What If

Love is You

Time pass by. They already one and half years together. It's been 2 years for Ana. Yep! She's about to finish her master degree soon and like it or not she has to going back to her hometown, Indonesia. Now she faced her biggest fear. End it all with Seungho?

Adriana POV

Finally..I have to faced it. I knew this day will come. I knew that it won't be easy for me or him but what can I do about this?hmmmpphh..Well, this is my last year at university. I try to relax and not try to overthink about that or about him to be exact. Today I'll resign from Joon's cafe. I need to focus on my thesis. Today is my last farewell to my collegues. They've been amazingly nice to me. Today won't be easy ofcourse. He'll pick me up today, because today is Sunday so he had nothing to do. He's been busy lately. His bussines in Japan is going well. And here he is, waiting for me patiently with his favourite black leather jacket and white shirt. I waved at him. He smile brightly and he open his arms. Always asking me to hug him everytime we met. What if I won't see that smile again? What if I can't feel he embrace me everytime I'm down? Just imagine it already makes me cry. 

-BGM : No by Yoseob-

I running to him. I wanna hug him so bad. I wanna feel his embrace as long as I can. His body scent. His parfume. I wanna remember everything. I wanna keep it in heart and my head. I can't tell him about my plan. My plan about going back home.

"Wae-eo? You missed me that much?" He teased me. "Uh? Mwo?! Ani" I deny it but still hug him. I don't wanna let him go. "Jinjja?then why you hug me longer than usual?tsk..tsk..just admit it my little girl" He hug me tighter. I feel like my tears are about to fall. But I have to control myself. I can't cry in front of him. "hhmmm" I just stick my face on his chest. "Hey" suddenly push me a bit and lifted my chin with his right hand while his left hand still around my waist and mine on his. "What's wrong?" He asked. I know I can't lie to him. But this time I have to. "Ani, I just missed you babo" I lied then get into the car. I can see he's frowned.

~At Joon's Place~

Min-ah, Joon, G.O, Mir and Cheondung already there. I'll miss them badly. Only Min-ah know about my plan, I think so. But I believe she already told Joon about my plan. About my plan about resign and my sadness. I waved and join them. Min-ah looked worried at me. I fake a smile and she smile back but I can see saddness on her eyes. We talked about random stuff. I tried so hard to involved with them but I don't I can't. My mind filled with farewell. For seconds I don't have any guts to tell Joon that I wanna resign. But I have to! You can do it Ana! I took a glance at Min-ah and she nodded her had. Okay..I'll say it Min-ah


"Joon oppa" Ana called Joon. Eventhough she called Joon but all eyes on her. She take a deep breath. "I--I wanna to resign from here" She continued. All eyes wide open, except Min-ah. She still looked worried at her. "Mwo?" Seungho surprised. "Ne, can we talk at my office?" Joon stand up and start to walking. "yah! Can't you just talking here?!" Seungho complaint. "Mian-ae hyung but it's about jobs" Joon replied. When Seungho about to replied, Ana touch his hand and give him "it's ok' look. Seungho just sigh. Ana stand up and following Joon. 

"Min-ah, I know you know something. What happend?" Seungho asked Min-ah right after Ana and Joon dissapear. "Oppa, I'm not in place to tell you. You better ask her later" Min-ah replied. G.O and the dongsaeng remain silent. They just show their worried look. Meanwhile, at Joon's place

"Ana, Are you sure?" Joon asked Ana after invite her to sit. "yeah,boss. I need to focus on my thesis" Ana replied with fake smile. Joon sigh and looked hestitated for seconds. "Ok, you can resign from here..hmm,Ana.. I know isn't my bussiness but since you two are my best friends. I need to asking about this" Joon continued. Ana knew that Joon is about to ask her and Seungho. She clenching her right hand but cover it with her left hand so Joon couldn't see it and she can hold back her tears. "about what?" Ana tried to sound cool. "About you and Seungho hyung. What if you already finished it? Min-ah said that you'll back to your hometown. Seungho hyung know this?" Joon asked again. Ana sigh then she said "He doesn't know yet. But I'll tell him soon. Don't worry. Everything gonna be okay" Ana tried to convince Joon but Joon looked hestitate for then he just smile and nodded his head. "thank you for everything boss" Ana continued with fake smiles again. "hey, I'm not you boss anymore" Joon replied.

Seungho POV 

What the hell is happend?! What's wrong with her?! She's been acting weird since this morning and now she wanna resign?Why she didn't talk to me first about this?! aaarrgghh!! Seungho. What kind of boyfriend your are?! Oh,that's her. Finally they finished. 

"Hey, what happend here?" G.O asked. Again she just smile and say nothing. She just looked at Joon. Joon nodded his head. I bet she asked Joon to explain it to the others. "oppa, gaja" She asked me. She smiled at me but I can see sadness on her eyes. I know she wanna talk to me. I just following her. I hold her hand. We can hear G.O call her. But she ignored him. She close her eyes and smiling for seconds then keep walk away. What's wrong with her?why her eyes looked so...sad? She asked me to take her to 'our' park. 

~at the park~

She still silent. She just asked me to walking around the park. We holding hands but she doesn't look at me at all. She keep looking forward eventhough I keep staring at her since we've arrived. Suddenly she stopped right where we met for the first time. Place where she tripped over the rock. Place where she scold me then fainted in front of me. I can't believe it, it's been one and a half years. That stanger is my girlfriend now. A girl that I can't live without. Remember it all, make me chuckled unconsiously. Then I realize that she already look at me. She smiled at me but still with sad eyes. "So, will you tell me now?" I asked. She smile and hug me. Suddenly I can hear she's crying. I'm surprised. I wanna asked her but when I wanna release her hug, she hug me thighter. What's wrong,why everything is so sudden today? She suddenly resign then she's crying. After minutes crying on my embrace. She release her hug. I'm right away lifted her chin and wiped her tears with my right hand. She looked so weak and her eyes fiiled with sadness. "hey..what happend?" I asked her. She take a deep breath. "The reason I resign from Joon oppa cafe is.." She stop then she close her eyes. Looked like she trying to hold her tears. "I--I wanna to focus on my thesis" She continued. Suddenly i feel like something hit my head. Hard. I realize it now. Thesis?that's mean she'll finished her master degree soon. Wait, she's going back to Indonesia soon?! Nonononono!

-BGM : I Can't by 4Men-

"Oppa, are you okay?" She put her hands on my cheeks. Her touch wake me up from my thought. I touch her hands. I wanna feel her touch as long as I can. She smile at me but sadness on her eyes killed me! I wanna erase that but how? I bet I looked at her just like the way she looked at me now. After all, I have to be stronger than her, Well,I should try. "That's the right decision, You need to focus" I said but immediately hug her. I can't let her see my tears. I wiped my tears secretly. After another long-silent-walking, I took her home. Now we are in front of her apartement. She let me in. I can smell her scent all over the room. This smell, I don't wanna forget this smell I don't wanna lose it! 

We sat on the sofa. We just silent. Ana stared blankly. "hey, come here my lovely girl" I break the silent. I wrapped her with my arm. " Don't be sad. I'm here, like I always said" I continued. " I know" She replied. She drown her face on my chest. I can feel her tears. "try to sleep, It's been a long day for you. You need to rest" I tried to comfort her. I want everything stay like this. I wanna stop the time. Wrapped her with arms like this. Pinch her chubby cheeks. Smell her body scent, caressed her hair. Teasing her. Jealous everytime I saw her talk to another guy or too close with her classmates. Being scolded. Protect her from seeing blood. I can't let her go. I can't.

After the long thought. Both fall asleep while hugging each other.



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@JosRiska : who do you think are they???ehehehe
finally............. :D so cute......... i want marry with seungho ^^ but who the kids in last paragraph? ^o^ hohohohoho
I knew it..... ichiro org yg sama....... dunia memang sempit...... hahahhaha......... can't wait to see another chapter.... hahhaha.... seungho, don't be jealous..... u said u will trust her ^^ once again UPDATE SOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN................... ^^
thank you ^^
oh........... chapter 30... congratz :D hohohoho...... still love your story.... and kenapa dgn seungho... please update ya kak ^^
Oh....... Seungho........ crazy in love hohohoo....... "you should...." oh my God kakak....... aku dibuat penasaran lagi..... please update soon okay ^o^ FIGHTING!!!!!
Wooo...... so awkward..... hahahhah..... but I'm sad about dong-sun :( kakak..... update soon ya ^o^
glad that you like it ^^ thank you for comment ^^
jennifer1801 #9
Lovelove love itttt!!
I LOVE IT!!!!! kya............ Seungho and Ana gotcha...... hahahhaha..... Angel is back...... update soon.... ^o^