Bad boy

Bad Boy


Park Rimi's POV

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked at the clock. Five-thirty PM. I read his text again, he said he was

going to pick me up at 3PM. 'He must be busy. His schedule must have taken longer than necessary.' I thought as I went up my room to change clothes. I am Park Rimi, a simple girl having a not-so-simple life because I was dating someone from a well-known boy band. I was a trainee at YG entertainment whilst he was already an idol. I don't know how it happened, really. I was just one his group's backup dancers for one of their songs. We grew close, I think. We have to be careful, though. His mob of fan girls  would go berserk if they found out.


Going back  to the living room, I the TV just in time for the 6 PM news. And there he

was. Both  through the door and in the screen.

"T.O.P. of  boy band BigBang and Park Bom of 2ne1 admittedly dating" the television blared

before he could stride over and turn it off, before he could stop me from running up my room and locking the door.


"Riminie!" He shouted.

"You're late." Came my muffled response after a few agonizing seconds of

silence. I don’t know what  should I be feeling right now. Realization dawned on me and I softly scoffed to myself. Who was I to him, really? Who was I compared to Park Bom? I was something he hid from the prying and ever scrutinizing eyes of the media because he knew people, specifically fans, wouldn't have approved if it was my name, my face on the news minutes ago. We weren't on the same circle.

"Rimi, please come out. That was just some false information they made up to help for our promotions. Rimi, I didn't want that, I had no choice, you know how the president always gets his way." His calm but pleading voice broke my string of thoughts.

"No. Seunghyun, please leave. I want to be alone."




Choi Seunghyun/ T.O.P's POV

"No. Seunghyun, please leave. I want to be alone." Her weak voice that came through the door

pierced my ears. 'It's okay.' I told myself. We've had arguments like this before. 'She'll call me first thing in the morning and then I'll get to explain.' I assured. With a sigh and a heavy heart that our arguments have started off yet again, I turned to leave.

"Goodnight Rimi-ah"




Park Rimi's POV

I heard his heavy footsteps and finally the opening and closing of the front door. I, too, walked in

the direction of my bed. I was too shocked, causing my defensive behavior to shot up even before I could analyze the situation properly but taking time to analyze the situation now was too late because doubts started to creep into my mind. Was he really telling the truth?  I was retired to crying until I fell asleep.




Choi Seunghyun/ T.O.P's POV

I was awoken by our leader's constant shaking of my shoulder.

"What?!" I managed to croak out.

"Manager called. Your schedule today is to be cancelled for a scripted date with Bom and they're going to film the whole thing." He said in one breath, slowly backing away as my morning crankiness and this news, was not going to have a good effect. Luckily, he was able to slip out before colorful profanities directed at our manager and the company's head was able to slip out of my mouth. His annoying face popped back in again.

"Get ready in an hour! The van will be picking you up by 6!" and quickly withdrew. I picked up my phone and stared at the wallpaper for a while. Remembering her cold façade last night, I ran my fingers through my hair and shook my head. Today, I have to work, I have to keep things professional for the sake of our group, for our company. I quickly took a shower and dressed myself to look presentable.




Park Rimi's POV

Sunlight streamed through the cracks in the blinds as I made an effort to sit up and blink away my

sleepiness. But then I slumped back down, remembering what dilemma I was in. 'Maybe a jog would clear this up' I started to get ready. Two hours later, I was outside, putting on my running shoes and started jogging to the park. Once I reached my destination, I was disappointed to see so many people loitering around and a commotion starting to form on one side, with all the screaming. 'Someone's filming here?'  I thought as the only explanation for those girls' ear piecing screams was their idol's or "oppa's" presence. I decided to check it out since there was no point in jogging now when it looks like you'll bump into someone every 5 meters. Pushing through the now ecstatic crowd, I was greeted by another shock of my life.  T.O.P. was kissing Bom  in the middle of the park, with cameras not far away from where they were standing. I was paralyzed there. It was like one of those scenes in the movies when time seemingly stops when the leading lady sees the man she loves, but in my situation, he was getting intimate with another girl.




Choi Seunghyun/ T.O.P's POV

As the day started to end, I was continuously watching my phone anxiously. Hours passed and still

she hadn't returned any of my calls or replied to my messages. Usually, she was the first one to call and suggest that we sort out any problems, but that didn't happen today. 'I'm screwed' I thought as I placed my head face-down on my palms. What happened? I was getting confident that she was the one who would call when I was the one who wronged her. Confident that she would understand whatever I had to do without even discussing it with her, specially something as big as this. A few minutes later, I stood up and grabbed my coat.

"Hey, hey, where are you going? Didn't you check the time? It's already too late to go shopping. It's eleven-freaking-PM." our leader nagged as I was passing by the living room where he was playing with the playstation.

"Not your concern. This is out of your leadering responsibilities" I countered as I continued to the door.

"Choi Seunghyun, our manager is going to hear about this if you don't get your sorry self back here right now" his voice had suddenly changed to ice cold and deadly, I swear I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I quickly scrambled to his side

"Jiyong, just this once, please." He raised his eyebrows. I can't tell anyone just yet and this would really cause big trouble if this gets to our manager, but before I could utter another sentence, he beat me to it

"Tell me why you suddenly dropped the rebellious boy act and transformed into a pleading puppy, then. I know for a fact that's it's a girl though, I noticed you didn't liked - okay, you hated being Bom's pretend boyfriend and I suspected that you're keeping something." he rambled but I don't have time for this.

"You got the general idea but I really need to go if you want me to introduce her. I'll explain everything later. Bye!" Jiyoung just knowingly smiled and shook his head.




Park Rimi's POV

I was still in the café I decided to take a break in after hours of aimlessly walking around, oblivious

of my surroundings. I have no intentions of going home yet because  my misery would just swallow me up if I would allow myself to be alone.

"Dear, we're  closing up soon but if you want to stay a little longer, it's okay, just tell me if you'll be leaving so I can close up. I will be in the kitchen." The nice lady smiled down at me. I was grateful for her but I didn't want to bother her any further.

"Ah, it's okay ma'am I will be leaving now." I stood up, paid for my coffee and I added in extra money for her kindness and exited the shop after waving politely at her. 'Well, at least there's still some good people left on this world.' As I neared my apartment, I noticed someone was just leaving, obviously coming from my door. I quickly hid in the bushes and strained to see who it was but it's just too dark and his features were half covered by his scarf. I quickly hurried to the door once he was out of sight, surprised to see a yellow post-it note on my door.

"I'm the one you love but sorry I'm a bad boy

Yes, just leave me, goodbye, you're a good girl"

So Seunghyun was that man who just left. I was standing there, trying t decode the lyric-like

words. Was this his form of breaking up? A million thoughts swirled into my head at once. A million questions, possibilities. A million regrets and a full-blown impact of hurt.




Choi Seunghyun/ T.O.P's POV

It was already midnight when I reached Rimi's house because I had to go on foot as no taxi was in

sight. Her lights were off so I assumed she was already sleeping. I hesitated to knock but did it anyways, this is my only chance. I knocked three times but the was no answer. I knocked again with the same results. Again. Again. My knocks were going louder and louder by the second until I lost it and shouted

"Rimi!" into the ghostly quiet apartment. I panicked on what may have happened to her but then I had flashback from earlier that day, at the park, just as Bom and I broke the kiss, my eyes swept through the crowd and caught a glimpse of a girl turning around and hurriedly walking/stumbling away. It became clear now. Rimi saw the kiss. I decided it was over. That it was better to part ways with her than seeing her put up with me. I tore a piece of post-it from the pack I carry randomly on my pocket and scribbled down a note for her.

As I got back to the dorm, everybody was sound asleep. I walked to my room and sat down on the

bed. Tomorrow, I have a live interview about my  "relationship" with Park Bom. I grabbed a piece of paper and began scribbling fiercely on it. This went on until dawn. This was where I would find peace when I am troubled. Writing lyrics and working on music was the two top things I am very passionate about. By the time it was noon I have recorded a new song without even the help of anyone. See what this girl does to me?

The schedule for the interview was at 3 PM so I was required to go to the company by 1 PM for

the stylists to get me ready so I took a quick shower and rode a taxi to the YG building.

Two hours quickly passes as the stylists ceased to fuss over me and I was ushered to the studio

where the interview would be held. I was quite surprised not to see Park Bom there but then I learned that she was scheduled for an interview like mine tomorrow.




Park Rimi's POV

I woke up at midday since I slept late. I made myself a cup of coffee and surfed the internet. I

browsed allkpop and there he was again. T.O.P. to have a live interview about dating Park Bom this 3:00 PM at Pops In Seoul. 'So this was it.' I thought. I waited for the designated hour to come, if this was really the end I think I need closure somehow.  Something to see or hear to officially confirm this. Then, the blaring opening theme of Pops In Seoul reached my ears, startling me. He was perfectly handsome  in his black suit, his hair dyed in a soft blue - almost silver, but he also looked tired, derived of sleep. Even so, his professional side showing , he seemed so at ease with his surroundings, nonchalantly interacting with the hosts.

"As a starter, T.O.P. could you describe your ideal type?" The female host said with a tone that

signalizes that the official interview has started.

"Ah, my ideal type is someone who has big, catlike eyes and a cute face."

Then he laughed, but there was no humor in it. "That was what the company wanted me to say. All of you must be thinking about Park Bom but my real ideal type is a girl who is a bit dorky, clumsy but adorably cute at the same time, she also has overflowing talent and she is not Park Bom but Park Rimi." He boldly stated, looking straight into the camera.

"Riminie, if ever you're watching right now, I want to say sorry for everything. This song, I composed just for you." His Image dissolved and was replaced by random images of him since I suspect they haven't  made a music video for this song yet. Accompanied by music, his voice rang through my ears steady and clear. The lyrics were on the bottom side of the screen and my eyes scanned quickly through each line that was shown.

I was too harsh that night

I didn’t know you would really leave

The words, “I’m sorry”, is too difficult for us that we take it to the end

Because I’m ill-tempered

We fight over stupid things numerous times a day

You take off crying, I look around and think,

‘She’ll come back tomorrow. She’ll definitely call me first in the morning’


Baby, I can’t, I’m so bad that I want to be good to you but it’s hard

Every day and night I’m so mean cuz I’m so real so I’m sorry (but I can’t change)


I’m the one you love but sorry I’m a bad boy

Yes, just leave me, good bye, you’re a good girl

The more time passes, the more you get to know me, only disappointments will remain but

Baby don’t leave me, I know you still love me

Why, yes, I’ll tell you the truth, I need you

My lay lay lay lay lady

My lay lay lay lay lady


You say that I’m different than other guys so it’s hard

You’re still like a young girl with a soft heart

For you, who is always smiling next to me, I’m still too young

With the excuse that I’m busy, I postpone our date

Because I’m sorry, because I’m frustrated, I turn my head

The bride in my dreams is just a friend now

Upset over the breakup, we are silent


Baby, I can’t, I’m so bad that I want to be good to you but it’s hard

Every day and night I’m so mean cuz I’m so real so I’m sorry (but I can’t change)


I’m the one you love but sorry I’m a bad boy

Yes, just leave me, good bye, you’re a good girl

The more time passes, the more you get to know me, only disappointments will remain but

Baby don’t leave me, I know you still love me

Why, yes, I’ll tell you the truth, I need you

My lay lay lay lay lady

My lay lay lay lay lady

Don’t say a thing


I act tough but I’m not inside

Don’t abandon me

You know that there’s no one who will understand me like you, baby

Oh you, come back to me ye ye ye


I’m the one you love but sorry I’m a bad boy

Yes, just leave me, good bye, you’re a good girl

The more time passes, the more you get to know me, only disappointments will remain but

Baby don’t leave me, I know you still love me

Why, yes, I’ll tell you the truth, I need you

My lay lay lay lay lady

My lay lay lay lay lady

I’m the one you love but sorry I’m a bad boy

Sorry I’m a bad boy, Sorry I’m a bad boy

Yes, just leave me, good bye, you’re a good girl

You’re a good girl, you’re a good girl

But I can change.


This was the third day in a row that Choi Seunghyun surprised me. I couldn't even think straight.

Did he just reveal to the public that he had a non-celebrity girlfriend? Isn't what he was avoiding since day 1?Seeing his face there, so happy, like there was actually one less burden upon his shoulders, he didn't seem fazed by what lay ahead - there was suddenly knocking at the door. I walked to the door, still in a daze. There he was. Again. In the same suit he wore in the interview, with a bouquet of flowers in his right hand.

"Park Rimi, I apologize for everything. " He breathlessly said, kneeling down.

"Apology accepted." I said, pulling him up but he refused to budge.

"Wait!" He pulled out a velvet box from his coat pocket.

"Did you know that 99% of men who say 'I love you' don't actually mean it? I guarantee, that this one will be part of that 1% that is sincere, I love you, Park Rimi, will you marry me?" He was still kneeling on the floor, holding up the velvet box that contains a beautiful gold ring. I was so speechless that I just squealed like a fan girl, pulled him up and hugged him tightly.

"I'm guessing that's a yes, then? " He chuckled. I just nodded into his chest.




LALALALALALA OK. bye for now :)
critisms are looked forward to :)

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DaSangtaeIsDubu #1
DaSangtaeIsDubu #2
yes, do a sequel!!! Please!! I would totally read it ^__^