
You Deserve a Better Life

‘Do you know ‘A-LiTez’?’ Jiyeon is walking home with IU since they are housemate

‘Yeah, a kind a rock band why? I thought that u are not interested in Rock band…. Change your mind after watching their performance just now?’

‘No…… I just found something familiar to me in the members of the group….. oh yeah, do you know the drummer?’ Jiyeon will not forget about the girl she met this afternoon, the angelic smile that she can’t forget

‘She is the leader of the band, I’m glad that she came in time before the performance start, hmmmm…. Why I feel that someone is getting interested with a rock band especially a girl with her drum, is it my bestie……’ IU link her hand to Jiyeon’s arm, waiting for her answer

‘Wh…what? Nothing…. I’m just curious about th….them’ Jiyeon gulped, she doesn’t know how to explain her feelings

‘I advise you that don’t have in crush with her, if not you will disappointed at last’ IU expression change to serious in a time


‘As a friend, let me tell you, she is in a relationship with one of a member in their group~’


‘I heard someone said before, oh come on, let’s find a man and start a formal and good relationship, then you have a good life, jiyeonie~’ IU tap her shoulder

‘I know, I know, just like you and Wooyoungsshi, right?’

IU and Wooyoung had been a couple for a moment, sometime Jiyeon envy her can get a good boyfriend such like Wooyoung, he treat IU good, oh no, it’s great, he always place IU at a first place in his heart, that’s why IU is now such a lucky girl who have a such a good boyfriend

‘Yeap… ‘ IU can’t take off her smile on her face, she is the happiest woman in the world if she is with Wooyoung, Jiyeon really really hope to see her happy


‘Unnie, when did you comeback yesterday? I didn’t found you comeback house, btw how’s your concert? I think it’s another awesome again’ a pretty girl came out from her room and sit beside Eunjung with her unfinished cereal milk

‘It’s always awesome, it’s a middle night when I comeback, you had sleep soundly on that time, so how’s the books that I borrowed for you yesterday, is it ok?’

‘Yup! As awesome as your performance, I will read it through all the day long, thank you unnie! Love you’ the girl hug Eunjung tightly and give her a peck of kiss on her cheek

‘Ji, sit down and continue your breakfast, if not we are gonna be late again’ Suzy (SooJi), Eunjung’s beloved cousin, she live with her uncle and aunty since her parents had passed away when she was 10

Suzy pouted and continue her breakfast

‘Why you don’t want to involved in Music, since your voice is good enough to become a singer’ Eunjung look at Suzy, she wonder what problem that turning her around to become a singer

‘Unnie, I thought you will not talk this topic again, I said before I don’t like singing, I prefer alphabets more than music notes’ Suzy playing her milk with her spoon while her expression changed when she heard ‘music’ again

‘But your unnie, me is working music’ Eunjung will not satisfied if she doesn’t get an answer from her

‘That’s different, I’m sorry that I can’t watch your performance yesterday, you know that my exam is coming soon, but let me alone with the books please, unnie, I beg you’ Suzy look at Eunjung with her puppy eyes, she know that Eunjung can’t stand with her aegyo

‘okok, lets finish the breakfast and go to school’ Eunjung just can sighed 


‘Hey girls!’ Eunjung greet the members in their practice room

‘Unnie doesn’t trip into any girls anymore to be an excuse for being late’ Hwayoung laugh at her Eunjung, she is late again for their practice

‘I’m sorry but this time I have a good excuse k, Hyuna want me to help her in their audition for picking some new students for their club, so I just have an hour to stay here’

‘Why? You are now at Music Club and you are going to be a judge for the audition of Dance Club?’ Hyomin raise her eyebrow up, she doesn’t like Hyuna who always find Eunjung to involve anything in her club

‘Maybe I’m a former member of the club, and as a sunbaenim, they need me’ Eunjung doesn’t know how to explain good, she always used to help Hyuna in her Dancing club, it’s always been like this since she is a former member of the club and Hyuna is her hoobae and also she thought that she have the responsible to take care her when Jiyoon is not around

‘Such a ‘good excuse’’ Boram glared at Eunjung

‘hehee, unnie, I promise I will be back soon when I settle the things fast k? Let us start our practice first’ Eunjung set up her drum try to ignore the face manager, Boram just can sighed


Eunjung went to the Dance club practice room, she is hiding behind the door and watching the students that getting ready to perform in the audition. Hmmm…. Still many people taking part huh.. 

‘Eunjung!’ a girl tap her shoulder and make her startled

‘Yah Hyuna ah~ it’s you, giving me a heart attack again..’

‘heheee, how’s the student? Is it pass?’ Hyuna looking at them still hardworking practice their dance

‘If you not so strict to them, I think they can….’

‘You know me, I don’t like untalented girls…’ Hyuna stare at the students, she don’t think that they can pass her audition today

‘Don’t you forget you have to make quota if not, our headmaster will nagging you again, your club still lack of students every year, it’s not good thing’ Eunjung give her some advise but she knows that she will not hear it except Jiyoon


‘Jiyeonie~ why can’t you choose music club than dance? It must be more fun~’ IU is persuading Jiyeon to join her club but as she know Jiyeon is a person who just love dance

‘You know the reason then you keep persuading me, Jieun a~ aren’t you tired?’ Jiyeon can’t take her too much

‘Jiyeon a~ you that I have to make the quota, if not I will be drag to headmaster’s room again, Jiyeon a~~~’ IU swing her hand and keep persuade her to join music club

‘I thought that you have ‘A-LiTez’ so no need to worry much’

‘I find out that you always mention about them’ IU expression changed when she ‘A-LiTez’ again from Jiyeon’s mouth

‘No….NO….. It is you always avoiding to mention them’ and Jiyeon found out that IU doesn’t very like the band and she want to find out why

‘It’s you’

‘It’s you’


‘It’s you~’

‘Yah! Park Jiyeon!’

‘Wae Lee JiEun?’

‘ok, find~ go to your audition before you get late and let me warn you, you better is full of preparation before you go if not the evil will kick you off easily if you are…..’ IU makes a thumb down sign

Jiyeon doesn’t really know what she meant, when she want to ask her more, she already disappear in front of her


‘Next one….’ Hyuna is sitting in front of the contestant with other judges while Eunjung is hiding behind them cause due to her position, she is not able to judge them so she just can hid herself and give signal through sms with hyuna

Many contestant had already performed but all of them rejected by Hyuna, some maybe talented and approve by Eunjung but Hyuna felt that they can’t reach the level that she wanted them have, Hyuna such a person strict in judging them, she want them to have a high level dancing skill but none of them have that make her so disappointed with the students

‘Next…next….next’ Hyuna seems lose her patient to watch their performance again, it’s been few hour pass for the audition, they are tired including Eunjung who always standing behind

‘Annyeonhasaeyo, Park Jiyeon imida, I’m……….’ hearing ‘Park Jiyeon’ Hyuna immediately sit straight and look up while Eunjung who is hiding behind jaw drops when she saw the ‘girl’ standing in front of her, this make the two sleepy beauty wake up in one time

‘Ok, you are pass and the Audition is close now’ Hyuna close her file and walk out before Jiyeon can perform anything even introduce herself finish

Jiyeon can’t give any respond while looking her walk away, then she turn back and look at the table find out the name tag that she used it then she realize something Kim Hyuna, we meet again :)that’s why I find you familiar to me

‘She is the first person that accepted by our witch president~’ a student whisper to another but still can heard by others

‘ya… wonder who is she…..’

‘is it a person that she like or not’

‘but I heard before she have a lover’

‘so what is it happen now?’

‘I don’t know……..’

‘Hey, Hyuna~’ Eunjung chase her form back

‘whats up?’ Hyuna turn back and look at her

‘Can I ask you something?’

‘About her?'


‘Because she such a jerk and I want to win her’ Hyuna left with a sentence that Eunjung doesn’t really know wellHUH?

Eunjung turn back and bump to someone again

‘Hey you!’ Both of them said in a time

When they look at each other, they remain silence, oh no it’s stare at each other without saying a words

The ‘girl’ it’s her

The angelic smile beauty, I meet her again


Eunjung: The End? Jun! Why you end the chapter like this!!??
Jiyeon: Don't be angry, you look fierce when you angry..... :(
Eunjung: okok, pretty i will not if you tell me, :D
Jiyeon: ehhheee
Jun27: dont worry will more EunJi in next episode k~
Hyomin: sure you will write more about me too, dont forget COMMENT ARE LOVES <3 

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Chapter 13: why no update?? so sad :'(
greenjade21 #2
Chapter 13: I guess you completely abandoned this story?'! So sac :( I hope you could still find time and inspiration to continue this! It is a really good story tho... it's been so long? Hoping you'd still open your account?! Fighting!
mamee004 #3
Chapter 13: jungie go to save jiyeon...

ok-waiting for next story
Piseynicole #4
Chapter 13: Such as a great story...hope u update soon writer :)
Shawn17 #5
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: omo.. Jiyeon missing!!
IcePrincessMika #6
pls update :(
1123 streak #7
Chapter 13: Author its been a year since you last updated pls update here not just on TD
Chapter 13: Update soon, authornim. Love your story^^
InfiniteSpirits #9
Chapter 13: When are you going to update,Author...
xInfiity1993 #10
Chapter 13: Update soon,author-nim!!I want to see how panicky
they will be while finding Jiyeon..