Chapter 1

Second Chance

"Please pretend you didn't see me!"


The sudden intrusion of a girl in the toilet left Kyu Jong in shock and his immediate reaction
was to lean closer towards the urinal as he watched her lock herself up in a cubicle. 


Kyu Jong's POV
What in the world is going on with girls these days…


"Did you see a girl around this height with shoulder length copper red hair,
wearing a black balloon dress and silver heels?"


He was about to leave when two men entered and began questioning him.
Realizing immediately that the description fitted exactly that of the girl who had
barged in with a desperate plea just minutes ago, he decided to play along though
he didn't know what was going on.


"This is the gents…"

"If you happen to see someone like her, please give us a call"


One of the men was walking towards the locked cubicle while Kyu Jong received
a name card from the other, and he knew he had to say something to distract them.


"Yah Kim Hyung Jun, stop hogging the toilet you're taking too long.
I'll just wait outside while you finish up your business…"


He smiled as the men left the toilet and he followed suit, feeling relieved that he
managed to get them out of the place. 

After ensuring they were gone, he returned and knocked on the door which was still locked.


"You can come out now, they're gone"


The door opened slightly and the girl peeked out through the little gap, scanning the
surrounding before finally opening the door.


"You're the girl who just performed at the atrium… those guys were… your bodyguards?"

"One of them's my manager… the one who gave you his name card"

"Oh… why are you hiding from them then?"

"I kind of like… ran away…"



Kyu Jong sighed as he looked at the girl who was now seated at the passenger seat
of his car and he scrolled through his contact list hoping to find some help.

The girl's eyes had welled up with tears immediately upon the mention of contacting
her manager and he decided against it, as he remembered her almost fainting as they
left the washroom. It seemed like she really needed some help.


"Let's get that injured leg of yours treated first"

"Are we going to the hospital?"


"Can I not go… to the hospital? It'll heal after a few days"

"Look at how swollen it is… and you nearly fainted just now.
Andwae, you need to get some professional help"

"I'll be fine..."




"Mi Young ah, can you take her in for a few days?" Kyu Jong asked his doctor girlfriend who had
made her way down after ending her shift to attend to the injured girl who refused to visit the hospital.


The girl named Ji Min had fallen asleep on the sofa not long after a bath while Kyu Jong
was preparing dinner and he decided not to wake her up, looking at how tired she was. 


"My parents are coming home tomorrow and I won't have any spare room left…
Doesn't she have a home to return to?"

"She just ran away from her manager"


"She was performing at our mall this afternoon and I met her after that..."


He began telling her about the events that happened and Mi Young had a good laugh
at her boyfriend's bizarre encounter.


"Is she the same girl on the cover? No wonder she feels so familiar, she's the violinist
everyone's talking about"

"What cover?"


Kyu Jong soon caught sight of the album lying on the shelf Mi Young was pointing
at and soon realized it was the same girl who was now asleep on his sofa.


"You mean you didn't know it was her? To think you had her album"

"Aniyo it's Young Saeng hyung's, I borrowed it. Ah, I think I remember now, Hyung is a fan of hers…"


"I think he has every album… I had a hard time getting him to lend me this"

"So you're a fan too"

"Anni! I was just curious when I saw several of her albums lying on his desk so I tried to borrow one"

"You're so quick to deny… kwenchana, I won't get angry"


Mi Young smiled and pinched her boyfriend's cheeks as he immediately denied to avoid any misunderstanding.


"Hyung, I need a favor from you"

"What's up?"


With a plan in mind, Kyu Jong made a call to Young Saeng after carrying Ji Min into the guest room.


"I have a friend who needs a place to stay temporarily…"

"Mwoh? You want me to take in a stranger? No"

"Please? Mi Young won't be happy if I let her stay at my place"

"Your friend's a girl?"

"That's precisely why I'm calling you for help. Please? You have more than enough rooms anyway"


"I'm not returning your album"

"I can always get another copy"

"I heard it's already out of print..."



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Moxxie #1
Chapter 26: ❤ love this story.
Chapter 26: Wah! This is so beautiful! Young Saeng and Ji Min hwaiting <3
Chapter 26: finally... it was a really nice story!!! i like it!
rosellendhyun #4
Chapter 26: Done Reading! Unnie im back! I'll read your new story(s) after this message.. Keke =)
Chapter 26: hahaaha you are sooo cuute XD
it's such a sweeeeet ending omg loved it.
this story will forever be a memorable one for me.. gonna miss it though lol :D
thankyu soooo much for coming back to finish it ^^
Chapter 26: Oh, it's already the end xD
i love ♥ love ♥ love ♥ this story so much .. they'r so cute and sweet to each other in this chapter *jealous* kekeke
sorry for not constantly comment for this story and other..
♥ thank you very much as usual ♥
Keep writing author-nim and we will always wait for your stories ..fighting ^^
The Special Someone..fighting 2 :D
Chapter 25: aawwwwww such a cute letter.. for one moment i actually thought something happened to saengie.. aaayeeee jimin-aah go to your prince !!!
hehehehe you should know ill always be around for your writings ^^ kumawao for updating this story as well.. aaaaahh ill miss this story :D
mako336647 #8
Chapter 25: Waaaaahhhhh, that was a very sweet letter. Come on Jimin-ah, make up your mind or I'll go with Young Saeng instead. *arms crossed while nagging* Hehe, just kidding. Awwww, it's gonna end soon? : ( Please make it happy happy ending author-nim. : )
Chapter 24: I hope young saeng will succeeds in his plan and proves his love for ji min in front of his devil mother and that annoying eun jung..
thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 24: d'aaaawwwww they're too cute together.. oohh i cant wait to see hoe sengie wriggles out of the troubles his mum has woven for it !!
kamsa as always for the update ^^