
My Boyfriend is a Cockroach?!

Finally the chapter is done!!!  Sorry for those who have been waiting for it is been a hell of month for me. But now you can enjoy it!

If someone is interested this is the playing list I used when I was writing this chapter you can used it to enjoy more the chapter ;)

(Note: Some of the aren't in order)

1. Okaeri

2. Again and Again

3. You are Love

4. 사랑하는 법을 몰라서

5. 그대를 만나러 갑니다

6. I don't know

7. Without Words

8. What if



It's been a month since Cho Hee met Joon and his been staying with her since then. They got along pretty well and things had change in their lives, believe it or not, he became someone special to her and she never thought that her life would change that much all because a cockroach turned into a guy (and cute one) making her have affections for him. Well, since that day, they have been inseparable, always chatting and having fun together, he even learned how to be an ordinary guy, he got a job in one of the restaurant near the hospital so, after his shift he waited for her in the entrance of the hospital (almost all the time) so they could go home together .

Today she planned a date with Joon to show him how grateful she was with him it was her free day so she wanted to do something with him. After work Joon came to the house, when Cho Hee heard him entering the house she came running into the living room where he was standing and tackled him with a hug, she's been waiting for him all day long, she was really glad to see him, and was really bored in the house all alone, now they could go to their date. He hugged her too laughing at her action.

"I missed you too" he said chuckling in their embrace, holding her tightly. After their hug, she slapped his arm playful pinching her nose in the process "Go and take a bath you stink! And do it quickly or we're going to be late for the movie" she told him grabbing a newspaper that was on the table and sat in her sofa. He nodded at her and went to his room to take some clothes and take a quick shower. He hadn't said anything but he was really excited with this date they were having. Since he was living with her, he's been watching a lot of doramas with her and he was wondering when he could start dating Cho Hee like in those doramas they had been watching. He had been thinking about it lately making himself wondering how would she react when he take her on a date. His been having funny sensations when he sees her, he can't stop smiling, looking at her and can't stop thinking about her. He feels weird but he likes it.

After taking a shower he went to the living room were Cho Hee was sitting reading the newspaper he glance at her, feeling nervous he approach her ignoring his weird sensation in his stomach.  Was he feeling sick? He touches his stomach thinking about it. He couldn't be sick, not today when he finally is going out with Cho Hee.

"I'm ready, we can go now!" He said making Cho Hee look at him. She didn't say anything, she couldn't even make a sound when she saw him her cheeks turned red, he looked gorgeous! He was wearing a leather back jacket with a red shirt, blue skinny jeans and leather black boots. His red wavy-haired was loose making him look perfect.



(what he is wearing: if someone wants to know what she is wearing here is a pic:



He waved a hand in front of Cho Hee's face but she was spacing out.  "Hello earth to Cho Hee? Do you have a fever? Are you ok? It seems that you are going to get sick" He said touching her forehead and touching his at the same time checking if their temperatures were the same he didn't want her to get sick. She came out of her little world, seeing that Joon was just some inches away from her face, which make her blush more. 

"I'm fine!" She said pushing him out of the way, taking her purse and making her way to the door. Her heart was beating so fast that she was scared he could hear it. She open the door and stood outside waiting for Joon to do the same but he didn't, he stood in the living room confuse by her little moment of craziness. She went inside again were Joon was standing she took his hand looking at him.

"Let's go" She said smiling at him warmly, making him smile at her action.



As they planned they went to the movies. Joon was excited with their so called date; he couldn't believe that all that he had waited for  finally came. When they arrived to the cinema, he went ahead and bought the tickets for the movie. 'This is my chance to be the perfect guy, like in those dorama she love to watch so much' He took the ticket and stood beside Cho Hee giving her one of the tickets. 

"Let's go the movie is about to start" He told her grabbing her hand and taking her to the room of the movie theater. They sat in the center of the room so they could see better the film. "Do you want something to drink or eat?"Joon ask her trying to see her face in the dark room. "No, I'm fine, but if you want something you can go and buy it" She told him making herself comfortable in her seat waiting for the movie to start. He did the same but he couldn't concentrate in the film, all he had in his mind was if she was having a good time with him. He was trying to figure out what to do after the movie, eat ice cream or it would be to cold for her? Should he take her to the park? What if she doesn't like it, what if she doesn't like the movie and she is having a bad time? After running all those thoughts in his mind he look at her to see if she was having a good time 'It look like she is enjoying the movie' He thought glancing at her and the at the film but when he glance at her once again she yawn.

'Oh no, she yawn, what should I do?! She is getting bored! I knew it!!!, Joon you have to do something or she will never want to go out with you again!' Cho Hee glance at Joon and it looked like he was in deep thoughts, but she didn't said anything. After the movie ended they stood up and went outside the theater.

"So... did you like the movie? Cuz I like it!" She asked him eagerly. He smiled at her and nodded, he got worried for nothing she was having a great time and that makes him really happy. "I'm hungry let's go and it something" She said jumping up and down, he stop her before she could hurt herself, but he had to admit that she looked so adorable doing that. "Sure what do you want to eat" He asked her.

" about some Daktoritang or Japchae! After that we could have some ice cream too!" She told him. He burst into laughter and her hair making it messy "You are so tiny and cute, but you eat like a man!" He said still laughing at her. "Aish! Stop laughing that's not funny!"She pouted.

"Ok, ok... I'm sorry, let's go and eat Japchae!" He said chuckling. This time he grabbed her hand dragging her to one of the restaurant that were near the theater. After eating dinner they bought some ice cream and went to the park. "I can believe after all you ate in the restaurant you still can eat that ice cream, you sure eat like a man" He said with an amused face. She continued eating her ice cream ignoring the comment Joon made. He glance at her she looked cute when she was mad and eating her ice cream at the same time. They were walking in the park hand in hand without any worried in their minds letting the cold night cuddle them.

He took off his jacket and put it on her "Here, It's cold  and I don't want you to catch a cold" He told her smiling sweetly at her, she took the jacket blushing. They sat in one of the bench that was in front of the playground of the park, making some little conversation here and there. Laughing at their jokes and comments without any care in the world, they sat there comfortable with each other looking at the stars hearing the people pass by.

"I'm glad got out with you tonight, it's been a while since we do something together besides working, it's nice" He told her with a cute smile in his face. She smiled too and nodded "Yeah, we should do it another time" she said adjusting the jacket Joon gave her.  He smirk looking at the stars what more he could want, just stay with her all the time. Cho Hee looked at Joon in her eyes he seems different, since that they the met. The moon touched his face and the wind brushed his cheek making his wavy red hair move, he looked so peaceful and happy. She couldn't stop looking at him making her heart pound hard delivering sensation all over her body. Suddenly Joon turned his head toward Cho Hee making her blush, he gazed into her eyes making her looked at him the same way. Joon leaned a bit closer to her making her heart skip a beat while looking at his perfect light pink lips. They were so close that she could feel his breath on her lips, automatically she closed her eyes waiting for the moment…until...

"Cho Hee?" They turned their heads to see who interrupted their little moment.

"Molly?" Cho Hee asked standing up from the bench.

"I knew it was you! And for what I have seen I would assume you are having a good time" she said smirking while looking at Joon.

"I....we were just talking" She said unable to meet Molly eyes.

"I see, well didn't know you had it in you! And he is pretty gorgeous!" she whisper to her best friend.

"Stop it Molly, it's not like that" after Cho Hee said this Joon stood beside her waiting for her to at least introduce him to the person who interrupted their moment. "Joon this is Molly my best friend we work together in the hospital".

"Nice meeting you” he said bowing in respect

"Nice meeting you too Joon" she said winking at him. He didn't know why but Molly makes him feel a little uncomfortable and he was still a little irritated with her for interrupting them.

"Cho Hee, we should go home it's getting late" he said grabbing her hand trying to get away from Molly.

"What?! You have your boyfriend already living with you!" she said pointing at Joon with a shock expression in her face.

"NO!" "Yes..." They said at the same time. Molly looked at both of them with a little note of confusion in her face.

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend and neither that you two where living together" she said a little angry at her friend for keeping those details out of their everyday conversation.

"I know what you’re thinking. It's a little hard to explain right now" Joon look at both of them with a bored expression in his face, he was tired of this nonsense discussion. He put his arm in Cho Hee's shoulders getting her closer to him. "Let's go Cho Hee. It's nice meeting you Manie but we have to go, bye" he said waving at Molly and taking Cho Hee hand walking away from the park. Molly stood there as they walked away.

"What just happened?! Are they really living together...jeez, such good friend she is....and my name is Molly no Manie!"She said to herself, walking the opposite way they went.



The other day Cho Hee tried to call Molly many times, but she just ignored her calls, she was still upset with Cho Hee and she couldn't blame her. She kept her a huge secret and now she didn't know how to explain everything to her. At her work she did her routines hoping to see Molly but she was good in avoiding people when she was mad. After making all the rounds Cho Hee went to the 5th floor to see if she could find Molly there (she always made her rounds there) as she kept searching for her friend she bumped into someone in the process she landed on the floor with a lot of paper flying every way.

"Ah! That hurt!" She mumbles to herself rubbing her .

"Are you ok?"

She nodded not knowing yet who the person was, she looked up to see who was the person she hit and her eyes met not other than Dr. Lee. He stretched out his hand to help her up.

 "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention were I was going” He told her giving her a tiny smile.

"No, it was my fault I should have seen were I was going, I'm the one who should be sorry" She said accepting his hand.

"Well, we both should be sorry for bumping into each other then" he said smiling at her.  She nodded while looking at him but she notice something different about him today. He wasn't wearing any glasses!

"Dr. Lee where are your glasses? Did they fell when we bumped into each other” She said hysterically while looking for them in the floor. He smiled

"No today I'm wearing contacts but thank you for noticing" he said while kneeling to take all the papers that flew around with the little incident they had.

"Oh, that's nice then, let me help you" she said helping him get all the papers, after a minute they gathered together all the papers.

"Thanks" he said smiling at her; she did the same giving him the papers she gathered. After the little incident there was an uncomfortable silence between them she was trying to come with some conversation but she couldn’t come up with something.

"Ahem, well we should get back to our duties; if you don't have anything to do you should help Miss. Chang. She is in the room 506 attending Mrs.Woo"

"Um sure, what you need me to do?"

"Well, I need you to run some blood test on her and take some beta blockers in case she had another cardiac episode, if is not much to ask"

"No it's ok I can do it!" she said with instantly. This was her opportunity to talk with Molly. He looked at her and smile "Good, after you finish come to room 510 I'll be there checking Mr. Yi" he said as he made his way to the Mr. Yi room.

Cho Hee made her way to the room 506, she walked in stopping in front of the stretcher where Mrs. Woo was laying asleep, and she turned her head to the corner where Molly was noting the patient information. Molly turn her head up to see who has enter the room but when she saw it was Cho Hee she ignore her completely and returned to do what she was doing before Che Hee came in.

"Can we talk?" Cho Hee ask her but she only received a frown."I know you are mad at me, but you have to forgive me sooner or later" she try to convinced her but it didn't work she keeps ignoring her. Cho Hee sighed at turned away from her friend to do the task that Dr. Lee told her to do. She took the blood in 5 tubes and put them in the tray that was besides the stretcher.

Molly finished noting the information so she put the chart in the foot of the stretcher and was leaving the room but Cho Hee stop her. "Molly wait!" she stopped but didn't turn her head to see her friend face, she was still really mad with her. How could she hide those things form her.

"I wanted to tell you, but it's more complicated that you can imagine. It's not how you think it is.....Molly...Molly!"Before she could finish her sentence her friend was out of the room. Why she couldn't forgive her, sure if she was in her shoes Cho Hee would be mad too but eventually she would forgive her.

Cho Hee sigh and look at the patient for a moment while taking the tube of blood she took from Mrs. Woo. She walked out of the room closing the door behind her. She looked at her side to see if Molly was in the hallway but she wasn't. She kept walking to the other room 510, when she enter she saw Dr. Lee talking with Mr. Yi about his condition.

"Well that's all you have to take before the operation” He told Mr. Yi while looking at Cho Hee entering the room. She was a little upset and he could tell by looking at her but he didn't said anything.

"Thank you doctor, I will do as you say" Mr. Yi said chuckling in the process while turning his head to look who has entered. "Oh, is she your girlfriend? She is really pretty" when Mr. Yi said those words Dr. Lee glance at her.

"No, she is one of the resident here” He said smiling at Cho Hee making her blush, she smile at Mr. Yi and bowed her head in respect.

"Sir, I already did the task you ask me to do. There's anything else you want me to do?"She asked.

"No everything is good, thanks Miss. Kim" He said smiling at her. "And you Mr. Yi I will see you next Friday for you operation, take good care of yourself"

"I will doctor, thanks for everything" He said standing up from the stretcher and walking out of the room "Bye Miss. Kim have a good day"

"Bye, Sir Take care!" She said waving at him.

"Well that was interesting" Dr. Lee said while noting the info on Mr. Yi Chart.

"What was interesting" Cho Hee asked him with curiosity in her voice.

"You as my girlfriend" He said smirking at her. Did she hear right did he said 'you as my girlfriend' apparently she heard right.

"Wha...what about that?" She asked nervously. Dr. Lee looked at her and without hesitation he let the words come out from his lips "Miss. Kim? Have dinner with me". For some odd reason those word sent shiver through her spine."" She couldn't form the words right, was she stammering?! Seeing her in that state amused him, he smiled at her. 

"It's that a yes or a no?" He ask trying not laugh at her. She couldn't say the words so instead she just nodded. He closes the folder he was holding and took a step towards her. He look down at her, she looked to the side trying to avoid his eyes.

"Good, I will see at 7:00pm" He said making his way to the door he give her one last glace before living the room.

Cho Hee stood there processing everything that just happened. She was having a date with Dr. Lee, the guy that every nurse and resident had a crush on! She couldn't believe as soon she realized what was going on she touched her lab coat looking at her clothes. Her face fell she wasn't wearing something properly for her date tonight "I should go home and change" she told to herself but she paused for a moment when she feel a weird sensation that she can't describe and an image of Joon appeared in her mind but she shook it off.



After work she went quickly to her house to change for her date with Dr. Lee. She went to her room searching for something she could wear. She was holding up in her right hand a tight short purple dress and in the left hand she was holding a loose red dress. She couldn't decide what to wear! She kept looking at the two dresses and after all the thinking and the quick shower; she decided to wear the red dress that fit perfectly her figure. She looked at herself in the mirror to see how she looked with her dress and she did look great more to say she was stunning with that dress.



(what she is wearing:



She smiled to herself but the smile disappears when she started to think about Joon. She hasn't told him yet, what would he said if she told him she was going on a date tonight? Would he be upset? Will he be mad? She didn't know if she should tell him. After making her mind she took her cell phone and called Joon at his work.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

 "Hello? This Accent Core restaurant, how can we help you?"

"Hyun? It's me Cho Hee may I speak with Joon"

"Hi Cho Hee it's been a while since I hear from you! Of course I will look for him" He said in the other line you could hear a lot of noises from the kitchen and voices from the waiters, after some minutes someone pick up the phone.

"Hello?" when she heard the voice on the other line she automatically smiled, it was Joon she could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Joon, it's me, Cho Hee!"

"Cho Hee! It’s good to hear your voice!...wait...did something happen? Why are you calling me at work? Are you ok?" he sounded worried.

"Everything is fine, I'm ok, I called you at work cuz I know that you are working and you can't pick up your cell phone. I was calling you to tell you that we can't go home together tonight" She was feeling anxiously

"Oh ok, are you working until late? I can wait for you if you want me to, I don't mind waiting for you" Now she was feeling guilty and she didn't know why.

"Yes I'm working until late, but I don't want you to wait for me, you should go home after work, I'll be fine one of the guys here will take me home after work so don't worried" Now she knows why she was feeling guilty. She was lying to him! But she didn't know why she had to lie to him.

"Ok then, I will wait for you at home but if you need me to go for you just call me and I’ll be there" can he be more adorable how can she not feel bad after what that.

"Ok, see after work...bye" she told him before hanging up.



Cho Hee P.O.V

I looked down once again at myself; now that I was ready I took my phone and my long brown coat and walked out of the house. After a few minutes I showed up in the in front of the hospital waiting for Dr. Lee to pick me up. He call me a while ago and told me to wait him here. I stopped in front of the garden the hospital had, to watch the flower that were there. I try to shook away all the thing that came through my mind and Joon was part of them. I was still feeling kind of bad for lying at him. But how could I tell him without feeling awkward and why I should feel bad when I'm not doing anything wrong. It's not his business what I do after work, why should he care.

After a few minutes of arguing with myself I hear some footsteps behind me. I turned around to see who was behind me, when I looked up to see who it was I saw Dr. Lee smiling at me. He took my breath away he looked perfect. (I will skip the part the part of what he is wearing, if you want to know what he is wearing you can in the link below).



(What his is wearing:



He took a step towards me, standing close to me, a huge smile spread on his face it was breath taking. He stretched out his arm and I gladly took it  "You look really beautiful tonight" He said walking all the way to the parking as me following him.

"Thank you, you look good too" I said retuning his compliment. He looked at me and smiled. All the way to his car we were silent, he opened the door of the passenger side of his car and helped me get in. After I got in he closed the door and open the other door to get in when he got in he started the car and drive away.

Joon's P.O.V.

The night was really cold today and my shift ended at 7:00pm. When I got out of the restaurant before going home I took the garbage out and made my way home. I crossed the street in front of the restaurant I kept walking following the sidewalk until I reach the corner then I turned to the right. From there I could see the Hospital and the Bus stop. When I look up to the hospital I saw a familiar female figure in the entrance of the hospital. I stopped to have a better look. I saw someone approaching her. When he was behind her, the female turned around that when I saw her face it was Cho Hee. I kept looking at them, he told her something that make her smile. She took his arm and headed toward the parking of the hospital.

What was going on? Didn’t she say that she had to work until late? Why was she all dress up and whit that guy?......did ...she lie to me?.  I looked at them again trying to figure out why she lied to me. I felt a pain in my chest that I couldn't describe it was the first time I felt this pain and was like someone was stabbing my heart. I didn't like it at all, why was I feeling like that I tried to ignore the pain and kept looking at Cho Hee get into the guy's car and he was helping her. I had to find out where they going. I started to run back to the restaurant when I arrive I saw Hyun taking 2 bags of garbage outside...Perfect!

"HYUN, Hyun!"I said out of breath with all the running.

"What? Why are you still here, did something happen" he said looking at Joon all sweaty

"There is no time to explain I need your car quickly!" He said putting his hand in Hyun shoulder

"No way dude! That's my baby I can't lend it to you just like that"

"Please Hyun, I need it!"

"No! Go home Joon and get some rest you seems to need it" He said trying to get inside the restaurant but Joon's stop him.

"Hyun! Please I beg you, can you just go with me and you can drive please?" I said trying to convince him. He looked at me with worried eyes and sighed.

"Fine Joon, I will go with you, but you have to tell me what's going on"

"Yes I will tell you when we get in the car!"

Hyun look at me and nodded.



Hyun looked at Joon, he saw how sad was Joon with Cho Hee's date. Joon told him everything about the call and when he saw him with the guy in front of the hospital. He didn't know what to tell his friend to make him feel better. He knew that she was on a date with that guy and he knew how Joon's felt for Cho Hee. He only talked about her at work and always waited for his shift to end just to walk home together. Now he only sees a hopeless guy trying to win his girl back. That's why he wanted to help him.

They followed Dr. Lee's car and saw them stop in an Italian restaurant named Tuscany one of the best for dating in Seoul on Hotel Plaza. Hyun parked his car far from Lee's car he didn't wanted Cho Hee to found out they were following them and she knew Hyun's car very well.

Cho Hee P.O.V.

We arrive to the Hotel Plaza he leave the car in front of the Hotel for valet parking. He opened his door and got out. He walked to the passenger door and opened for me, he took my hand and helped me stand out of the car. The valet guy took the car to park it and we went inside. I followed Lee through the door and we headed to the restaurant. Inside the restaurant one of the waiters took us to our table that was in the center of the room. It was a nice place. Not to crowded , with dimmed lights and with only 8-10 tables is a really tiny place but with beautiful decorations. The waitresses and waiters where all nice and attentive to their customers. We ordered Seafood pasta with Parma Ham with melon as appetizer. Lee ordered a bottle of wine and I just order some water.

The night was going well; we talked about random stuff, work, our life outside work and stories about our childhood. I laugh about a story he told me when he was a child and his fear with toad. We were having a great time but my mind was always thinking about Joon and my heart was anxious. I was worried about Joon, I looked at my clock it was only 7:59pm. ‘Maybe he was still working? I hope he eat something before going home, I should have cook something for him before leaving' I was completely in my mind when I hear someone call my surname.

"Kim?" his voice was so angelical and had a tone of worried in it. When I realize who was talking to me I was really embarrassed, Lee looked at me with a curious look in his face. I smiled a little and look at him with an apologize look.

"Sorry, I didn’t hear what you were saying" I said bowing my head in apologetically way. He chuckle looking at me.

"Don't be sorry I know you must be tired from working all day. I was just saying that I am glad to be here with you and I would like to have another time like this with you" he said smiling sweetly at me waiting for my respond but I just smiled at him. When I was going to answer him the waiter came with our foods. I was saved by the waiter I should hug him or kiss him for this!

Joon's P.O.V.

I got out of the car Hyun ask me if he should wait for me but I told him that he should go back to the restaurant that I'll be fine. He smiled weak at me and drives away. I went inside the Hotel and followed them from behind so they wouldn’t see me. When they enter the restaurant I stood outside looking from the glass. I saw them sitting in the center of the room they were talking and laughing. It made me feel nauseous seeing them like that. It was obvious that the guy likes her, he was flirting with her and trying to seduce her with his devilish smile and she was falling for it. I took a deep breath and close my eyes to control myself and not to hit the guy. When I opened them I saw him leaned and getting closer to her and whispering something in her ear making her laugh. I couldn't take it anymore, I knew what was going on I saw many doramas with her to see was happening. ‘She was in love with that guy’. When that word came to my mind the pain of before in my chest came back. I walked out of the Hotel it was to much to bear I opened the door and went outside were the air was cold. I was breathing hard and I ed my shirt so I could breathe better. I couldn't go home right now something was wrong with me I didn't know what it was. I just walked far from there I needed to be far from there. I kept walking nowhere specific I just kept walking.

Why was I feeling like this? The images of them kept playing in my mind I stopped in the park where Cho Hee and I went in our first date. The park was empty so I sat down in one of the benches looking at the ground playing all the memories I had with her. I looked at the sky it was so dark right now I couldn't see any star my vision was blurry.  When I saw her with him in my mind, I felt something wet in my eyes and the same pain once again in my chest. I was angry but I didn't know why, ‘who was him? Why she was with him?’ I touch my cheek and look at my hand ' A tear?' I looked around my vision was really blurry right now and that's when a sob escape my lips I couldn't control myself I was scared, what was wrong with me? I hug myself trying to stop the pain. 'Cho Hee I need you' tears kept falling down my cheek and the night could hear all the sobs I made. The wind was the only one hearing me cries, trying clean my tears away. I felt my pocket buzz.A message 'Are you home? Did you eat?' I sniffed and put my phone back into my pocket I couldn't answer her....not right now.....



After the date was over Lee drove Cho Hee to her home and her in front of the door of her house.

"Thank you for the dinner, it was really good and I had a great time" Cho Hee told Lee giving him a grateful smile. He smiled back at her.

"I'm glad that you like it, I had a great time with you" he said looking at her with warm eyes and a sweet smile

"Well I should get inside, thanks again, drive safely" She said turning herself to open the door but he grabbed her from behind and hugged her. She dropped the key and turned around. When she look up she met his eyes suddenly he got closer to her face, she could feel his breath in her face before she knew it his lips were on hers. She just stood there with her eyes widened when she realize what was happening she separated from him trying to avoid his eyes. He smiled at her shyness and hug her again.

"Rest well, I will call you tomorrow….Bye" He said giving her a kiss on the cheek. He went to his car waving at her. Cho Hee stood there looking at him drive away from her home.

Cho Hee P.O.V.

What just happened? I touch my lips realizing what he did. He kissed me and it didn't feel right, the image was in my mind. I was trying to figure out why I didn't felt anything. I stood few feet away from the door when I suddenly hear some footstep in the sidewalk when I look up I saw Joon walking home. Did he got out of work now? When he saw me in front he paused and avoided my eyes. When I stepped closer to him he turned his head to the other side. Was he crying?

"Joon? Is something wrong?"I ask him. He didn't answer he just kept looking at the ground.

"You went out of work now?" I ask again. He sigh and give me a weak smile, nodding.

"I'm tired, I should go and rest" He said walking pass me. I turned around and grabbed his hand making him stop but he didn't turn around.

"Are you ok? You seem different tonight, what happen?"

"Nothing..." he said trying to walk inside the house again but I didn't let him.

"Joon, tell me was wrong. What do think I don’t know you were crying? Talk to me! Look at me" when I said that he lowered his head and look at the ground.

"Joon please..." He turned around and grabbed me, he hugged me tightly letting his tears run down his face.

"I have this feeling inside....and I....I don't know what it is....but every time you aren't here is like something is tearing my chest apart. I'm scared.....Can't you take that pain away?" He just stood there hugging me sobbing in me hair. I just hug him tightly what should I do? How can I make his pain go away? Seeing him like this hurts me. My tears started falling when I heard him crying…..


Awwww so sad but cute at the same time :)

We have to find out in the other chapter what will happen!!!

If you want to know please comment and let me know what you think ;)

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Im sorry that i haven't update yet...but my weeks have been crazy and I have a write block right the chapter is 50% done,


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110 streak #1
This story is just so cute :) Cho Hee lied again but its better I think kekeke :)) Good luck Joon! <3 Update again!
anthashah #2
Interesting story!!it's kind of cute when Joon doesn't know the feeling that he feel towards Cho Hee is love..after all he's juz a bug before this. i hope there'll be more sweet moment between them..but i can feel that Dr.Lee will stand on their way and make Cho Hee confuse!!arghhh..please update soon..
110 streak #3
Gosh! This chapter is worth the wait! I really miss this fic :"> Thanks for updating please update again :bd Poor Joon :( What can possible happen to him after this? I hope Cho Hee will realize his feelings and I hope Molly will forgive her :)
110 streak #4
The preview made me curious and I like it! It makes me want to read this fic more and more! :) Great! I think they're finally feeling 'something' kekeke :) I hope there will be times that they'll hang out or something <3 Update again :)
@moiratwentytwo, well you might find it a little similar, but it's not the same. In you're my pet he was human who wanted to be treated as a pet. In my story he is a bug turn in to human and as a bug he doesn't know how to do human stuff, so she have to help him learn all that stuff ;)

@kimna-young: hahaha I'm glad that you like it and your welcome it's all I could do for giving me the idea for chapter 3 ;) Now chapter 4 is on read it and let me know what you think XD
110 streak #6
Aww :"> Thanks for this chapter! I really love it especially the dream part <3 And thanks for dedicating me a chapter, I'm touched, I really appreciate it :) Your fic is really cute. Please update again! <3
moiratwentytwo #7
it seems to me the type of this story is somewhat like the story of "you're my pet".
110 streak #8
This! I love this fic! <3 I hope all cockcroaches can be a man as handsome as Jang Geun Suk :"> then I won't even bother even if they fly and crawl in front of me. Kekeke :)) I love your fic! Please update soon! <3
XD hehehe yes he is but he is a y cockroach :P
moiratwentytwo #10
hahahhhahaha!!!jgs is a cockroach here?!hhahaha!!!poor him but it's cute!