Letting go of you

Letting you go


Most people think that missing, is the hardest part of loving someone. Really?

Then what about letting go?

Letting go someone you are still in love with.

I told you before, that your happiness, would be the most important thing for me right?

Even though when we are no longer together?

I told you that when we weren’t together yet, when we were finally together, and I tell you again now when we are nothing more than just an acquaintance.

Today, Minho came to me, he said there’s something he wanted to talk about with me. So we went to the college canteen.

“M..” he said, look hesitated to express whatever he wanted to say to me

“Yep?” to be honest, I already know what is it that he wanted to talk with me about. I heard about it, and I already saw it coming. They say, you look happy when you are with him. And two days ago, I saw your smile again, the smile that I’ve been missing so bad, he made you smile, simple thing that I failed to do, miserably.

He made you smiled like that, he must be really good isn’t he?

“There’s this girl..” Minho is a good guy, isn’t he? Well he is a good friend for me. “She’s really nice to me”

I took a big gulp of my soda, because somehow, it’s funny that I almost feel like im choking when he mentioned about this girl he’s thinking about “Woa! Really?! Then it’s a good chance for you bro!”

He looked at me, damn it, he’s a good friend “But.. How about you?”

“Me?” another big gulp, because I almost choked again, damn you emotion! “What about me?” trying to show him that I am totally okay. Am i? See how funny this situation is?

“Minho” that voice, a bit far from where we are, but I could already recognized it. It used to call my name with that sweet tone.

He look at her direction which is somewhere behind me, but somehow, I don’t have a courage to look at where she is now, inside, I hope she won’t come to our place, so I stand up and pull him up too, without turning around “Come on now, she’s calling you, don’t make here wait, go go” as I pushed him away to her direction, trying hard not to look at her by hiding my vision behind him so she, also won’t look at me.

“But..” damn this guy, why is he so nice? I wish he isn’t so I could at least break his nose or something, tsk tsk tsk

“Don’t but but me bro, just.. Make her happy, for me okay?” as I pat his shoulder then sit back. I can feel he hesitantly walk to her, while I sit back on my seat, back facing you guys.

“Hey” he said to you

“Hey, sorry for making you wait too long” you said to him, bet you are pouting?

“Oh.. Th..  that’s okay, I did told you I’ll wait right?”

Damn I need to see her face at least, so I take another gulp of my soda, and try to be as casual as I could, looking at you and minho’s direction, and there you are, smiling at him before you walked away together, hand in hand.

Most people think, missing, is the hardest part of loving someone.

For me, letting go and try to move on, is the hardest part. No matter why did you break up, in good or bad terms, letting go someone that means a lot to your life, will never be an easy thing to do. And move on? Tsk tsk tsk.. That’s another case.. As for now, I’ll just keep getting used to it, to be your past, and who knows what will I find on the end of the road right?

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first try ^_^


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 1: More
Chapter 1: Is it one sided???
Chapter 1: a single chapter is not enough to explain is history
Chapter 1: Letting her go is the hardest thing for me. Moving on is impossible for me. It's been 6 years already, my feeling for her never changed, even a little bit. I just love her so much!
Chapter 1: I love how you perfectively portray one-sided love
Chapter 1: It's the hardest thing that people could do to let go of someone they really love the most...
musiclover16 #7
i love angst story.
too tired of happy ending. in reality there really is no Happy Ending. Its just a simple/hard Ending.
please make more angst story. ^____^
UndergroundShipper #8
^___^ thanks, appreciate it, we'll see about it kukukuku, angst is good too sometime isn't it? we'll see
musiclover16 #9
is that all?
oh man, add more ^__^
at last i found a story like this, so sick of happy ending.
Hope you write more like this. :D
UndergroundShipper #10
ironic coincident? hehe,thanks for reading