Of Hairclips and Dragonflies - GD/Top

Of Hairclips and Dragonflies


Off, on, off, on, his thumb kept flicking over his phone’s power button. Seunghyun should have called, at the very least, texted him by now. He hated waiting. He knew Seunghyun wasn’t necessarily punctual but it had been an hour already. With a sigh he shoved his phone into his pocket; he wouldn’t be the one to text first or wait like a ing teenager for his message. Jiyong had no idea why he was getting so upset about it anyway. It wasn’t like they hadn’t ever fought before they often got into little spats whenever Seunghyun or he got more than a little drunk. But this time it wasn’t his fault, although more often than not it was, Seunghyun had gotten trashed, unusual since he was known for, and could, hold his liquor, and had just been a ing idiot the whole night. Even thinking about it now pissed him off, at the club Seunghyun had been all over everyone, his drunken sloppy hands grabbing at girls and guys and just everything with two legs.


 It didn’t help that he kept dancing (falling) back to Jiyong and pressing wet, sloppy kisses to his cheeks and neck while murmuring slurred, sweet nothings, well in Jiyong’s opinion cheesy, stupid quotes he found on all the fortune cookies he got from ordering Chinese way too much. Jiyong of course had to keep shoving him off, the longer it went on the more his mood worsened until he had pulled him roughly aside to yell at the blumbering idiot. He couldn’t remember all he said, something about his tarnishing his and Bigbang’s reputation, being an example for the maknae, Hyunsuk’s scolding that would come from this, because Jiyong was definitely going to tell him, and finally for his stupid improper skinship with Jiyong. And all the big buffoon did after Jiyong had basically raged at him was lean in with his stupid drunken grin, and his whiskey covered breath to kiss his consternated pout. He of course had pushed Seunghyun away and let him fall flat on his .


Even thinking about it now made him itch to smack Seunghyun again. He had stormed off but not before telling him to call him with a groveling apology, and he expected an expensive gift along with that apology, after he stopped being such a sloppy drunk. He didn’t even glance back as he stalked out, although all he’d probably see is that irritating confused look Seunghyun gave during his scolding. Suddenly his pocket buzzed sending vibrations down his leg. He glared ahead crossing his arms. He wanted to make Seunghyun suffer and that meant the silent treatment was due. But his fingers moved of their own volition, to his horror, and grabbed his phone to look at the messages.

His eyes grew in anger it wasn’t even an apology but a drunken photo of Seunghyun’s stupid face or half his face, he was so stupid, stupid, stupid! The picture was blurry and crooked he could hardly tell what was going on. He threw his phone across the seat anger simmering at the surface. He would make sure he made Seunghyun’s life a living hell in the morning, he had no idea the kind of painful hang over he would experience.  


He pushed his door open once he reached his place, hesitating before grabbing his phone, again he didn’t know why he was taking it with him, but he shouldn’t leave his phone in case someone else needed to get in touch with him, as long as it wasn’t Seunghyun he was fine. All he really needed right now was his bed and maybe Gaho to cuddle with other then that he wouldn’t dwell on what the drunken fool was doing. Climbing up the stairs and punching in his key card he flicked on the lights, met with a wagging Gaho, and another buzz to his phone. His hand clenched around the phone tossing it to the couch. He filled up Gaho’s bowl and shuffled to his room suddenly drained. He couldn’t give a anymore. He heard his phone vibrate again, with a groan he walked back to get the damn thing, it would continue to vibrate until he looked at the message. He was just about to delete the message when he glanced at the photo sent to him. His eyebrows knit into confusion, it looked like Seunghyun, and a pretty blonde were in a cab.


He was more than furious at this point. Walking to his room he grabbed a picture of Seunghyun and him and ripped a hole where Seunghyun’s would be, snapping a quick photo he sent it to him with a quick caption accompanying it.


Ji Yong Kwon:  That’s you when I see you next


The reply was quick to come and he almost bit off his tongue at the reply or in this case the picture. All he saw was the blonde with her hands in his hair braiding it. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Jiyong hadn’t remembered their conversation from earlier.


“Ji did your weave get longer?” Seunghyun trained his eyes on his now purple weave hanging down his face. The color was beautiful but the thing sure hurt like hell. He twisted his neck and looked back with a slight groan in his voice.


“Yeah. This is as long as it’s going to get though…I kind of wish I could braid it or something. It keeps flying in my face whenever it’s windy out.” He watched Seunghyun’s face scrunch in a look of consternation and thought. He could literally see the gears in his head working which only made Jiyong laugh.


“Let me braid it.” And now it was Jiyong’s turn to look at him in consternation and thought. Did Seunghyun even know how to braid hair? The thought of the blue haired man and his too big hands trying to braid his delicate weave was frightening but entertaining.


“Do you even know how?” Seunghyun’s face went blank and Jiyong couldn’t help but laugh. He patted the other’s arm lightly with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll just get some hair clips or something and pin it up.”


Jiyong had walked away forgetting the comical conversation, until now. He had no clue why but he felt his anger boil over. If he got his hands on Seunghyun he’d strangle him with his weave without a question. Yeah see how well he braids it then. Instead, to tide himself over until he could, he grabbed one of Seunghyun’s stupid bearbricks that he forgot to take back to his villa the last time they went shopping together, and tried to yank off the head. Realizing he wasn’t quite that strong he opted to play with Gaho for a bit. Once he was thoroughly pleased with the chunks of bearbrick on his floor and slobber on the remaining pieces he snapped a photo and sent it without another thought.


This time he walked happily to his room, letting Gaho enjoy the rest of his toy, and crawled into bed with a sigh. Laying back he waited for the apology that he thought was sure to come. Instead he got a picture of a small, blue, and what looked like a dragonfly made of metal with a large plastic jewel atop the head, hairclip. He looked at it in confusion. What in the hell? Another picture was soon to follow, it was blurry but he could see the goofy smile, mussed up blue hair, and red rimmed eyes of a very drunken Seunghyun. He really didn’t know what Seunghyun wanted so he sent a simple question mark as a reply. Again a picture came this time it was Seunghyun, the small dragonfly hairclip, that he could definitely tell came from a kids fifty cent machine and he wondered how in the hell he even found one, nestled atop the fuzzy blue of his hair. Seunghyun’s face was smashed against the pillow now as he smiled at him drunkenly in the photo, Jiyong could tell the blonde from earlier was gone, and that Seunghyun was nestled in bed like he was. For some unexplainable reason unknown to him he wanted that hairclip. And he wondered if Seunghyun had gotten it because he remembered the conversation from earlier but Jiyong frowned, he highly doubted it and even if he did get it for him Jiyong would not forgive him. After all Seunghyun was supposed to be groveling and buying him expensive things. Not some cheap plastic hairclip. The last message came, Seunghyun was looking at the camera blowing a kiss, the hairclip hanging precariously from his hair, he had obviously hurriedly thrown up because Jiyong could see a bit of throw up on the side of his face, he wrinkled his nose in disgust and despite himself began laughing a grin spreading slowly on his face.


Choi Seunghyun: i gots it for u i lurned how to braid today i want to braid yur hair laterrr.


He shook his head burying his face into his pillow. God he hated Seunghyun so much in that moment. With a groan he typed back slowly.


Kwon Jiyong: Don’t think I’ve forgiven you quite yet….


The reply was quick like all the others but this one he saved, not like he wouldn’t save the others either blackmail would come in handy for later, but he looked back a big stupid grin on his face from the big stupid idiot who now had his eyes closed, the hairclip hanging down over one of his eyes, the other closed as he grinned probably already asleep after this message.


Choi Seunghyun: love u dragonfly <3

A/N: This is a oneshot in my collection of them, here

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YouDunnoMe #1
i love this!!!
Chapter 1: this is soooo lovely!! soo cute!! sooo makes me smile big !! loved it!!!