The Girl Version of Me




“I know Key oppa… I’m sorry…” She mumbled softly.

What the heck is happening to my sister? Seriously, can someone tell me what’s on my sister’s head for cupid’s sake?! Too much love can make her insane…*sighs* did I tell you she has another identity just for that Kim Jongin??

“Fine… just go upstairs and wash up. I’ll prepare your dinner.” I told her as we went inside the house and we went to do our things.

“Hyung, Azumi arrived already.” I informed my brother who’s sitting at the couch watching some sort of sport shows that am not very fond of.

“Did you ask how Bongshil’s first day to her new school is?” He asked eyes still fixed on the television.

“Kangin hyung, I haven’t asked her yet and second, call her by her birth name is Azumi, if you don’t want to be called Youngwoon.” I warned my older brother, giving him some sort of a-glare-to-remember thing.

“Whatever Kibum.” Kangin hyung snickered; I just rolled my eyes instead. Not worth talking to him. Instead, I turned my attention in preparing my sister’s dinner. Well everything turns fine, peaceful, quiet and harmonious until…

“OH MY~ WAAAAAAAAAH!!!” Yup, it’s definitely my sister. If I’m not mistaken she did something wrong again.

“I’ll check her hyung and also give her dinner.” I said to Kangin hyung. To prevent him from making my sister feel worst. I mean it, WORST. So I went to my sister’s room and when I saw it, yes, she’s in agape; staring at her laptop, as if she read something like ‘Kai has a girlfriend already’.

“What’s with you again??” I sighed as I placed the food on the table near her bed and sat beside her.

“Oppa, I’m doomed~ I though Hermione and Harry marry each other at the last installment of Harry Potter… It was Ginny whom Harry marries~” She sulked on my shoulder as she lets me read the article about it.

“My dear, everyone knows its Harry and Ginny. I thought you finished the movie?” I said as I pat her back. I didn’t watch the movie itself but I know Ginny end up with Harry.

“But oppa~ I’m an epic fail in front of Kai earlier…” She sighed as she looked at her phone and yes, Kai is her wallpaper. Even in the laptop as well…

“Just don’t mind it. The more you talk about it with Kai, the more he’ll know your plan.” I told her to stop whining around.




Kai ♥♥♥♥


“He’s calling Key oppa! Ottoke??” She stuttered as she keeps on staring the phone.

My reaction: -.-“

“Answer it Kim Azumi… It will not talk by itself you know…” I glared at her; sometimes she really has this sickness that I call ‘Stupidity’.

Azumi: *Answers the phone* Ne Kai-ssi?

Kai: I’m home… I just informed so you will not be worried anymore.

Azumi: Ah jinjja~ that’s great then…*Define BLUSH*

Kai: Tomorrow, do you mind if I pick you up there? It would be great since I could meet your sisters.

Azumi: Ehh?? You’ll pick me up here?

Kai: Yeah, if it’s okay…

Azumi: Oh… okay…See you tomorrow then.

Kai: Okay good night

Azumi: Good night *hangs up*

“Oppa, He’ll pick me up here tomorrow…” She said in dazed

“Good for you…” I told her but she suddenly said something that I almost kill her using my own hands.

“Oppa, I told him I have unnies…”

“WHAT THE?! Kim Azumi!!! Do you want to die early????!!!!” I frantically yelled at her. Seriously, how in the world would I call our cousin to fly over here and pose as Azumi’s sisters?!

“Sorry oppa~” She pouted cutely, NO I’ll never ever gonna fall for it! I already had enough…

“AISH! Fix your own problem Kim Azumi. I did enough to help you with those fantasies of yours. Good Night!” I flared as I left my sister’s room and went to my room to calm myself and throw my body in the bed. What in the world did I do in my past life to have such problems like this today? If only you’re not my sister Kim Azumi…

I don’t know what clearly happened to that day Azumi meet Kai but I know he changed my sister. BIG TIME… Physically, mentally and literally. My sister’s real name is Kim Azumi; she just changed it to Kaira so she’ll get the same nickname as Kai. She also pestered me to enrol her in Seoul High and fix her papers so she could be Kim Kaira. She even asked me how to do make up and many other things that she must know to be a lady. I even stressed myself to fix her room and her dressing room. We even moved into this new house so she could stop her whining… It’s really bad to spoil a little girl like her.


“Good Morning Kaira!” Kai greeted at the front door when Kaira opened the door.

“Oh… Hi Kai~” She stuttered, strangling her mind in thinking what in the world would be her excuse for her so-called sisters…

“May I come in?” Kai asked and Kaira didn’t decline her request either, since the guy has been knocking on the door for almost 15 minutes and she let him sat on the couch at the living room

“I’ll just get my things.” She smiled as she went to the kitchen to grab some food.

“Kaira, who’s that??”

“It’s Kai… Key O…unnie?” Kaira mumbled in confusion as she saw her brother wearing some girl’s uniform. She looks like a girl indeed.

“Thank me later once you got home.” Key whispered firmly before going to the living room where Kai is sitting.

“Oh… Annyeong Haseyo noona.” Kai bowed as he saw Key and even called him noona.

“Annyeong! Have you eaten your breakfast?” Key asked as he smiled at him and letting him sit again on the couch.

“Ne I have eaten already noona…” Kai smiled as the older and keeping a good casual talk with him.

“Key, why am I wearing this????” 



How's the update keke! I love this part <3

Let me hear your comments please^^

Jongkey unnies jjang~!^^

Kazeryu23: HAHA! I hope you'll like this update.. am sure it answered most of your questions..XD

Like I said... comments are well appreciated=)))))



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Chapter 22: OHMAHHGOOOSHHH' YOU CAME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!!!

DdazzlingZYX #2
Im clapping my hands in the office as soon as i finish reading it. surely i received are-you-insane kinda looks from my collegues, hahaha.. i just can't contain my hyper-over-happy feelings (if there such words exist)

you are the best author-nim!!! :-D

I promise you I will patiently wait for October to come...=DDD

I really love this fic. <3 <3 <3

I'm so excited !!!!!!!!!! and also sad because the next is the final chap.....

Please make a sequel... =)))

I will patiently wait for it

ohmygosh. Kyu's gif is <3! XDDD

aww...it's ending. :P

must put up the sequel!! XDD

Suho's a tease though! babbling stuff here and there. LOL/ XD
chap 12:

wow. yeol's feeling jealous already. XD
don't worry yeol, you're taller than sungmin oppa. that's an advantage. XD

“You’re my date on Saturday okay?” Kai whispered to Kaira’s ears.
. kai, you flirt! XD

and aw. suho's being an honest older bro. i love him. :)))

I can't believe it but am liking the karin/yeol tandem. HAHAHA!

another thing, kaira sure is lucky with all those beautiful men as her relatives. HAHA.

and again, who shouted?! karin, perhaps??? :)))
chap 11: that was an awesome awesome perf!!! gawd. those perfect guys. >/////<

anyhow, so is karin yeol's partner or something? I've read ryu's comments and she was acting all giddy as if that's her. or is she?? XD will there be a love triangle between her yeol, and do?? :)))

omo. who arrived?????????
Hanssa #8
Waaaaah!!!! i can't wait anymore!!!!!
I'm too excited!!!! Please updte soon!!!
What the??? Chanyeol is studying medicine??? Oh my ..... People really change as time pass by..

Can't wait for Azumi/Kaira/Stephanie's encounter with Kai... Kyaaa!!! I'm excited ... ><
chap 10:

Omo!!! the EXO dudes are so handsoooome!!! ^3^

kaira's in loooooove~~~~~~ hahahaha!

Bacon is irritated! NYAHAHAHAHA!!! He's jealous! Am right here, baekhyun a! :)))))

Lol. cotton candy???? XD