Switching Sides



Hyosung ran silently, dodging the guards. Once she was in the shadow of the apartments, she jumped as high as she could, grabbing onto crevices in the apartment wall. She hoisted herself up, gritting her teeth. She found a suitable foothole and pushed herself up more. The next time she reached for a handhold, the brick was old and loose and it crumbled, nearly causing Hyosung to fall. But at the last minute she balanced herself with her feet. 

"Phew," she whispered. "That was a close one." She continued to climb, her heart beating wildly. The muscles in her arms and legs were already burning. Hyosung was an active girl, but she never had to scale an apartment block before.

Finally, she was in reach of the first balcony. She reached out and grabbed the barrier around it. She swung, and for a minute it felt like she was going to fall, but she hoisted herself up and over the side. She fell in a heap, catching her breath.

Separating her from the apartment was a patio door.

"Please God," she prayed silently. "Don't let there be anyone in there."



The five men watched the ripples in the river stop. "You think he's dead?" One asked.

"If he's not, it will only take a minute now," said one, right before a knife hit him in the back, it's long blade protruding from his chest. He made a surpised "oh!" sound, and then fell into the river.

The other four men turned around to see a young man with multiple knives in his belt.

Only one of them recognised him, and he knew that it wasn't a young man at all, it was in fact a young woman. "What the hell?" he yelled.

The young women quickly threw her knives. One, two, three, four. In the amount of time it had taken her to aim and throw four knives, these men were dead. She had been training with knives for years, and she never missed.

She quickly rifled through their pockets, and found a set of keys. She grasped them tightly, hoping they were the ones that would unlock the poor kid's cuffs. She took out an underwater flashlight, and secured it to her arm with an elastic band. Steeling herself, she dived into the river.

The ic water shocked her, and she let all her air out of her lungs. She resurfaced and got used to the temperature, then dived again, swimming down, down, down through the dark water. Luckily the me  had thrown him in from the shore, being lazy, so that the boy would only be in the shallow parts of the river - still deep, but not as deep as he would be if they had gone out on a boat and thrown him in.

She saw him on the river bed. Her lungs burning, she grasped the key taken from one of the men's pockets. From the look of it, he was unconcious but it was hard to tell. She swam to his ankles, knowing her time was short. He only had seconds left, and she needed a breath soon.

Fingers fumbling in the semi light, she just about managed to unlock the cuffs around his ankles, freeing him from the weight. She would undo the handcuffs later.

She began to swim up towards the surface, dragging the boy with her. She really needed to surface soon, otherwise they'd both die.

She surfaced and gasped for air. She pulled the boys curly head out of the water, and dragged him out of the river. She laid him on the pavement, and quickly uncuffed him and took off his blindfold.

He lay still, unmoving. He was cold and wet, and she couldn't see if he was breathing or not.

She leant forward, pressing her ear to his chest. Silence. Then;


The woman breathed in relief. She pressed her hands to the boys chest, and began to press hard, giving him CPR.

One push, two pushes, three pushes.

"Come on, come on, come on!" She muttered.

One push, two pushes, three pushes.

"I didn't rescue you from the river for you to die on me!" she yelled.

One push, two pushes, thr-

The boy started coughing. He opened his eyes, and using his hands to steady himself, began to cough up all the water in his lungs,

The woman closed her eyes in relief. The boy lay gasping for a minute. He looked at the woman.

"T...thank you," he says. "You saved my life."

The woman nodded. "Anytime. Who are you?"

"Zelo." Zelo began to shiver, his teeth chattering. "And you?"

"Amber. Amber Liu." Zelo's eyes traveled down Amber's arm, to the tattoo on her wrist, marking her as a part of Zico's gang. His eyes widened and he tried to stand up. Amber helps him up.

"Before you ask, I'm not going to kill you."

Zelo looked at her, confused. "You're a member of Zico's gang. Why did you svae me?"

Amber tilted her head. "Zico is just Jiyong's pawn at this stage. Yongguk and Minzy are at each other's throats. All of them; all of the leaders, they'll end up destroying each other. It's Himchan who's gonna win this shindig. What's the point of staying with the losing side?"

Zelo said nothing.

"I saved your life," Amber said. "I risked my own life to save you. That will gain me favor with Himchan, won't it?"

Zelo nodded. "Himchan will probably reward you," he said. "You're practically one of us already."

Amber grinned. "Come on, Zelo. You're alive but you could probably do with getting home. Also, I need to talk with Himchan."

Zelo nodded, and let Amber help him home. Amber had saved him, and he had no objection with her coming over to their side. But, a time may come in future, where Amber might be forced to fight the people she had counted as friends and family. If that happened, would she remain on their side?

Zelo put those thoughts out of his mind. He was alive, and for now that was what really mattered. As he was passing, he kicked one if the dead men, hard.



Kyaaa! I felt so evil reading all of your comments! kekeke!

I really love writing this, and I'll probably update again either tomorrow night or later.

Thank you for all the comments and readers, and for all your support.

Tell me what you think of this chapter!

Have a good day!


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Everyone; prepare yourself for the grand finale of "Power"....


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LilyRose23 #1
Chapter 22: Ah, that was beautiful <3 I loved the vivid details you gave; I was able to picture the story as if it was a movie. Good job author-nim! As for improvements, that was well written so I can't think of any. Just a few spelling errors but if you skim over them after writing, then you'll spot them. I'm sad that Jongup had to die, but that created a suspense that fitted your story at the end as the war created chaos where many perished; both the good and evil. I'm just glad that Hyoyeon & Yongguk are together at the end <3 they are so cute together! Hehee thanks for a great story!
I loved this story and I seriously ship Yongguk & Hyoyeon :) GOSH, this is seriously a great story ^^
Chapter 22: I read all of this in one sitting, It was so well-written I can't breathe. I want a sequel but I want Minzy alive though :((((( and a changed Minzy a very cunning minzy I WANT HER BACK okay enough of me :))) I love this Sequel please~
stellar #4
Ugh, I really loved this! I thought you were going to kill off Zelo but I'm glad you didn't. Jongup and CL though... T-T I'm kind of sad about the ending, I want to know more! But this was a great read, thank you for writing it~
Chapter 22: okay, so I just finished this and JALKD;ASDA;;LS IT WAS AMAZING you're an amazing writer and I absolutely loved it /throws glitter around

to be honest there were a few grammatical errors but other than that everything was fine - the characterization, the action, the blood... I love it so much ;-;

also, I love the cliffhanger ending, cliffhanger endings are my favourite ;)
CONGRATS ON FINISHING YOUR FIRST FANFIC ! even if it is a little late C:
Chapter 10: urgh this is so intense, I can't stop reading ;-;
the atmospheres you create is incredible, I can really feel the tension and the bloodthirst in the air ! can't wait to finish this :D
Chapter 22: Omg!!this story was awesome!!it need a sequel!!
Oh no poor Jong up. He's such a poor thing! >< Even though my dear Zelo survived I bet his soul is dead alr D:
Wow, now i'm curious about what will happen between youngjae and jiyong and if theres a 2nd war. Omg, i hope theres a sequel. For a first fanfic, you're pretty good and unique or maybe i'm just biased since i prefer action, thrilling fanfics rather than cliche love stories.
boy-ish_shawol #10
Oh godd... What a story. *standing ovation* I hope to see another wonderful fanfic from you author-nim. This fic is intense. I like it so much esp when Minzy died. Wahahaa.