Three Days



Hyosung dropped the PDA on Himchan's lap.

"There's your information," she said.

Himchan nodded in approval. "Well done. You did well. Did anyone see you?"

"One, as far as I know. She's dead now. That was her PDA."

"And the body..?"


Himchan stood and grasped her hand. "You're a fast learner Hyosung. As I said, you did well. I think we can rely on you."

Hyosung bowed her head. "Thank you."

Himchan dismissed her. She descended the stairs and left through the bar. It was empty now; Himchan had put a ban on alcohol until this business was over.

On her way back to her new house, she met a familiar face.

"Noona!" Jongup was smiling widely. "This kids always smiling" Hyosung thought to herself.


"I heard you were on a mission."

Hyosung nodded. "I was."

Jongup shivered slightly as cold droplets of rain began to fall from the sky. "Want to come to our place for dinner Noona?"

Hyosung shrugged. "Thank you Jongup."

Jongup led her through the Zone to the house he and Junhong occupied. They stepped inside and took off their shoes.

"Where's Zelo?" Hyosung asked. 

"Asleep," Jongup answered. "He doesn't sleep well at night. I think he has nightmares."

"Ok," Hyosung whispered, lowering her voice so she wouldn't wake the sleeping boy. Jongup laughed.

"It's ok, noona. He sleeps like a log. I could fire a gun and he wouldn't stir."

Hyosung smiled. She smiled and sat down, watching Jongup prepare a meal.

As they were eating, Jongup looked at her.

" were on a mission. Did it involve...conflict?"

Hyosung swallowed a piece of chicken before answering. "Yes," she said, not sure why Jongup wanted to know. "She's dead now" Hyosung quickly added.

Jongup looked at her. Hyosung found she couldn't meet his eyes.

"Did you feel anything?" He asked. "Pity, regret, disgust?"

Hyosung hesitated. "No. And why should I have? She was nothing to me!" She said, raising her voice slightly. Why was Jongup acting as if she was some criminal? Well, she was, she supposed. But so was he. No doubt he had taken many a life before.

Jongup sighed. "You need to feel something."

"Why?" Hyosung scoffed.

"When you kill because of hate, or because you want to survive, or for revenge - it's still killing, but at least you're feeling something."

"And why is it so important to feel something?"

"When you stop feeling anything, you begin to become a heartless killer. Not any better than them," Jongup said, holding her gaze. "It's when you lose your humanity."

Hyosung dropped her chopsticks. She lost her appetite. Jongup patted her arm.

"Sorry noona, I wasn't accusing you or anything, I was warning you."

Hyosung just nodded. She stood up. "I have to go," she said, and left before Jongup could object.

As she walked through the rain she thought.

"Sometimes this gang will require me to be a heartless killer," she thought. "But that still doesn't mean I have to be one. I can still do this, but I need to feel for my victims," she thought. "That's what makes them and us different; they don't feel."

Hyosung sighed. Since when was everything so complicated?



Yongguk and Hyoyeon sat in Yongguk's room. 

They were sitting on the floor leaning against the wall. Hyoyeon had her head resting on Yongguk's shoulder, he had his arm around her waist. They sat there, just looking at the rays that shone though the window after the heavy rainfall.

The place was quiet, just the two of them, sitting - just sitting with each other - the sun falling on their faces.

"I wish," Yongguk said. "I wish we could just stay like this."

Hyoyeon turned to face him, an eyebrow raised. "You wish we could just stay here on the floor?" She asked.

Yongguk laughed. "Of course not. I just wish we could stay, together, alone, quiet, without having to go meet up with the other leaders in ten minutes and plan how we're gonna kill people."

"Oh," Hyoyeon nodded. "By the way, why do you want to kill Himchan?"

"Why do I -? Only the same reason we're fighting him in the first place!"

"No, why do you want to kill him? When we were going on the first attack, you told everyone Himchan was yours to kill. Why?"

"If I'm the one to kill him, it'll make me seem powerful to the others in the other gangs."

Hyoyeon nodded. She stood up and Yongguk groaned. "Stay!" He pleaded.

Hyoyeon smiled. "I'd love to. But Minzy still thinks I'm her woman. I intend to keep up that act until this is all over. I need to give her my fake report."

"Fine," Yongguk said. "Hurry back."

"By the time I come back we'll all have to meet the others. We need to put last minute plans for the attack into action."

"Why are you so reasonable?" Yongguk grumbled. "Fine. Ok. See you later."

"Later. And remember - we shouldn't let them think there's anything going on between us."

Yongguk nodded. Hyoyeon left.

"The sooner this is over," he thought. "The better."

And it would be over soon. Soon he would be the most powerful in this city; the other leaders dead; a huge and loyal gang obeying him; Hyoyeon at his side. He fell back on his bed,

"Yes," he said, this time aloud. "The sooner this is over the better."



"There isn't enough," Hoya told Minzy.

"Enough what?" Minzy snapped.

"Gas. To burn down the Zone. We have half of what we estimated. And we won't be able to get it into the city."

Minzy blew out through . "We'll use what we have. We'll douse the houses on the streets nearest to the Zone and light up a fire there. Hopefully ot will spread to the Zone."


"But what?!"

"Doing that, we might end up burning the whole city and burning everyone - including ourselves - alive."

Minzy shrugged. "I will win this game. And if I need to take that chance, I will. End. Of. Story."

Hoya nodded, bowed and left. "We're all going to die," he thought to himself.


The leaders sat gathered in the meeting room.

"It's decided then," Jiyong said. "Three days until the attack. In three days, we kill Himchan."

"And each other," Yongguk thought, but he didn't say that out loud.



Sorry if the chapter is boring orz

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Everyone; prepare yourself for the grand finale of "Power"....


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LilyRose23 #1
Chapter 22: Ah, that was beautiful <3 I loved the vivid details you gave; I was able to picture the story as if it was a movie. Good job author-nim! As for improvements, that was well written so I can't think of any. Just a few spelling errors but if you skim over them after writing, then you'll spot them. I'm sad that Jongup had to die, but that created a suspense that fitted your story at the end as the war created chaos where many perished; both the good and evil. I'm just glad that Hyoyeon & Yongguk are together at the end <3 they are so cute together! Hehee thanks for a great story!
I loved this story and I seriously ship Yongguk & Hyoyeon :) GOSH, this is seriously a great story ^^
Chapter 22: I read all of this in one sitting, It was so well-written I can't breathe. I want a sequel but I want Minzy alive though :((((( and a changed Minzy a very cunning minzy I WANT HER BACK okay enough of me :))) I love this Sequel please~
stellar #4
Ugh, I really loved this! I thought you were going to kill off Zelo but I'm glad you didn't. Jongup and CL though... T-T I'm kind of sad about the ending, I want to know more! But this was a great read, thank you for writing it~
Chapter 22: okay, so I just finished this and JALKD;ASDA;;LS IT WAS AMAZING you're an amazing writer and I absolutely loved it /throws glitter around

to be honest there were a few grammatical errors but other than that everything was fine - the characterization, the action, the blood... I love it so much ;-;

also, I love the cliffhanger ending, cliffhanger endings are my favourite ;)
CONGRATS ON FINISHING YOUR FIRST FANFIC ! even if it is a little late C:
Chapter 10: urgh this is so intense, I can't stop reading ;-;
the atmospheres you create is incredible, I can really feel the tension and the bloodthirst in the air ! can't wait to finish this :D
Chapter 22: Omg!!this story was awesome!!it need a sequel!!
Oh no poor Jong up. He's such a poor thing! >< Even though my dear Zelo survived I bet his soul is dead alr D:
Wow, now i'm curious about what will happen between youngjae and jiyong and if theres a 2nd war. Omg, i hope theres a sequel. For a first fanfic, you're pretty good and unique or maybe i'm just biased since i prefer action, thrilling fanfics rather than cliche love stories.
boy-ish_shawol #10
Oh godd... What a story. *standing ovation* I hope to see another wonderful fanfic from you author-nim. This fic is intense. I like it so much esp when Minzy died. Wahahaa.