


It’s been a year since Doojoon and Na eul became a couple and I’m still his best buddy. We’re still close but you could really tell that he’s already attached.

“Yah,  you’re cheating!” we were at his house playing some video game. He invited Na eul over, but she was busy. So he decided to call me cause he had no choice.

“If you’re going to play like that then I’m leaving “ I was about to stand up when he pulld me down.

“No more cheating, I promise.” He said with a goofy grin. Here we go again, why can’t I just say no to him?

It was already 3 in the afternoon when Jinae’s phone rang.

“Yeoboseyo? Oh oppa, okay I’ll meet you at 5.”

Upon hearing the word ‘oppa’ Doojoon’s attention was instantly caught.

Doojoon asked her a lot of questions.

“He’s a childhood friend of mine and we decided to hang out.. He can be annoying at times.

“so you’re going out on a date?” he asked seriously.

“If you put it that way.” I tried to ignore him and continue playing but he turned the game console off.

“What’s the big idea?!”

“You are not going out with him!”

“Why? Yah! Yoon Doojoon you’re not my mother!” What is wrong with this guy?!.

“Just don’t go out with him.” His voice was getting more intense

“Why? Give me an explanation. Besides, it’s about time I find someone, don’t you think?”

“You already have me. What are you still looking for!”

“What I meant is a boyfriend. You already have a girlfriend!” that got him to shut up.

“Besides, isn’t it time that I find someone already. I mean, you have Na eul.” Then there was silence. It was really awkward but, then he decided to talk first.

“So you don’t like me anymore?” that gave me a shock.

“I do, but as a friend.” Liar. I can’t really tell him the truth, right?

“You’re lying. Just tell me the truth.. do you still like me or not?” he was being more persuasive now.

“Why do you care?! Stop invading my privacy will you.” I was getting ready to leave when he pulled me back.

“Just answer the question. Do you still like me or not?” I have to be strong.

“Not anymmore.” and with that I left him standing on the doorway.

After that incident we stopped hanging out with each other. But I still look after him from afar. He was happy along with Na eul. They were perfect for each other so I better let it be.

Out of boredom I decided to go to the park.

There I saw Doojoon and Na eul, playing at the swing. I suddenly had a flash back to the time when Doojoon would push me on the swing till I begged for him to stop. They looked so in love which made me wana puke. So I decided to head first to a store to buy some ice cream. When I head back they were no where to be found.

I sat on the swings that reminded me of him. I was swinging back and forth, while I try to feel the warm breeze.

“Can I have some?”

I turned around to see Doojoon with his goofy grin. I was about to stand up but, he pulled me down.

“Stay. Even just for a while.” I complied to his request. We were just swinging back and forth, awkwardly.

“Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted that way.” If there’s one thing I like about his attitude it’s the fact that he’s very straightforward.


“But, honestly, if you don’t mind that is, do you…”

“If you’re going to ask if I like you then the answer is yes, happy?” I then looked at him in the eye.

“I, uhmm..”

“If you’re going to apologize then save it. I don’t need any apology besides, what’s there to apologize for.” I said. In all honesty I don’t mind it anymore. Though there are times that it still hurts but, seeing him happy is already enough for me.

“Here.” I then took off the necklace he gave to me.

“Why are you giving this back?” he asked with wide eyes.

“I told you before that if you already found a girlfriend that isn’t me I have to give this back to you. Remember? You asked me to hold it for you until you found your girl.” I then placed the necklace in his hands.

“But Jinae…” No buts.” I then tried to give him a smile re assuring that it’s totally alright with me.

“At first, I thought you might hate me when you found out I like you. I’m really thankful that you didn’t mind and let me hang with you and eventually we became really close. I honestly thought that you might like me back but, I was wrong. That necklace deserves to be worn by the person you love.” I was smiling. My feelings are genuine though all of a sudden I felt something warm stream my cheeks.

“Thanks Doojoon ah.” I was about to leave when he pulled me towards him.

“Don’t ever think that I don’t love you, because I do.” I can’t believe my ears.

“It took me long enough to realize my feelings and I’m not letting you go anymore.”

“But what, why…” I was about to protest when he suddenly kissed me. I was frozen with his sudden action. He then leaned his forehead with mine.

“If you’re wondering my relationship with Na eul… we broke up. You don’t have to be sorry because she also admitted that she liked someone else.” My heart was beating really fast and my cheeks were burning red.

“I’m really stupid for realizing it sooner. I had to loose you before I realize how much you mean to me.” He then gave me a hug. This one’s different you could feel the warmth coming from him.

“I know how much you hate being all sweet but, I love you. I really do.” He then gave me a kiss on the lips. I can’t explain the emotions I felt at this moment.

After a few moments we finally break it off to get some air.

“Jinae, can you be my girlfriend?” he asked while holding the heart shaped padlock necklace

“And if I refuse?” I can’t let him get what he wants to easily.

“Then I’ll have to persuade you until you say yes.” He then started tickling her as they ran around the playground.


Ta-da! THE END :)

The plot seems so cliche but who doesn't love a good love story, right? ^.^


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Awwwww...<br />
I wish I could be in the same situation kekekekeke...<br />
It was so cute and was so sweet...<br />
I can almost imagin DooJoon and some girl running around the park :)
I LOVE IT !<br />
Soo cutee and so sweet :) You should really make more<br />
I <3 Doojoon XD
bunnyjune #3
i love it....<br />
that was very sweet..<br />
I hope I can read some more amazing fanfic like this about doojoon...<br />
waaaah, I loved it~ It was sweet ^-^
cuteee (: