Please, don't leave..

"Seunghyun, please! please... *sobs* please, don't leave me..."

You woke up in the middle of the night and found yourself crying from the dream you just had. Tears crawl down your face, one after the other. This dream has been repeating itself for weeks now and you're frustrated by the fact that you can't shake it off. Your boyfriend has been MIA for quite sometime now. He hasn't made contact with you since and but you made sure you left messages from time to time. Because of this gap that is growing between you two, you can't stop thinking that maybe at some point, he'll leave you because he can't balance it anymore.

"Ugh! Why must this happen? *sobs* No, it was just a dream.. It can't be real..".You wiped your tears and tried comforting yourself. For another 10 minutes, you still find yourself tearing up. Finally you got up and walked to the bathroom then stared at your reflection. After splashing water on your face, you said,"Snap out of it, you. It was just a dream. Seunghyun would never do that you.", but at the back of your head you were kind of doubting every word you said.

It was already a quarter after 5 in the morning when you decided to get up. For hours you have been staring at blank space, replaying the scenes of your nightmare. You directed yourself to the kitchen and made yourself a cup of hot milk tea then sat at the sofa at the living room located adjacent to the kitchen.

Looking the picture frames displayed on the walls and console tables, you find yourself smiling and giggling as you reminisce on those wonderful you had with your boyfriend. "Oh, TOP. If only you were here now... I would tell you how much I love you and how much you make me fall for you everyday from the very first time we met until this very day...". Remembering those happy days you shared, you found yourself tearing up again. You talked as if you were talking to him, as if he was there beside you, his head on your lap as you sip on your cup of milk tea.

As your imagination gets deeper, you the throw pillow on your lap thinking it was really his head that's there. *sigh*

"You're the first man I have ever loved and I doubt that no one can make me float on cloud nine the way you do. You've given me the strength when I least have it, you lift me up when I find myself down, deeper than the soils of this earth. Nothing can bring me down when I'm with you. You are my better half, my missing pieces of the puzzle, my everything. *tears started falling on your cheeks, you let out a deep sigh* But where we are now hurts me. We've been apart for almost 3 months now, with no contact whatsoever. I understand that you're busy with schedules and promotions, but would it hurt to leave me a message and tell me how things are? *sobs* I hate to think that I'm pulling you down and I'm being a burden to you. Maybe, it would be best to call this whole thing off. Maybe it would be easier for you when I'm no longer around."

You snapped back to reality when you realized that you have been talking to a pillow. Again, you let out a deep sigh and wiped your tears. "aish.. how long was I talking? My milk tea became cold!" you giggled as you looked down on your cup. You stood up when you realized the time and heard your tummy grumble.

You turned around to head to the kitchen but dropped the cup you were holding, spilling the remains on the carpet. Seunghyun stood there frozen when he heard what you had to say, tears falling. You too stood in shock, jaw dropped and heart racing.

"Seunghyun... I..." finally, words came out your mouth. But it wasn't what you wanted to say. Actually you don't know what you want to say for so many ran on your mind.

Seunghyun still stands there frozen. "Did you really mean those words you just said?"

"I..." words still doesn't want to come out your mouth and you're still standing there in shock.

"I come home, wanting to surprise you but instead I heard this.." he said looking away. You walked to his direction attempting to give a hug but he shoved you away. "Don't touch me!" he shouted and gave you an angry look which later disappeared when he saw you shed a tear and ran up to your bedroom.

For a minute he stood there not realizing what he just did. Then he remembered the words that left your mouth earlier. Covering his face with his hands he said, "What did I just do?! Why must.. aaaaghhh!! Pabo!"


You're in your bed crying your heart out, hugging your pillow and curled up when you heard footsteps coming up the stairs. You got up and ran to the door attempting to shut it but before you could even lay your hand on the knob, he grabbed you and held you close.

He gave you a tight hug and held on to his own arms locking you in. "shhhh.. I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking..". The scene stayed that way until your cries subsided. He then pulled away, placed his palms on your cheeks and wiped your tears with his thumbs.

"I didn't mean those last words I said, I wasn't thinking.. I'm sorry.." you finally said.

"No, no.. Im sorry, it's my fault. I got so caught up at work that I lost sight of what's important, you." he kissed your forehead and again he said, "No wonder I always feel so stressed.". He looks into your beautiful eyes smiling, those eyes he has always loved, as if it was the first time to look at you.

"You look so beautiful, you." you feel your cheeks turn red. You lightly slap his chest cause he made your heart flutter. "No, I'm serious. And it hurts me that you think that you're a burden to me. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one. I had to have you in my life. The day you said 'yes', I vowed to make you the happiest women walking on this earth, to make every girl jealous of you, and to never make you cry. But I failed, I made those beautiful eyes of yours shed tears because of me, I could never forgive myself. Hearing what you said earlier, it broke my heart. You're my other half, you. Nothing and no one can make me happier the way you do. I love you so much, I always have and always will. I hope you forgive me."

Seunghyun started crying and all you could do was hold him close. You kissed his cheek and ran your hands across his back. He exhaled and said...

"Don't leave me, you"





Take it easy on me, aight? :) It's my first fic *nervous laugh*

I hope you guys like it! :-bd If you don't, well I'm sorry to disappoint. *pouts* I'll do better next time. :)


A big thank you for those who subscribed! :D

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Chapter 2: aww! THis is so cute! I love it. Romantic Tabi is amazing. XD
Chapter 2: Aww this was the cutest thing ever ^^* Romantic Tabi makes me actually die a little lol
Chapter 2: awww i love it and sooooo cutee

i'm not use to seeing my username in a fanfiction lol but i'm coping with it :DD
This made me cry :( But I love the story, more please
thanks for making me cry you meanie.
seriously loved it <3
keep writing~
i completely luv it!!!
choheex33 #7
Awww so cute. ;)
Good job!
So sweeeeeeeeeet! :)
nekosya88 #9
It's awkward to read my own name in this story XD
it was so sweet!
keep it up!
eh? my nickname is missarisu too.. huhuhu <3