The Incident

You Deserve a Better Life

‘What’s going on there?’ a tall and skinny girl walking pass a stage that crowded a lot of people there wondering what happen there

‘Today is our Music Club 5th year anniversary, our club will be perform different style of music in today concert, wanna have a look?’ a cute girl standing beside her for a sudden
‘Yah! Lee JiEun, u giving me a heart attack!’

‘I’m sorry, I’m just answering ur question then’ JiEun also known as IU, the cute girl giving her a cute pout

‘gaja lets go!’

‘so that is the reason that you disappeared for this few weeks to preparing the concert and suddenly call me out to meet u here’

‘ehhee, yup, sorry that I didn’t tell u earlier and also accompany you since you are new in Seoul cause I’m busy, now let me treat u for watching our concert to celebrate tomorrow is your first day in our school’ IU drag her into the concert that crowded many people, she found a VIP seat and let her best friend that is Jiyeon sit at there

‘This is the place that I reserved for u, pls sit well and watch the performance, I have to go now’

‘Huh? What?’ the surrounding sound pollution is much bad, she can’t heard what her friends said

‘I SAID SIT WELL AND WATCH OUR PERFORMANCE AND BYE!’ IU louder her voice so that Jiyeon can hear it

‘Hey, is it empty place here?’ a short hair girl tap Jiyeon’s shoulder

‘Oh~ I think so!’ Jiyeon won’t shout like IU, she widens so that id she can’t hear but still can sense her word from

‘Hi, I’m Jiyoon, what’s your name?’ Jiyoon start a conversation with a stranger sit beside her, she try to start another topic to calm herself, because of the incident just now, Jiyoon seems panic with them too

‘owh~ I’m jiyeon, nice to meet u~’ the surrounding noise getting lower, seems like the concert want to start

‘Our name sounds same, if other don’t know will be mistaken we are a long lost sister, haha’

‘ya, who knows, someday there will be a shock news… by the way, is the concert starting now?’

‘owh…. It’s about 1 minute more, I think so, eheee’ Jiyoon expression change, she wonder Eunjung is getting here or not, she afraid that the girls cant doing well at the stage without a leader

‘whats wrong? U seems unexcited with the concert’ Jiyeon look at her, her face totally different before

‘er….nothing, I’m thinking something, did u know A-LiTez?’

‘A-LiTez? No...’ Jiyeon shook her head, she just gets to transfer to this school for this week, tomorrow will be her first day in this school, JiEun is her first friend she meets and also roommate when she arrived at Seoul.

‘owh, a new student right? A-LiTez is a famous band in our school, they are rocks man! Yeah… and also….’ Suddenly Jiyoon’s words cut by MC, the concert is begin to start

‘Ladies and gentlemen, let us put ur hands in the air, welcoming our rock band, ‘A-LiTez’!!!!!!’

Screaming and clapping flow over the stage can be heard clearly, a prelude drum sound make the atmosphere getting higher and higher

‘A-LiTez! A-LiTez! A-LiTez! A-LiTez!!!’

Jiyeon saw Jiyoon who sit beside her is getting in the atmosphere fast, joining the scream, she wonder what power that ‘A-LiTez’ can give to her, she doesn’t like Rock n Roll, she thought is noisy and doesn’t suit her image either, maybe they can change her mind though 

Did Eunjung make it here for their performance? Jiyoon hold her fist, her eyes widen when the clothe open the middle person standing is Chanmi and she look behind, Eunjung is there with her drum! Daebak finally Eunjung doesn’t disappointed her, then she can relax and easily get in to their song

‘Eh… isn’t she……’ Jiyeon widen her eyes when she look at the drummer


‘Eunjung!!’ Boram shout at a short girl running towards her with a pale face, she is lack of oxygen to speak now

‘Are you okay?’ Boram keep rubbing her back and give her a bottle of water, she grab it and drink it fast

‘Hey, watch out, you gonna chock yourself’

Eunjung didn’t let out a word from except ‘Sorry, I’m late’ then she quickly go to the stage
‘Hey guys!’

‘Unnie!’ Everybody turn back when they heard a familiar voice

‘Okay, now I’m back, let’s do our best k? Let it tune upz!’ everybody is back to their original position and ready to perform now

‘Unnie, you seem pale, are u okay?’ Chanmi giving her the drumstick

‘yeah, don’t worry, get ready for yourself k’ Eunjung calm herself fast and ready for the show

All of the member seems relief after saw Eunjung appear at last minute, their charming performing mood is getting higher and higher and now the MCs going introduce them


‘The performance is Daebak! Rest well for today and don’t forget tomorrow gather at practice room as usual k?’ Boram give them a group hug after their performance at backstage, she have to help the stuff clean it up the stage before she leave, she is a hard working manager

‘Deh, Halmoni! You too, don’t make it too late, it’s not good for ur health’ Hwayoung manager that used to call her halmoni, she like a grandmother nagging them here and there but at a same time she can manage their schedule well and will not tiring them as well, such a kind manager they have

‘Yah! Ryu Hwayoung, u better get out here before I can kick ur !’ Boram glared at her, she is not minding they call her halmoni, but she don’t want others misunderstanding she is a weak girl that need someone help

‘Stop teasing our halmoni, come one let’s go! I’m treating supper for today!’ Eunjung turning back at going to meet Jiyoon in front of the stage

Its middle night of the day, everyone had leave the place earlier since tomorrow still have school, the girls have to wait until midnight to leave the place so that the fans will not waiting them outside the school

‘Jiyoon!’ Eunjung tap her shoulder that make her startled when she is talking through her phone
‘I will call you back later ok?’

‘I love you too, muackss’ Jiyoon hang up her phone and look at them weirdly

‘Why are you’ll guys staring me like this’

‘I’m sorry that I had disturbed your lovey dovey time just now’ Eunjung pretend to be serious in apologizing

‘Hyun, don’t mad with me pls, I will call you back ok? I love you! Muah muah!’ Hwayoung imitate Jiyoon speaking when she is with her girlfriend in phone

‘I love you too my lovely Yoon! Lets us make out tonight!’ Hyomin join Hwayoung too, she lean closer to Hwayoung’s face while Hwayoung keep leaning back to avoid her ‘kiss’ then she almost hit the floor but luckily Hyomin can hold her waist

‘YAH! YOU TWO! It’s enough, want me to punch you!’ Jiyoon’s face immediately turns red when she heard their imitation

‘hahahahaha’ 6 of them still have energy kidding around in the middle of night

‘Okok! Girls let’s go now, your leader, me is starving now’ Eunjung grab their hands and heading to the food stalls nearby school

‘Unnie, did u saw our awesome performance just now, many people keep screaming my name, I’m super duper in a high mood on that time’ Hwayoung keep praising herself

‘Ryu Hwayoung, stop being like this, its irritating’ Hyoyoung, her twin sister doesn’t like the character of Hwayoung

‘What’s wrong with me, I’m just telling the truth, many girls fallen with my charming smile, that’s a good thing, unnie’

‘geez… we just doing our best in the stage, not hoping any refund form, this is our dream, isn’t it’ Hyoyoung have a cool character, she is more calm and quiet compare to her twin sister

‘I know and I’m not mean to say that…..’ Hyomin cut her words to pretend them to arguing again in front of them

‘Eunjung unnie, why are u late today, you almost can’t make it for today’s concert’

‘Such a long story I have to say……’


Eunjung is preparing well in her home, the concert is start about 7.00pm at night, and now there is 4.00pm, she have time to go to library to lend some books for her cousin

When she is about to leave the library she bump to someone

‘Hey! Watch out!’ two guys standing in front of her

Eunjung’s book all fell on the floor from her hand, the person standing in front of her step one of the book

‘Can you let go?’ Eunjung look up at stare at the guy

‘If I say no~’ the guy smirk

‘So what do you want?’ Eunjung stand up and facing him

‘Say Sorry’ the guy simple says a word

‘If I say no’

‘Then u will get this….’ Both of them looking at each other and walk closer to her as Eunjung walking backwards

‘What are you’ll trying to do here?’ a girl passing by and stop her steps, looking at them

‘this is none of your business, pretty girl, get off if you don’t want to be next target from us’ a taller guy look at the girl with a villainous smile

‘If I say I want to know what is going on before I get off’

The two guys look at each other and laugh a bit, their target is turn to the girl who just passing by, but when they walk closer to her, Eunjung kick one of the guy’s before she could run away since the target isn’t her anymore, the two guys now pay more attention with Eunjung, they about hit her but someone hit them before they can touch her

‘Let me help you’ the girl said to Eunjung, then they face to face to begin a fight

Eunjung easily kick one of a guy neck before he can do any motion while the girl next to her twist the another guy’s hand back and he let out pain

‘So it’s now your turn to say Sorry and swoosh out from my sight’ Eunjung smirk at them

‘Sorry…….’ Both of them run away fast

The girl help Eunjung tidy up the books on the floor and hand it to her

‘Thanks for your help……… OMG, I gotta go, see you next time if have chance’ Eunjung turn back and walk away fast, then she stop her step

‘Hey, thanks again!’ Eunjung smile to her

OMG, she have a angelic smile, such a pretty girl the girl responds her with a small smile but when she looking at her, she had gone away

Its 6.00pm now, how can I get to the place with one hour? Damn! Eunjung running fast to her house and place the books on the table, she quickly clean herself fast because she had dirty her shirt while had a fight with two stranger just now, she grab her house key and run away to have a cab

‘Ajusshi, Core Multimedia High School and pls drive fast, I’m in hurry, please~’ Eunjung get a cab and praying that she is able to rush to the concert destination

‘Agasshi, there is a traffic jam in front, I can’t be fast, as I know that there is an accident happened an hour ago but it haven’t been clear yet ’ Eunjung jaw dropped when she heard

‘Haish! What is the time now? OMG! I’m gonna be late if these cars not gonna to swoosh out!!’

‘Ajusshi, I’m getting off here, thanks for driving me and keep the change’ Eunjung handed the driver money and rush out to the street, she look at her watch, still got fifteen minutes for me only, Eunjung running full for leather to the destination


‘Owh…. That’s why you’re late, by the way, did you get to know the pretty girl more?’ Hwayoung lean her head towards Eunjung

‘Ryu Hwayoung, is it other than girl, you doesn’t have another interest?’ Chanmi tap her shoulder to let her sit properly

‘Well, let me think……..’ Hwayoung have a deep think in her mind but her answer is…..

‘Nope…. I will not get my eyes off for pretty girls’

‘How do you know the ‘girl’ is pretty?’ Hyomin glared at her

‘Eunjung unnie said it before, but as I know, unnie, did you have a crush with her when you see her first sight?’ The topic now turns to watch Eunjung

‘Er…. I don’t think so’ but my heart beating fast when I meet her eyes before Eunjung not sure about her feeling, maybe she will found out next time when she meet the ‘girl’ again

‘Yeah, so that I have chance to take her as my next target’ Hwayoung laugh happily

‘Yah! Be serious a bit, let’s eat our food, we have to go to school tomorrow in the early morning, if not our halmoni will nagging us again’

It’s an unlucky day for Eunjung, but she can’t stop smiling when she remember the ‘girl’ that appear in her life today, she hope she can meet her some day but she always make the things going easily, it depend on her luck

Jiyoon and Chanmi look at her, both smile with each other when they look into their eyes, both of them is most close to Eunjung since they are childhood best friend, they know that Eunjung is gonna fall into love river again since she was with Hyomin one year ago

Hyomin watching them quietly although she was broke up with Eunjung long time ago but her feeling towards her starts again when they together having band, her heart is hurt when she look at Eunjung seems different today, is it she fall in love with the ‘girl’ if yes, it’s time to me to confess to her before I can loose her


Eunjung: owh, am i fall in love with jiyeon in chapter one? that is fast
Jiyeon: really? thats great, i like love at first sight :wub: 
Jun27: you guys will know it later if you follow my fanfic
Hyuna: When i will shown up there? i would like to know how can b*tch i am
Jiyoon: you are not a b*tch for me, honey muacks
Boram: Hey! don't be lovey dovey at here!!

thanks for reading :D hope u guys can support my fanfic till end :]

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Chapter 13: why no update?? so sad :'(
greenjade21 #2
Chapter 13: I guess you completely abandoned this story?'! So sac :( I hope you could still find time and inspiration to continue this! It is a really good story tho... it's been so long? Hoping you'd still open your account?! Fighting!
mamee004 #3
Chapter 13: jungie go to save jiyeon...

ok-waiting for next story
Piseynicole #4
Chapter 13: Such as a great story...hope u update soon writer :)
Shawn17 #5
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: omo.. Jiyeon missing!!
IcePrincessMika #6
pls update :(
1123 streak #7
Chapter 13: Author its been a year since you last updated pls update here not just on TD
Chapter 13: Update soon, authornim. Love your story^^
InfiniteSpirits #9
Chapter 13: When are you going to update,Author...
xInfiity1993 #10
Chapter 13: Update soon,author-nim!!I want to see how panicky
they will be while finding Jiyeon..