Chapter 2

Second Chance

After ensuring that the guest room was well equipped to receive Kyu Jong's friend who'd be arriving
in the afternoon, Young Saeng proceeded to prepare lunch for the day as requested by Kyu Jong,
not before turning on his favorite music to play in the background while he worked in the kitchen. 


He pretty much already guessed what his pal had in mind when he called for help. 
It wasn't the first time Kyu Jong attempted to set him up with a girl, but to send one right into his
house this time was kind of overboard. 


As his favorite piece began playing, his thoughts wandered off to a special someone...



"Isn't that what you've been dreaming about? Why are you giving up on such a good opportunity?"



"Sunbae, I… can't bear to leave you…"

"You know it's impossible between us"

"But you never told me why… I'll work hard and wait for the day you accept me as your one and only"

"I already have a fiancee. Is that a good enough reason for you to give up?"


"Stop wasting your time"

End of Flashback


Young Saeng's POV
Mianhae Ji Min… I had to do it before you got hurt deeper.
It's been a while, I hope you're well and happy…


Distracted by the sound of the doorbell, he looked at the pan and was thankful Kyu Jong arrived before
he was expected. His guests would have had to make do with a burnt lunch had they arrived any later.


"Where's my album?" Young Saeng demanded as soon as he opened the door and saw Kyu Jong
greeting him with a smile.


"Lunch's not ready yet?" Kyu Jong asked when he saw Young Saeng with the apron still on,
totally ignoring his question.


He turned and gestured for Ji Min to move forward and was about to introduce her when he saw
Young Saeng's shocked expression.


"Hyung? Are you all right?"



Kyu Jong's POV
I never knew Hyung would get star-struck like this... keke…


"Ji Min ah, this is my best friend I've been telling you about. His name is Young Saeng, he's a big fan of yours"

"Yah Kim Kyu Jong…"

"Komawoyo… nice to meet you, I'm Baek Ji Min..."


Young Saeng felt as though he was being stabbed in the heart when Ji Min greeted him and bowed,
just like total strangers who were meeting for the first time.


Young Saeng's POV
Baek Ji Min…  are you just kidding me, or have you really… forgotten about me?




"Hyung… is there anything wrong?" Kyu Jong took the opportunity to ask as he helped
Young Saeng with the dishes after lunch. 


It didn't escape his eyes that his pal was unusually quiet during lunch, responding to the girl with
just a smile whenever their eyes met. He had expected Young Saeng to at least show a little interest
towards Ji Min, but it somehow seemed otherwise.

Whether he was just feeling nervous, or really uninterested, he couldn't tell.


"Aniyo. By the way, how did you meet Ji Min?"

"Oh, she had a performance at our mall yesterday"

"You just got to know her yesterday?! How did she end up at your place? 

And… why does she need a temporary place?"

"She ran away from her manager"


"I couldn't possibly leave her alone in the washroom"

"You mean the gents?! And you brought her home?"

"Whatever it is… just help this girl for now will you? She's really weak now and needs a good rest"



The guys returned to the living room and found Mi Young and Ji Min still chatting away
as if they were long lost sisters.


"Unnie are you free today? Can we do some shopping and visit Seoul Tower at night?"

"Yah… are you a tourist or something? You're supposed to be resting… and what if you
get recognized on the streets?"


Kyu Jong shook his head and smiled upon seeing Ji Min's excitement fade away
immediately like a child when being reminded of the situation she was in.


"I… don't have any clothes…"

"Oh, Oppa let's head over to my place to bring some clothes over.
Young Saeng oppa, aren't you going to show your guest around?"


There was an awkward silence once the couple left, leaving Young Saeng with no choice
but to begin showing Ji Min around the place.


"This is where your room is. My room is just beside, in case you need any help"

"Komawo… for agreeing to take me in..."


Ji Min's POV
He doesn't seem to talk much… am I inconveniencing him?


Young Saeng's POV
Why? Why are you behaving this way? Why do you feel like a total stranger?


"Forgive me for asking… why did you run away?" Young Saeng asked after recollecting himself.


They were seated in the living room, catching a show on the television. It all felt too strange and
there were answers he needed to know from the girl seated beside him; the girl he used to know.


Ji Min was surprised at first, but relieved that he finally broke the ice because it was beginning to
feel weird to be all alone with someone who barely spoke.


"I couldn't take it anymore… there's hardly any time left for me to rest after all the schedules and trainings"

"It must be hard on you"

"I hate those dance lessons…"

"Dance lessons? But you're a violinist…"

"They're trying to debut me as a solo artiste later in the year because they feel it'll bring in better money…"

"Why didn't you go home for a break instead? Running away won't solve anything,
perhaps a talk with your parents will be good…"


Ji Min's POV
I don't have a home here. My only home is the empty apartment back in the States. 
How am I supposed to tell him this? It feels weird to be saying this to someone I've just met. 
But, he seems like a nice person… after all he took me in unconditionally even though he
doesn't even know me…


"I don't have any family. Even if there's someone...
I don't know... I can't remember much about my past..."


hihi, i see a fair number of views but... really hope more of you will drop
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Moxxie #1
Chapter 26: ❤ love this story.
Chapter 26: Wah! This is so beautiful! Young Saeng and Ji Min hwaiting <3
Chapter 26: finally... it was a really nice story!!! i like it!
rosellendhyun #4
Chapter 26: Done Reading! Unnie im back! I'll read your new story(s) after this message.. Keke =)
Chapter 26: hahaaha you are sooo cuute XD
it's such a sweeeeet ending omg loved it.
this story will forever be a memorable one for me.. gonna miss it though lol :D
thankyu soooo much for coming back to finish it ^^
Chapter 26: Oh, it's already the end xD
i love ♥ love ♥ love ♥ this story so much .. they'r so cute and sweet to each other in this chapter *jealous* kekeke
sorry for not constantly comment for this story and other..
♥ thank you very much as usual ♥
Keep writing author-nim and we will always wait for your stories ..fighting ^^
The Special Someone..fighting 2 :D
Chapter 25: aawwwwww such a cute letter.. for one moment i actually thought something happened to saengie.. aaayeeee jimin-aah go to your prince !!!
hehehehe you should know ill always be around for your writings ^^ kumawao for updating this story as well.. aaaaahh ill miss this story :D
mako336647 #8
Chapter 25: Waaaaahhhhh, that was a very sweet letter. Come on Jimin-ah, make up your mind or I'll go with Young Saeng instead. *arms crossed while nagging* Hehe, just kidding. Awwww, it's gonna end soon? : ( Please make it happy happy ending author-nim. : )
Chapter 24: I hope young saeng will succeeds in his plan and proves his love for ji min in front of his devil mother and that annoying eun jung..
thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 24: d'aaaawwwww they're too cute together.. oohh i cant wait to see hoe sengie wriggles out of the troubles his mum has woven for it !!
kamsa as always for the update ^^