Nightmare? I'm your dream!

My Boyfriend is a Cockroach?!

I like to dedicated this chapter to ~kimna-young~ She was the first to comment and subscribe to my fic and her second comment gave me an idea for this fic :D
 so thank you! ;)


After all the events of the morning I didn't have breakfast. When I came to the hospital I got scold by one of my mentors and he even punish me for being late. He made me clean his office and his toilet yuck! Well after that I made my way to the hallways to make my rounds in the hospital. I greeted all the doctors and students I knew I visit my patients and made little chat with them. After making all the rounds I went to the second floor were the cafeteria was, my stomach was growling like ‘Simba in Lion King’. I saw Molly there with Dr. Lee, they were chatting lively in their chairs. I made my way to their table to say hello to them, but the growling of my stomach made me stop on my way.

'I probably should buy something to eat first everyone can hear my stomach going on strike' I thought touching my stomach, so I went to the counter, served some food and paid the cashier, heading back to their table once again. "Hi Molly! and Dr. Lee" I greeted them, they both look at me. "Oh hi Cho Hee!" "Hi Ms. Kim" Both of them greeted me.

"Here sit with us!" Molly told me pulling one of the chairs so I could sit beside them. I sat with them and opened the paper that was wrapped in my sandwich and started to eat without any regret.

"Ms. Kim I heard that you were late and Dr. Kang made you clean some stuff in his office?" He told me trying to make some conversation to break the silence that was around the air. I sigh and putting my delicious sandwich on the plate.

"Yes, he even made me clean his toilet. That was so unfair! I told him that I had some kind of emergency in the morning that I couldn't make it early, but he didn't care. He told me that my responsibility was to be here at 8:00am. He told me that some of my patients could die around that time" I said feeling a little ashamed on telling them everything Dr. Kang told me.

"Don't let it get to you. Sometime he can can I said it?.....he may be a little exaggerated but I know you are a good student and I know you have your reason to be late. But try not to keep it as a routine, because if you do he will show you his bad side" he said putting his hand on my back in a comforting way. I just sigh, 'how is possible that Dr. Kang has another bad side? I thought that was his bad side, now I'm screw with him'.

"Don't worry Cho Hee, Keep the good work and he'll see how good you are! FIGHTING CHO HEE! Fighting!" Molly told me trying to cheer me up making and giving one punch to the air, winking at the same time. I smile at her action she can be funny when she wanted to be. "Thanks you Dr. Lee" when I said that Molly coughed "And you to Molly" She grinned and said "Now that's better, let's forget about that incident and let's make the other hours of what left of the day much happier" she look at Dr. Lee and smile at him. He looked it away and I think I saw a little blush in his cheeks.

"Well ladies, I should get back to work and you should probably do that too and Ms. Kim I hope everything get well from now on. Don't forget to be in the ER at 2:00pm, Ok?" He told us getting up from his sit and taking his tray with and empty plate and cup.

"Yes don't worry Dr. Lee I be there, bye!" I told him waving at him, he smile at me and made his way to the trash can and back to his work.

"Why he has to be so CUTE! Look at him even with those hideous glasses he looks so fine!" Molly said in dreamy land looking at Dr. Lee.

"He is ok, I guess" I said giving a last glance at him and when I did he give me a warm smile that made me have some tingling sensation running through my spine and stomach.


The operation was done, everything was a success I got more points on my grades for answering the questions right. I was so happy that I pass it. We were in there for four hours, so he told me that I should go home and study for the other quiz Dr. Kang was having that Friday.  I agree with him and went home, at the bus station I look at my watch it was 6:15pm I look at the road and that's when it hit me. That guy was still in my house without clothes to wear, when I was mentally arguing with myself the bus came and I got up and got inside the bus.

I got out of the bus in the first station and went to the shop 'Blue Surf ' across the bus station. Inside the store one of the employments greeted me I just smile at him and keep walking through the store. I saw some cute jackets and shirts, but didn't take it.  First I wanted to find some underwear, when I found it I took two skinny jeans one gray and the other black. I took 2 shirts one white with a face in the front and the other one was purple that say ' Hurley'. After taking those two shirts I went to the part of the shoes and took one pair of converse (the originals) and one pair of gray vans.

"I hope he fit in all of this, if not he has to wear woman clothes" I told to myself taking all the stuff to the front desk where it was the cashier. He took the clothes "It will be $200 Ms." he told me putting all the stuff in a bag. 'Jeez that thing has cost me $200!' 

I give him one of my credit cards and he give me the bag "Thank you, have a nice night" He told. I walked out of the store to the bus station.


When I got home the lights were off. I turn them on and put the bag with all the clothes on the sofa in the living room. 'Where could he have gone? Why he did turn on the lights?' I went to my room to put my bag and cell phone on my bed and it was empty he wasn't there. I look in the other room and he wasn't there either. "It's he gone?"I told to myself, to make sure I went to the kitchen when I saw it was empty I went to the bathroom turning on the lights and there he was!! Sleeping in the toilet!! The seat covers were up so he was sitting inside the toilet and he was all wet.

"Hey you wake up" I poke him 3 times in his arm that make the trick for him to wake up. "Oh you are home!" he said smiling and yawning. "Yes and why are you on the toilet?.....and what it that's smell?"I said to him pinching my nose.

"What is a toilet? And I think that smell is me" he said smelling his arm, making a puking face. "The toilet is the thing you are sitting on and ewwww yes it you the one who stinks!!!" I told him trying not to breath with my nose.

"Oh I thought it was a puddle, outside was hot so I came to the pud... I mean the toilet to refresh myself and then I fall asleep" He told me with an innocent smile. "So you are saying that outside was hot and you came to the toilet to refresh yourself instead of going to the bathtub...Really?...."I told him sarcastically pointing at the bathtub. He look at me and then at the bathtub.

"Why would I go to the battop?" he ask me seriously with confusion in his eyes. I slapped my forehead “its bathtub not battop” I said grabbing his arm making him get in the bathtub with his clothes on. I open the knob and the water start running through the bathtub (but I open the shower knob)."This is why you should have gone to the bathtub" I told him putting my hand on my hips. When the water hit him he was botching like he was drowning, in the process he got me wet.

"Stop moving! You are making a mess stay still!" with that he stops moving and look at me with puppy dog eye. "I thought I was drowning" He mumbles to himself. I sigh looking him how helpless he was. "Stay there don't move. I'll be right back" I told him while getting out of the bathroom to look for a towel. When I found it I went to the bath room and I saw him enjoying himself playing with the water with a goofy face.

"What are you doing?" I ask him with a serious tone. "Nothing!" He said sitting straight not moving at inch. I took a chair from the kitchen and put it behind him so I could wash his hair. I took the shampoo, put some on his hair and started scratching his head. "Agh you smell awful! You smell like a dead animal" I told him washing his head he didn't say anything he just sit there with a smile on his face.

"Hey pass me that bottle that is in front of you" I told him rinsing his hair. "What? This?" I nodded taking the bottle of conditioner smearing on his hair. After helping him to wash himself I throw him the towel so he can dry himself and give him some pj's that he could wear. "You must be hungry. I'm gonna make you something to eat" I told him making my way to the kitchen.

I was making some noodles; he came to the kitchen with the pjs on. I burst out laughing he look so funny and cute at the same time. He was wearing a tight baby blue shirt that says 'y' with a baby blue pj pants that didn't cover his knees. He looked at me like I was crazy and sat in one of the chair of the table waiting for me to finish.

When I finish, I put two plates on the table one for him and for me. He took his plate and started to eat with his hands. I looked at him disgusted. "Don't eat like that! Use this and you should dry your wet hair or your gonna catch a cold" I told him giving him the spoon and showing him how to use it. After 6 seconds he got the trick and start eating correctly. " you have a name?" He shook his head saying no. "Well we should think of about......Joon?" I ask him waiting for his answer. He just shrugged and continued eating. I sigh (I think I have been doing that since this guy appear out of nowhere in my living room). "Well Joon it is".


I was sitting in my sofa with Joon besides me. The lights were off the only light we had was with some candles. I looked at him, He did the same. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of my palm. I smile at his action and he smirk at me "This night I am your dream...." He whispers in my ear, touching my face and looking at my lips. I blush at his comment and push him away from me. He only smile and grabbed my arms but something was wrong.

I looked at his arms and they turn it into hairy legs like insects. He grinned at me and put his lip up to kiss me I push him away, he fall from the sofa and on his back his shirt start ripping making something got out of his back.

'It's that wings?' I covered my mouth in shock and horror. He flip his wings and jump to the wall, crawling besides me. "Give me a little kiss" He said getting closer to my face. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I started screaming and running out of my house when suddenly two biggest cockroaches came in front of me grabbing me I started yelling until I wake up.

I wake up breathing heavily and sweating. It was just a dream what a relief; I covered my face with my hands, getting up in a sitting positing until I feel something in my bed. Joon was there sleeping in a fetus position! "AHHHHH" I scream kicking him out of my bed. He fell off "Ouch!, why did you kick me?" He said rubbing his head.

"This is my bed you can't sleep with me!" I told him laying again in my pillow. "Why not? Is warm there" He said getting on to the bed. "No! go to the other room right now" I told him kicking him again and hitting him with my pillow. He pouted and went to the other room.


I hope everyone liked it! Tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions they are welcome ;)

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Im sorry that i haven't update yet...but my weeks have been crazy and I have a write block right the chapter is 50% done,


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110 streak #1
This story is just so cute :) Cho Hee lied again but its better I think kekeke :)) Good luck Joon! <3 Update again!
anthashah #2
Interesting story!!it's kind of cute when Joon doesn't know the feeling that he feel towards Cho Hee is love..after all he's juz a bug before this. i hope there'll be more sweet moment between them..but i can feel that Dr.Lee will stand on their way and make Cho Hee confuse!!arghhh..please update soon..
110 streak #3
Gosh! This chapter is worth the wait! I really miss this fic :"> Thanks for updating please update again :bd Poor Joon :( What can possible happen to him after this? I hope Cho Hee will realize his feelings and I hope Molly will forgive her :)
110 streak #4
The preview made me curious and I like it! It makes me want to read this fic more and more! :) Great! I think they're finally feeling 'something' kekeke :) I hope there will be times that they'll hang out or something <3 Update again :)
@moiratwentytwo, well you might find it a little similar, but it's not the same. In you're my pet he was human who wanted to be treated as a pet. In my story he is a bug turn in to human and as a bug he doesn't know how to do human stuff, so she have to help him learn all that stuff ;)

@kimna-young: hahaha I'm glad that you like it and your welcome it's all I could do for giving me the idea for chapter 3 ;) Now chapter 4 is on read it and let me know what you think XD
110 streak #6
Aww :"> Thanks for this chapter! I really love it especially the dream part <3 And thanks for dedicating me a chapter, I'm touched, I really appreciate it :) Your fic is really cute. Please update again! <3
moiratwentytwo #7
it seems to me the type of this story is somewhat like the story of "you're my pet".
110 streak #8
This! I love this fic! <3 I hope all cockcroaches can be a man as handsome as Jang Geun Suk :"> then I won't even bother even if they fly and crawl in front of me. Kekeke :)) I love your fic! Please update soon! <3
XD hehehe yes he is but he is a y cockroach :P
moiratwentytwo #10
hahahhhahaha!!!jgs is a cockroach here?!hhahaha!!!poor him but it's cute!