kind of irritated SungGyu, that WooHyun's reaction wasn't really that much different from the other guys after all.


So far. Yet so close. Every night was like that. It became almost unbearable. Struggling with the feeling, SungGyu would stay up for hours.


Stupid WooHyun, he thought.


Yayy, it's the first chappieh! Yeyeye! *happyhappyhappy* oh wait *sadsadsad* I hate writing angst NO WORRIES I PROMISE THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL NOT BE THIS DEPRESSING SAD OKAY ^__^ I knew you'd understand! Oh and excuse me, I tried my best on making the characters match the actual member's personality as much as possible, but since I don't know the member's so well... Ah it makes me feel like such a bad fan :( I still haven't even watched all of the Sesame Player episodes... Ne mianhae T__T

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woosoogyu #1
Chapter 4: aish, author... don't spurt out inauspicious thingy...! >__<
it's okay if you don't wanna continue this story, I would understand and the other readers would accept it as well (most probably with some whining)...
anyway... I shall continue to keep a watchout if there's any new story from you... ^_^
woosoogyu #2
Chapter 3: An adorable woogyu story but is somehow abandoned by the writer...? ^_^
Hope your inspiration comes back again... And I shall still subscribe to your story & wait patiently for your next update... ^_~
awww, this is cute. Stuttering and his lisp, too cute
lolol cute!
and youre right. it's daebak how I thought that this ff would be angst, then the chapter two suddenly became so cute xD
d'awwww! *coos* The ending *spazzy* it's so adorable *__*!