Knight Life




Lying down in a bed she’d been with for decades, hugging her soft pillow, feeling the cold breeze of the night, and hoping someday someone will be there to join her. A situation we are in or we once experienced.

Many people are afraid of the night saying, ghosts come out at night (a childish way of thinking), bad people are awake every night (they are also humans, they sleep. They are also awake during day time), and bad things happens at night (it happens anytime) but have you ever thought that night is one of the best things in this life?

Almost everyone was made during night time, the hidden stars are seen at night, we celebrate thanks giving at night, and the strength you are using right now to read this is because of sleeping last night. One proof that night is important and whether you like it or not, it’s part of your life.

This story is about Rian, a girl who lives with night, a girl who enjoys or should I say got used to night life. The life of working at night, after a small company gave her the opportunity to work as a night time event coordinator, without hesitation she immediately grabbed it and started earning bucks.

Like everything, her job wasn’t easy at first. Beginning is always the hardest part. Conditioning her mind to wake up at night and sleep at morning is like eating your lunch at dinner (that is more like her situation actually). The good thing about humans is they can adapt changes, she got used to it as time passed by.


I love the chemistry between Jinwoon and Jiyeon though I am also a Jincole fan but anyways, enjoy the story.




                                   [Gif's not mine]


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stuartlittle #1
i'm confused, she has a niece or a nephew? it says nephew but you always refer to him as a 'her'
At first I was "Who the heck is Arrian"? LOL.
i will be your freakin supporter if this story tell me about Gminor !!